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Chapter 40: Skywalk (13)

He Ruohuai's leopard flew into the sky and escaped from the ground, acting recklessly, but the officers and soldiers had no numerical and qualitative advantages, but they could do nothing against him. This is an extremely absurd thing.

But if you think about it carefully, it is actually not absurd. The all-round advantages of the officers and soldiers are true, but this game is definitely won? A veteran master who is in the Dan Condensation stage, maybe even more, even if his life is at stake, but he is also

You don't expect to be able to kill all the big guys and destroy all the masters. You just want to kill a few more soldiers. What else do you want?

If you think about it this way, things seem very reasonable, but the only problem is that Zhang Xing happens to be a soldier within the opponent's attack range.

"Mr. Zhang, anyway, Cao Zhongcheng and Niu Dugong are coming soon, should we stay away for a while?"

As another Jinwu guard was lifted into the sky, some people trembled and asked Zhang Shizhao to evacuate.

"Are you stupid?"

Zhang Zuocheng reluctantly let go of his fingers and turned around to scold him. "If we leave, he won't chase us. Are there fewer people forming a formation here to wait for death, or are there fewer people dying with their backs exposed? Besides, Zhengpingfang has already been attacked.

It’s rotten. It’s easy for us to walk, so where can we go? Should we replace it with a new one and let him demolish it?”

What Mr. Zhang said was very reasonable, and probably because it was so reasonable, he even said it loudly.

But again, it makes sense, but it can't stop another Jinwu Guard from flying into the sky.

At this moment, the small Jinwu Guard cluster where two people died in a row completely collapsed and turned around to flee, causing Mr. Zhang to hide his face and turn his head, as if he couldn't bear to watch. And sure enough, in the sky, Bai Yousi was entangled with

Seeing the opportunity, He Ruohuaibao first tried his best to get rid of the opponent, and then charged towards Sima Zheng. However, he immediately used his momentum to swing his weapon in his hand, then turned around and stabbed downwards.

These masters used their true energy desperately to sweep away, and several Jinwu guards were instantly swept up by the madness of the true energy. The last two were cut off with their armors, and the remaining few people were also splashed into the air.

Not knowing whether to live or die... Zhang Xing looked through a big hole in the sky street, thinking that he had come to the world of "Three Kingdoms Warriors". He was stunned for a moment, and his hands and feet were numb.

What should I do if I travel to the Wushuang world and become a soldier?

However, it was this too greedy attack that finally gave Bai Yousi and Sima Zheng a glimpse of the opportunity.

Sima Zheng was chasing after him with a long halberd. He swept it flatly, but it was too powerful. The raindrops around him were lifted up by the white light and flew dozens of steps away. The white light also forced He Ruohuaibao to jump upwards to make a move.

Dodge. Unexpectedly, Bai Yousi had already hidden behind Sima Zheng, and with a slight difference of time, he jumped up earlier, and the golden light of the sword, which was two feet wide, also flashed forward.

He Ruohuai Bao was caught off guard and hurriedly tried to block it, but he only had time to block the sharpness of the Qi in front of his chest. However, the huge power brought by the subsequent Qi was because he had no time to be lucky and could no longer do anything in mid-air. This person seemed to have been hit hard.

Like a hammer, it was knocked over directly, but it smashed through a wall directly behind it.

Sima Zheng did not dare to neglect and rushed in quickly, but He Ruohuai, who had been hit by the leopard, had already jumped up and threw his spear at him again, forcing the "second dragon" and Bai Yousi who followed him to rush.


"The kung fu of two handsome men."

He Ruohuaibao got a chance to breathe and swung away. However, he rolled up a large shield and a spear from the ground and stood on a damaged wall in the distance. The corner of his mouth was cracked, he was panting, and his upper body clothes were even worse.

It was almost completely damaged and obviously injured, but it was still not discouraged at all. Instead, it laughed. "You can hurt me so easily. It doesn't seem like it will save your life... It's just a pity, a pity, now that things have happened, am I still afraid of getting hurt?"

Isn’t it possible? So what if it doesn’t cost you your lives?!”

Before he could finish his sentence, the whole audience suddenly exclaimed.

It turned out that He Ruohuai Bao suddenly turned around, clamped his big shield and spear, and unexpectedly rolled up a section of the square wall several feet wide beside him into the sky. The square wall was shattered to pieces in mid-air by the white Duanjiang Qi, and followed the trend.

Then it fell on the heads of Zhang Shizhao and others in front.

Sima Zheng immediately turned back, channeling the same amount of energy, trying to push away the broken wall of the square. Bai Yousi, on the other hand, said nothing, held the sword in both hands, and sent it straight towards He Ruohuai Bao's chest, forcing him to retreat.

The person stopped controlling his true energy and became embarrassed.

However, no matter how hard they tried, the masonry exploded and still hit many people, leaving the people below in a state of disarray. Some were even seriously injured and it was not known whether they could be saved.

One of the bricks directly smashed through the side corridor, causing rainwater to fall on the face of the minister, Zuo Cheng.

"He's already injured. Let's go to one more person." Seeing that Bai Yousi seemed to be half-injured again, Zhang Shizhao wiped his face and mouthed to Zhu Shou in front of him. "Be sure to hold him tight and prevent him from breathing.

Chances are... people will die as soon as there is a chance to breathe, which is too demoralizing."

Several Zhu Shou looked at each other, obviously not wanting to move.

Zhang Shizhao sighed, pointed at a person and asked, "What's your name?"

Zhu Shou had no choice but to rush out and rush into the sky. But as soon as he went up, he was hit back by He Ruohuaibao with a shield from top to bottom. He fell into the big hole and splashed water several feet high.


Seeing this, Duke Zhang, one of the rulers of the empire, had no choice but to bite his index finger knuckle again and stopped urging others. Instead, he and Qin Bao picked up a large shield. Zhang Xing, who had covered two or three people each, took advantage of the situation and handed the shield to the side.

When Li Qingchen came to lift him, he looked around the big hole and saw clearly. It turned out that although Zhu Shou was injured, his life was not in danger, but he was just lying in the water below. He didn't know how many kilograms he could touch in the culvert today.


While he was peeking, He Ruohuaibao succeeded in another surprise attack, killing a patrolling knight who was trying to escape back to Zhengpingfang in fear on the spot. And this time, in order to consider the life and death of his fellow soldiers, Bai Yousi finally stayed.

hand, and did not successfully weaken He Ruohuaibao again.

Hearing another scream and feeling the excitement and uneasiness around him, Zhang Xing couldn't bear it any longer... This feeling of suffocation, like waiting for the teacher to call his name in class, made him strongly dissatisfied, and being called on was not as simple as standing still.

, will kill people.

"Li Twelve Lang."

Zhang Xing tried hard to keep his tone from sounding shaky. "Apart from Fulongyin and masters of the same level...is there no way to deal with such masters?"

"Of course." The voice of Li Qingchen, who was holding a shield next to him, was also trembling slightly. "I know what you mean... but how can we form an formation based on the attributes of Qi now? We are not familiar with each other in our own family, and we are not familiar with the people of Jinwu Guard either.

You know, the Jinwu Guard is also a mess and cannot be compared to the Fifth Army!"

"What about forming formations?" Zhang Xing couldn't ask quickly. He probably heard that the army had formations for masters, but they couldn't organize them at this time, but they were too lazy to ask these useless questions at this time. "Is there no other way?


"Actually... no matter what master you are, once your true energy is exhausted, you can no longer use it..." After two or three steps, Qin Bao, who was also holding up a shield to protect the two Jinwu guards, suddenly lowered his voice and said. "And.

Every time this guy shoots out and every time he blocks, he will lose his true energy!"

"So... why didn't you let Jin Wuwei shoot him with a crossbow?" Zhang Xing suddenly asked loudly.

"Because the inspection is still up there..." Qian Tang, who had a slightly higher level of cultivation and was not hiding under the shield, finally couldn't help it anymore behind the two large shields.

"What does this have to do with inspection? She was just trying to get rid of her anger." Zhang Xing retorted immediately without looking back.

"It's true that the shot missed." Qian Tang was silent for a moment, but Qin Bao explained sincerely again. "It's flying around in the sky..."

"Then let's all shoot together. If we can shoot one arrow, it's one arrow." With the help of the big shield, Zhang Xing was still dissatisfied. "With so many Jinwu guards and so many crossbows, if we shoot together, it will consume three or four swords and spears, and there will be less energy."

Three or four people die, and one more person can survive by expending the energy of one sword and one gun!"

"You don't understand. If it was really useful, Mr. Zhang would have given the order long ago." Qian Tang tried his best to lower his voice as he went back to look.

"I understand." Zhang Xing said with anger. "I understand what you mean, I understand everything... What is there to avoid? It's nothing more than superiority and inferiority! The Zhu Shou and Black Shou are of great use, but

We wanted to protect Mr. Zhang, so we didn’t move at all. And we tried our best to shoot and save ourselves, but it only cost him three or four swords and spears too much energy, and only three or four people died less, but these three or four miserable lives were not lost.

It’s worth the special dispatch and order from Mr. Nanya! I escaped from Luolongtan carrying the body of my friend on my back, how can I not understand?!”

Qian Tang's face was horrified, and he looked back to his side in fear again. Only a few dozen steps away in this direction was the corridor where Zhang Shizhao was sitting. No matter what he said with the help of a big shield, there was no way he could talk about it.

Zhang Shizhao, the Minister of Delay, was still sitting on the chair under the corridor with his face covered, motionless, as if he hadn't heard anything.

However, several Jingantai Zhu Shou, Hei Shou, and Fulongwei beside the deputy national leader had already come to see where the noise was coming from.

As for the surrounding Jinwu Guards and Jinyi Patrolling Cavalry, they had been eyeing these two big talking shields from the very beginning.

"Zhu Shou below doesn't need to protect Mr. Zhang. Why did he hide below after only being hit once?"

The three ghost-like figures in the sky were still going back and forth. In the almost frozen atmosphere, Li Qingchen suddenly stamped his feet and asked Zhang Xing, as if he had just discovered that Zhu Shou below was pretending to be injured. Then, without waiting for Zhang Xing's answer, he

He gave the answer first. "Because I am afraid of death... On the other hand, if the man's aura in the sky weakens, how many people can he kill in three seconds? On the contrary, who shot first and attracted that guy! Jin Wuwei together

Shooting the crossbow may save three or four more people, but whoever shoots the crossbow first may die for others! In this situation, how can anyone be willing to take risks for others? "

"Unless we shoot together!" Qian Tang looked back at the other patrolmen behind him and gritted his teeth.

Although it was raining, most of the people present were people with clear ears and eyes. How could they not know that these three or four people seemed to be talking to each other, but in fact they were encouraging and admonishing others, especially the last few sentences, which were almost

There is a sense of resentment and accusation against Shangguan.

Several Zhu Shou and Hei Shou looked around at their subordinates, feeling quite uneasy... Unlike the Jinwu Guards, the organizational system of Jing'antai naturally determines the close relationship between superiors and subordinates, and they are not willing to take on the responsibility of superiors.

Despite their names, some people even recognized the voices of Li Twelve Lang and Qian Baishou.

However, after several people looked at each other in confusion, they fell silent under Zhang Shizhao's unabashed cold glance.

After all, there is a difference between superiority and inferiority, that is, it is not easy to kill you in this state. Otherwise, what qualifications do you have to hide under a shield and mock the ministers of the court?

The one below was motionless, but after a moment, Sima Erlong in the sky suddenly succeeded. The halberd in his hand pressed against the shield and passed through He Ruohuaibao's arm, and blood mist bloomed from the sky.

However, since He Ruohuaibao saw blood, instead of weakening, he went crazy. He held a shield with one hand to resist the halberd that was pressed into his flesh, and stabbed Sima Zheng with a gun with the other hand, as if he was willing to trade his life for his injuries.

intention of.

Without any hesitation, Sima Zheng immediately abandoned his halberd and turned back. Apparently, like his opponent, he was ready to turn around and fetch a new weapon from Jin Wuwei's body below to use, instead of risking his life with the opponent.

But this move also allowed He Ruohuaibao to seize the opportunity and throw out his spear, forcing Bai Yousi back. He then turned around and waved his halberd. He rushed forward with all his strength and smashed his whole body against the ground with a big shield.

The Jinwu Guards group in the Tianjie Cave was only a dozen steps away from where Zhang Xing and the others were hiding. At this time, He Ruohuai's leopard hit him. Zhang Xing could see clearly that it was like being hit by a cannonball, exploding in all directions, and even

Some people jumped directly into the big hole in the street. They would rather fall into the culvert wearing armor than face the gangster head-on.

But even so, these people did not escape.

I saw He Ruohuaibao rolling after landing on the ground, and using the force of Duanjiang Zhenqi to use the big halberd to sweep across, where his hand started, his armor was flat, and blood gushed out like a fountain. Seven or eight Jinwu guards were killed on the spot.

Even the two large shields on the heads of Zhang Xing and others, who were more than ten steps away, had half of their bulges cut off by the aftermath of this person's true energy.

The area around Tianjie Cave, which was originally quite lively, suddenly fell into a strange silence, with only the drizzle of rain falling for a while.

Without him, this scene would be too bloody.

Only He Ruohuai Bao, who was drenched in blood and gained the upper hand, simply tore off his shirt, revealing half of his injured shoulder and half of his snow-white tendons. Then he held a shield in one hand and a halberd in the other, and stood among the officers and soldiers.

Zhong looked up to the sky and screamed: "Is this kid worthy of killing me?! Cao Lin, if Niuhe is not there, who can kill me?!"

A roar seemed to bring the surrounding officers and soldiers back to their senses. Then, many Jinwu guards and Jinyi patrolmen fled in confusion. The scene became a mess. It was Sima Zheng and Bai Yousi who wanted to come to pick them up.

Sometimes he was shielded by his subordinates, he was timid and seemed a little discouraged.

"What about calling you mom?!"

But at this moment, Zhang Xing, who was completely unbearable, suddenly pushed away the broken shield above his head, and then snatched a crossbow from a fleeing Jinwu guard in front. It was just one crossbow, and with one kick, he raised his hand and hit Yi Ya in front of him.

Shoot out. "Isn't it just to kill you? If you want to die so much, I will take the lead!"

The two of them were only a dozen or so steps apart. Even He Ruohuaibao was caught off guard when the arrow was fired. What's more, everyone around him was running away before. Until the crossbow arrow hit the white shoulder on his left side that was not splashed with blood, and then stabbed him.

After entering the flesh, this current master who had already been desperate for a long time just instinctively used his true energy to knock down the crossbow bolt.

But the only clean side, the shoulder, undoubtedly had a gash and blood oozing from it.

This made He Ruohuai Bao slightly startled. It was simply unbelievable. He lowered his head and looked at the wound before curiously looking at the man who raised the crossbow to shoot him.

However, he couldn't help but think about it too much. When Sima Nan and Bai Yousi had the opportunity to peek, they almost flew in at the same time. They rushed in with guns and swords one after another. He Ruohuaibao didn't dare to stay any longer and hurriedly jumped into the air.

Zhang Xing fled to the sky. He was relieved and had already ignored it. Instead, he stepped on the second crossbow bolt, and then without looking at it, he shot towards the figure in the sky.

After the second arrow was fired, he gritted his teeth and turned around to shout:

"Since I am the first, what else do you have to worry about? Do you have any skills? If you have skills and crossbows, then all of you will shoot crossbows with me!"

Several knights in royal robes around them no longer hesitated, they seized steel crossbows and fired randomly into the air. Even in the small formation of the Jinwu Guards in the distance, some people also began to fire crossbows.

"Mr. Zhang." Zhu Shou looked away from Zhang Xing and spoke in a low voice.

"Since someone dares to take the lead, let the whole army fire their crossbows! Save three or four of them! Some people say that I regard human life as nothing!" Zhang Shizhao glanced at Zhu Shou and said coldly. "But abandon the weapons.

But those who leave will be killed without mercy! Go and supervise the army!"

However, just after the military order was issued, the crossbow bolts of Zhang Xing and others could only fire for the third time. A seemingly angry sneer suddenly came from the air: "For a mere fugitive, Mr. Zhang can't protect his sons and daughters. It's too much."


Hearing this, the armored patrols were a little confused, but the Jinwu Guards, who accounted for the majority of the officers and soldiers, were obviously boosted in military morale. Some even stood up and cheered despite their previous embarrassment.

Soon, the Jinyi patrolmen also woke up, because as soon as those words were finished, a huge and substantial piece of immortality energy, dozens of feet long, snaked through the air, beating in the air like a blue dragon.

With a single roll, he rolled up the three masters of the Dan Condensation stage who were still fighting, and then smashed them down to the sky street.

When the true energy dissipated, Bai Yousi and Sima Nan were each thrown more than ten feet away. They barely managed to stand up. Although they were in a state of embarrassment, they seemed to be fine. On the other hand, He Ruohuai Bao, although he still stood still on Tianjie with his arms in his arms,

All weapons were lost, black and red blood stained all over his body, and several crossbow arrows of different shades were inserted.

At the same time, a tall middle-aged man wearing a brocade embroidered robe, a warrior crown, and a short beard appeared on the ground. He stood beside him early and held the man down with his hands.

The shoulders of Hashikuni Kawasuke's adopted son in front of him... looked like they were greeting an acquaintance on the street.

No one knew that this must be the arrival of the Governor of Niuhe Niu.

"Old Niu." Zhang Shizhao was also a little embarrassed, but after hearing this, he stood up and warned seriously. "I am a scribe, Zuo Cheng of Shangshu Province. I suddenly encountered this kind of thing, and I have already handled it very well... I really neglected my duty.

, shouldn't it be you and Mr. Cao? If one of you came here early, why would you be in such a mess? By the way, why didn't Mr. Cao come?"

Just as Ushikawa was about to speak, He Ruohuaibao, who had already become half-blooded and was still standing there with his arms around him, suddenly snorted, and then tried his best to smile. And it was this action that made Ushikawa's face turn cold, and then he

The person just took away the opponent's hand on his shoulder, and blood suddenly oozed from He Ruohuaibao's body.

Although this scene is strange, the blood flowing onto the sky street is no different from other blood on the ground. It is swept up by the rain and flows directly into the culvert.

Niu He waited for a short while, until the blood on his side was clean and he fell to the ground. Then he stared at the Prime Minister in front of him and told the truth: "Mr. Zhang, you and I have both fallen into the trap."

"Oh?" Zhang Shizhao responded with a twist of his tongue.

"Just when He Ruohuaibao was causing chaos in Tianjie, the former Duke of Ping was concerned about his old minister Gao Changye and led a mere thirty-five bandits to rush into Xiuye ​​Square in a majestic manner. They easily killed the Minister of Punishment like an execution, and another officer of Nanya

Mr. Zhang and Zhang Wenda!" Niu He clasped his hands and let out a sigh. "Mr. Cao and I received the request for help. We flew halfway when he realized something was wrong and found out about it. He had already gone to Xiuye ​​Workshop.


The people around him obviously didn't react. Even Zhang Shizhao just twirled his beard and remained silent for a long time.

Zhang Xing, on the other hand, suddenly became thoughtful and looked at Zhang Shizhao in surprise, but Bai Yousi moved slightly and covered his eyes with his body.

"This is a conspiracy, a response from the north and the south, not an attack from the east and an attack from the west!" Zhang Shizhao thought for a moment and gave a more convincing explanation. "Can we just ignore He Ruohuai? As for Zhang Shangshu, it's so goddamn stupid.

Holiday year.”

On Tianjie Street, Zhang Xing did not feel any heat, only a coldness.

PS: Happy New Year everyone.

By the way, I would like to sacrifice a new book that was published a week earlier, "What to Do if the Heroine Runs Out of the Book", a dog-food novel with a single heroine, which is on the shelves this week... It's strange that the updates are not as good as mine, and the score actually surpassed mine for a time...

...By the way, if nothing unexpected happens, I will put it on the shelves next week.

This chapter has been completed!
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