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Two hundred and sixtieth chapters mountains and seas (13)

 It's no wonder that a shrewd person like Liu Heifu is confused, because the word loyalty is too loud, but it seems to be always far away in the horizon... It's like three splendors and four emperors, and he knows in his heart that there is such a person.

Something, but if it really appeared in front of me, I would feel weird and frightened.

In fact, for hundreds of years since the Tang Dynasty crossed south, the so-called rituals and music have collapsed, people's hearts have been lost, and there have been constant criticisms from north to south. The rich and powerful have led beasts and cannibals. Several times, we have seen someone or an organization trying to end the troubled times.

But everyone knows the result, and what happened to Wei is right in front of us.

All of a sudden, my confidence was shattered again.

So, so far, this is a chaotic world of violence that has lasted for hundreds of years, with moral standards declining and no hope in sight.

As for human beings, their life span is only a few decades, and the path of spiritual practice is extremely difficult. The key is to influence the pinnacle of spiritual practice in the mortal world, that is, the great masters. Few of them have succeeded in attaining enlightenment and have become entities that hinder death. Therefore,

I really can’t blame these people for not being able to see the historical progress of tens of thousands of years. Ordinary people can make judgments based on their short life experiences and recent historical performance, which is already a sign of wisdom.

But the result of this is that in this era, few people really regard "loyalty" as a weight with a specific weight to weigh the issue when considering things.

Of course, on the other hand, if you can still persist, even if you just talk about it, it is really good.

Returning to Liu Heifu, he is certainly not a good kind...he talks about loyalty when he opens and shuts up. That's because I am not a gangster after all, but a vagrant who has been squeezed out by the orderly society.

In addition, I also found opportunities to cultivate later. I have Dou Lide in my hometown to protect me with loyalty. Is there any brother like this in the local area to help me? If I am cautious about the mayor, the foreign minister will kill me, so my loyalty

It is not the basis for my survival, but my instinct to discuss issues. When it comes to loyalty, I live up to it... Moreover, the loyalty I express outside my mouth is often the loyalty others have towards me.

As for my loyalty to others, it seems that it has gradually disappeared. Before I became the commander-in-chief of the first battalion, I learned how to win over the officers and soldiers above. But it was still utilitarian, and I knew it was for the sake of seeking.

Utilitarianism does not mean using those soldiers to make achievements.

In the same way, loyalty... I am so loyal?!

"Bad...one leader, seven people rejected it, and the rest just raised it." Ding Shengying saw that Zhai Niao actually raised his hand to approve, but Young Master glanced at it twice, and then looked at Old Ding.

楥. "Leader Liu, he will go with you to see Li Longtou later!"

It should be known that after Wang Shuyong helped establish the gang, he always returned to the east county. The local strong and weak forces at the western junction of Jiyin then guarded the lower reaches of Jishui to do business in the southeast and northwest. It was not very long.

With weak Jianghu habits, it is difficult to form a loose and entangled Jianghu group, among which there are eight sects and four streams, and the number is overwhelming. If it is also the case of Ma Ping'er from the lower reaches of the Huai River, Fan Lihua from the upper reaches of the Jishui River is similar.

The kind of male practitioners who hang out outside.

"Gao Shiyun..." Li Shu thought for a while, but his reply was weak. "It stands to reason that Gao Shiyun and the man from the north have no personal grudges because of the Eastern Expedition that day. Those local powerful and weak leaders have nothing to do with this man from the north.

Everyone knows that the several military reforms were completed, but for some reason, you were always feeling guilty in those days, and you didn't even communicate with Gao Shiyun first, and you dared to talk to other leaders like me."

Shan Tonghai, as the only little leader and the only one of the eight former Japanese chiefs who stayed here, naturally knew how to hide, but at this time, he did not directly say that he wanted to be rescued, but said it from elsewhere.

Come on. "First of all, you obey Chief Zhang. I sent you troops and horses that day to show your favor, and I also used your uncle to show his authority. My little husband was born in this world, and there are clear grievances. You will be married to that knot for the rest of your life."

Yes, I can forget...but I don't do anything extremely bad, and you can admit it. This is not my rule!

"Have you, have you ever?" Mrs. Li Gong came back to her senses and told her seriously. "When I go out to do things, I always tell you about the difficulties and advantages, only the disadvantages... Yes, since he said it

, I just remembered something. I heard something from a relative who came to see you yesterday, saying that Huaixi Xiao was defeated, and Nantou was gathering the defeated troops in Huaixi, and he also knew how to defeat it, and with whom?"

"Let's go then! He will wait for you for a moment!" Mrs. Gao Shi was even more excited after hearing this, but it was not a delay at all.

"That should be the case." Li Shu nodded in agreement. "That should be the case. Zhang Xing kept Zhang Shanxiang here just for that reason. I have no means."

The opponent's cultivation level has reached the level of condensation, and the key is that age. An old woman can still be so energetic before running continuously for a whole morning. It's really amazing... What could I replace it with?

Other couriers may not be able to keep up with his heavy-armed Ning Dan low hand.

As he said that, he hit the horse directly, passed Manager Huo, and headed into the alley.

Ding Laofu has his own merits.

"That's right." Wang Wulang reacted at this time, and his expression changed slightly. "It's also what Chief Zhang promised. As long as those people know whether to save me, whether our profits or losses will increase, they will make their own decisions."

After hearing this, Madam Li Gong thought for a moment, then nodded hurriedly, then shook her head:

Ding Laofu thought for a while, but immediately accepted it. After all, I was not the one responsible for the Eighteen King Kong. It was me who sent the suspicious news about Fang Yanshi to Wei Xuanding. But because of this, the news was very important to Wei Xuanding.

It has no value to me.

Gao Shiyun opened her mouth and made a sound.

"Now that Cui Shilang has finished speaking, you should also express your thoughts."

In those few days, Gao Shiyun had actually been helping Li Shu. The main idea was that in addition to the leader of the army, the rest of the people who were trustworthy should come to Xingyang as much as possible, and if they were trustworthy, let us come...

The most obvious thing is that they asked Wang Zhuo, Zhang Jinshu, Zhang Liang, and Fan Bache to come over, but they also invited Chai Xiaohe and Du Caigan from our bank to come over.

Therefore, he just glanced at Mother Ding behind him and immediately stood up: "If that happens, the situation will be even worse. You have to go to Xingyang quickly, otherwise the leader will know the situation and do things on his own."

·······Old madam, I’ll give you some dry food and two horses, so you have to leave quickly.”

What do a group of local tyrants and weaklings think?

The idea has long been gone, the most general, the most personal, the most dangerous, the greatest resistance, all are gone. I also thought about the order of attempts, but as the situation changes intensified (for example, Fang Yanshi retreated to the east)

The speed and the determination of the forces left behind in the Eastern Capital) made me feel intimidated.

Shan Dalang thought for a while and found something to say.

"What do you mean, everything can be discussed. If he feels bad, he will raise his hand. If he thinks it is bad, he will raise his hand. Because he is dealing with me and let him talk, he will be pressured...

Your little leader is like this, and so is Li Longtou's dragon head and platform.

When he came up to see them on the seventh day, in addition to Manager Huo and Ding Laofuli, in Gao Shiyun's compound were Shan Tonghai, Zhai Zhai, Huang Junhan, Liang Jiading, and Chang Fu and Meng Zhi who had come to hear the news.

The ghosts all made a solemn noise, and no one even had the instinct to avoid them.

As for Gao Shiyun himself, just after hearing the words of the manager who represented his mother, he didn't feel his mouth was dry and he couldn't resist anything. For a moment, he only managed to answer: "Manager, you also know how to move, but things always have to happen.

Do it one by one. The surprise attack on Luokou was successful yesterday. It will take time to turn. Li Longtou has not called you to discuss the next move..."

The clinker, this Gao Shiyun was completely false, and he came back to question on the spot: "Can we fight again in Dongdu?!"

Just like that, Mrs. Gao Shi changed into compact clothes and wore eight-sided boots. The two of them took a few companions, one person and two horses, and there was no mule carrying anything, and they set off together. That morning

, we arrived at Xingyang City, Xingyang County, when the sun was still low.

"You two, did you say the wrong thing just now?" But that was loyalty.

Sure enough, Mrs. Li was not a little anxious when she saw this. You thought about it for a moment, got up from the hall again and said: "Leader Liu! He is here to ask for help for Chief Zhang and us, and Xingyang is here with us.

That's okay. You should have written a letter to your son and asked him to take it with him, so that I could return it if I didn't do it wrong. But if he left slowly, he would arrive in time."

I need to use my continuous meritorious service, my status in the gang, and my declining cultivation to prove that I am just a success, a dragon swimming in shallow water, a tiger falling in the sun, but a real shrimp in the mud and a wild dog on the roadside.

The other people were silent for a moment,

Manager Huo had seen Ding Laofu before, but he didn't notice it at all at this time and could only rush to call someone in person.

It was important to pass, but I soon became stunned... The hunched-down mule was actually equipped with a full set of armor and weapons, and the companions were obviously used to it. Before opening the package, they immediately swarmed down and walked into the street.

It was draped for Mrs. Fang, with an armored skirt tied around the waist, greaves under the legs, ribbon boots tied with ribbons, and an iron crotch, and then a breastplate, shoulder armor, wrist guards, and a blouse were added.

Wearing a pocket.

Of course, Gao Shichun would also find another way, so if he wanted to slow down, he would also think about opening a gap from above.

Gao Shiyun had no choice but to answer underground: "It is said that Fang Yanshi is leading the Xuzhou army from Huaixi to the east capital..."

Sure enough, Gao Shiyun came to the alley on the spot and said sternly: "General Ding, his mother asked you to ask him, since he is the commander of the first battalion, a serious leader, this chief, Zhang Shanxiang, we are trapped in Hebei, Wei Long asked for help several times, why did he

Is it a rescue?! Are you trying to be a loyal and righteous person?!"

"Gao Shiyun moved later, why should he be persuaded by Manager Huo to participate in this matter now?" Gao Shiyun immediately refuted it.

When Ding Laofu came to his senses, he raised his voice outside the manor's courtyard and spoke righteously: "What Mrs. Fang said is absolutely true. If you attack Wei Dao, then there will be no help. And since we are risking our lives to follow Zhang

When the chief comes to cut off the violent Wei and stabilize the sky, he must base his life on loyalty and righteousness! If you forget about loyalty and righteousness, you will be able to accomplish small things in the first place, and you will live in heaven in the seventh day! It is not for that, you, Mr. Ding

You are crossing the river just now, so you must come over and ask some vague questions!"

Wei Xuanding and Ma Wei did borrow the power of the mountain to jump down, but they were from outside.

Cui Silang reined in his horse and stopped. He not only mounted the horse to help the opponent, but also held his mace. Ding Laofu was so shrewd. When he saw this, he immediately reined in his horse and hid aside, watching with hot eyes.

Li Shu was silent for a moment, thinking seriously, and nodded hurriedly: "It's wrong, it's the truth! Manager Huo's gentle words have benefited these people, and I convinced them!"

I also added a satin coat to the horse. That would be terrible. Do you have any ideas?

In fact, it was better to send someone to follow him. When Ding Laofu heard this, he was naturally happy and immediately agreed. He couldn't help but ask: "Who is this hero? Is he someone from outside the gang?"

Gao Shichun was numb, and all I could think about was that he was a "well-known butler."

Gao Shiyun raised his head in astonishment and looked at the other party, but all he saw was that the other party was glaring at him. He also knew that his mother and the manager behind him were definitely deceiving him. This was not his mother's original intention, but he was actually guilty and confused.

If he dared to get up, he just went down to the ground and answered: "The manager and mother are in front. They know the situation. Your side has always wanted to attack Dongdu. There is no key force in Hebei to besiege Chief Zhang and Brother Wang Qi."

There are tens of thousands of Dongdu troops, so as long as they attack Dongdu, it is equivalent to a rescue."

"The military situation is like a fire! As time goes by, no one knows that nothing will change!" Cui Silang responded sternly. "So if you lost yesterday, you should turn around immediately! If Li Longtou is holding a meeting to vote, can their leaders go to find me?!

How can I just talk nonsense with you outside?


However, when Mr. Qia Cha was still outside the gang, my Hebei gangster actually became a serious leader, the commander of a battalion, in charge of troops and horses, and made achievements. And with the establishment of achievements, his cultivation level also improved by leaps and bounds.

······It’s not so much that that feeling is so hard to let go of, but it’s more like saying, if you kill me, I’ll be willing to go back to my old days of fooling around!

"Now, Leader Liu has come to rescue the troops, and our leaders outside have also come to raise their hands and say rescue is Hebei. It doesn't matter who means it. They are careless outside the courtyard. They only care about Xiaojia's opinion. If it is a minority

If people say we need to save them, then they go to Li Longtou all the time, and no one is willing to change their mind! If only a few people are saved, then just keep your mouth shut and keep talking, and get involved in that matter!"

In this regard, Fang Yanlang had nothing to say, but Brother Liu Hei, although the seven of them had always had the same ideas, they were brothers of the same race after all, had a very bad relationship, and had similar positions, but at this time they couldn't help but look at each other.

At one glance, we all knew each other...it was me, and that was the first time Li Shu had done that in the past few days.

"On the 28th... the rear guard probably hasn't retreated from Fuyuan Pass yet."

"When do you expect to arrive in Dongdu?"

Ding Laofu felt no pressure anymore, so he explained the situation in Hebei from his perspective one by one, and finally summarized: "The main reason is the encirclement. Chief Zhang and several small leaders are sealed outside. It is not difficult to pass a military order."

Letter, it's up to the people above to make their own decisions... In Hebei, Wei Longtou and Chief Zhang's two deputies at the general station are not General Manager Chen. Chief Dou is the one who makes the decision. In Henan, Li Longtou is naturally the one, and in Huaixi.

That said, there is still hope... If Li Longtou said at that time that waiting in Henan was not to save the chief, no one could do anything about it. But since you received the military order and saw the fighter plane before cutting off the army, you must

I came here to give it a try. At least I asked the boss in person to return it, which also broke my heart."

"What's the so-called scolding?" Xiaofang Wangwulang said with a frown. "In the current situation and timing, a leader is responsible for connecting, and it is almost a matter of sending troops... I want to save Zhang Shanxiang?


After all, what made Ding Laofu panic was that as Mrs. Fang started to use her Qi, her face changed color and she was panting. Before she turned over and dismounted under the armor, the two companions actually took two more than themselves from the front.

A small iron mace that was thicker than an iron gun was hung under the horse!

Li Shu just nodded casually.

It's just that when the gang was established, it was obvious that they were going to rebel in a serious way. A small number of people in the group would be selected, and it was not the eight core members of Zhang Shanxiang, Manager Huo, and Gao Shiyun who could be seen by people inside.


"You said that because you want to argue about who is bad and who is good, but you want to tell you that even now, we still have to follow the rules and divide. Only when we follow the rules can we divide, and only when we divide can we continue to follow the rules.

·······The Gang must be split, Jiyin must be repaid, and we must split. Chief Zhang is here. We want to split. Chief Zhang died today, and we must split. Who can do this? Who can do it?

Now, I am your life-or-death enemy in Shantonghai! Because without today’s situation, without any situation where everything can be ruined by following the rules, who can go back to the time when we were in such a state of disarray and thinking about conflagration all day long?


"I want to think that that thing is a lie and that it is really useless. That uselessness does not mean that I can come up with countermeasures that are less harmful, but that I can divide the small family and fight wantonly...

··It’s a bad thing to say, do you have that rule, do you have Chief Zhang, outside the gang know that there have been fights many times, and many times they have broken up! On the other hand, other people, from the rebel army to the official army

They can all be twisted into a rope! So they all failed!

"But Gao Shiyun can't." Gao Shiyun suddenly reminded. "Ding Shengying is a small leader, and now he is the head of the local leader in Taichung. If you use kindness and power as an advantage, I can give him advantage."

It has been eight years since the Battle of Lishan. I was not waiting for the opportunity to show off my fists. But when the opportunity came, I seemed to have forgotten how to stretch my fists and feet, or in other words, I suddenly dared to stretch my fists and feet.


As soon as Ding Shengying spoke on the phone, the courtyard where Manager Huo lived was still silent, but Dan Tonghai was firm and pointed at one person: "Old Ding, he comes first!"

"That's Mr. Huo's fault. Fang Yanshi arrived too slowly." Fang Yanlang reminded loudly. "But it's precisely for this reason, and with Mr. Huo's unusual movements today, there is nothing to delay..."

··· Mr. Huo, we haven’t discussed it yet next time. No matter where Mr. Huo wants to go, he should make up his mind to do it.”

As a close confidant, Gao Shiyun naturally knew the other party's situation and whether he was confident in controlling the situation. But after thinking about it for a moment, I came to comfort him: "Longtou, are you determined to appease him? Do you really think that Manager Huo

Ruining the situation...I have the ability! I am a leader who leads the army and is a vassal of Zhang Shanxiang. Outsiders in my family cannot persuade me with Zhang Shanxiang. How can I convince others? Can Ding Shengying listen to me? Zhai

Those people in Zhai have always been close to the north, so they are further away."

No matter how hard it was for Manager Huo to bear it, he could only bow his head again: "What the manager said is absolutely true, then go and talk to Li Longtou!"

"They have been out here for so long, so why are they attacking Dongdu?" Cui Silang spoke a little hastily, but he didn't hesitate at all. "Is it just under the guise of rescue, just sitting back and watching the success or failure?"

Outside is the alleyway where Mr. Huo lives. The city is full of people helping Ji Yinxing to communicate with each other on and off the stage. At this time, many people have not dispersed. Hearing Cui Silang's words, everyone knows that the small family in front of them has been talking about it for a long time.

Guan Yu also started with whispers, pointing, and then buzzing.

"So is it a profit loss or an increase in profit?" Gao Shiyun suddenly laughed again. "Who will settle the accounts for us? Who will encourage us? Who will organize and suppress us? Are there those, who want leaders from local tycoons to hold down eight

With a clear mind and seven thoughts, put aside the immediate and take a long-term view... We can truly be called heroes! Are we?"

Gao Shisu didn't react for a moment.

"What is the situation in Hebei now?" Mrs. Li Gong asked seriously.

"What he said doesn't make sense, but it still makes sense..."

··· Others don’t have other people’s ideas. There are ways to do this, but everyone should not have their own reasons. Otherwise, there is no way to stand on that ground... Just like you, I will follow you as soon as I finish.

Gao Shiyun worked together in the Jishui business, and it was only through Zhang Shanxiang's support that all members of the family were able to come up outside the Eight Expeditions. Then, Wei Longtou, who had sworn an oath when the gang was established, was promoted to be the chief, and then Zhang was appointed as the leader.

The chief was elected as the chief by hundreds of leaders in a small meeting. I also raised my hand and swore an oath. The last one is my benefactor, brother. The first two are always my serious gang leaders, so I can't do it to others.

I can care about those eight people... If I betrayed those eight people, it was intentional, and I am a loyal and righteous person."

The Gao Shi brothers woke up, then each laughed and relaxed again.

In short, Ding Laofu, who was experienced in the world of martial arts, probably knew who he wanted to meet and what the routine was, so he became even more worried and hurriedly followed the family members sent by Mrs. Gao Shi. As expected, he only followed the official road slightly to the southwest.

The direction of Jishui was tilted, and we arrived at a new manor just before noon.

"Mr. Huo is connecting with local leaders in Henan?"

"I actually thought of another idea, which is worse than writing a letter." Mrs. Li Gong said with a smile at this time. "You ask someone outside your family to go with him to find someone. Xiaolue is actually along the way, turn south.

That's all

·······I am not a relative who came to your house yesterday to talk. You have bad cultivation. If you go with him, it will delay your journey. When you get to Xingyang, you will naturally be able to explain it to your son, and your son will definitely know that it is

As you wish."

"Are you still fooling you? Do you really think you women know everything?" Cui Silang laughed warmly from his horse. "When the Eastern Qi was defeated, you and your mother set out from Dengzhou and marched hundreds of miles to meet the defeated army.

Fathers... came here. Just after his father died, the Western Wei Dynasty asked you to move. When you come to that place, the land is desolate and the people are poor. There is money, food and women. You and his mother go to Huaixia and Nanyang to sell private salt.

Do you know geography, or do you know military affairs? Now that Fang Yanshi is here, will we still fight Dongdu? Can we still fight? Chief Zhang of Hebei Province is clearly surrounded by hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers, and their 17th Battalion is outside.

The soldiers and horses, before the grain distribution, recruited a few more soldiers, and they have a lot of military resources, but they just sit there and move like a mountain. How will the people in heaven see him? How will the outsiders see him? What will you women think?! That's the future!

Who can conquer them if they find any loophole?!"

"Stop." After retreating from the city gate and down the small street, Mrs. Fang slowly turned over and dismounted. "I'll let you put on your clothes before we go to see the nephew of the Ding family!"

That also made me notice that as we set off again, the person who abandoned Jia to cross the river in order to hurry up seemed to be the follower in front of the butler... But it really didn't matter.


Just like that, the group of people headed towards Mr. Huo's place of residence in a majestic manner. Many people had been alarmed along the way. When Mr. Huo heard the news, he came to the street early to greet him. When he saw the visitor at the entrance of the alley, he called her aunt.

Instead, he worshiped on the spot and said, "I have seen Cui Silang!"

After a long time, someone still spoke, but everyone's eyes gradually focused on one of them.

As soon as I thought about this, I nodded my head, but then quickly clicked on the topic that made me feel comfortable, and returned to the original point: "What the old lady wants to teach me is, this Dingtou leader has nothing to say in words?"

I can only say that fortunately I don’t have a confidant like Wang Wulang who has neither qualifications nor power to push me away.

"It's to hide the truth from the manager." Manager Huo also had something to hide. "The next day you will try to persuade the rear to surrender to the Dragon Prison Pass. Yesterday, you also tried to follow the river and jump over the Dragon Prison Pass.

······It’s just that everything is successful!”

Therefore, a small amount of help can make a difference!

Just when Mr. Huo was holding a private vote in the courtyard, Brother Liu Hei and Fang Yanlang comforted Li Shu and turned away. At that time, Fang Yanlang suddenly stopped and became serious.

Then...then why worry about small things coming true?!

Ding Laofu, who was hiding on one side, had been stunned for a long time. At this time, he woke up and looked around. However, he did not reveal his identity slowly and instead, with his head held high, he rode past Mr. Huo and chased him back like a companion.

It turned out that the person was the aunt of Sima Zheng, the senior leader of the gang, an old lady named Huo.

"What's the point of talking alone?!" Cui Silang still didn't let the other person go.

"Whether Mr. Huo has the grace or prestige, he can benefit those people, but if there is no grace in the north, he can't benefit those people!" Fang Yanlang said seriously. "That matter is Mr. Huo's business.

Things up north!”

The reason why I am so determined is first of all because I can only stay in the gang. I am a gangster in Hebei. Should I go to Dongdu to gain fame? Or should I go to Dongyi to become a first-class family? I can only be a rebel, so I will do something else.

, I have the capital and ability.

Precisely because he saw himself clearly, Ding Laofu immediately felt frightened and panicked when faced with Mrs. Gao Shi's seven words of "loyalty"... Because I could see that the other party

I was saying that very seriously.

"I have said everything that needs to be said. We hope that they will be as loyal and loyal as Leader Liu. The old woman has not said a word now. If you are loyal and loyal, even if the gang is defeated in the future and you go to live in the world, there will be people who think highly of them.

! Those who sell smuggled salt are allowed to pass by them! Anyway, you are Xu! Not to mention you are doing small things now?! You must learn from Leader Liu! If they don’t have my loyalty, why should you, an old woman, be accepted by their family?

Entrusted with it, I came to meet them with dozens of outsiders?!" Cui Silang finished speaking, and as expected, he didn't say much. He just glanced at the leaders in the courtyard, then immediately left the house with Ye Zhenzhen.

Gao Shisu thought so in his heart, but naturally he didn't say it out loud. He just suddenly reminded him: "In that case, the old lady can carefully find a piece of paper and write a few words. You can send a family member to..."

Manager Huo immediately raised his hand.

"What happened to Huaixi's small defeat?" Cui Silang continued to ask. "Jiyin doesn't know everything yet."

However, even though Ding Laofu guessed a small part of it correctly, he was still a little surprised when he saw it for the first time, and then it suddenly dawned on him... I finally knew why the "famous"

Has the "Butler" emerged or been reshaped within the gang system?

At that time, I knew that the "male manager" should be a male relative of Sima Zheng, another leader who hung out with Wang Shuyong.

And what about the rebels? I have a lot of choices, but the ones I have are really good, and the ones I help look like.

"Are they going to continue to attack Dongdu?"

"What?" Wang Wulang was confused for a moment.

"Now invite all the leaders above Shan Xiaochan, Jiyin, and Dongjun!" Cui Silang raised his voice in response. "You are only an old woman, a member of the gang, and your nephew is also in Hebei.

There is no suspicion. He dared to go to Li Longtou to make a statement face to face, but those little people who can raise their hands are all from your hometown, but they should always listen to the words of an old woman like you before talking to Longtou.

!He’s going to find someone now, you wait outside his place!”

Shan Dalang, the eldest brother, immediately understood. "Ding Shengying has even said nothing, why should I come forward? What do I want to do if I come forward?"

"Yes." Li Shu shook his head so that his eyes were not distracted. He was obviously the convener, but his mood was obviously low and his concentration was not distracted. "I only know that an elder came from outside my home and scolded me in the street.

, then I went to find someone who knew the specific language...

···The matter was too hasty, it didn’t happen just now, I guess I just taught someone a lesson now.”

As for that move, everyone in the city was naturally in an uproar. Even Li Shu, who was not too worried, naturally didn't notice it, and quickly summoned people to discuss it.

Ding Laofu, who was hanging around in the river, had little knowledge at all. When he heard the words "butler", he was stunned for a moment, then slowly realized it, and then nodded immediately.

"What does this manager mean?!" Manager Huo woke up slightly.

"It's important. That's why you came to his house."

"What the old lady said is true..." Ding Laofu was embarrassed for a moment. "First of all, it's just that you have no suspicion, so it may not be true, otherwise it's just prying; secondly, it's really nothing."

It's appropriate, and it can be said to be Leader Ding's matter. It's probably just that we know the situation in Hebei."

So I still say this, I am so loyal!

Because it is a deposed insect gang, and I want to protect it! It is Chief Zhao, Chief Wang, and even Chief Bai, and I want to save it! I, Ding Laofu, am only loyal to my own achievements, to my own sense of accomplishment and identity!

Frankly speaking, it was at that time that Ding Laofu was really convinced by Mrs. Fang.

Ding Laofu, who had been silent since revealing his identity, or in other words, had spent some time before meeting Mrs. Li Gong outside Mr. Huo's house, just woke up from a dream. All the words and thoughts he had after crossing the river were all at once.

I swallowed it... because I really thought that the local leaders in Henan, and it was said that the leaders who were squeezed out by Chief Zhang, from Gao Shiyun onwards, were all extremely loyal to me!

As for the fact that Gao Shifu submitted a letter to Henan and received no response, it is really strange who got it, because as the commander-in-chief of the platform and the leader of the gang, Li Shu did not have the power to flood the document or reject it.

"That's right." Gao Shiyun, a young man, reacted first and shook his head immediately. "It's wrong that the north has no favor and power. It's the north that's wrong. But now there are laws in the north that promise benefits, and even promises are useful...

I'm trapped, but you don't have any taboos."

"He is a well-known male steward, but he only applied for a patrol." Mrs. Li Gong just came to laugh. "The houses at the bottom of Jishui are all strangers. He will know it when he sees it."

With me, the other person seems a little younger.

However, I will soon realize that I am still shallow.

Xingyang City was quiet and ordinary at this time, and there were only a few troops surrounding it. Ding Laofu had not reported his identity, but he knew many people who knew Mrs. Gao Shiyun. The group nervously crossed the city's military defense lines as Gao Shiyun's family members, and

I found out where Manager Huo was staying.

The reason is that Zhang Xing was trapped and escaped from a huge window of benefit and disadvantage for Li Shu. The so-called situation did not change while waiting for the opportunity. In fact, it was not what it seemed. However, under Zhang

The operation existed in the shadows for several years, and in theory I controlled the political and military resources of the Seventh Young Master, but I suddenly knew how to do things.

"You don't know what Sister-in-law Ding means, so let's go to Xingyang with Leader Liu now!" The male manager has gray hair and is not yet seventy or eighty years old, but he is energetic, tall and tall, and his eyes are faintly shining.

, is like a cultivator. After listening to the family members sent by Mrs. Li Gong, he understood instantly. "Actually, you didn't mean that. Chief Zhang and so few brothers are trapped. We are in Henan, how can we just sit here?"

Do you want to move? It’s just that your nephew is in Hebei now. It seems that you are doing it for selfish reasons. Now that Leader Liu is here to ask for help, how can you help him?!"

And I'm good at that.

Ding Laofu's heart moved slightly, and he wanted to go out and speak. The remaining ones just didn't have any skills, so they came back and re-entered the gang system. I, Ding Laofu, a leader mainly based in Hebei, knew each other well, but I was vague.

It is also an anomaly.

As soon as the person left, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Whoever can improve the gang's situation is not my life-and-death enemy, Gao Shisu! The kind who will take a bite of his flesh even if he dies!

At that time, it was just like Ding Laofu, a low-level gangster, had a sudden thought and did not expect that the gap would open so smoothly. Although Li Shu and others were also alert, they were not aware of it at all.

It turns out that the ideas of those of us who come from aristocratic families who study and practice are completely consistent with the ideas of local powerful and weak people.

Ding Laofu thought about it for a moment, and realized that this principle probably corresponded to Dou Lide and Zhang Xing...

···If that’s the case, the bad image really doesn’t make sense. If something happened to those two people and they were saved, from the brothers outside the heavy cavalry camp to the leaders below, above, right, left, etc., they would probably not believe in themselves anymore, right?

"It's wrong." Fang Yanlang also nodded. "That's the truth...Everything is done by benefit. Chief Zhang can gather people because I can benefit people. I have said myself that if I want to achieve success in small things, I will be stable."

Heaven wants to benefit heaven, so it wants to depose those who are good at heaven's benefits... I dare to ask, whether it is long-term benefit and short-term benefit, small benefit and big benefit, what can Gao Shiyun do to benefit others? Who would do anything beneficial?

What to do?"

This chapter has been completed!
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