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Chapter 21: Wind and Rain (21)


"How can we let go of the people who killed us so easily?"

"Actually, we won more. This time, Xiong Bonan took action and finally released our people."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that the thieves are not strong enough. It must be that they were really injured in the last battle, so they are afraid of us."

"That's exactly what they mean. Judging from the fighting experience these days, they only have a dozen or so battalions at most, and it should be for the sake of compilation that some of the good and bad are mixed."

"But the cavalry should be here."

"If the cavalry hadn't come, we would have eaten them whole battalion!"

"Can't you eat now?"

"You can eat it, but you have to go step by step and clear all the town ferries one by one, otherwise it will be too dangerous. Just for the cavalry battalions, there are quite a few infantry battalions that are well-organized and have powerful leaders...their soldiers The horse is no good, but the leader above is really good."

"This shows that the dozen or so battalions in front of us are real and have a serious background. We have really defeated them."

"No matter how bad it is, whoever is invincible should bring more towns to the city. We don't have enough rain gear, and the food is also moldy... I only lived in Jiangdu before. It's not that I haven't seen this kind of rain. I really didn't think about moving to the wilderness. It’s so powerful.”

"This is a matter of caution. Lack of rain gear and moldy food are not unpleasant things. You will get sick and die. Even if you are alive, you will be weak when the time comes to fight."

"So we have to fight to the north? Isn't this a side issue? How do you know there are not dozens of battalions behind these dozen battalions?!"

"There must be dozens of battalions, but don't the thieves need to guard against General Xue and General Sima? And how can these dozens of battalions be like the previous dozen battalions that all need to be tailed? Such soldiers and horses come to support, one If we can't take care of both the beginning and the end, the second one is incomplete, and the third one is trekking through the rainy season, isn't it just what we want?"

"Do you really want to fight? Don't we have a covenant?"

"What a heck! Not to mention that the fight has already ended like this, even the Yushe people who went to declare the decree were detained. What kind of covenant is this?! There is also Bai Youbin, who has obviously surrendered to them! They all deny it! "

"Pretending not to know or admit some things is already an attitude. We are officials and they are thieves. Do you really think we want to form an alliance?"

"Everyone is a traitor..."

"Shut up..."

"Ahem! We have already arrived at Xuzhou and Huankou. If we take Huaixi as the target, we are already halfway there. If we work harder, we will pass through Pengcheng and Qiaojun, and we will be there. Why bother?"

"Now that we have arrived at Huankou, I will just say something and follow the Huanshui River. It is faster to take the road of Qiaojun, Liangjun, and Xingyang, because the official road is different from the official road, and the river channel is different from the river. Huanshui This river and the official road next to it were originally used by the imperial court to transfer taxes from Jiangnan and Huainan. It was most suitable for the army to march... From here, the army was actually much faster and safer than walking to Huaixi, because there was no It doesn’t have to be like now, where the troops have to be spread out over dozens of miles before they can move through.”

"Yes, if we go to Huaixi, we have to cross one river after another. By then, our troops will be separated by these rivers. As the saying goes, we must not have the intention of harming others, and we must have the intention of guarding against others. We must counterattack

Come here to prevent others from coming down and cutting our backs... On the other hand, it would be much more appropriate if we all walk from Huanshui and walk together to the west bank."

"It makes sense. You can tell by looking at the regulations of the Huaiyou League lobby and the number of restaurants left here. They all relied on this water that day."

"What you said is wrong... General Tuwan Lao is still to blame for the troops spreading out now. He only had more than 10,000 people in front, but he took away all the food and rain gear along the way. Don't say this if he doesn't disperse.

I can’t even get enough firewood.”

"What does this have to do with General Tuwan? His 10,000 people are also human beings. After all, we are the more numerous, and we are unwilling to be restrained... Who wants to camp when there are towns where we can stay overnight?"

"That's true..."

"Stop." Prime Minister Sima, who was sitting at the head of the table, suddenly spoke up, interrupted everyone's quarrel, and raised glasses to each other. "Everyone, we have worked hard to come here and use the lobby of Huaiyou League to take shelter from the rain.

After all, you should have a drink first to warm yourself up and get rid of the moisture!"

After saying that, he stood up and took a drink proudly.

The people around did not dare to neglect, and the servants on the left shot Sima Deke, and the servants on the right shot Sima Jinda. They all stood up and congratulated in unison: "Thank you, Prime Minister."

Just now we raised our glasses and drank together.

The lobby of Huaiyou League in the rain seemed to return to its most glorious moment for a moment.

After finishing the drink, Sima Huada just sat down, then squinted his eyes and asked the people around him: "You guys have been fighting for a long time, but can someone tell me clearly what we are fighting about?"

Sima Deke wanted to answer with his hand, but he simply kept silent and only glanced at Sima Jinda opposite.

Sima Jinda had no choice but to answer: "Reporting to the Prime Minister, I have been walking in the rain these past few days, and have been fighting intensively with gangs. It can be said that it is difficult both internally and externally. Therefore, some people think that we should abandon the original plan and divert from Huankou.

, no longer go against the Huai River to the west of the Huai River, but go against the Huanshui River to Xingyang and return to the Eastern Capital, and for this reason do not hesitate to officially fight with the gang."

"Is this it?" Sima Huada was completely unimpressed, even a little dismissive.

"That's it." Sima Jinda bowed his head and replied sincerely.

"Then should we turn?" Sima Huada continued to ask.

Sima Jinda first took a long breath, then looked at the broken decorations on the roof of the lobby that had not been replaced in time, and then turned to look at the rainwater under the eaves outside. Finally, he turned around and looked at his brother under the gaze of many generals in the hall.

He slowly spoke: "I don't think it's necessary."

"Why?" Sima Huada asked a little more seriously this time.

"Although the Gang does seem to be lacking in combat strength, we have also suffered significant losses due to the rain. In this case, rather than risking a fight with a powerful force like the Gang and heading north, it is better to go quickly.

Let's go west into Huaixi to rest and recuperate." Sima Jinda replied seriously. "The current fighting is actually just friction. It can be clearly seen that the person helping the other side to steer the ship doesn't want to fight."

Obviously, this is not a temporary conclusion made by Sima Youpuse, but the result of careful consideration. It is not his own intention, but represents the final decision made by the group of people in the core team of the coup who have completely surrendered to the Sima brothers.


Of course, Sima Jinda's hesitation in replying can also explain the problem, but he still gave a clear answer.

Therefore, Prime Minister Sima, who used to be the head of Juyi Hall, thought for a while and nodded: "That's it, let's leave quickly! Go to Huaixi!"

"That's it, we have to leave as soon as possible." It was still the first day of May in Hebei. In the large iron workshop outside Jiangling City, under the light of the clear sky, Zhang Xing finished reading the letter in his hand, frowned slightly, and then raised his head.

He said to a few people around him, "Go to Huaibei!"

"Is there still fighting in the south?" Dou Lide, the new leader of General Lingxingtai on the side, immediately became nervous. "Sure enough, the Forbidden Army is coming towards our hinterland?"

"No." Zhang Xing shook the letter in his hand and spoke concisely. "The Forbidden Army did not cross the border on a large scale, and our people did not take the initiative to provoke a war. It was just that Li Ding and Li Longtou went to the front line to take a look and felt that the other party had flaws, so they formulated a plan

It was just a plan to raid Huankou from the south, rely on the Huaibei water network to divide the main force of the Forbidden Army, and eat part of the opponent... And now that we have this plan, even if we want to reject him, we should immediately go to the front to take a look and explain it clearly to him.


At this point, Zhang Xing turned to look at Qin Bao: "Erlang, we're afraid we won't have time to wait for your mother and Yueniang on the white horse, so we need to go south quickly from Jibei County."

Qin Bao nodded and said nothing.

Xie Minghe, the director of foreign affairs, came to ask seriously: "Do you want me to follow you now?"

"Don't be in a hurry. Just stay in Hebei for now. When it comes time to do something, I'm afraid you'll still have to go east. There's no need to go south. And you haven't had a good rest since a year ago, so you should take a rest.

Rest... Leader Zhang, although you have just come back from Hejian, you can go south with me." Zhang Xing turned to look at Zhang Shizhao.

"Okay." Zhang Shizhao nodded immediately. "My old face is somewhat effective when it is first revealed, but it is useless later... In fact, Old Feng can do it, or even better, because he came from Jiangdu.

Yes, there are a lot of people there."

"Will transferring Mr. Feng here now disturb the enemy? Xue Changxiong?" It was Ma Wei who spoke.

"Mr. Ma is overthinking." Zhang Shizhao twirled his beard and laughed. "Transferring Lao Feng from the north is an ordinary move. How could it surprise Xue Changxiong? Let me tell you, if you don't transfer him, you might as well surprise Xue Changxiong.

Chang Xiong."

Ma Wei was stunned for a moment, then realized immediately: "That's right! Feng Gong has just surrendered. It would be generous not to make any arrangements, but there is no harm in making some arrangements."

The rest of the people are also smart people, and almost everyone is awake.

Let's say that Li Ding quickly reorganized his army and went north, combined with some of the previous reinforcements from the north, won three battles in three battles, quickly defeated Wang Chenkuo, and drove the opponent into the mountains. When the army was pressing down, they came as reinforcements.

The shaken Feng Wuyi naturally chose to cooperate and obey... From the outside, it was a surrender... However, due to the continuity of the war, this surrender was neither embarrassing nor embarrassing.

The Yizi of Erba Jing is a public announcement.

Under such circumstances, it would be reasonable to help take Feng Wuyi away from Zhao County and let the other party make a statement.

It even killed two birds with one stone, because the gang really needed Feng Wuyi's formal surrender... If he could go south to deal with the Forbidden Army together, it would be an act of formally obeying the gang.

"If you really want to confuse Xue Changxiong, you can ask Yuchi Qilang to continue sending the remaining two reinforcements from Beidi back north to Dai County..." Ma Wei came back to his senses and continued to suggest. "Let him think we have a big appetite.

We still want to continue the fight and withdraw our attention to the northwest corner of Hebei."

"Okay." Zhang Xing nodded immediately. "It's just that the favors from these families need to be remembered!"

"There is nothing we can do about it." Ma Wei tried his best to persuade. "One south and one north, Bai Hengqiu and Sima Huada are connected together. It's too urgent!"

"Call Feng Gong to go south, and let the reinforcements from the north go home to Dai County together. Is there anything else?" Zhang Xing nodded and continued to ask.

"I don't think Xue Changxiong will move. He was obviously mentally exhausted when he sent out the army last time. Now the troops are also exhausted. How can he come again? The one who should be worried most is Sima Zheng of Dongdu." Xie Minghe reminded seriously.

"So Ma Wei won't come with me. He is going to Baima. Several battalions led by the Military Law Department are there. King Xiongtian is not here, so someone has to capture him." Zhang Xing blurted out. "Even if I know the possibility that Sima is coming out of there.

Even if you don’t have much sex, you still have to show it off and take precautions.”

Everyone immediately fell silent, and Ma Wei was even more powerless... He was smart, but he was not the one who could make the decision with Qiao, so he essentially wanted to follow Zhang Xing or stay in a certain organizational structure as an assistant.

But now we still have to take charge of things on our own, even in a misplaced way.

But there is no way, this is the result of the spread of the stalls, and it is also the helplessness under the continuous military pressure.

You know, the previous breakout with heavy casualties ended in mid-February or late February, and starting in April, the gang entered a new state of combat readiness on the southern front.

Moreover, the middle gang even restructured the organizational structure, reorganized 61 battalions, and mobilized 40 of them to go south, so that the current situation is that 40 battalions are concentrated on the southern line, and only 40 battalions are concentrated on the northern line.

There are more than a dozen battalions, and there are only a few battalions on the Western Front...a typical emptiness in the rear.

In this case, it would be strange if there was no misalignment or anything.

Even large-scale personnel, military affairs, and intelligence chaos are normal perceptions.

In this case, the one who broke the silence was Zhang Shizhao, who twisted his beard and smiled: "So, the chief still doesn't want to fight?"

"How did Lao Zhang figure it out?" Zhang Xing came back to his senses and couldn't help but laugh.

"If the chief wants to fight, he doesn't have to worry about this or that. He just presses forward. Being so entangled means that he doesn't want to fight." Zhang Shizhao said with a smile. "At the very least, he is hesitant."

"That's right." Zhang Xing confessed frankly. "I really don't want to fight. I'm really afraid of losing my troops in vain... But what Li Ding said makes sense. We should weaken the Forbidden Army appropriately. Otherwise, if so many Forbidden Troops enter the Eastern Capital, they will always be attacked.

If we want to expand outward and take some territory to support ourselves, we will still have to fight when the time comes. But the trouble now is that even though we and the senior officials of the Forbidden Army don’t want to fight, they still start fighting when both sides are ambiguous."

"Chief, there is no need to worry." Zhang Shizhao continued with a smile. "I understand what the chief means. Two armies, hundreds of miles of front line, the top is hesitant, the soldiers below have different minds, no one knows how the situation will develop, and no one knows what the situation will be.

It may happen... However, if a big war breaks out in the end, it won't happen out of nowhere. He will always turn around, so we just have to pay careful attention."

"Well said, he always has a turning point." Zhang Xing nodded. "So no matter what, let's go south! Feng Gong and the others can follow later."

"No matter what, let's go south! The rest can follow later."

On the second day of May, in the upper reaches of the Huan River, more than a hundred miles away from Huankou Town, to the west of Mangdang Mountain, a very dangerous place for the gang, a very dangerous guest suddenly came - possibly Beibei.

Yu Liao, the last governor of the Yamen. "The main force of the imperial army will enter Qiao County along the Huan River, and then head west. The Niu Governor Association will meet you thirty miles away. Let's go first and meet with Prime Minister Sima for follow-up.


"Eunuch Yu, drink tea." Wang Zhuo, the leader of the chamberlain army, looked at his former subordinate in front of him (when Yu Zhuo was working as a clerk in Bei Yamen, he was already the governor) and finished speaking in one breath. He narrowed his eyes slightly, but there was no

Answer the call directly.

Yu Liao lowered his head to pick up the tea that was a little hot. He only took a sip, then quickly put it down, and then continued to ask in a hurry: "I wonder when Wang Duong is going to let the men of the chamberlain army leave?"

"Do we have to go?" Wang Zhuo smiled half-heartedly.

"Why don't you leave?" Yu Liao was obviously puzzled. "Previously, Du Gong Niu was worried that you were pretending to surrender and that Zhang Sanlang sent you to serve as internal agents. But today you took the risk and sent me here. Wang Du Gong, you said to me personally,

Zhang Sanlang has come to see you in person and allows you to come and go freely. If there is no fight, we will just follow the imperial army back to the Eastern Capital... If there is a fight, we have nothing to say... Now both sides are restrained, Zhang

Sanlang is generous here, and Sima Qilang doesn’t want to cause trouble, wouldn’t it be a good opportunity to return to the Eastern Capital?”

"What if the key is to return to Dongdu?" Wang Zhuo still smiled half-heartedly.

"When we return to Dongdu, Sima Jinda has personally promised us that Xiyuan will make arrangements for us... In addition, Dongdu has a lot of warehouses, and there is always enough old grain, so there is no need to worry about not having enough." Yu Liu said earnestly. "And.

Lord Niu is still here, and he can keep us safe for just one day."

"Duke Niu didn't even protect His Majesty, how can he protect us?" Wang Zhuo still had the same expression.

Yu Liao was finally a little surprised: "Does Duke Wang resent us for not helping His Majesty and sitting back and watching His Majesty be killed?"

"Of course not." Wang Zhuo replied faintly. "Your Majesty has made the world like that. No matter how many times you die, it is not enough. I mean, even your Majesty's starting point can be turned away by the people and buried under a tree within a few years."

The end of the trap is that Duke Niu only uses his master's training as a guarantee. What's the use to so many of us gentlemen and some palace people?"

Yu Biao suddenly realized that he felt desolate for a moment, so he could only try his best to persuade: "It's just like what Wang Dugong said, but so what? The sky is big and the earth is big, how can we, a group of rootless people, put down roots? The Wei Dynasty will be overthrown.

, Lord Niu will protect us for a few years, the elders seek peace, and the younger ones are waiting for the results of the new dynasty in Dongdu, the capital of the world, which can be regarded as leisure and waiting for work... Going elsewhere will only make things worse.


Wang Zhuo still didn't speak.

Seeing this, Yu Liao had no choice but to persuade him: "Old Wang, Wang Du Gong, is this the time for you to become discouraged? Firstly, since you have sent the letter of surrender, you must explain it; secondly, since you have become the servant of the inner chamberlain, Leader, you have to protect these men from wind and rain; thirdly, to say the least, you have changed your mind now, or the previous letter of surrender was to help Zhang Sanlang cause trouble for the Imperial Army, but when the Imperial Army arrived at Huankou, they We are going to Huaixi immediately, and we have to brush against the southernmost edge of Qiao County. When the time comes, the army will turn around and will be able to crush you dozens of miles away... Under the pressure of the red mountain, what is there to say? ?”

Wang Zhuo nodded, but then raised his hand: "Eunuch Yu, drink tea first."

Yu Liao had no choice but to pick up the teapot again. This time, the tea was warm and soft, which was actually suitable. In addition, after talking for a long time, his mouth was already parched, so he simply drank it all, and then wiped it with his wet sleeves. Lower your mouth.

At this time, Wang Zhuo finally spoke seriously: "Xiao Yu... Governor Yu."

"I don't dare to take it seriously." Yu Liao obviously misunderstood and stood up quickly. "Wang Du Gong has gone to Dongdu, and you and Niu Du Gong will still be the main ones."

"That's not what I mean." Wang Zhuo waved his hand and sighed. "Xiao Yu...according to your statement, Sima Huada and the others just arrived at Huankou yesterday, and they made the decision to continue to Huaixi after arguing on the spot?"


"Then Mr. Niu Du knew the news and was originally planning to come directly to look for me, but he was worried that his cultivation and identity would be too deep to cause misunderstandings. In addition, King Xiongtian has been lingering nearby, so he specially invited you to come here?"


"You arrived in the morning, and we met directly until now?"


"Okay." Wang Zhuo raised his hand again to stop the other party from speaking. "So in other words, when you come here today, I am actually not prepared at all, right?"

"Wang Du Gong, it is not up to you to prepare for this matter."

"You still don't understand what I mean." Wang Zhuo said with a smile. "Eunuch Yu, I mean, since I'm not prepared, why don't you go out for a walk in person and ask the people in the army face to face if they are willing to go with you? ?”

Yu Liao was obviously taken aback, and then said solemnly: "In that case, I will make it clear to them face to face, and I will never put Wang Dugong in any trouble, so I can win their trust."

Wang Zhuo stood up without even nodding his head, and Eunuch Yu stood up and left regardless of his fatigue after traveling all night.

It was still raining outside, and in May, the plum rain was already obvious, and the place where the two of them were talking was surprisingly the county office of Fuxian County in the north of Qiao County... Thanks to the two base transfers of the Huaiyou League, as early as two years ago Many years ago, the Internal Service Army had expanded its territory from Liang County in the north to the south. However, due to the limited strength of the Internal Service Army, even if a huge power vacuum was created, it could only stabilize a few surrounding counties and did not continue. Expansion... And ever since the Forbidden Army appeared in Huaibei, Wang Zhuo, the leader of the Imperial Guards and the leader of the gang, has been here all the time.

Arriving at the street intersection outside the county government hall, Wang Zhuo looked at the rain above his head and took the initiative to ask: "Would you like to ring the bell and call all the chamberlains over?"

Yu Hao looked at the glimmer of light on the other party's shoulder, and felt an inexplicable anxiety in his heart, but he suppressed it and shook his head slightly: "I'll go and talk alone first... where are they?"

"The county officials in the county government office." Wang Zhuo raised his hand and pointed casually. "The sergeants patrolling the streets, as well as the shops over there, which sell cloth and clothes, and the garrison on the city wall...

...There are all servants from Dongdu. If you look outside, you can find them in the village, the livestock shed, the blacksmith shop, and at the Huanshui ferry."

Yu Liao nodded perfunctorily. He did not choose to go back to the county government office to find the county official who was a servant. Instead, he stopped a patrol team wearing raincoats on the street and informed the other party of the relevant situation.

Unexpectedly, several chamberlains in the team behaved strangely, and only one leader pressed his knife in the rain and replied: "Eunuch Yu should not have come to ask us. Although we were chamberlains by birth, we are now sergeants. We can go wherever the military orders us.


After saying that, he actually led the team to leave.

Eunuch Yu had no choice but to stamp his feet on the street in the rain, and then went to look for several county officials. However, the county officials did not say a word after hearing this, but only wanted to look at Wang Zhuo's face. So Eunuch Yu could only

He left these people behind and walked towards a ready-made clothing shop that Wang Zhuo had pointed to.

When they arrived at the shop, they were not waiting for guests, but were packing things. A dozen people were packaging many pieces of cloth and clothing, including some linen and silk items. They stopped when they saw Wang Zhuo and Yu Huo come in.

Yu Biao was overjoyed when he came in, because he actually recognized one of them, and immediately came up to him and asked, "Zhang Gui'er!"

The chamberlain was obviously shocked when he saw Yu Liao, but after taking a look at Wang Zhuo behind him, he took two steps back and asked in shock: "When did Eunuch Yu come? Why are you here at this time? What's going on with the Forbidden Army?"


"What can I say? I'm about to pick you up back to Dongdu." Yu Hao took the other person's hands directly, regardless of the fact that he still had some clothes on his hand. "Zhang Guier, it's been six years since we last met, right?"

"Yes." The eunuch named Zhang Guier's eyes flickered, but he still talked about the past between the two with some emotion under the strange attention of the people around him. "I entered the palace two years later than Eunuch Yu, but the inner school had just been built.

We met there when we were young. At that time, Eunuch Yu was good at studying and was number one in the inner school. He went to do paperwork early. I was not that material. After I finished my studies, I went to the cloakroom instead... Later, Eunuch Yu ended up writing in Beiya.

, often accompanied the emperor, and he did not forget to look after our men in the inner school... We started staggering from the Western Tour, and it was really six years."

Yu Liao almost cried after hearing what the other party said: "It doesn't matter, we can be together again now!"

Zhang Guier pursed his lips, glanced at Wang Zhuo again, and then asked the person in front of him sincerely: "Does Eunuch Yu also want to join the gang? That would be great."

"You don't know yet?" Yu Liao was stunned, then smiled, and maintained a rough peace between the Forbidden Army and the gang. The Forbidden Army was about to go to Huaixi, and the Gang allowed the internal servants to come and go freely, while Niu Dugong fought for the internal servants.

When we arrived at Xiyuan, we briefly talked about the benefits. "We men can go back to Dongdu and live happily together in Xiyuan in the future."

Zhang Guier nodded and simply replied: "I'm not going!" He ignored the other person's shock and pulled his hand away, turned around and continued folding clothes, "So what if I go back to Dongdu? Dongdu is not my home... I won't go, so stay here

It’s good to go down.”

Yu Biao wanted to come and persuade him, but when he turned around and saw Wang Zhuo's strange expression, he was speechless and just lowered his head and walked out.

When he came outside in the rain, Yu Liao clasped his hands and pondered for a moment, then told Wang Zhuo seriously: "Wang Du Gong, it would be best to ring the bell to gather everyone..."

Wang Zhuo nodded and went to call someone.

Yu Haofu stopped the other party again: "Can you just ring the bell to gather people, and Wang Du Gong will not show his face?"

Wang Zhuo nodded immediately: "I will wait here with Eunuch Yu. When people arrive, Eunuch Yu, you go and I stay."

Yu Huo just nodded.

After a while, the bells began to ring in the county government office, and officials rode out on donkeys, shouting along the street, asking people who were servants to go to the county government office. Within a short time, hundreds of people gathered.

"There are still people outside the city. Do you want to wait, Eunuch Yu?" Wang Zhuo reminded seriously.

"No need." Yu Liao also replied sternly. "I must make it clear to them alone. Neither Governor Niu nor the rest of us Jiangdu men will leave them alone."

After saying that, he went to the county government office alone in the rain.

Wang Zhuo stood there with his hands behind his hands, looking at the other person's slightly shrinking back through the drizzle, with a complicated expression.

On the other side, Yu Liao came to the county government office. He didn’t know how many times he started to tell the whole story again today, but he actually shivered and trembled a little while talking... You know, this is the May rain, and the main thing is continuous rain.

With the extremely high temperature, I don’t know why he was shaking. On the street in front of the county government hall, more than a hundred servants, including Zhang Guier, were dressed in different clothes and had different expressions, but they all stood in the rain with a kind of expression.

Looking at Eunuch Yu who was explaining the situation sincerely with complicated eyes, he also didn't know what he was thinking.

In this way, after a while, Yu Huo finally explained the situation clearly and became more sincere: "Men, come with me. Neither Governor Niu nor any of us Jiangdu men will abandon you."

No one cares!"

However, no one paid attention to him.

It was raining in Fuxian County in broad daylight. It could not be called noisy but it was definitely not quiet. But now, these hundreds of servants were just standing there without saying a word.

To be honest, this scene is almost weird.

However, while Eunuch Yu was obviously a little uneasy and frightened, he was not overly surprised... Maybe it was because he was traveling all night, or maybe he was so frightened that he didn't notice it himself. As smart as he is,

I have noticed a little bit of the truth of the matter, but I haven't turned the corner yet.

After a while, some of the chamberlains who knew Eunuch Yu, including Zhang Guier, perhaps feeling pity for him or feeling helpless, spoke:

"We're not going."

"We're not leaving."

"Eunuch Yu, please go back."

"It's okay to stay, but we're not going anyway."

"When we return to Dongdu, Xiyuan is ours. Let's repair Xiyuan and move forward and retreat freely." Yu Huo seemed relieved to receive the response and tried to add.

"Eunuch Yu, what do you mean by being able to advance and retreat freely?" Zhang Guier said with a frown, he really didn't understand.

"That is to say, we can stay behind closed doors in Xiyuan, using Governor Niu's ability as a shield, and using the coarse grains stored in Dongdu, waiting for the world to change hands." Yu Huo explained quickly. "Think about it.

, we are a group of people without roots, we always have to depend on an emperor and the palace? Unlike the palace people, we can still get married."

"Then I won't go." Hearing this, Zhang Guier's voice suddenly became high-pitched. "I will never serve anyone again in my life!"

"We don't need anyone to protect us. We can protect ourselves." A waiter in a raincoat said to him while holding a knife.

"We're not going to Dongdu anyway!"

"We'll stay here!" The following words were very similar to the sporadic replies before, but almost everyone shouted at the same time.

Eunuch Yu was there, dumbfounded. The governor of Beiya was both frightened and puzzled, but he vaguely thought of something, and then became vaguely curious and expectant.

"Everyone, go back!" After a while, the big leader Wang Zhuo appeared behind everyone and calmly gave the order. "I will talk to Eunuch Yu in private."

Everyone dispersed as ordered, Wang Zhuo walked forward with his hands behind his back, came to the other party, and then looked at the angry Eunuch Yu and said calmly: "Xiao Yu, you understand, the reason is very simple, they like these few people."

The days of the year..."

Yu Hao nodded, then shook his head again, as if he still couldn't believe it.

"I'm here to tell Eunuch Yu where our troubles are... The trouble is with Eunuch Yu. You think our life must be very hard and tiring, so we are not comfortable in the palace no matter what. There are supplies in the palace, and at worst there are old grains.

Come and eat, so you think you guys are saving our guys." Wang Zhuo poked his head forward, almost putting his mouth next to the other person's ear and whispered softly. "But have you ever thought about it, you and Niu Du Gong?

The men here have only experienced that kind of life, but not the life like ours. The men on our side have enjoyed both lives, but we all feel that life is better now... Then who should you listen to?

? Or more directly, which day is easier?"

"Life is better here." After all, Yu Liao is the first person in the inner school, and he came up with the answer in an instant. "It can only be that life is better here."

"That's what I mean." Wang Zhuo turned his head slightly and stared into the other person's eyes. "We men are living a better life now, so who wants us to live the life of serving others before leaving here?"

If we use our own grain to eat old grain, we will have to fight with whom... Xiaoyu, you, Duke Niu, and those men from Jiangdu, you have to choose now, do you want to live this good life with us, or do you want to live with us?

You want to fight us men with swords and fight to the end?!"

"I will live a good life with you." Eunuch Yu, whose breath had stabilized again, was still so responsive. "No matter what, we cannot kill each other."

Wang Zhuo nodded immediately... The position of governor of Beiya has never been for idlers... If the other party is really stubborn, don't blame him for being ruthless.

This chapter has been completed!
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