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Chapter 25: Wind and Rain (25)

On May 14, the Forbidden Army unified their thinking, turned around and marched north, and soon achieved a lot of results - especially the main force of the Forbidden Army between Feishui and Guoshui. They went all the way north and invaded half of Qiao County in an instant , and a large amount of materials were seized in the counties, towns, cities and crossings in the northern part of Qiaojun.

Clean food, fresh fruits and vegetables, plenty of firewood, spacious houses, natural hot water, and even unexpected cloth, copper coins, lacquerware, livestock, including women, all gave the Imperial Army soldiers who had endured half a month of rain in the rain. ecstatic.

It also completely relieved the Forbidden Army generals who still had some doubts. None of them expected that just a small half of Beiqiao County on the west bank of the Whirlpool River would be so rich.

For a time, morale was naturally boosted.

But then, they faced a happy worry, that is, whether they should cross the vortex to chase the emperor and the queen mother.

To pursue them would naturally be to implement the plan last night, and in that case there would inevitably be a battle that could be called a battle. There would be a fierce conflict with at least fifteen or six battalions of the gang. The advantage was that fighter opportunities were rare and the troops had an absolute advantage in combat power. The surprise attack will inevitably catch the gang off guard at the strategic level. It is highly certain that the battle can be won, and then the strategic advantage of the opponent gang can be maintained.

It’s easier not to pursue it. Even the western part of Qiao County is so rich, which is beyond expectation. The reason for changing the route this time seems to be the emperor and the queen mother. The underlying reason, or the core and most difficult hurdle to overcome, is actually very simple. , the main force of the Forbidden Army was marched by the army on the north bank of the Huai River after the war. In the end, the morale of the army dropped to a certain level during the rainy season, and everyone was unhappy. Now that they knew that there were abundant supplies in the north, they marched directly along the Fei River. , Wishui went northward, wouldn't the morale of the army remain stable?

Just wait here, wait for Yujieluo and Tuwanchang to discuss it, and then go straight to Xingyang. Anyway, the gang will definitely not dare to take the initiative to ask for a fight at this time. It is just a matter of asking for a fight and waiting for the Forbidden Army to replenish supplies and restore morale. Not afraid.

In the afternoon, the argument started somewhat unexpectedly.

The one who hoped to go north was Prime Minister Sima Huada, and he instantly won the support of many people; and the leader who insisted on crossing the river was actually the only opponent before, Sima Jinda... However, Sima Jinda insisted on crossing the eddy at this time. The reason for crossing the river was not just for strategic considerations. He also had a strong feeling of dissatisfaction with his eldest brother. This right servant believed that since he had decided to cross the river to find an opportunity to annihilate and eat part of the main force of the army, he should maintain his military thinking. We must maintain the purity of our plans and resolutely complete this plan instead of repeatedly changing our decisions for the sake of so-called political discourse power.

That's right, Sima Laoqi has already seen it. His elder brother came up with this idea not because of the situation or how we happened to be... but because last night I was forced into the palace by Sima Deke and a group of Forbidden Army generals. Now that the situation has changed and I'm out of breath, I have to take this opportunity to take charge of the operation and tell everyone who has the final say in this forbidden army.

This is Sima Huada, this is Duke Rui Guo, the Prime Minister of Shangzhu Kingdom, this is Sima Jinda's brother, Sima Zheng's father, Sima Changying's son, and the theoretically undisputed head of the Sima family.

Of course, Sima Jinda did not express these grievances. He simply grasped the issue of military principles and refuted it from a military perspective.

But what is interesting is that this debate is completely different from the one-sided one last night. This time it is a bit anxious, because the frontline generals are obviously divided. After receiving the inquiring letters, many people asked why they changed the plan and stopped crossing the river?

It should be noted that soldiers are valuable and quick.

Not only that, even the group of people that Sima Huada relies on for daily use are also divided. Feng Chang and other literary and subtitle officials all agree with Prime Minister Sima, while the direct military generals including Linghu Xing agree with Sima Youpu She.

Think that the military plan should be implemented.

It can only be said that no matter what happens to the Forbidden Army, the officers do have extremely high military qualities. When it comes to military matters, they all think that they should fight.

The two sides were arguing for a while, and it was at this time that Feng Chang sent a message.

"Is it true?" Sima Huada was displeased. "The governor of Qiao County wants to surrender?"

"The news is naturally true..."

"The truth is not about news, it's about this matter... Is this person reliable? They just got two spies who pretended to surrender, and now they're here to defraud me..." Sima Huada, who was already a little angry because of the dispute.

At this time, he was even more angry and frustrated. He actually clenched his fists and beat his knees on the spot. "What do you think I am? The best idiot in the world?"

Feng Chang remained silent, but looked at Sima Jinda, Linghu Xing, Niu Fangsheng and the others... A moment ago, they were arguing fiercely.

Sima Jinda and others looked at each other, and then Niu Fangsheng couldn't help but frowned: "This is indeed strange. Doesn't the governor of Qiao County know about Wang Hou and Wang Zhuo?"

"It doesn't matter whether you know it or not." Sima Jinda also came to his senses. "It's weird if you know it, but if you don't know it, it would be easier..."

"What Lao Qi means is that this surrender is true?" Sima Huada was surprised for a moment.

"No." Sima Jinda hurriedly explained. "If you know the surrender, you may be deliberately doing the opposite to confuse us. If you don't know, it is a normal surrender, and you don't know whether it is true or not."

Sima Huada was speechless for a moment.

However, Linghu Xing suddenly smiled at this moment: "Prime Minister, it doesn't matter whether this person surrendered true or not. The key is that the city he wants to dedicate is on our way north... If we want to go north, we must take Qiaojun's county seat.

Qiao County has been captured. Even if we don't go north and cross the river to pursue His Majesty, it would be best to capture Qiao County as a fulcrum for retreat and advance."

Brother Sima and Niu Fangsheng were both stunned, but Feng Chang nodded quickly. The latter had originally wanted to say this, but now that the atmosphere was getting more and more subtle, he did not dare to say such a thing, which was actually the truth.

"Indeed." Sima Jinda came back to his senses and revised his statement. "Whether this person's surrender is true or not, we have to accept him, so that we can occupy Qiao County as quickly as possible at the minimum cost... This is on the west bank of Wushui

The key city...is the largest city on the west bank of Whirlpool, right?"

"Yes." Niu Fangsheng nodded, but then looked at Sima Jinda who was sitting there. "Prime Minister, on the other hand, when this man saw the army heading north, he knew that the rule of Qiao County would be lost, and he was worried about helping to deal with it, so he took the initiative to surrender, but instead

Maybe it’s sincere.”

No one refuted this time... To put it bluntly, any surrender or false surrender is just a petty trick. The emperor and the queen mother cannot be said to be petty, but they are just side branches. Cao Che has been killed, so what do these two grandfathers and grandsons count?

From the beginning to the end, for a large-scale exile military group of the size of the Forbidden Army, there was only one fundamental problem, and that was how to smoothly transfer to a new base area without falling apart.

To prevent falling apart, we must not only guard against external forces, but also guard against internal forces.

Sima Huada was also silent for a moment, and then suddenly waved his hand: "What's that person's name?"

"Zhuge De..." Feng Chang wanted to tell the other party.

"Brother." Unexpectedly, Sima Jinda realized his brother's intention almost instantly, and immediately raised objections. "It's enough to send a general to occupy Qiao County. General Linghu is very suitable. Why do you personally do it?"

Going to Qiao County?"

"Where can I go if I don't go to Qiao County?" Sima Huada obviously disapproved and became impatient. "To Cheng Fu? Qiao County is a county town, and the city wall regulations and material reserves must be better than those of Cheng Fu."

Sima Jinda hesitated for a moment, but still expressed his true thoughts: "Brother should cross the river to supervise the battle."

Sima Huada was stunned on the spot, and it took him a long time to answer: "The son of a rich man will not sit down in the hall... Cao Che didn't see anyone who was leading the way that day, right?"

"Can Cao Che learn?" Sima Jinda was really anxious. "What ended up with him? Didn't he end up like that just because he was separated from the Forbidden Army?"

"Then let's all go north together, except for Guohe." Sima Huada suddenly thought of the dispute at the beginning and settled down.

"What should the emperor do? Without the emperor and the queen mother, the eldest brother's prime minister will deal with it in Dongdu?" Sima Jinda had no choice but to repeat the previous argument, and things seemed to have returned to their original path.

"This won't work, that won't work either. Just be the prime minister!" Sima Huada was finally furious.

Sima Jinda fell silent immediately, and Sima Huada also felt embarrassed. The latter thought for a while, then simply stood up and walked over to hold his seventh brother's hand: "Seventh brother, I made a mistake at the moment, don't take it to heart.

, the situation is like this, we brothers should work together as one, at this time, I can only count on you..."

"Brother, you are worrying too much." Sima Jinda said calmly. "Okay, just as you said, we will give the order from here and we will all go north together. We will also go directly to Qiao County to take over the city... It's just...



"But, what if someone doesn't obey the military order, or it's too late and crosses the river directly? And General Yujiluo, what if the gang responds quickly and intercepts and encircles them on the road, and they ask us for help?" Sima

Jinda asked rhetorically, "Are we going to give up on them? What if this triggers a split in the army?"

"If a battle breaks out, I will immediately cross the river to supervise the battle. This time I will make an oath to you." Sima Huada quickly raised a hand to comfort the other party. "If I can't do it, let me die like Cao Che.


"Brother, why are you like this?!" After hearing this, Sima Jinda was finally uneasy and quickly lowered his head with tears streaming down his face. "I am so worried, actually, it is just for the sake of the Sima family's long-term peace, and I have no intention of estrangement from you!


The rest of the people, who originally looked at the brothers with strange eyes, hurriedly came to persuade them.

The situation changed three times a day. On May 14, in the evening, most of the main force of the Forbidden Army that was heading north had already entered the area west of Guoshui and east of Feishui in Qiao County.

, only Zhang Qianda's army of 6,000 soldiers and horses crossed the river from Shansang at the southernmost point, but after going north for more than 20 miles, they stopped in a relatively wealthy town with a ferry. It was no longer strange.


During this period, there was only one small-scale battle with the gang that could only be regarded as a friction in the wild.

At the same time, Bang Yu completed the decision to send troops early that afternoon.

That's right, there is nothing wrong with the resolution this time. Even Li Ding was unwilling to make a resolution at first, because this time there was obviously a "major change in the military situation". It would be a waste of time to make a resolution at this time, and it would be in vain.

Throw away the fighter plane.

Fortunately, most of the leaders were concentrated in the Jishan area at this time, which did not delay things. Everyone, including Zhang Xing and Shan Tonghai, the two people who had previously opposed the war, all raised their hands and passed the resolution to start the war, and then

All armies were mobilized, not only the twenty-five battalions in the Jishan camp, but at least twelve of the other fifteen battalions also gathered in the Longgang area in the center of Qiaojun, between Huanshui and Wo River.

The big and small leaders also followed Zhang Xing to Longgang to meet Wang Hou, Wang Zhuo and Niu Du Gong, and prepared to receive the emperor and the queen mother.

Not to mention the chaotic march that day, on the morning of May 15th, everyone gathered together. Xiong Bonan, Zhang Shizhao, Yu Changnan, Bai Youbin and others went south early to meet them. As soon as they left, the rest of the news

After gathering together, Longgang learned that for two whole days, only one unit of the Forbidden Army crossed the river. It was the unit that was responsible for guarding the internal servants and the Zhishi Army. However, it only marched twenty miles and stopped moving.


Now, it is Zuo Caixiang who has led troops to the northeast of his department to create military isolation.

Frankly speaking, this was completely different from what they expected, and some leaders could not help but waver again.

"We have taken the emperor and the queen mother. If they plunder the west side of Qiao County once, it won't be a big loss. If they don't come, we might as well forget it..."

In the early morning, the rain at the Longgang camp in Qiaojun was actually able to be contained, and a little morning glow appeared. The person who spoke at this time was Shang Huaien. As he talked, he went to see the commanding heights of the camp early in the morning, that is,

Zhang Xing was observing what was happening on a small rocky slope in Longgang, surrounded by about a dozen leaders who followed him out.

As soon as this person opened his mouth, many of the leaders around him understood the situation in an instant - Shang Huai'en, with his temperament and ability, and he had just made a big mistake, he might not have the courage or ability to propose new ideas.

Opinion, on the contrary, it is more like fulfilling the obligation of a so-called chief confidant, speaking out first, leaving room for change for Chief Zhang.

Don't mention it, a lot of people immediately agreed.

After all, there are those who can chase Chief Zhang out to see the scenery early in the morning, and there are a few who will disobey the Chief. However, in the previous decision, the people above, including Chief Zhang, also showed their thoughts.

But Zhang Xing ignored it and just stood there with his hands behind his hands looking at the scenery.

After a while, another big leader came over. When he saw this scene, he got involved. After listening to the opinions here for a while, he seemed to agree, but he made an argument from another angle.

"The rain was also very heavy. The roads from Mangdang Mountain to Jishan and from Jishan to Longgang were too bad. The march was really difficult, making it neither convenient for fighting nor for pursuit." Xu Shiren hesitated and spoke seriously. "

And I asked the folks here, and they all said that the sunset and morning glow last night and this morning were wrong. I'm afraid it will rain again tonight, and the rain will get worse tomorrow and the next day..."

"Old Xu is saying..."

"I mean, even if we make up our minds to fight, we can't fight even if we can't..." Xu Shiren said seriously. "The current situation is that they are the ones who turn back, and they are the ones who stop. If it rains in the next two days,

It rained heavily, and they went all the way north, or turned around and went west again. We are separated by rivers, and we can't catch up even if we try, so what can we do?"

Xu Shiren's qualifications, prestige, and military exploits were all there, and many people seemed to have the backbone to agree with him.

Standing side by side with Zhang Xing was Li Ding. He wanted to sneer, but in the end he didn't say anything more, but looked at Zhang Xing. As for Zhang San, he was standing on Longgang at this time, but he was looking straight ahead.

He stared at the west side in a daze, as if he hadn't heard the noise.

Let's say that it was early in the morning, and the rain had stopped for a while. However, it had been raining for days, and the water vapor was extremely heavy. There was also smoke from the kitchen in the morning. Although it could not be called foggy, the vision was blurred and distorted everywhere.

Covered by dark clouds, only a bit of ever-changing golden light shone from east to west, making the great plains in the field of vision even more chaotic.

Zhang Xing was fascinated by what he saw, but Li Ding was not used to it.

However, I don't know if he learned a lesson at Mangdang Mountain a few days ago. Li Si wanted to take the initiative to ask about the war, but when his words came to his lips, they turned into something else.

"What is Chief Zhang looking at?" Li Si's tone was a little strange.

"Just take a look." Zhang Xing turned around and said with a smile. "The main thing is that I thought of something when I saw this chaotic scene."

"What is Chief Zhang thinking about?" Li Silang chased after him, seemingly genuinely curious and yet mocking.

"I'm thinking, who is driving the general trend in the world?" Zhang Xing looked at the other party and responded sincerely. "Just like the current round of incidents, the rebellion in Jiangdu and the return of the imperial army to the east capital, there are all traces.

As a matter of fact, a smart person would have foreseen it since Cao Lin's death. However, when the imperial army returned to the Eastern Capital and set out on the road, it was clear that they and we, the two most powerful people in the world, were going to have a fight.

A major event that determines the direction of the world, but I don’t know what is going on. No matter how smart people are, they just think it is a mess."

There were more people behind him. When they heard this, everyone had their own thoughts, but they all felt like "that's it".

There is no way, this month has been too frustrating. This kind of frustration is not a question of who has the advantage, but the entanglement of the upper-level decision-making circle. The reason why the upper-level decision-making circle is entangled is not because of their own indecision, but because of the frontline.

The situation changes too quickly.

Intelligence is constantly being updated and the situation is constantly changing.

Of course, Zhang Xing's inner thoughts may be more in line with his personality. He was actually thinking just now... If this battle is summarized after the war, there will definitely be countless laws, expressions of inevitability and contingency.

The specific person responsible and the trigger can definitely be found. However, just saying so far, if you really want to delve into the details, it is difficult to say that things develop and change according to someone's subjective will, but it is not caused by any objective laws.

It is more like the subjective will and initiative of many people, large and small, coupled with the ever-changing objective conditions, leading to the turbulence of the situation.

As for the fragile internal relations of the Forbidden Army and the fragile relationship between the Forbidden Army and gangs, no one knows whether this turmoil will be fatal.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Because Zhang Xing would not let this thing shake the gang's internal organizational structure anyway, he was determined.

Li Ding was about to say something else when suddenly, Shan Tonghai himself came on horseback. Everyone immediately stopped their discussion and waited for this person.

When Shan Dalang came over, he was told an unexpected and reasonable news: "Chief Zhang, Li Longtou, and the King of Heaven sent people to tell us that they met the two Manager Wang and the one on the way.

Why, Governor Niu has come here with a low profile, and he is bringing with him the general of the imperial army that I mentioned before, he will be here soon."

At this point, Shan Tonghai stopped talking, sneered to himself, and added: "I am afraid that the governor cannot trust us, so what else does he want from us?"

"I think this will save trouble." Zhang Xing said frankly. "If you tell the matter clearly and have no worries, you can move forward."

The few people came very quickly, but when they arrived, Zhang Xing and others were already having a "corridor meal" in front of the small building in the Longgang camp, and even reserved a seat for several people, including Zhao Xingmi.

However, neither Du Gong Niu nor Zhao Xingmi were surprised by this novel way of greeting them. Instead, they each bowed their hands in silence and simply sat down.

It's not that Duke Niu and General Zhao were well-informed and weren't surprised, but they were numb with shock along the way.

First of all, Zhang Shizhao, especially Zhang Shizhao... Hearing about it is one thing, seeing it is another thing, and Zhang Shizhao's status is really a overwhelming feeling for people in the Wei central system. In Hebei

At that time, even Bai Hengqiu couldn't hold his hand, and here Bai Youbin and Yu Changnan cheered up as if they were seeing a valley of barren years, not to mention these two people who were looking down and out, worried about gains and losses?

Especially for Governor Niu, he and Zhang Shizhao were old friends as colleagues who had good communication with Cao Che during his early years. After meeting, a word of "Old Niu" and a few gossips made the Governor give up his original relationship.

A state of worry.

Then when he came to Longgang and saw the huge camp, he lost all energy. Zhao Xingmi basically lost his fighting spirit after realizing that the thing above Longgang was smoke instead of fog in the morning. He was even a little relieved.


As the main general of the Forbidden Army, he certainly knew about the previous misjudgments of the Forbidden Army. If the gang had already assembled before the rainy season, then the Forbidden Army would be playing with fire no matter what they did!

If he had known this, he might even have suggested that the Imperial Army go up the river and return from Nanyang! Why is this so?

As for seeing Li Ding and so many leaders ready to go, it was just like that.

After eating some food and tidying up for a while, the sunshine in the morning completely disappeared. Instead, raindrops started to fall again. Even those without local knowledge of local climate and weather can tell that the clouds are a bit thick this time.

Zhang Xing also looked up at the sky, and then neither got up nor went back to the building behind. Instead, he stood behind the desk in front of the building and spoke against the raindrops: "Old Niu, since we are here, we are a family."

Man, what’s more, you are an elder, but you don’t know if you have any advice?”

Du Gong Niu was silent for a moment and said: "How can a poor and bereaved person talk about seeing a teacher? I just have two difficult things. I would like to ask Chief Zhang to make it easier for the sake of the past."

The rain was already falling drop by drop. Zhang Xing nodded and waited for the other party to speak.

"For one thing, no one can blame the late Emperor for his own destruction, but the Queen Mother has not lost her moral character. The Emperor is also a young man, and he is an old friend of Chief Zhang. I hope that Chief Zhang can take good care of him." Mr. Niu said one thing first.

Zhang Xing did not nod directly, but came to ask one of the people in the audience: "Manager Wang, you took the man, what do you think of it?"

Wang Hou was sitting there wearing a red velvet cloak, with his chest and belly protruding. After hearing this, he cupped his hands and came back: "As long as the Emperor of the Wei Dynasty is kidnapped by me, I know that the Wei Dynasty will finally fall into our hands. If I say this, I will

That’s enough! The rest will follow the chief’s orders!”

"Then I will say a few more words." Zhang Xing said seriously. "If you are focused on cutting off the violent Wei, then the Cao family will be extinct today, and you can only attack the remaining minions of the violent Wei such as the Forbidden Army.


Wang Hou did not agree directly, but thought for a moment before nodding: "Be it the Forbidden Army, Dongdu, or Bai Hengqiu! They all have to deal with it! To be honest, Chief, I haven't let go of my breath yet!"

"With this tone, General Manager Wang first advocated the volunteer army, and now he has dug out his heart and completely destroyed the Wei Dynasty. No one will forget this breath in General Manager Wang's heart for thousands of years." Zhang Xing sincerely praised, and then

Only then did he come to Niu Du Gong and said, "Niu Gong, please be at ease. The people we are helping to care about are Bao Wei, not a pair of orphans and widowed ancestors. Let them live in Hebei, grant farmland, and be exempted from labor. If you want to help me, I can't help you."

We won't stop them. When the situation is stable, they can go back to the Eastern Capital if they want, and if they want to go back to the Western Capital, they can go back to the Western Capital. It doesn't matter if they go back to Jiangdu."

Ushikawa took a long breath and nodded hastily.

At this time, Zhang Xing turned around and gave instructions to Yu Changnan: "Yu Wenshu, please make an announcement and tell the world that we have captured the third emperor of the Wei Dynasty and have deposed him. The Wei Dynasty has been established to this day."


Yu Changnan had no expression on his face and nodded directly without any hesitation during the whole process. The people around him had also been quiet since Zhang Xing was talking to Niu Dugong, and they didn't have any unnecessary expressions.

As for the Wei Dynasty, everyone knew that the Wei Dynasty was going to fall from the moment Cao Che lost control of everyone and fled to Jiangdu!

Even when Cao Che died, no one in the gang was surprised.

The same is true now, only Niu He and Zhang Shizhao, two old ministers of the Wei Dynasty, have some expressions.

But for some reason, after saying these words, Zhang Xing still felt that the world seemed to be suddenly stagnant... This is really strange, it couldn't be that the rain stopped for a moment, right?

"Does Mr. Niu have anything else to say?" After coming back to his senses, Zhang Xing continued to ask.

"One more thing." Ushikawa took a breath and answered quietly. "I wasted half my life, and I managed to become a master, but now I am homeless, my mind is really damaged, I can't bear to fight, and I also pay for the help of soldiers and horses. If you are determined to fight, please let me go to Fuxian County with the palace officials and servants from Jiangdu."

"Okay." Zhang Xing blurted out. "Old Niu will go away. When the younger generation defeats the enemy, we will come back to have a long-term argument with Mr. Niu."

Ushikawa was stunned again, then nodded quickly.

At this time, Zhang Xing finally looked at the others on his left and right: "I heard someone say today that the Imperial Army has stopped again, so why don't we just stop fighting?"

No one answered, but Li Ding let out his sneer from the morning: "Do you want to make another resolution?"

"Of course not." Zhang Xing calmly looked at the person beside him, seemingly unaware of the other person's sarcasm. "Temporary resolutions are only done when encountering huge differences or deciding to do something big. If something Pushing matters to a decision not only wastes time and wastes opportunities, but also has a major drawback, which is that it reduces the authority of the decision, which in turn causes the decision to be looked down upon and despised by others."

Everyone nodded repeatedly, but a few people regretted that Shan Tonghai was dispatching troops outside, otherwise he would have stood up and had a few words with Chief Zhang.

"As for now, the imperial army is not moving forward, and the rain may be heavy today and tomorrow. It is not enough to overturn the original intention of large-scale operations. It is just that some battle plans need to be changed." Zhang Xing looked at the increasingly dense raindrops. Li Ding was right next to him. "Does Li Longtou have a record?"

"Yes." Li Ding blurted out, his voice loud and clear, as if he had already thought about it. "Don't worry about why the Forbidden Army behaved like this now, because no matter what, they have just changed from east to west to north to south. At this time, their soldiers and horses are Mixed and dispersed between Fei Shui and Wu Shui, there is about a hundred miles from north to south and fifty miles from east to west. There is no close formation between them... As for the masters, when Niu Dugong comes here, everything is covered. It is impossible to drop soldiers and horses from behind to support them. At most, they only have one strong point to talk about... So now, with superior military strength, superior logistics, superior military morale, and superior high-end combat capabilities, we only need to do If you do one thing, you will definitely win."

Zhang Xing did not ask further questions, but Li Ding couldn't wait to speak out: "Please ask King Xiongtian to supervise the army, and then the whole army will be organized into battalions. Don't concentrate on crossing the river, don't care about the response between the armies before and after, don't try to set up a large formation on the other side, don't

Pay attention to Zhang Qianda on the Wishui side. The forty battalions were dispersed. The first twenty battalions marched alone, then the fifteen battalions, one for every three battalions, and finally the five battalions worked together in batches of thirty.

A mile-wide front crosses the Whirlpool River, and then opens up again, rolling out a front a hundred miles in the direction of Feishui! Fight when you encounter the enemy, advance when you win, and retreat when you lose! In this way, the Forbidden Army will inevitably collapse.

, our army will definitely win!"

"I understand the principle of victory." After Zhang Xing listened, he rushed to correct it without waiting for some people to express their excitement. "Are there any risks? Let me explain it clearly to everyone."

"Yes, there are two risks." Li Ding responded calmly. "A big risk is that if Sima Zheng leads more than 30,000 troops to completely cross Feishui before the day after tomorrow, then the only feasible way for our army in this battle is to retreat immediately.

Come back to Whistle Water... The corresponding response is to ensure the stability of the pontoon, and after the frontline battle, look for opportunities to suppress Zhang Qian from leaving the east bank of Whistle Water; a small risk is that the current situation of the Forbidden Army is that it cannot fight for a long time or on a large scale.

But it doesn’t mean that we can’t fight. Especially among the first twenty battalions crossing the river, someone may bump into the opponent’s superior force, elite force, or a general who is going crazy, resulting in the loss of troops and generals.”

Everyone nodded. Xiong Bonan thought for a while and couldn't help but ask: "Big risks are related to the overall situation. We have been prepared early in the morning. What about small risks? How to deal with them?"

"Small risks are not dealt with. If you die, you will die, if you are injured, you will be injured. It will not affect the overall victory." Li Ding simply replied.

Xiong Bonan's expression changed, but he couldn't say anything. Instead, he looked at Zhang Xing.

Zhang Xing nodded and asked seriously: "Everyone, do you have a better military strategy?"

No one replied, Xu Shiying nodded at the beginning, Shan Tonghai was not there, Chai Xiaohe was not familiar with military strategy.

Seeing this, Zhang Xing no longer hesitated, but stood up: "Everyone, I just didn't finish what I said. It's not too late to tell everyone. Now the imperial army has turned back, and has invaded our territory, burning and killing us.

We have already moved forward to plunder. On the one hand, we have to shoot the arrow on the string. If we try to avoid and hesitate, it will only weaken the morale of the army. On the other hand, we must achieve results and explain to the people of Qiaojun. We must also prevent them from taking advantage of the situation and continue to move forward.

Go north and continue to harm the people under our rule... Therefore, don't hesitate any longer in this battle. I will give the order. If the imperial army does not come, we will cross the river and fight him! The whole army will start after breakfast. According to Li Ding's arrangement, today

We must cross the river to fight!"

The rain was already heavy at this time, but everyone didn't care. Instead, they responded loudly and shouted in the rain. Many people had long wanted to fight, but after a lot of trouble, they didn't dare to stir up the topic. But now that the overall situation has been decided, they couldn't help but feel excited.

There were also many people who were actually unwilling to fight, but at this time the military order had been issued, and they all shouted loudly in response, determined to fight.

Of course, Wang Zhuo, who looked at Zhang Shizhao with a smile on his face like Niu Dugong and started to slap the case, couldn't help but feel confused.

Not to mention anything else, half an hour later, Han Erlang, who was among the first batch of people to cross the river camp drawn by lot, and who was silent throughout this chaotic confrontation, returned to the camp and asked his deputy Zhang Wulang to gather troops and horses.

Then he climbed onto the wooden platform in the small camp to give a speech before the battle. Han Erlang's speech before the battle was always different from others.

"Brothers, we are about to set out to fight."

Han Erlang had his hands behind his back and a serious expression. Although it was raining, he could clearly see the various but excited faces below, and then he just gave serious instructions.

"But before that, you must do a good inspection according to what I usually teach you...Be sure to wear your boots, and don't throw them away when crossing the river. The Liuhe boots under your feet are your biggest support; the same goes for your coir raincoat. Before the battle,

You must wear them properly when marching, and you are not allowed to take them off without permission. Marching is a little tiring, but you can save a lot of energy in the battle formation. Don't throw away food and water, and don't drink raw water! Living water is dirty on rainy days!

"As for after crossing the river..."

At this point, Han Erlang suddenly felt a little dry in the mouth, because he knew a lot of marching experience. Even Mei Yu, who saw the Jianghuai River for the first time, could quickly sum up the experience, but he really didn't know how to attack after crossing the river, because he had never brought any troops with him.

The team attacked.

But soon, facing countless expectant and nervous eyes, Han Erlang still gave his own experience: "After crossing the river, you just follow me! Wherever I, Han Er, go, how can I

Can I let you fall in front of me?!"

On May 15th, in the afternoon, Mang Jingang, Han Erlang, Liu Heifu, Jia Wugen, and Wang Xiongdan each led their base camps to launch from five places (two pontoons, three ferries) at the same time and cross the Whirlpool River.

Immediately, Wang Xiong's camp was discovered while crossing the river, and he immediately engaged in a battle with Yuan Li Zheng's troops in front of him.

This chapter has been completed!
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