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Chapter 40 Return (6)

Chapter 500 Return (6)

There are naturally various reasons behind the scene where the gang invites Zhang Xing to the Yecheng Palace.

For example, Li Shu's escape is actually of little significance... His actual influence has been very low as he has been losing power. This is because he only took one Cui Shilang with him when he escaped, and he still has it until now.

It can be seen without even stepping forward to pull the pole. However, from another perspective, from the moment he left, Zhang Xing's last direct challenger to power in the gang disappeared.

His absolute leadership status becomes unquestionable.

At this time, coincidentally and logically, as everyone had expected, Sima Zheng established a new emperor, built a Daxingtai, and became a marshal.

In this situation, coupled with the fact that Jiangdu's army turned the Wei Dynasty into reality, Bai Hengqiu also established a new emperor in Guanzhong and called him prime minister. Xiao Hui even said early on that he had done something "Liang Gong" and didn't care about his initiative.

If you are passive, you must unite within the gang and raise your own political tone so that you can continue to maintain your political attractiveness and ensure that you will not fall behind others on the road to world supremacy.

But this is a superficial reason and an opportunity.

In fact, there is an "organizing" force within the gang. The generals, writers, swordsmen and writers who came from the Great Wei Dynasty, people from aristocratic families, and even deep-thinking people such as Xu Dalang in the early days, although they passively and actively accepted

Although they have joined the gang system, they are naturally dissatisfied and uneasy about this thing. They are eager to return to the traditional court system.

It seems that only in this way can the Gang really make great achievements.

It seems that after this, the gang will be able to inherit the destiny and the country will be extended forever.

In addition, Zhang Xing's own direct lineage is also an important and powerful promoter, especially now that Daxingtai has been established, which gives these people an organization to rely on to gather and connect... Whether they really feel that Chief Zhang should go further or are looking forward to it

A rising tide lifts all boats, and these people are obviously the initiators and instigators of this matter.

Of course, this does not mean that others are opposed to it. This can be seen from the fact that Xiong Bonan came in advance and Shan Tonghai concealed it... Even according to the arrangement of Chen Bin and others, when Zhang Xing routinely resigned, the next step was Xu Dalang's transitional sentence

, finally King Xiongtian came to persuade me.

However, Zhang Xing didn't give these two people a chance to speak.

Back in front of us, Zhang Sanlang's almost surprising response caught everyone off guard... Almost everyone thought it was ridiculous, but for some reason, everyone felt that this was Chief Zhang's usual style and that he would do this kind of thing.

In addition, many people are indeed moved.

We are not fools. Many of us have read novels and history books. How could we not know the political commitment behind these words?

Why are we all living in the palace together? This is because Chief Zhang wants to share the world with all the leaders!

Even rough people who don't know the specific meaning can sense this atmosphere...and are eager to try it.

Correspondingly, those who are willing to object are less likely to do so for the time being.

"Liu Heifu, do you dare to live in the palace of the Wei Dynasty?!" When Zhang Xing saw that everyone was silent, Qin Bao laughed again and pointed at a leader with a bright pheasant feather in his head.

The man was excited, and regardless of the attitude of the people around him, he immediately raised his neck and raised the pheasant feathers on his head: "The chief is so generous, how can I not dare? I am afraid that I will be the first to show up, and in the end

If everyone doesn’t want to live there, wouldn’t it look like I’m ignorant?”

"How could anyone be unwilling to live in it?" Chief Zhang laughed loudly. "I just don't dare. And if you live in, everyone will live in... By then, everyone will only think of you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Heifu clapped his chest, and there was an uproar around him... Not only the leader, but also many low-level gang members and officials who followed were nervously and eagerly discussing the matter.

Before that, Zhang Xing had already stretched out his hand to stop Chen Bin who was about to say something.

After waiting for a while, the crowd calmed down a bit, and Zhang Sanfu nodded again: "Li Si, would you like to come and stay?"

The noise around them immediately stopped again, and everyone pricked up their ears to listen.

Li Ding sneered: "You are so generous, how can I refuse? It's just that I have no children, and none of my clan members are here. I only have one wife, and she helps me lead the army every day. Even if I am alone, I am often empty.


"It doesn't matter, there's always a place for you." Zhang Xing blurted out, but then ordered a third person. "Chief Zhang Shizhao, will you move in?"

Zhang Shizhao twisted his beard and laughed: "Chief Zhang, are you kidding me? I abandoned the Eastern Capital here just because I want to go a step further. If I can't stay in the palace even if I come to help, I might as well go back and become the Prime Minister of Nanya."

Many people laughed heartily, as if they could become the Prime Minister of Nanya after leaving the gang.

And Zhang Xing finally looked at another big shot present: "King Xiongtian, what do you think of everyone living together?"

Xiong Bonan thought for a while and answered seriously: "Of course I feel very good, but I'm afraid that if the situation changes again later, everyone will have to come out, which will hurt the brotherhood."

This seems to be the key.

Zhang Xing smiled and was about to answer.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Xu Dalang, who had been silent until now, raised his voice to refute: "Then just come out when the time comes... If you don't go in now because you may have to come out in the future, will you still be doing anything in the world?"

It's like taking over the world. When someone breaks out, I'm 100% certain that I will take over the world. From my point of view, just living together today is already worth it!"

"That's right." Zhang Xing praised him greatly. "You can risk your life to fight for the world, but you don't dare to live in a palace?"

Xiong Bonan and others were stunned for a moment, and then laughed. Shan Tonghai looked deeply at Xu Shiying, and only looked away after a long time.

After everyone laughed again and again, Zhang Xing came to see Chen Bin.

Chen Bin had no choice but to smile bitterly: "The Chief wants to do this, so naturally I can't stop him... But the Chief's method of promoting this matter today is inevitably a failure."

Zhang Xing couldn't help but smile: "Does Mr. Chen also know that I am determined to do this?"

Chen Bin finally sighed and said no more.

After the matter was settled, Zhang Xing entered Yecheng from the north gate surrounded by people. Then, surrounded by dozens of big and small leaders and hundreds of civil and military officials, he swaggered through the city, showed off his power, crossed the street, and went to Yecheng, which is located on the northwest side of the city.

City Palace.

As soon as you enter, you first go to the main gate.

At this time, the gang who had just said that they wanted to share the world with each other outside the city gate immediately started to show their superiority. The clerks, staff officers, and preparation generals could only stand below. The leader, the general managers, and other leaders gathered around the chief.

We can only stand by the gate tower and then look at the palace together.

However, just taking a look at the palace located on the northwest side of the city, Zhang Xing felt that it looked familiar, and then said with a smile: "Manager Chen said before that this Yecheng palace is similar to Jiangdu palace. They are exactly the same."

"No way." Chen Bin also smiled bitterly. "Here in Yecheng and in Jiangdu, Cao Che took the opportunity to restore the five-capital system when he moved the capital after he ascended the throne, and started construction together, so they are similar."

Zhang Xing nodded and woke up again: "Where is the original Yecheng? Where is the old capital of Eastern Qi?"

"Burn it down, demolish it." Zhang Shizhao raised his voice from one side and responded. "The founder of the Wei Dynasty was always very thoughtful. Not only the old capital of the Eastern Qi Dynasty, but also Jiangning in the south was demolished and burned at that time.

Those with money, cultivation, and influence were also moved away."

Many older leaders in the gang nodded, but many younger leaders were a little surprised.

Zhang Xing had nothing on his face, but he sighed quietly in his heart, how could he not understand?

He had noticed a long time ago that Cao Che's father was really polarizing, especially the harshness in his later years and the wisdom and martial prowess before he ascended the throne, which formed a sharp contrast. However, some things have always been traceable...

Just talking about this matter, it is that he has a very strong idea of ​​​​Guanlong, and this kind of thinking does not only stop at personnel appointments. Just think about the size of the hometown of Dongqi and Nanchen.

Compared with this kind of large-scale discriminatory harsh rule that lasted for one or two generations, burning Yecheng and Jiangning seemed like nothing more.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xing looked around again and felt a little emotional: "If it is said this way, Yecheng and Jiangning have just restored the past ten years and have the current regulations again?"

Everyone nodded.

"The city of Ye is indeed the foundation of Hebei's hegemony, just as Jiangning is the gathering of Jiangnan." Zhang Xingyi said.

"It is true." Wei Xuanding was obviously a little excited. "It must be so. Yecheng is the natural capital of Hebei."

Zhang Xing was noncommittal and looked at the palace in front of him again: "If it is the same as Jiangdu Palace, then it is Cangcheng with the city in the west?"

"It's the other way around." Chen Bin reminded. "To the east is Cangcheng, to the west is the stables, in the front is the public house, in the middle is the main hall, and in the back is the... residence."

Zhang Xing nodded again and again, but hesitated: "What's to the northwest? From outside the palace city to Zhangshui..."

"It's the ruins of Santai in the old Zhangshui." Wei Xuan Dingye answered again. "It was the extension of the former Dong Qi Palace."

"It can be built." Li Ding narrowed his eyes and said. "It can be used as a guard city... It doesn't need to be too big. It can be convenient for military formations and long-term defense."

"There are too many leaders, and there is no accurate number of family members. They may not be able to live in the back." Chen Bin frowned slightly. "There is no harm in expanding it into a residential area after imitating Xiyuan."

"The two will not delay each other." Zhang Xing agreed. "The open space over there is huge, whether it is the Xiyuan, the Acropolis, or expanding the public housing and residential areas, just go there... But still the same sentence

, Don’t be anxious, not only will there be no war, but no projects other than water conservancy projects will be carried out before this year... Is Leader He here?"

He Xi stood at the entrance of the stairs, with only half of his body outside. He raised his hands in the air and said honestly: "My subordinate is here."

"I heard that you have started the project?" Zhang Xing saw that this person was indeed here, so he walked over and asked seriously.

The city gate tower was crowded with people, which made it look cramped. Seeing this, everyone had to retreat one after another, only lining up in three rows against the wall.

Seeing Chief Zhang walk to the stairs, he had no choice but to hand it over: "Reporting back to Chief, I just planned a few schools. The autumn harvest has just been completed and the construction has not started yet. Now I just want to go to the hospital to have a look."

"That's good." Zhang Xing said sternly. "I have been in Henan before. I'm afraid everyone doesn't know. Let me formally say it here... We won't bother this year... As long as no one comes to cause trouble, we won't go to war, and big projects won't happen either.

If not, the appointments and adjustments of personnel, as well as the reorganization of the army, can be planned first and then officially announced after the year."

At this time, although everyone had different ideas, surprisingly there was no unnecessary discussion and they just let Zhang Xing speak.

Seeing this, Zhang Xing turned back to He Xi and said, "In charge of He Xi, you will build a hospital and a school here first, repair the roads, and postpone all other plans until after the new year."

After saying this, Zhang Xing walked back, passing many leaders in the middle. His heart moved slightly, and he wanted to continue talking here one by one... After all, in this environment, and with today's atmosphere, I am afraid that no matter who stops here...

No one can object to anything he says in front of him.

Moreover, although it is said that big things will have to wait until after the new year, it does not mean that there is nothing to do.

However, Chen Bin had previously disliked him for using means to push forward the process, but there was no need to do so anymore.

As soon as he thought about this, he returned to the middle of the gate tower and directly announced: "Everyone has come in to the palace together. Let Wei Gong and Manager Cao make accommodation arrangements for everyone. You can follow and have a look, or you can find a place."

Rest, you can go to the office to do things... and relax, I will stay in Yecheng for a few days. If you have any questions, or if you have someone to take the blame for, feel free to come find me... and I will be here in a few days.

I am going to Dengzhou to pick up Manager Bai and the others, and I will take a few battalions with me then."

As he said that, he waved his hand and urged everyone to go forward.

After getting off the city gate tower, not to mention how Wei Xuanding and Cao Xi made arrangements, how Zhang Xing gave up on business and chatted with everyone, only saying that they were leaving for the day, Jiyin Xingtai - also the commander-in-chief of the largest Xingtai at present.

Tonghai Shanlongtou specifically found Xu Shiying, the general manager in charge of military affairs in Daxingtai.

Xu Shiying came to Yecheng a few months ago. Naturally, he got a small courtyard next to Yecheng County as usual, but he only brought a clever boy from his family and hired an old widow to cook and clean. At this time, he saw

When Dan Tonghai arrived, it was already dark, so he asked the widow to cook porridge, and asked the boy to go to the nearby leader's house to find some wine and meat. He also asked the guard next door to send some autumn fruits that they had just taken from him.


Shan Tonghai naturally didn't care about this, but he felt a little weird when he saw this scene, so he asked directly after taking a seat in the main room: "Your family has so much capital, when you come to Yecheng, even if you don't change to Zhuangzi outside the city, you can always find a place in Yecheng."

How about buying a few shops and building a few courtyards in the city? With daily supplies, why are we so miserable?"

"What's so hard about this? I'm busy working in the county all day long. It's just a place to sleep." Xu Dalang seemed to curl his lips, but his face became serious when he sat down. "As for the shop... it was always the Wei Dynasty before Yecheng.

The imperial court's key position in Hebei was witnessed by them in the great war at the beginning of the year. It was clear that we were the enemy and we were clear. Now that we have come in and used my identity to buy a shop, who dares not to sell it? Isn't that forced buying and selling? We have ruined the gang for nothing.


Shan Tonghai was silent for a moment and nodded helplessly: "There is nothing to say."

"Brother Shan came to me because he had nothing to say, right?" Xu Dalang said indifferently.

"I thought, why did you suddenly become a different person?" Shan Tonghai also said bluntly. "Before the war, it was not obvious. I just felt that you talked less and had less private contacts. Today I suddenly realized that you seemed to be...

My mind has also changed, so let’s take a look..."

Xu Shiying nodded repeatedly: "Yes, it has indeed changed... I used to care about whether the gang can succeed, whether Chief Zhang can succeed, and then I make the final consideration based on my personal future, and then act. I can't help but be timid and cunning.

At the same time, he also likes to connect in private to maintain his strength... But after this year, especially during the several life-and-death moments, when he saw that Chief Zhang was talking and laughing freely, and could always turn the situation around with courage and winning people, he gave up his previous thoughts and decided not to care about success or death.

, let him gamble."

Frankly speaking, Shan Tonghai was not prepared for the other party to reply so neatly before. He was even a little unconfident, wondering if it was his own misunderstanding. Even he himself couldn't tell what Xu Dalang was like before and what he is like now. It was just vague.

It's just a feeling, so now that I get the answer, I feel a little panicked.

After a long pause, when the cooking woman brought two plates of washed fruits, Shan Tonghai came back to his senses and asked again: "What do you mean by private future? Could it be that we don't care about private future now?"

"That's not what I mean." Xu Shiying twirled a bunch of autumn grapes, and her words were frighteningly frank. "What I mean is that I have never tied my personal future to Chief Zhang and his gang before... I have always been different from you.

, just talking about our brothers, I am younger than Brother Shan, more shameless than Brother Shan, and more cunning than Brother Shan... Brother Shan has no personal feelings for the gang and Chief Zhang, but one day when the gang is destroyed, I'm afraid you

I will also die, and I am afraid that I will have been surrendered by then. After being surrendered, I can still find a future in Dongdu or Kansai."

Shan Tonghai hesitated for a moment: "Did you still have this idea before this year?"

"I've said it all, we are really different." Xu Dalang spit out the grape seeds and rolled his tongue to reflect on the taste. "Not only Brother Shan, but also Wang Wulang would not think of surrendering... It's just me. I have always been just a cunning person in Jishui.

The thief, even though the thief scene is getting bigger and bigger, he is still a cunning thief."

Shan Tonghai sighed: "Then you won't surrender now?"

"Not necessarily." Xu Shiying said sincerely. "It's just that I can concentrate on doing things before helping to overturn the overall situation..."

As he said that, he raised his finger and pointed at the unsheathed long sword hanging on the wall: "The chief is interested in my talent and has always hoped that I can learn from Li Ding the military science of Guanlong and do practice at the same time, so that I can help him."

I have always known about this as the commander-in-chief; in addition, I have always been concerned about my personal future... For example, today, the chief agreed so easily, and before I had time to persuade him to join the palace, I felt that I had missed an opportunity to establish my status.

I can’t help but feel anxious.”

Xu Dalang was so self-deprecating, but he was calm and composed. But for some reason, Shan Tonghai became more and more speechless, and could only touch his face with his palms... and even covered his face.

At this moment, this former top figure in the underworld in the upper reaches of Jishui River, one of the three leaders of the Gangjian Gang at that time, and now the controller of the largest platform, only felt that he was getting more and more panicked... He hadn't felt it before, but he was just a

Before and after the autumn harvest, the subordinate leaders tried to kill Li Shu to prove his innocence. The sudden betrayal of his former collaborator Li Shu made the disciples from the upper reaches of Jishui River cross their paths and establish contact with Zhang Xing. Including Jia Wugen who had previously asked to give up his military power, but also

Zhang Xing's entry into the palace today, and Xu Shiying's outspoken remarks about his own transformation, all made Shan Tonghai feel terrified.

He always felt that he was lagging behind others.

And he suddenly fell behind others... At the beginning of next year, I was still a role model in the gang, a hero who turned the tide. Otherwise, how could I be the commander-in-chief of Jiyin Xingtai? This is the most powerful Xingtai of the gang, and it was also the one who started the gang.

The place.

Even though Wu Dalang needs to build another platform in the south now, the status of Jiyin Xingtai in Xingyang is still as stable as a red mountain.

but now……

Thinking of this, Shan Tonghaifu glanced at Xu Dalang again, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and then seriously reminded: "Xu Dalang, I'm not telling you, you have changed, it is good to work seriously, but how can you ignore Chief Zhang just for him?"

Success or failure, life or death? Just like today's situation, it is a good thing for everyone to live together, but it is wrong for you to just cater to Chief Zhang's idea. Instead, you should consider the gains and losses... Everyone should share the world, so they should live together.


Xu Shiying smiled when he heard this, but then shook his head: "Brother Shan's words are a bit weird...even a bit hypocritical."

"How do you say that?" Shan Tonghai frowned. "There is no need to be taboo between us."

"That's natural. We are brothers who have been sworn to each other for a long time. We are also fellow countrymen doing business together in Jishui, and we are also people who formed a gang together. We have broken bones and connected tendons. We are really both prosperous and destructive.

We are all in harm's way." Xu Dalang said quietly. "That's why I am so open-minded today... But Brother Shan, I really think you are wrong...

"First of all, in the current situation, Chief Zhang is neither a king nor a prince. He is also the only leader of the gang and cannot be shaken. Following him and helping him are obviously exerting strength for the gang. And Brother Shan, you are so proud of yourself

Rules are bigger than the sky, but aren't the rules set by the chief for his own ambition?

"Secondly, and this is really important, Brother Shan, are you really dedicated to the public good with your current attitude and situation? Isn't it because you have been ambitious before and don't want to be controlled by the chief. As a result, the chief is getting stronger and stronger, and you are worried that you will be

Are you rejecting me and instead relying on the so-called rules of the gang to protect your status? It's all about keeping private and turning public, so why do you still look down on me, Xu Da?"

Shan Tonghai could endure it when he heard the first one, but his face turned red. When he heard the second one, he simply stood up and walked out.

Xu Dalang sat still behind him, holding the grape stems and asked: "The food is already cooked, can you leave without eating?"

"I don't mean to blame Brother Xu." Shan Tonghai waved his hands and kept looking away. "I'm confused now, let me think about it."

Xu Dalang didn't chase him, he just sat there eating grapes.

Just like that, Shan Tonghai walked out with a breath in his chest, went to the alley outside, then crossed the county house and came to another alley, but hesitated again... Although the palace was assigned today, everyone had always been there before.

He had to live on a daily basis, so according to the usual practice, the general manager and branch managers of Daxingtai, as well as the direct commanders, were placed in several alleys on both sides of the county government. When he came out, he actually wanted to find another one.

The one who suffered both losses and losses was Wang Wulang's place. But when he thought that Wang Wulang was getting closer to someone, he gave up the impulse as soon as he arrived at the alley here and became depressed. He almost wanted to go back to his own property in the city to sleep.

Although it was dark, because Chief Zhang came to Yecheng for the first time, there was still a lot of commotion around the county. There were familiar gang figures coming and going, and Shan Longtou was a good-looking person. He came to the alley and then retreated.

If you go out, you will inevitably be laughed at, so you bite the bullet and get in.

However, not far after entering this alley, he saw Liu Heicheng, who had changed his face and wiped his forehead, carrying a box of things from a yard. The person inside delivered it, and it turned out to be Dou Lide.

Shan Tonghai Dading quickly came forward to say hello.

After Liu Heifu left in a hurry, Shan Longtou took advantage of the situation and entered Dou Longtou...or rather the compound of Manager Cao Xicao.

Cao Xi's place is much more lively and complete. There are quite a few men and women here, and most of them look familiar. You don't need to think about it to know that these are the people in Gaojibo... The miserable experiences of those two years have made these people

A strong group was formed. When Dou Lide came over, these people who were already middle-level members of the gang naturally gathered one after another... In fact, considering that Cao Xi was usually the only one here, it was impossible to say that some of them directly lived here.

However, Shan Tonghai was not here to care about this. He was just going to have a meal and leave. When he entered the door, Cao Xi and others just came to greet him, and he raised his lips and asked: "What's going on, Mr. Liu? See you?"

I won’t stay too long?”

"Shan Longtou doesn't know. He is only thinking about moving now." Cao Xi explained with a smile. "He had already followed him in the afternoon, but he came again to verify where the residence assigned to him by the gang was, and then moved him

I took away the military merits and land grants that I had before, saying that I wanted to customize furniture and hire people to be cooks..."

"If we really want to move in, we have to hire kitchen helpers and other things from the gang, right?" Shan Tonghai didn't know what to say for a while.

"Who cares?" Doulid pulled Shan Tonghai and walked inside. "I've been used to being in the mud for half my life, so naturally I can't hold myself back, otherwise the chief wouldn't have ordered him first today... Let's come in for dinner, Shan Longtou is

Are you here specifically to find me?"

"Oh." Shan Tonghai came to his senses, and after sitting down, he changed to a topic without embarrassment. "On the way to Hebei, I told the chief that the powers and responsibilities of General Manager Chen of Daxingtai were too heavy, but he was taught a lesson.

When I get back... I thought I'd tell you."

Dou Lide sighed, then glanced at his wife's back, and then responded: "The chief has made up his mind, and it is the general trend... You don't know, right? The chief is going to Mr. Chen's yard tonight, and he is going to go with him.

Falling asleep."

"It doesn't matter if we sleep together, the key is the general trend... Just like what happened today, it seems a bit strange, but I thought about it, isn't it possible that Chief Zhang exchanged his reputation as a loner and a widower for the authority of Daxingtai?"

Shan Tonghai said sternly, "Our chief has always liked this, and when the system is established and his authority is enhanced, there will be no delay in becoming emperor again."

"Indeed." Dou Lide immediately responded. "It is inevitable for the chief authority to become more authoritative. Daxingtai is also the general trend. We people must be careful."

Shan Tonghai's heart flashed, and the words "the general trend of the times" were mixed with Xu Shiying's previous words, and he was a little distracted for a moment... Could it be that he was not lagging behind, but that with the establishment of Daxingtai and the chief's absolute authority no longer

Being questioned, what happened to the place that I thought I could control, that I lost control of? Is this what caused the panic I felt at Xu Dalang's place before?

Just as he was thinking about it, Manager Cao Xicao personally brought a tray, put down the drinks at the table, and then sat down calmly: "Look at the two leaders, it seems like this is some bad thing, why should you sigh? No matter what today, isn't it?

Big happy event?"

Dou Lide was startled and quickly laughed.

Even Shan Tonghai laughed dryly.

Immediately, a few people ate some food and drank a few glasses of wine, and the conversation turned to some gossip.

"Your little girl is now helping to liaise with the hospital and the medical school for the rich master. In fact, the chief is doing the training carefully... When things are completed, and with the achievements in Hebei at the beginning of the year, it is estimated that the leader will be almost the same next year.

"Shan Tonghai naturally started with Dou Xiaoniang's whereabouts. "I heard that you are getting married after the year?"

"Not sure." Dou Lide perked up. "The chief told me that I have met Su Jingfang several times, but I always felt it was too hasty."

Shan Tonghai thought for a moment and then asked seriously: "I'm actually a little curious. Su Jingfang is Li Longtou's only disciple. If the marriage happens, it will be a marriage between your two families. By then, the two families will be in-laws in Sanxingtai, Hebei...

It’s not about worries and precautions, but from Chief Zhang’s point of view, there should be some considerations, right? How can we promote this matter instead?”

"Brother Shan has gone astray." Dou Lide immediately shook his head. "Do you think that Hebei's side just stood up and everyone else turned their attention? In fact, if we really look down on each other, we Hebei rebels and Li Longtou

Those Hebei officers and soldiers who have all attached themselves to each other are the ones who are really jealous... On the contrary, it is the earlier batch of defeated surrenderers surrounding General Manager Chen, who can talk to both sides."

"Isn't that right?" Shan Tonghai was a little puzzled. "Li Longtou's Wu'an Xingtai was a fringe force in Hebei before they defected. How can we have any relationship with you?"

"It didn't happen before, but it has been there since the beginning of the year." Dou Lide took a sip of wine and gestured with his hands. "You are just like Lu Daobin, the former ambassador to Yecheng Palace. When did we encircle and suppress our Gaojibo Yecheng without sending troops to cooperate?

After the battle at the beginning of the year, he ran to Wu'an, and Li Ding recruited him. It is said that he will wait for General Manager Xie to come back and ask General Manager Xie to recommend him to join the gang."

"Are there many people like this?"

"Let's put it this way... After the battle at the beginning of the year, if the entire Wei army in Hebei had the intention to do so, they all went to Wu'an. Even Xue Changxiong followed Feng Wuyi's route to connect with Wu'an."

"This is against the rules." Shan Tonghai took a sip of wine and was a little dissatisfied. "Excluding Lu Daobin, if he escaped that day, would he be considered an enemy or a friend? If he ran to Wu'an, would he be considered a surrender or a defector? And Li Silang said he would wait for thanks.

When the manager came back and recommended him to join the gang...then didn't he know that he didn't report it in the past few months?"

"It's not that much of a fuss." Dou Lide explained to Li Ding instead. "At that time, I was rushing south, and even the calculations had to start from the end of the battle in the south. But after that battle, the chief said again, everything

You can take it slow..."

Shan Tonghai nodded helplessly and responded perfunctorily, but his heart became more and more confused.

Don't talk about these topics. He entered this courtyard in a daze. Essentially, he was still worrying about that issue.

It was Cao Xi who intervened and said something fair at this time: "How can we go so far when talking about my wife's marriage? My wife is happy with it, and the chief acts as a matchmaker, isn't it okay?"

When the topic ended, Dou Lide could only smile and nod.

"Are there any recent developments here in Hebei?" Shan Tonghai took another drink, then gathered his thoughts and asked.

"What's going on?" Dou Lide was obviously drunk too much, so he just squinted his eyes and answered. "What the chief said today was done publicly to everyone, but those who did it already knew about him.

I mean, everyone is more silent..."

"You didn't do anything?"

"How is it possible? Not to mention Xingtai's own affairs, Xue Changxiong has not relaxed. We are in contact with Xue Changxiong's local heroes. On Li Longtou's side, Feng Wuyi and Feng Datou are talking to you.

The effect of getting in touch with the background of the Wei court was better than expected... It's just that without the chief's military order, everyone just stayed silent.

"There is also Wei Gong. He is recruiting talents from Hebei. He wants all literary and martial arts students, as well as those who can read and read... Especially the literary students, there are a lot of them.

"As for the Dahangtai, I know there are many things, and each department has its own ideas... The Mengji Department, the Ordnance and Horse Department have done particularly well... Cui Suchen, Manager Cui also has some ideas, and even more so after the return of the Ma Branch

Knowing the shame, I have been working in the staff all day long, and I have also gone to the north to explore the geography, plant spies and so on. I am very busy...I guess they will all be looking for the chief to report and ask for instructions in the past few days."

When Shan Tonghai heard this, he became more and more uneasy, but he still forced himself to ask: "If you put it this way, Hebei is really doing its best and prospering?"

"It's worthy of being called that."

"Isn't there a jealous person?"



"Wang Dalang."

"Who is that?"

"The person in charge of the Farming Department, Qinghe who made great achievements with Han Erlang years ago..."

"Why is he so embarrassed?"

"Because the field soldiers were released as land granting good citizens, he is the one responsible for getting the newly engraved seal and sealing it..."

"What kind of trick is this? Chief Zhang put him here because he doesn't have any foundation and can only cooperate but not resist, isn't it?"

"Then there will be none."

"Our leader is worried about the loss of the farmland department." At the critical moment, General Manager Cao revealed the truth. "But capturing the farmland is not a long-term solution, and as the commander-in-chief, it is time to make these classifications


"I don't think so..." Dou Lide quickly explained, but he still gave in halfway through the explanation. "This matter actually made me jealous."

Shan Tonghai hesitated again and again, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted the couple's intimate interaction: "Dou Longtou, Mr. Cao, I have always admired your couple for being shrewd and decent. This time, I actually want to ask you... What do you think?

Is there something I didn’t do well, or are there any big holes that I need to fill?”

Dou Lide and Cao Xi looked at each other, a little surprised, but also seemed to be hesitating.

When Shan Tonghai saw this, he felt cold in his heart. How could he not know that in the eyes of smart people like Dou Lide and decent people like Cao Xi, he really had a big hole all along?

After a pause, Dou Lide waved his hand and said only to his wife: "Thank you, Manager Cao, go get two more dishes."

Cao Xi understood, stood up and left.

As soon as the people left, Dou Lide became serious: "Old Dan, since you have said this, you have gained understanding, so I will also say a few words from my heart to you... There is something I have never understood.

You see, I am far less capable than you, but when the world began to become unstable, I also knew that the key point is the people's hearts and weapons. If money, wealth, land and land cannot win people's hearts, it is useless to keep them. Why are you because of this?

Has this matter become so chaotic that it has become the focus of everyone’s attention?”

Shan Tonghai was shocked: "I'm not greedy for money and land, right? When the gang first broke out, an uncle of mine was killed because of this kind of thing. Although I had a split with the chief because of this, I also felt that I

That uncle's work was too superficial and bad, so he has been strictly restrained since then."

"It's not about after the incident, but before the incident." Dou Lide pointed out sternly. "And just strict restraint is not enough."

"I don't understand this." Shan Dalang spread his hands in response. "I was still a gangster before the incident. Xu Dalang, Wang Wulang and others were also the same. If it comes to this, everyone should be killed."

"That's not what you mean." Dou Lide pointedly pointed out. "I asked Brother Shan, was your family's manor not re-granted by Dutian before the incident?"

Shan Tonghai was stunned for a moment, obviously thinking of Xu Dalang's "poorness", and then he nodded slowly: "Yes, but it was always like this at that time... The gang leader's original manor and property were not moved, and then they were awarded according to military merit, and only later did slavery be abolished

I changed my employment and signed a contract when I was registered...this?"

"This is inappropriate." Dou Lide said seriously. "I didn't do this at that time because the soldiers and horses in the gang belong to you people. If I did it, the gang would fall apart immediately."

Shan Tonghai nodded, but then shook his head: "If I do it now, I'm afraid there will still be trouble...Those bastards were certainly forced to rebel by the situation, but didn't they also seek peace and prosperity in the land? Especially people like Zhai Kuan,

They have already been deprived of their military power, and if they want to seize their land, it would be contrary to them."

"So everyone accepted it, and the chief even made it clear that the merits of establishing the gang can be openly counted, and these can also be regarded as their achievements in establishing the gang." Dou Lide said sincerely. "But those are those bastards.

How about you, Brother Shan? Are you the same as those people? Don’t you have ambitions? Do you also want to seek peace and happiness in the land? You are the commander-in-chief of the biggest gang below, the leader, how to count the gang?

You can't even count the top six people, how can you care about these?"

Shan Tonghai didn't know how to answer for a moment.

And Doulide continued:

"Brother Shan, the situation is different. Now we have overcome several difficulties. Don't outsiders know that we don't know? At least it seems that it is a three-legged situation, and the world is not invisible or intangible. So now this

Sometimes, people with ambitions want to go further, while people without ambitions may slip off in a single thought... Why do you think Chief Zhang is slowing down this year? It's just to recuperate, winter is enough, or even now

You can fight, but why can't you fight while you are drinking fresh millet porridge, carrying an iron crotch, and carrying a spear? But why must the chief take it slow, from top to bottom, from beginning to end?"

There was already a rabbit hopping in Shan Tonghai's mind, but he hadn't caught the rabbit's ears yet, so he asked with some difficulty: "Why?"

"Because Chief Zhang is waiting, waiting for those who want to catch up but are slow to climb up, and waiting for those who can't catch up to sit securely so as not to be shaken out." Dou Lide held Dantong Hai's hand and spoke sincerely. "It's like this.

Add oil to a pot of muddy water, let it sit for a while, pour out the oil, and collect the dregs... This is waiting for us! Single faucet, at this time, you must not be confused. We have agreed to go

Let’s support each other together in the future!”

Shantonghai is like being struck by lightning, that’s it!

I see!

Moreover, although Shan Dalang has always presented himself as a martial artist and acted as a stubborn and domineering person, it does not mean that he is not clear-headed. If he is not clear-minded, let alone "following the rules" later, it is just that he was the underworld boss before.

He can't even do the smuggling business in the upper reaches of Jishui River.

And after experiencing the stimulation of these things these days, and today's guidance from Xu Shiying and Dou Lide, and of course his long-standing thinking, he naturally suddenly came to his senses.

The thing is actually not about the land, nor about how to change the attitude towards the chief, but about the fact that the gang has developed to the present and is about to transform... This transformation is not about the superficial level of whether a gang is a gang or whether it is a king or not, but about whether it is a gang or not.

Today's gang territory is too large, and it is necessary to establish an organization and establish a unified operation and dispatching organization and corresponding system. Daxingtai and maintaining the identity of Zhang Xing's absolute leader are part of it.

The importance of so-called cultural governance will also gradually rise.

Even for wars, the wars to come will not be just a step-by-step, busy place, but will most likely be a large-scale war with careful planning and large-scale mobilization, a total war.

So what are the corresponding requirements?

It's very simple. You must have the ability and grace to do big things and do official business. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't be selfish, but you must not delay doing big things and doing official business. And it doesn't matter if you have the ability or the wisdom.

The so-called lack of progress means regression!

At least the requirements for your Dantonghai level are here.

As soon as he thought about this, Shan Dalongtou sighed and came to his senses completely: "Well said, the general trend is overwhelming. Since we have some ambitions and are in this position, we should make some moves and not always care about one side or the other.

Jianjiaojiao... After I returned, I first appeased those brothers, and then I sorted out the old village of Zhuangzi, and moved some people from the narrow villages over, leaving only the acres given to me by military merit."

"As long as the idea is clear, it doesn't matter how you do it." Dou Lide sighed. "I also heard what Chief Zhang said when he scolded Fang Yanlang in Jiyin. I was horrified... Even the method of winning people's hearts has changed. It can be seen that everyone has changed.

The situation has really changed!"

Shan Tonghai didn't say much anymore. He just felt that he was drunk and was covered in sweat. The night wind blew into the hall and made him feel cold.

The two of them gathered their minds and were about to have some more wine and food, when suddenly there was a noise and chaos outside... The two of them were puzzled, but they didn't move.

After a long pause, Cao Xi didn't come back and became even more confused.

Fortunately, after a while, the senior sister-in-law came in and couldn't help but laugh and cry: "Brother Dou, Shan Longtou, do you know what's going on? That bastard Liu Heifu is a big boss and can't correct his mistakes. He's doing it in the middle of the night.

He wanted to move into the palace, but Chief Zhang listened to Manager Chen and actually approved him... My sister-in-law has no choice but to help him make arrangements."

Another cool autumn breeze blew, and Dou and Dan looked at each other in confusion. Both sides saw doubts in each other's eyes - does this count as following?

Thousands of miles away, the moonlight was like a gauze, and a group of people were having a banquet in Fulingguan City of Dongyi. Suddenly, a strange gust of wind came, and when they entered the hall, it blew away the hearts of the people who were having a banquet.


After the wind passed, Lieutenant General Liu Yanshou bowed his hands respectfully below: "General, this wind is weird, could it be an ominous sign? Why don't you withdraw and take a rest?"

Sitting at the head of the hall was Fuling Pass guard Wang Yuanzhen. He waved his hands and sneered: "Liu Lieutenant General, don't forget, I practiced in Qingyun Mountain. How can I not know that the wind follows red and the rain follows green?

The simple truth that snow becomes black and lightning becomes white? Especially our Dongsheng Kingdom, which is located outside the Central Plains, has always paid attention to this."

"Then...could it be that this is not a bad omen?" Liu Yanshou was puzzled for a moment. "I thought wrongly? Is it a good omen?"

"No, it should be a sign of danger, and it should be the devil White Snake." Wang Yuanzhen sneered more and more. "The White Snake killed Qian Zhide, an old dog, easily. She is no longer an ordinary master. She

We are coming here now. If we get here, if we use weapons and Li Ziqi doesn't come to save us, we will definitely die."

"Then..." Liu Yanshou was really puzzled.

"Even if she comes here, if you calculate the distance, she still has more than 150 miles." Wang Yuanzhen raised his glass and said proudly. "A hundred thousand people can travel twenty or thirty miles a day, which is already a big deal. That means there are enough

I have five days to spare, so why cancel the banquet now? In my opinion, this should be my usual courtesy, so Your Majesty favors me and reminds me in advance."

Liu Yanshou nodded slowly, but still felt uneasy: "That's it. In three to five days, when the White Snake arrives, how should we deal with it?"

"I have already considered this matter." Wang Yuanzhen still raised his glass and said scornfully. "When he arrived, I was not prepared to resist. I just kept low and low so that I could entertain the officers. However, I poisoned the wine served to entertain the officers.

Put croton in the food given to their large army, and then run away directly... I have sent someone to buy it, and it will arrive tomorrow... I just want to see, the white lady is so cultivated, can she still control people's diarrhea? Today's autumn harvest

It has passed, the days are hot and the nights are cold, the wind is cold even if there is no illness, and a minor illness can be delayed for ten days. By then, although I have not fired a sword, it is enough to hurt her arm. Isn’t it more worth it than Qian Laocao’s life?


Liu Yanshou listened to it, and he neither disdained the content of the opponent's plan nor felt that the feasibility of the plan was too low. However, since his family background was low and he was a deputy, he could not fight against this royal general, so he nodded hard: "Wang

The general is very capable of strategizing, and it is true that he will eventually learn from it."

Wang Yuan was really proud and wanted to explain it again.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a loud female voice suddenly came from outside the door: "General Wang is very talented in guiding people, and I feel that I have learned a lesson."

Everyone in the hall was stunned, and saw two people falling directly from the top of the door, and then went straight in. They were a woman and a man, the man was fine. The woman was wearing light-colored brocade clothes, and there were obvious blood stains on the clothes that had not been washed off. Her right hand

He was carrying a long sword, and his left arm was tied with a cloth belt. However, at night, he didn't even show his body-protecting energy, which was also scary for a while.

When the woman saw this, she didn't ask any questions, didn't say anything, walked straight forward, went around behind the case, grabbed the already limp Wang Yuanzhen by the collar, and dragged him out, and then ignored the other person's whining and begging for mercy, and continued.

The sword pierced the opponent's heart, threw it on the ground, turned around a few tables, sat down in the main seat, and calmly raised his glass:

"Everyone, there should be no croton in this wine. How about having a drink with me, Bai Yousi?"

After saying that, drink it all by yourself.

The people around him didn't react until now, but they were also trembling and raising their glasses to accompany the wine.

Bai Yousi put down his wine glass and looked around. When he saw everyone was drinking, he couldn't help but clapped and laughed. He said hello and then pointed to someone: "Liu Vice General, right? This is our leader Qian Fujun."


Qian Tangchao, who remained silent, raised his hand in greeting to Liu Yanshou, who panicked and quickly stood up to return the greeting.

"Liu Lieutenant General Liu, please do me a favor and ask Chief Qian to go with you to gather the troops. First let the officers gather to see me, and then let the soldiers go home for half a month on leave... and save the time for killing. What do you think?"

Bai Yousi even asked for the other party's opinion.

Of course Liu Yanshou did not dare to have any objections.

However, when he walked outside the door, he turned back and bowed down, saying sincerely: "Manager Bai, if I do such a thing, I will not be able to stay in Dongsheng Kingdom. Please follow me to the west to find a way out."


While he was talking, Bai Yousi poured another glass of wine in the seat and raised his glass to drink as acknowledgment.

PS: Thank you Mr. Llld for joining the alliance, I am very grateful.

This chapter has been completed!
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