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Chapter 49 A Thousand Miles Journey (3)

Chapter 509 A Thousand Miles Journey (3)

"Everyone, Chief Zhang proposed that due to the increase in affairs within the gang and the obvious leaders outside the military, the Military Law Department should be changed to the Gang Affairs Department, with Xiong Bonan still in charge. In addition to calculating rewards and punishments for military merit, the rewards and punishments for the merits and demerits of the leaders within the gang should be added.

Execution... This case requires a raise of hands by the big boss or above... You can raise your hands for discussion first... Is there no one who wants to discuss it?

"Thirty-one moves, pass."

At this moment, someone from the leaders in the outer circle suddenly shouted. Some people did not react at first. After remembering what it was, they quickly followed, causing the envoys in the palace and the newly joined leaders to be surprised... but then they immediately realized

, which seems to be a gesture of approval similar to applause.

“Everyone, Chief Zhang’s case is to change the Daxingtai system and establish a responsibility system.

"For example, the Ministry of Supervision, the Ministry of Military Intelligence and the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be responsible to the Ministry of Jing'an. If a particularly serious criminal case occurs in a local area, they can also ask for help from the Ministry of Jing'an through the patrol battalion; such as the Wangyi Department, the Military Intelligence Department, the Military Intelligence Department, each field camp, and the garrison camp,

He must be responsible to the Military Affairs Department; but all internal affairs of the Dahangtai must be responsible to the Clerical Department; all gang leaders must be responsible to the Gang Affairs Department; all external affairs of the Dahangtai, local offices, and military and political laws must be accountable.

Be responsible to Daxingtai itself...

"Specifically, this kind of responsibility system is not single. For example, the Ministry of Military Intelligence is responsible to the Ministry of Military Affairs for military investigation, but the statistics and placement of practitioners are reported to the Ministry of Jing'an. When criminal cases occur, it is definitely

Documents must also be submitted to the local government and the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

"Chief Zhang said that this type of reform is to facilitate the centralization and decentralization of power, ensure that matters are resolved quickly, and prevent individual human rights from being overly responsible and the story of Li Shu causing big trouble to the gang... Moreover, it does not necessarily have to be

A specific department is responsible to another department, and the specifics will vary based on local conditions and time. The key is to establish this system well and set an example for the future.

"In this case, the big boss still raises his hand, but it must be discussed first. If there are big bosses who want to speak, please speak in an orderly manner..."

This is a series of convoluted expressions, but the meaning is very clear. It is necessary to centralize and sort out the internal power structure of Daxingtai, and then generally strengthen the powers and responsibilities of Daxingtai.

"Does the Ministry of Jing'an have too much power and responsibility?" Shan Tonghai got straight to the point.

"The Jing'an Department is the Jing'an Taiwan." The person who responded to Shan Tonghai was actually Li Ding. "Compared to the Jing'an Department, the Jing'an Department actually has fewer powers and responsibilities... The most important thing is that it has not yet established an organized practitioner patrol.

Riding...without this, how can we talk about having too much power and responsibility?"

"That's right." Dou Lide also spoke to remind. "As long as there is still a war, practitioners must be placed in the army. Without this, the Jing'an Department will be a few levels behind the Jing'an Taiwan, and it cannot be said to have excessive power and responsibility."

"But if that's the case." Shan Tonghai still seemed dissatisfied. "Then what's the use of the Jing'an Department? Just these few departments will be enough?"

"Because we need someone to coordinate our efforts. For example, if we encounter a key figure and start a rebellion like Li Shu, and he also brings troops, including masters of cultivation, just one battalion cannot deal with it." Bai Yousi suddenly said

Interjected. "If I face this kind of person, I am the only one in the gang who has such experience and cultivation... I am the only one who belongs to this group."

Shan Tonghai shut up immediately. He and Cheng Zhili had seen Bai Yousi's sword a long time ago... The surrounding area was even quieter.

"Then let me ask a question." After a while, Cheng Zhili suddenly said, "Are there some overlaps between the Supervision Department and the Help Department?"

"The Supervision Department, as its name suggests, is for supervision and investigation. It does not have the power to deal with it. Leader Bai Jingang Bai does not have the ability to deal with the leader. On the other hand, the Help Department, the King of Heaven is the best person to deal with these people, but he does not have the time and energy.

To supervise and investigate." Xie Minghe squinted his eyes and responded. "In addition, the Criminal Law Department must formulate laws and handle documents to ensure that everyone is not biased and can be convinced...not to mention, help

Rules are gang rules, national laws are national laws, they are not the same thing... For example, if some people break the rules of the gang without breaking the law, they will still be punished."

"Then I understand." Cheng Zhili looked slightly uneasy.

"Does anyone still want to discuss this case?" After a pause, Ouyang Wen asked seriously. "Okay, please raise your hands...Twenty-five hands, pass."

The outer ring roared again, and it became much neater.

"Chief Zhang, Chen Bin, Xiong Bonan, and Xu Shiying, the three deputy commanders, are actually responsible for the general affairs of the gang. They have worked hard and made great achievements. They should be worthy of their name and should be added to the leading class of the gang."

"I object." Xu Shiying was the first to speak. "Our position is actually in charge of the entire gang, dozens of counties and dozens of battalions. It has great power. If we add this position, it will inevitably appear to be powerful.

...I think that the term "leading head" should be reserved for local Xingtai only. Here at Daxingtai, the big leader is enough."

As soon as this statement came out, Chen Bin and Xiong Bonan also spoke to decline.

Zhang Xing hesitated for a moment, then knew he had to speak, so he also said: "In that case, I will withdraw this motion."

Ouyang Wen nodded and continued: "In that case, the case is withdrawn... In the case of General Manager Xu, five old leaders will be eliminated within the next year and transferred to local guards. The talented ones can be transferred to civilian positions after discussion... In addition to the new

The two established Xingtai and Dengzhou Chief Executive Zhou, and the other four Xingtai, plus one Daxingtai, all have to eliminate one person each..."

"I object." Shan Tonghai was the first to speak. "I'm not against elimination. I know the origin of this motion. When our gang first started to build the gang, we had to use the troops if we had them, and we had to lead the troops if we had people. Now there are indeed people following

Instead, there are some newcomers. There are obviously top-notch ones among the descendants, but the chief is unwilling to expand the army aggressively, so someone has to leave... But why do we need to eliminate each battalion? We should not carefully consider the performance of each battalion.

How capable are these leaders? If we eliminate one from each group, will some people get away with it while others are wronged?"

"That's a good question." Xu Dalang took the words and said calmly. "I was originally prepared to be eliminated fairly as Shan Longtou thought, but with all due respect, if I were to decide, I would be from the upper reaches of Jishui River.

We need to eliminate more old brothers... But in this case, will it hurt the old brothers? What's more, the chief has said before that the qualifications of the old brothers should be counted as merit, which makes it even more difficult to directly


Shan Tonghai was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what the other party meant. If he, Manager Xu, was allowed to eliminate people based on their talents, he, a veteran in Jiyin, would actually be eliminated the most?

Just as he was about to say something else, Zhai Qian suddenly spoke behind him: "That's it! The chief is willing to save face, we can't be ignorant of good and evil!"

There was still resentment in the words, but he did admit it proactively.

"I also think it's feasible." Dou Lide looked bad and coughed dryly. "Actually, we have to admit one thing. Just looking at qualifications will never work. We have many Hebei rebels here, but it doesn't work either... The chief is like this

The arrangement is also to give them face."

Everyone fell silent. After a long time, Ouyang Wen came to speak: "Well, please raise your hands."

"Twenty-four moves...passed."

There was another shout.

After the shouting, Ouyang Wen was obviously stuck. He didn't know whether it was because his mouth was dry or because the following content surprised him: "General Manager Chen turned to take charge of the Bai Jingang case. The leaders of the gang are not divided into members of the same family, or

Within three generations of blood relatives, no one is allowed to do business or operate a mine. If there is such a thing, it is tantamount to accepting bribes."

Likewise, whether it was because they were tired or because the content surprised everyone, no one in the palace spoke for a moment. Whether it was the big leaders in the inner circle or the leaders in the outer circle, they were all as quiet as chickens.

After a while, there was a slight commotion in the outer circle... They had actually heard about Bai Jingang and the rumors about the relevant proposals, but they really didn't expect this person to be so ruthless!

You know, under the land equalization system, especially in the past few months, Shan Tonghai took the lead in donating some of the Zhuangzi before the uprising. If businesses are not allowed to buy shops, how can the whole family survive with so many mouths to talk about?

However, the chief had just given him the White Diamond Sword, and had just transferred him to the Supervision Department with greater responsibilities. It seemed that he was still saying that the biggest problem in the gang was buying a shop... Could this, could this mean that he was agreeing with the White King Kong?


After a while, Ouyang Wen, who was presiding over the meeting, had no choice but to ask: "Is no one speaking?"

"What do you think?" Zhang Xing suddenly said. "Cheng Dalang, what do you think?"

Cheng Zhili was so excited that he almost jumped up, but he suppressed it with force, and then spoke bravely: "The leaders let their families do business, and occupying mines is a big trouble, because money is the most attractive thing, and once you are greedy, you can't stop yourself.

, if you can’t help yourself, you have to use your power or even your soldiers to fight for it, which is no different from the previous powerful plundering by the nobles of the Wei Dynasty... You really need to take care of it... but..."

"But how?" Zhang Xing asked expressionlessly.

Cheng Dalang knew that he had to take the blame today. Who had got the most shit like this on him? And as a person who had discussed this issue that day, he knew what Chief Zhang was thinking.

After a pause, the person continued to argue: "However, people's hearts are made of flesh, and they all like to eat well and wear good clothes. Human desires are natural principles. If our family members are not allowed to do business, we must make sure that the leaders have sufficient salaries.

, Otherwise, who will be the leader? If you have the ability, you have to become a businessman! Not to mention, we are still fighting for the world, and we don't even give enough money. Why should talents come to Yecheng instead of Chang'an? So, my theory

Yes, we need to draw a clear line and not allow the leaders’ families to take anything by force, and let the relatives of these leaders know how to behave appropriately, but we cannot directly ban business!”

Zhang Xing nodded but didn't say a word.

Cheng Dalang had no choice but to look around and wait for the others to speak, but no one wanted to get involved in the matter. The scene was frozen here for a moment... And just when he was embarrassed to the point of helplessness, Xiong Bonan couldn't stand it anymore and took the initiative

He added: "How about making an exception for Bai Jingang to do the debate?"

"It's not impossible." Chen Bin took over. "Bai Jingang, this is the motion you forwarded to me. Now Cheng Dalang refutes it. Come forward and explain the reason clearly."

Bai Jingang didn't panic at all, and walked up directly with the sword "Zhen Gang" given to him by Zhang Xing before. Then he looked around, but didn't look at Cheng Dalang at all. He only said to the big leaders around him:

"Everyone, I think what Chief Cheng said is ridiculous. He himself said that once he is greedy, he is no different from the nobles of the Wei Dynasty... And who the nobles of the Wei Dynasty are, others don't know. We who have always been treated by them

Don’t the oppressors know? If the gang is full of people like that, don’t expect any great achievements, because even if we succeed in one moment, our gang will die like the great Wei Dynasty!"

"According to another idea of ​​Chief Cheng, if we can't recruit heroes because we have abandoned his natural principles, then who are these heroes? Heroes who come here just for money, others give them more money.

He rebelled right away! Even if he didn’t leave, he might just be greedy for more!

"My theory is that simple. People who are greedy are harmful and useless! It will only ruin the overall situation and destroy the foundation of the gang! It is better to drive them out as early as possible, let alone actively recruit them! And if these people are kicked out,

The cause of Bangzhong will only become stronger and stronger, and will never collapse!

"As for today's proposal, it is precisely to cut off the greed of some people who can still be saved. The original intention is to save people and help!"

Bai Jingang had been holding it in for several months. At this time, he vomited with all his strength and a lump in his chest. The people around him were horrified for a moment. Countless people's faces turned pale when they heard that the second generation had died. Cheng Zhili was even more frustrated to the extreme... How could he not have thought of it that day?

, it is one thing to say something and do something in private, but it is another thing to go to this meeting?

Not only were some of the people who had signed up were frightened, but even some of the pillars of the gang who originally felt that Bai Jingang was too intense were a little uneasy for a while.

After a while, Xiong Bonan, who broke the silence again, actually nodded: "What the white leader said makes sense! Chief, what do you think?"

"I still feel it's a bit intense." Zhang Xing sighed, which also caused many people in the inner circle to breathe a sigh of relief. "However, the discussion between the two of them made me think of something... I saw the emperor with my own eyes in Dongdu.

My sister, she easily took away half of Dongdu’s gold and silver and ruined the hearts of Dongdu... Cao Che’s sister is already a noble person with a good reputation in the Cao family, and she is still like this."

"Now that we have reached this level, we have to talk about some otherworldly truths." Shan Tonghai suddenly said. "I think what the white leader said makes some sense, but almost all the leaders nowadays are in business, so if you don't force it, you can't.

There will be trouble... How about changing it so that the family members of the leader and the general manager of the Daxing Bank are not allowed to do business? After all, as a leader and general manager, you have to show up with a serious spirit! And if it is about the noble status,

The ones we can reach this level are actually the relatives of the emperor and the country that Chief Zhang just mentioned."

Many people are moved.

"But we can't leave the leaders alone." Bai Jingang refuted seriously.

"How about asking all the leaders to show their family assets?" Cheng Dalang seized the opportunity and hurriedly said. "Just like what the white leader said, three generations of relatives, or the entire family's assets without division, must be shown to the family at the end of every year.

In the gang, if the increase is outrageous, let the Supervision Department investigate, and if the evidence presented is untrue, we will be fired immediately!"

"The leader will show his family property, and the leader and the deputy commander of Daxingtai are not allowed to do business... How about that?" Dou Lide immediately made up his mind and asked Bai Jingang. "Leader Bai, some things really cannot be accomplished overnight. This is not a competition to seize the Long River.

!When the gang first broke out, the leaders were all smugglers in the underworld... If you follow your theory, the entire gang should not have one."

Bai Jingang was slightly startled, and the people around him started talking again... This is not impossible.

"It still doesn't work." Bai Jingang thought for a moment and shook his head slowly. "Just showing family property is not enough to restrain them."

Dou Lide carefully reminded: "Leader Bai, I still say what I said. You are not doing anything to win the Long Competition. You can't count on winning every game. Since you have your heart in this matter and you are the Supervision Department, you should be more cautious... If you give in a little bit,

Even if you don’t want to, if you forcefully raise your hands, I’m afraid even the Dilong that has been taken down will be taken away... Raise your hands now, your proposal will never be passed."

"If it doesn't pass," Bai Yousi suddenly interrupted. "It's not just Bai in charge who has lost his prestige. Outsiders will also think that we are helping to clarify the officialdom!"

"Indeed." Xiong Bonan became embarrassed. "We must be careful about this... Manager Bai said it was fair and aboveboard."

"Then how about adding a few more restrictions?" At this moment, Zhang Xing suddenly spoke, causing many people to get timid. "What do you think? We don't prohibit relatives and merchants from opening workshops other than workshops..."

"Besides... mines are like land. How about prohibiting the leaders' relatives from mining?" Wei Xuanding made a suggestion. "Or simply ban all private mining."

"Isn't it too much to ban private mining?" Dou Lide immediately reminded.

"The mines are public property, and after the uprising, they were all taken over as auxiliary properties. The so-called private mining is only available in Dengzhou, and they are just outsourced..." Cao Xi explained briefly. "So you only need to find out the details of the person coming when outsourcing."

"Then it would be easy to handle. It would be to prohibit the leaders from mining with their own relatives." Wei Xuanding decided on a restriction.

"If we follow this principle, we can also prohibit the family members of the gang leader from participating in certain business affairs." Cui Suchen received some suggestions. "For example, the gold and silver that the chief just mentioned...the eldest princess has a monopoly on gold and silver exchange in the Eastern Capital.

business, and Cao Che wanted to build a big golden pillar, so the place was so easily emptied."

"Gold and silver, mines, salt, iron, bulk grain, cloth, horses and livestock, ships and vehicles..." Xu Dalang counted quietly.

"No." Unexpectedly, Zhang Xing interrupted this train of thought. "If the measurement continues like this, there will be no profitable business. It would be better to ban relatives from doing business! I mean, except for basic salt and iron, other

The key everywhere is monopoly! Just don’t monopolize it, just don’t let people with backers monopolize a certain business.”

"Indeed." Cui Suchen was the first to react.

"That's true." Chen Bin also came to his senses. "The key is not to have a monopoly. Once it is monopolized, and there are people behind it, it will be a disaster as well as a disaster!"

"Were there any relevant laws before?" Zhang Xinglai asked Cui Suchen.

"Yes." Cui Suchen nodded immediately. "It existed in many vassal states as early as the time of Emperor Bai. At that time, it was generally not allowed to monopolize the industries in the capital..."

"Then add a restriction, subject to the rules, the business of the leader's family is not allowed to monopolize the industry." Chen Bin bit the result of the discussion. "Let Manager Cui combine the legal system to create a specific gang rule."

All the big leaders nodded one after another, and the leaders on the periphery were speechless when they heard this. After all, so far, their real money has not been harmed, it is just a slight tangible and intangible restriction set up outside.

It's just that I feel unhappy in my heart.

However, there are many people who are unhappy and it is not their turn yet.

"This is just scratching the surface. In essence, it is indulgence." Bai Jingang stood motionless in the center of the hall, but his voice echoed in the hall.

With that aura, not to mention the guilty consciences of the surrounding leaders, even the envoys at the far end looked in a daze - they knew that this conference was really about discussing things! But they didn't expect that the discussion would reach this level!

Not to mention the admiration of people outside, the atmosphere in the palace was extremely awkward.

In fact, that's the truth. Everyone knows that Bai Jingang is a little out of touch with reality, but he just occupies the big truth, and no one can stand it when he lays out the big truth at such a conference. It's not just that, it's just that he can't stand it.

It doesn’t matter if you live there, the key is that the core members of the gang are obviously not willing to raise their hands to veto this principle. In that case, the gang will appear too unfair!

And these core attitudes, in turn, made the peripheral leaders panic. What if the people inside were too shameless and Bai Jingang's proposal was rejected?

Are we really going to start a rebellion because of those shops? The business has become so big now, is it really necessary to sacrifice the future of a few shops?!

And now, with the result of having an entire army in one year, it is impossible to start a rebellion?

To put it bluntly, if something breaks out, I'm afraid I'll be stabbed to death by that Bai Sanniang, right?

Do you really want to hand over the shop?!

There was obviously some panic in the palace.

"Actually, what White Leader means is to try to prevent gang leaders from becoming corrupt and becoming thieves... But if you really want to pay attention to this, and use Da Wei as a negative reference, the key is really not about business.

." Seeing that the atmosphere was almost over, Zhang Xing decided to take action. "The key is land!"

"But chief, we have an equal land system." Bai Jingang instinctively became wary. "Some senior leaders hid some Zhuangzi in the past, and starting from this year, they also counted them and awarded them back for their merits in establishing the gang, and the single leader even more

I took the lead and handed over many Zhuangzi... In this case, there is no trouble on the land, the shop is the biggest trouble."

"If you don't have it now, then you won't have it in the future?" Zhang Xing stared at the other person and asked slowly. "Baitou, in this world now, the most valuable thing, the most valued thing, is actually the land... It is the land that is occupied by the family members of the gang leader.

The original intention of the shop is because our land equalization system is well implemented and there are no loopholes in the land for them to take advantage of... But once there is a loophole, it will not be the case, look at what the Wei Dynasty was like."

Bai Jingang thought for a while, nodded and admitted: "That's true."

"So, instead of worrying about business matters, it is more important to guard against minor changes in the land." Zhang Xing continued. "We should implement a few rules while the land equalization system is stable and there is no time to worry about too much land...

What do you think?"

Bai Jingang realized something and asked seriously: "The chief already has a case?"


"But if that's the case, why can't the two of us work together to prevent the slightest change?" Bai Jingang still didn't want to give up.

"That means we really want to overwhelm the gang leaders." Zhang Xing pointed to one side and said. "Leader Bai, we have just talked to you a lot, some are right and some are wrong, but everyone wants to unite as much as possible.

The hearts of everyone in the gang, including you, so that the gang can move forward without hindrance... Since you are the leader of the gang, you should have some such thoughts. After all, we need to understand a basic truth,

Only if we can help continue to exist and the current system can continue to exist, can you stand here and discuss this matter...right?"

Bai Jingang was silent for a long time, and then he asked Zhang Xing while everyone was holding their breath: "What is the chief's precaution against danger?"

"It's very simple." Zhang Xing stood up, lined up with Bai Jingang, and then looked in another direction. "Now we have about three types of taxes... commercial tax, land tax, Ding tax... Commercial tax is not what it is today.

I have to say, but it can also be mentioned that we should remove redundant checkpoints, and the remaining specific checkpoints should only charge freight instead of tolls, so as to allow goods to circulate as much as possible, and then only collect transaction taxes in the market.

Encourage commerce.”

Many people nodded, but some didn't understand, and some were just waiting for the chief to say "what I'm going to say today."

"Then what I want to talk about today is that we should incorporate the Ding tax into the land tax!" Zhang Xing's voice increased significantly. "Based on the current land equalization system, for most people, there is actually no change at all.

It’s just that some people with more land, that is, the people in this palace today, have to pay more land tax... What do you think? I thought this was to prevent the damage to the land equalization system like that of the Wei Dynasty, where the heroes occupied an excessive amount of land.

A way."

"I agree." Bai Yousi blurted out. Obviously she was also the first person to realize what Zhang Xing was talking about. "Others don't know, but this was the situation of the Bai family back then. The land in Guanxi was limited, so in

Guandong covers an area of... only one Liang County. The Bai family's manor, plus the manor of Bai's in-laws, totals an unknown amount of land... I don't know if there is a fair land tax collection in the local area, even if it is a fair land collection, my family

The people of Liang County have been oppressed and usurped by my family because my family has lost a lot of land tax, but the land tax has not changed."

Everyone suddenly became excited and were talking about similar things. This truth is very simple and everyone knows it. But as Zhang Xing said, under the land grant system and the gang has just risen a few years ago, the excess owners of the land actually have military merit.

The leader, that is, the person who helped, the so-called largest landowner, is also the leader of this palace... Therefore, although Chief Zhang's method of guarding against the slightest is reasonable, it requires everyone present to pay, so naturally they are a little unhappy.

However, Bai Jingang was standing next to Chief Zhang.

"What's there to say? Is this a good method?" Shan Tonghai became a little anxious. "Compared with ending the business, how much more money can we get? Not to mention, we have to grant more land first, so we can have this much money.

The little money you give will always make you more profit."

"It's not about how much profit you get," Cui Suchen reminded seriously. "To put it bluntly, it's about fair taxation and not taking advantage of ordinary people."

"No matter what the previous discussion is, I only agree with this." Xiong Bonan couldn't help but express his position directly. "If you want people to rely on you, the word fairness is all you need!"

Seeing that there was almost no opposition within the scope of the big leaders, and that the peripheral leaders were wary of their own authority and Bai Jingang's "true strength," Zhang Xing knew that the opportunity was rare, and quickly came up with his second goal: "The King of Heaven said it very well.

, so corvées should also be fair..."

"This is even simpler. The leader of the army is naturally entitled to multiple corvées. This is only available in the families of leaders who do not join the army. But now you can also get money to defer to the corvée. It is also a matter of a few more dollars." Dou Lide immediately pointed out the key point.

"But the chief is right. It should be said at this time, because there are still few leaders who are not leading troops. This matter should be handled lightly, otherwise it will be involved in the future... This is the chief's perspective."

"This is not my idea." Zhang Xing said firmly. "These two anti-microbial measures are actually the idea of ​​the family members of several leaders in Jiyin... Last month, the family members of several leaders came to Yecheng to see Duolong. I invited

They had dinner at Guanfeng Yuan and chatted with them, and some of the leader's relatives took the initiative to talk about this matter... Everyone, this is a role model for helping!"

Ding Shengying only felt his mind buzzing. Many leaders, including Shan Tonghai and Liu Heifu, also remembered many past events, but they immediately believed them.

Those old ladies have long been coaxed into the alley by Chief Zhang's sweet talk. As long as Chief Zhang gives a hint, they will definitely be willing to exchange a few dollars for a good name! Especially, especially

The core figures of those old ladies had received medals from the Zhangshui Breakout Campaign at that time, so it was even easier to coax them!

But, you know it, you know it, you can’t refute it, right?

If you have to say something is wrong, that is, something is wrong with Chief Zhang. For a few dollars, he used his status as one of the best in the world to deal with several old ladies and let them push the few who least wanted this in the gang.

Leader... why is this happening?

"Business is prohibited for leaders. Leaders must show their property. Monopoly is not allowed in business. Taxes are allocated to the fields. Leaders also pay the service fee...what else?" Liu Heifu originally had no interest in this matter at all, but only concentrated on watching these powerful people.

It's just a relationship, but at this time he was inexplicably anxious, and when he was anxious, he was really anxious. "Chief, let's talk about it together, let's get this over with quickly."

"And..." Zhang Xing thought about it seriously. "Also, the heat consumption for grain collection, transportation, and melting must be unified in various places. It cannot be determined randomly and privately. It can only be determined by Daxingtai."

"This is natural, and it should have been like this a long time ago." Chen Bin was the first to respond. "Officials in the province are openly corrupt, and this is to prevent the slightest change."

At this point, Xiong Bonan suddenly came to ask Bai Jingang: "Leader Bai, what do you think if this is how to prevent the slightest mistake?"

"It's acceptable." Bai Jingang finally stopped insisting... He has realized that he is essentially a tool used by Chief Zhang Xingzhang to implement these policies, but he is happy to do so, just like those old ladies who need a sense of accomplishment and existence.

We are willing to be driven the same way. "It just has to be implemented seriously!"

"So, you will be in charge of the supervision department." Xiong Bonan reminded again.

"Then I accept it." Bai Jingang finally compromised, and after speaking, he returned to his seat directly.

"Let's raise our hands!" Liu Heifu couldn't wait. "The white leader has changed the proposal. Now we put a few precautions together... raise them together and go over there!"

"This time it's not just the big boss. Since these levels involve all the bosses, and mainly the top and bottom of the gang, let's all raise our hands together." Zhang Xing, who stayed where he was, finished speaking and raised his hands directly.

The core members of the gang in the innermost circle almost did not hesitate. Everyone raised their hands, and even Shan Tonghai did not act like a monster. Affected by this, the big leaders followed one after another, and everyone raised their hands... However, when it came to

The leaders in the outermost circle still caused some fluctuations and hesitations.

Finally, Zhang Xing and others came to count and announced in public: "Seventy-eight moves, this continuous proposal has been officially passed."

This discussion is obviously much better than the previous resolution. Everyone has discussed it so far, and there is also a stone in the pit, the smelly and hard White King Kong. They feel even more tired. At this time, it is passed, but it makes everyone feel a little relieved.


Chief Zhang wanted to return to his seat, but when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but shout with a half-smile: "Everyone, why don't you shout?"

The leaders on the periphery were panicked, and they rushed to shout out.

After shouting, Zhang Xing finally laughed:

"Everyone, everyone... don't think that this proposal is simple, or at least it is simple now, so don't take it seriously. Let me tell you, this is the most amazing thing about our gang, because no matter how much, no matter how much,

We all give up our own interests for the benefit of the world, and this is the most amazing thing in the world, and it is also the original intention of our gang, and it is what makes us better than those complacent bumpkins!

"Based on this, the world should be ours!"

After such praise, he just sat back down, and the gang leaders who were surprised and praised were a little confused. Even among the envoys who were watching, they felt that the chief was trying to adjust his subordinates.

Next, only one Fang Xuanqiao thought more.

In this way, the motion continued.

To be honest, there are still a lot of proposals coming next, especially considering that Daxingtai has just been established, and considering that the military activities in the previous year were so intensive that most of the measures were temporary settings, this is even more obvious.

The interest of the envoys and leaders was also restored, because these subsequent bills talked about military dispatch, logistical supplies, a new round of reorganization of the army and the dispatch of middle- and lower-level officers, including Dou Xiaoniang and Ximen Dalang.

They were transferred to the leadership of the army, and Fang Yanshi was transferred to Wu'an Xingtai and other important personnel arrangements.

Some people even proposed to replace Zhou Xingfan's cavalry battalion to the north, but it was not passed... That cavalry was originally formed in Henan, and the losses in the battle at the beginning of the year were very heavy, so there were many new recruits.

However, these sensitive military proposals did not cheer up Fang Xuanqiao.

"Last motion."

It was late in the afternoon, and Ouyang Wen was already thirsty and exhausted. "Xu Shiying, the general manager of the Military Affairs Department, proposed that after the spring... Chief Zhang Xing and below, Xiong Bonan, Xu Shiying, Li Ding, Dou Lide,

Shan Tonghai, Bai Yousi, Wang Shuyong, Niu He, Xu Shiren, Wu Changzai, Qin Bao, Jia Yue, Zhai Qian, Mang Jingang, Li Zida, Liu Heifu, Zhang Shiniang, Wang Fubei, Cheng Mingqi, Hao Yide, Han Erlang,

Zhang Gongshen, Ding Shengying, Cao Chen, Feng Duan, Ma Wei, Wang Xiongdan, Liu Zhouchen, Zhang Jinshu, Dou Xiaoniang, Yuan Baocun, Fang Yanshi, Zhang Shanxiang, Xiahou Ningyuan, Guo Jingke, Xu Kaidao, Pang Jingang, Shouguang, Chang Fu,

Yu Liao, Su Mu, Su Jingfang, Fan Lihua, Ximen Dalang, and forty-seven leaders including Qi Ze, the temporary chief of Zhao County, Gaoshi Sheng, and their thirty-eight battalions of soldiers, two battalions of military soldiers, and one

The battalion patrols the cavalry, and a group of white cavalry, a total of 80,000 people, go north to sweep Hebei!"

After a strange silence, Ouyang Wen said his last words in the palace today: "Ninety hands, today's discussion is over!"

The cheers in the hall were neat and loud, marking the official end of the year-end conference.

The crowd dispersed, Zhang Xing fell behind and called out to Zhang Shizhao. He then watched everyone leave the hall and return to their residences in the palace, and then slowly left the hall with Zhang Shizhao, preparing to go somewhere.

When he came to the palace gate, Fang Xuanqiao came over and bowed his hands.

Of course, Zhang Xing would give face to this young man who had a good impression, so he stopped and returned the gift.

After Fang Xuanqiao saluted, he ignored the scattered leaders and several envoys around him and came directly to ask: "Chief Zhang, are the measures you have taken to prevent the slightest change for the sake of eternal peace?"

Zhang Shizhao was also curious to see how Zhang Xing answered.

Zhang Xing laughed first, then showed a puzzled look on his face: "Fang Xuanqiao, don't you know my political principles? How can I ask for eternal peace? These strategies today are no matter how effective they are, as time goes by

, people will also take advantage of loopholes, and ills will reappear... Just follow my old principles, so what? First, my strategy of preventing the slightest and preventing the slowdown is a good strategy, and secondly, I have already introduced the new, no matter it is a new strategy

, or to help this new thing have more prospects, what else can I ask for?"

"I think so." Fang Xuanqiao was obviously relieved. "But I am still worried that Chief Zhang is too proud of those strategies and has forgotten the principles we talked about. Now it seems that the boy is worrying too much."

Zhang Xing nodded and asked again: "You will work with your master in Dongdu. He will be Taixue, and you will be Mengji?"


"Then let's come together." Zhang Xing raised his hand and motioned for the other party to follow him, and then walked out of the hall.

Fang Xuanqiao ignored the strange looks from Zhang Shijing, Murong Zhengyan, and Hou Junshu behind him, and hurriedly followed the two of them. After turning four or five times, he left the palace and came to a newly built building by the Zhang River in the west of the city...

Before arriving, he had guessed where this place was, but after arriving, he was still a little surprised because these Monkey children were treated so well.

They wore the same beautiful blue and white clothes, walked on fur-wrapped Liuhe boots, lived in the same dormitory, and ate the same food as the food on the corridor in the palace... er, food on the corridor.

Even the hair is clean.

There is also forced foundation building in Dongdu, but compared with this place, it is as chaotic and dirty as a pot of chowder.

After taking Fang Xuanqiao on a tour, Zhang Xing sat down on the high platform of the foundation-building town. He originally thought that he was observing the seedlings from a high position to see who could succeed in building the foundation first... But after waiting, he saw

Manager Cao Xicao personally led Dou Xiaoniang, who was holding a large wooden box, over, while Dou Lide and Dou Longtou walked behind with their hands behind their backs.

"Come on, come on!" At this time, Chief Zhang finally spoke out, and his powerful voice almost reached the frozen Zhangshui River next to him. "Boys are not allowed to come, girls are allowed to come, everyone.

A red-headed rope!”

Fang Xuanqiao was finally stunned.

By the end of the twelfth twelfth lunar month, during the Chinese New Year, the price of the red-headed rope was stable at two feet and ten cents.

This chapter has been completed!
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