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Chapter 200: The Gods Really Return

This battle seemed to have come to an end temporarily because one of the ships was blown up.

The pursuers in the rear were not in a hurry to find out whether the enemy had been completely wiped out.

After all, without the spaceship, even if they are still alive in this vast universe, they may not be able to reach from one asteroid to another until they die. They have enough time to slowly search and collect the bodies.

Even if you don't look for it, it doesn't matter much.

The probability of a victim like this surviving in such a vast universe is extremely slim.

However, this premise is not technically strong.

Neither the pursuing party nor the pursued party is likely to know that everything that happened here has already been discovered by a powerful force on the other side of the universe.

It was a wandering planet, a powerful spaceship, and an original powerhouse who almost became a master of original energy.

That's right, it's Shen Shi and others.

Through the spacecraft on the Dongtian, Shen Shi and others were not only able to explore everything that happened here, but were also able to simulate the actual scenes. They could even know the conversations between these people, including their thoughts and thoughts.

’s clear as day.

And this time.

Dongtian is actually almost a light-year away from the spacecraft.

In addition to jumps, even B-class spacecraft can only fly at sub-light speed, but its detection technology is indeed terrifying.

Everyone present, namely Shen Shi, was able to remain calm. After all, he had already checked the instructions for the spacecraft, but the rest of the people could not remain calm.

"Powerful technology can really crush the weak." Todd sighed, "Everything is under control, but they know nothing about it. I even wonder if anyone is watching at this moment.


"This suspicion is just unfounded worry." Shen Shi shook his head, and a broken figure immediately appeared in the virtual space, "How to deal with this person?"

Shen Shi didn't know that they could capture such a scene at this time.

After all, it is impossible for the future world to clearly record everything that happened to this small civilization more than three thousand years ago.

So, this is really a coincidence.

But Shen Shi estimated that such a thing did not just happen once, because according to records, during the six hundred years since the Yu people were invaded and conquered by the Daikes, their internal conflicts gradually intensified.

This doesn't actually happen that often.

If there is no perfect civilization system, it is unlikely that a civilization will become a D-class civilization by itself.

However, Yuren does have certain special characteristics.

Their technological development relies to a large extent on the ruins of civilizations that have left traces of civilization in their galaxy. Therefore, while technology is developing rapidly, there are also problems with culture.

Therefore, Shen Shi estimated that even if he did not see this scene now, he should see a similar scene within this period of time.

The question now is whether to use this person.

This answer does not seem to require much hesitation.

"If it can be saved, then I suggest saving this person." One person quickly suggested, "Whether it is useful or not, he can always help us understand this civilization more deeply. The most important thing is that there is almost no loss.


"Then it's decided." Shen Shi nodded, "He has activated the hibernation state, and he probably has given up hope. We still need about a year to go, but it doesn't matter, I can use my original energy to treat him

Towing was carried out.”

After saying this, everyone else was stunned for a moment.

They are a whole light-year away from this person!

I still remember that during the Wo-Man War more than 20 years ago, human civilization could only wait for one year for communication at this distance. But now, not only can it detect such a detailed picture, but it can even transcend

With such a long distance, is it necessary to intervene directly?

"Original energy coupled with original energy devices can change reality." Shen Shi naturally saw what they were surprised about. He simply stretched out his hand and said calmly, "At this stage, I am just me.

, you can do this easily.”

After the words fell, a green plant like a willow branch seemed to slowly grow in the palm of his hand, but it was illusory, as if it had gone deep into the void, and it seemed as if it did not exist in itself.

Some people seemed to have reacted and quickly looked at the big screen.

But at this time, Yu Ren, who was floating in space with his eyes tightly closed on the big screen, suddenly floated in another direction.

Everyone could clearly see a pursuing warship passing by not far away, but no one noticed it at all.

Is this what Shen Shi did?

After they confirmed this, some people's eyes changed slightly when they looked at Shen Shi.

A light-year away, he can easily control the fate of others!

And this is not relying on the equipment on the spaceship, just relying on Shen Shi's own strength!

"Are you surprised?" Shen Shi himself was also looking at the palm of his hand and chuckled, "This is the power of thinking. It seems to be another level of existence outside the material level. Distance has no meaning.

I now roughly understand how the Mulder system with farming as its core was established, and I can also understand why interstellar overlords such as ranchers appear in the universe."

Yes, Shen Shi still used the power of technological devices.

If it weren't for the B-level original energy device in his mind, it would be impossible to do this just by relying on himself.

But, even so.

This is still a powerful force that is gathered into one body and truly controlled by him.

Therefore, it is entirely possible for a rancher to dominate an entire galaxy, even establish such a cruel breeding system, and breed countless powerful civilizations that step into the stars and cross the stars.

The existence of any technology is to give life more power!

"I always feel that the congressman alone can complete this mission." Some people looked at Shen Shi with uncontrollable wonder in their eyes.

There are also some people who begin to really pay attention to their original energy.

Although they already knew the power of raw energy technology before, it was only now that they had a new understanding.

"It's not that easy." Shen Shi shook his head, "If we want to conquer this civilization, it would be enough just to rely on me and Yin Wen. However, our purpose is to drive them, even more exaggeratedly.

It is said that we want to enslave them, which cannot be achieved by pure force. Please don't be careless - we don't just take away some people, it is best to bring back the entire civilization and let them serve us."

There are not many civilizations in this area that do not know the Mulder system and have not completely joined the Mulder system.

Shen Shi already knew.

With the capabilities of this civilization, coupled with the huge number of production lines and related technologies it brought, it is barely possible to complete the initial construction of the galaxy fortress in the remaining time.

It's barely possible.

Therefore, if Shen Shi does not want to find a second civilization, it is best to bring this civilization back intact.


Shen Shi glanced at the information database and sighed.

His actions can also change the future, but they can only be changed when he takes key actions, but they are not as simple and crude as the device.

Therefore, the future changed once when he took out the Cave Sky, and again when he set out. However, these two changes did not deduce the future to the future he hoped to see.

In other words, in today's future, his action was a failure.

This familiar feeling was the reason why Shen Shi sighed.

here we go again.

There is no doubt that this is the end of the world, otherwise it would be difficult for Shen Shi to believe that he would still fail when he has an absolute advantage.

No, it cannot be said to have failed.

He still took a lot of people back, but these Yuren did not build a galaxy fortress in a real sense, but were quite different.

Withdrawing his mind, Shen Shi looked at the picture again.

"I have led this Yuren to meet us. You should plan carefully for the next thing. I will tell you the requirements and submit the plan report to me as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Everyone stood up and saluted, and responded in unison.

Shen Shi is the captain of this spaceship and a person with a high status in their civilization. Therefore, Shen Shi will not and cannot easily show up in the future, and must maintain a certain degree of mystery and dignity.

So they should get used to this from now on.

This was also something that was planned before.

Of course, even without this, Shen Shi still has a special status in the hearts of all humans, and it is the source of their confidence and pride when facing these cosmic civilizations.

Therefore, the obvious difference in status at this moment may not all be a disguise.

Soon, a plan was submitted to Shen Shi.

After reading the plan, Shen Shi once again obtained the latest information database of the future world. With the detailed discussion of the future world, he gained a better understanding of the plan and made up for a large number of defects.

It was reissued to the rest of the people, and at this time, there was another slight change in the future.

Very good, one step closer to success.

Shen Shi has become accustomed to using the vision and knowledge of the future world to repair the past, and the rest of the people have long been accustomed to Councilor Shen's power in decision-making.

Therefore, the last year is the time of arrangement and preparation.


Gith knew that he had been wandering among the stars for about three hundred interstellar days.

He did not consume too much energy to change his direction of movement, because it made no sense. His energy could not allow him to reach any place where he could start over. In this case, it was better to keep these original energies to maintain

His own life can give him a chance to struggle to escape when he is about to be discovered or hit an asteroid.

That's right, even now, he still hasn't given up completely.

Although I know that the possibility of my survival is almost zero, this is the universe outside the galaxy, where the gods were born! It is a sea of ​​stars full of mystery and power!

There should be a miracle here!

Every time Giese wakes up, he does only one thing.

That is prayer.

Faith and desire are his only remaining motivations for living.

Maybe, under the gaze of the gods, a miracle will happen.

When Keith woke up this day, he was still praying with this desire.


From the moment he woke up, he seemed to notice something different.

It was an extremely vague feeling, as if someone was calling him in his mind, pulling him, and guiding him to a certain place.

Is this an illusion?

No, it’s the gods!

Gith's emotions, which were like stagnant water in these more than three hundred days, began to ripple again. He may not know that this is most likely his hallucination, but a true "psionic master" wants to

If he deceives himself, then except for a more powerful psionicist than him, it is impossible to awaken him from this self-deceptive illusion.

Moreover, he really felt it!

This call is becoming clearer and clearer.

Until a certain moment, in a sudden moment, Geese suddenly found that his eyes lit up, and an extremely huge planet suddenly appeared in front of him.

Yes, planet!

Even though Giss had deceived himself and firmly believed that the gods were guiding him, at this moment, he was still in huge confusion!

He began to wonder if this was an illusion.

Where did this place come from?

And it’s so huge!

Within a distance of only a few thousand kilometers, it had completely blocked the entire line of sight. The chip in his mind had already calculated the size of the planet in an instant, which was almost several times the size of the star! He could even

You can clearly see the white clouds, the steady atmospheric airflow, and even the emerald green on the vast sea and huge land.

Everything is so real!

It wasn't until he felt a force of attraction suddenly coming to him, pulling him towards this huge planet, that Giese finally reacted!

"Almighty Gods!" His remaining fiery red hair was emitting the hottest light at this moment. Even so, it was not enough to express his emotions at the moment!

A miracle happened!

The gods answered his prayers.

Not a self-deceptive illusion, but the real miracle he longed for!

With the power of traction, his figure quickly approached the place where the gods lived. The air rushed past his ears at high speed, and the earth gradually became clear under him, but he did not suffer any impact.

Damage, Geese's inner excitement almost burned him!

"I knew it, I knew it!" He even began to speak incoherently, completely losing the calmness and rationality he had in the past.

But so what?

Gods, are back!

This chapter has been completed!
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