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Chapter 199: Arrive at the civilization of Yuren

It looks almost like an ordinary world, with mountains, water, trees, and the sea, but it's just not that big.

The surface area is only about half that of the moon.

Of course, it is also spherical.

In the universe, life planets as small as this are very rare, and it can even be said that there are almost no planets. After all, the shape determines the gravity, and the gravity determines the attraction to the air.

But this is actually just a false world.

In other words, it is the world in "dream".

It only exists in Shen Shi's consciousness, but it is extremely clear in dreams. This is a sign that Shen Shi is about to approach the original master.

When one day everything in this world of consciousness becomes real at the molecular level, that is when Shen Shi becomes a master of original energy.

Of course, this is not the only criterion for becoming a master of original energy.

The most important thing is "life".

Yes, the practice of Yuan Neng is a process of self-exploration. This world is not just a simple simulation. It is also a true expression of Shen Shi's subconscious mind. If you want to make it truly achieve the reality required by the Yuan Neng master

To achieve this, he must go through the self-consciousness of the world again, so that he can firmly believe in the authenticity of this world.

In other words, it is the beginning of the world and the development of civilization in his cognition.

This is the most important part of cultural inheritance.

Unfortunately, for Shen Shi, who has received modern education, the concepts of planets and worlds in his mind are not the "Pangu created the world" in myths and legends. Therefore, when the world was first formed, it was only based on ordinary life.

The reality of the planet.

That is, the vast ocean appeared first, and then microbial life appeared.

Land appears again, and terrestrial life appears.

But Shen Shi directly surpassed this process in the shortest time.

At this moment, human beings and civilization already appeared in his mind.

Somewhere near the river, there was an ancient tribe.

——Huangdi clan.

In fact, before the Yellow Emperor, there were many other processes in Eastern civilization, such as the earliest Yuanmou people discovered so far, and the Shandong cave people who first started matrilineal clans, etc.

But just like the process of the birth of life, these are not very special in the process of human civilization, so they were directly skipped by Shen Shi.

Then came the Huangdi clan.

In fact, this clan only appeared not long ago.

According to the historical records that Shen Shi knew, the Yellow Emperor was the leader of a tribal alliance that lived among the primitive tribes in the Yellow River Basin about 4,000 years ago. He advocated planting grains and domesticating livestock, which made the tribal alliance gradually stronger and later defeated the people in the upper reaches of the Yellow River.

The Yandi tribe and the Chiyou tribe in the north.

Unfortunately, this period of history is not very detailed, so even Shen Shi, there is actually no way to reconstruct it in detail.

And the same can only be accelerated to pass.

He actually wanted to carry out a mythical historical process, but unfortunately, this legend also lacked relevant historical records.

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

For him, it is difficult for him to use current cultural carriers such as the Internet or TV series to create relevant mythological processes, because these things are records that appeared in modern times, and in the further period, Pangu created the world and Nuwa created the world.

Human myths conflicted with his understanding of the planet and the birth of life.

Therefore, we can only skim this aspect.

At this time, I am quite envious of the humans in the future world. Even if they hold a fantasy book, they may create corresponding virtual copies, and then play a role in the actual original energy invasion.

Just because there are traces of history attached to it.

It has become a culture with historical significance.

"I don't know if I can use these two books, Fengshen Bang and Journey to the West, but it would be best to have old versions." Shen Shi had already asked someone to collect some antique versions of these two books.

Only when there is such a need can we understand why humans in the future world will be so eager for the cultural inheritance of human civilization.

In the next ten years, Shen Shi will prepare to develop his own world of consciousness. Not to mention successfully breaking through to the original master, at least reaching the previous level.

When the time comes, coupled with the powerful original energy device he possesses, even if he meets a true original energy master alone, he will not be defeated.

So, Shen Shi Shen Mian trained.

After the voyage began, the entire spacecraft fell into an extremely quiet state.

Everyone is doing their own thing.

Today's human civilization has also begun to adapt to the concept of time as an "immortal species". The passage of time will not bring much change to their appearance and personality. Changes can only be caused by ability, and there will be no sense of vicissitudes of time.


If you really think about it, Shen Shi is almost fifty years old after these twenty-six years. However, he still feels that he is just a young man in his twenties, a young man who has just been married and has no children.


Time is in this state, passing year after year.


At this moment, in a corner of the universe, an orange star named "Yuxing" is blooming.

However, compared to some other "quiet" stars, this galaxy is quite lively.

Spaceships shuttle back and forth, and space cities exude soft light and embellish the entire galaxy. However, at the edge of the galaxy, there is a huge "black curtain" that attempts to surround and hide the entire galaxy.

This is Yuren's "shady" plan.

They have now deciphered many oracles of the universe, and are aware of the mysteries and crises that exist in the universe. They are deeply afraid of this, and even do not hesitate to build such a huge project, trying to use black curtains to control the entire universe.

Completely wrapped up.

However, some people choose to hide, while others want to explore the mysterious universe.

At this moment, at the edge of the galaxy, several spaceships are sailing at extremely high speeds in space. These are all small and medium-sized spacecrafts, but they are all equipped with curvature engines. Once they escape the "black curtain", they can quickly enter curvature navigation.

state, and escape this closed and dark world forever.

Unfortunately, this is not that easy.

Thousands of spaceships of the same appearance were in hot pursuit.

"Giss, you can't escape." A cold voice sounded in the communication channel, "You don't understand at all that the existence of the shady curtain is to protect you and the entire civilization. There are countless terrible dangers in that universe. You

What you pursue only brings danger."

"There is no need to tell lies like this." In the escaping spaceship, a male with fiery red hair said in a deep voice, "You are just worried that we have contacted the powerful Yushen civilization, and that the gods will return again and deprive

Without your rule, everything you do will definitely be punished by the gods!"

"You are not a priest, you are not qualified to represent the gods!"

"It's ridiculous. I have received the oracles from the gods. Everyone, break out with all your strength. The great Yushen is waiting outside the shady curtain!"


If any human beings notice this scene, they can easily understand that this is a group of people trying to escape from the darkness and go to the depths of the universe to find their "Creator".

According to human terms, this is called "escaping".

It is more clear than what Shen Shi originally gave.

These members of the escape sect firmly believe that their "gods" can be found in the depths of the universe, that is, in their home planet and the powerful civilization that has left many god sites in this galaxy. In their concepts,

That civilization is their creator, possesses unimaginable power, and will return sooner or later.

However, the shady project is trying to prevent the return of the gods.

Conflict arises from this.

However, those who try to retrieve the gods to re-establish order are obviously not the current vested interests of this civilization. In other words, those who want to change everything must be people who are dissatisfied with everything.

Therefore, there is a huge gap in strength between the two.

No matter the number of spaceships, the technical level of the spacecraft, or even the level of weapons, they are not at the same level.

The man named Gith, the leader of the fleeing fleet, could only watch as one spaceship after another was blown up.

But, it doesn't matter.

His eyes were just staring at the huge "shady curtain" near Chi Chi.

The so-called black screen is not actually a simple black object, but some kind of special particles that can absorb the light source. It can even be understood as covering the original light source with a kind of dark "energy". Only in this way can it be done.

To realize this powerful project that encompasses the entire galaxy.

However, it's a pity.

This kind of particle actually only targets light sources.

Therefore, in theory, any spacecraft can pass through it unimpeded.

For Gith, as long as he crosses this last line of defense, he can easily "tear open" the shady curtain and sail towards the vast universe.

And there, there are gods and everything he wants.

"Everyone, cut off my queen!" Geese yelled crazily in the communication channel. The fiery red hair on his body was dancing with light, which made him look like a blazing ball of Zheng Azi.

Like the flames, for Yuren, this is also a manifestation of the extreme emotion.

It is also a manifestation of the surge of "spiritual energy".

Yes, the Yuren have developed the field of original energy technology, and because of the physiological characteristics of their clan, when they exert their original energy to the extreme, the hair on their bodies will emit light, just like they did in

In ancient times, it was the same when facing ferocious beasts.

With the help of "Psychic Power" and the rest of his partners who are not afraid of death, they break through the last line of defense and are as close as possible.

However, those who were the pursuers didn't care much.

If you escape the last line of defense, what can you do?

It is not that no one has successfully escaped from the shady scene over the years, but that alone is meaningless, because they can also pursue them into the vast universe.

Moreover, even if he completely escaped, it would not be easy to find the "gods".

Everything they do, including covering up galaxies, is just to reduce their civilization from being discovered by other powerful civilizations in the universe as much as possible.

But even so, we still have to do our best to stop it.

As a high-ranking member of Yuren Civilization, the person in charge of the pursuers knows a huge secret.

——The gods fled to their planet back then.

There are powerful pursuers.

Among the few divine texts that were deciphered, the gods were full of fear.

This is one of the reasons why the shady curtain must be established, and it is also one of the reasons why the Yuren civilization is prohibited from leaving the galaxy. In this deep universe, there are huge dangers that they cannot even imagine.

"You just want to bring the entire civilization to possible annihilation for your own selfish reasons." The person in charge of the pursuers said in the communication channel, "You are all unpardonable sinners.

He is a betrayer of civilization and a betrayer of the great God of the Universe. Even if he dies, he cannot return to the embrace of the great and great God of the Universe."


The last battleship besides the Gith exploded in space.

Because they have long been worried about the return of the gods one day, or the arrival of unknown and terrifying beings that have forced the gods to this extent, the Yuren civilization has long invested a lot of resources and energy in the development of weapons.

It even includes technology to prevent warp navigation.

What is being used at this moment is an anti-matter weapon.

This has reached the D-level level, and is not even much weaker than the weapons and equipment on the more than a thousand battleships given to Shen Shi by Gongchu.

Of course, it's just a weapon.

Giss also clenched his fists tightly at this moment, and his eyes, which were more than twice as big as the largest human eyes, were opened to their maximum.

"Start the warp drive!" He gritted his teeth and roared.


The rest of the crew has also gone completely crazy.

They are not completely out of the scope of the curvature limiter. It is absolutely crazy to conduct curvature navigation at this time.

However, there is still a glimmer of hope!

The gods will definitely bless you!

Just as Giss began to pray in his heart, there was a bang, and the entire back half of the spacecraft shook violently and was torn apart.

It was originally an ultra-small spacecraft, so it naturally had no strong protection against the curvature engine. The consequences of a slight shock could easily tear the entire spacecraft apart.

Gith was thrown out by the vortex caused by the shock, spinning and flying in the busy universe.


He is not dead yet, nor will he die so soon, because he was lucky enough not to suffer too much trauma when he was thrown out, and the transformation he has received is enough to allow him to survive in the universe for a relatively short period of time.

However, in the end, he was either captured and brought home, or he hit an asteroid at super high speed, or he kept flying.

"Gods..." Geese was very calm at this moment, and even quickly adjusted his direction, looking at the approaching black scene.

He is a true believer in the gods.

I firmly believe in everything that the Yushen Religion has said in the past - the gods created Yuren, left behind miracles, and will eventually return.

This chapter has been completed!
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