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Chapter 207: Mission of Yuren Civilization

Moreover, if you want to understand the civilization of the gods, you still have to rely on the Divine Court.

After all, in the past nearly ten thousand years, the Divine Court has always controlled most of the relics of the entire civilization of the gods. There is a lot of information and materials that are secrets in the Divine Court. Even if King Yu controls it in this new era,

It has the highest rights and status, but in this regard, it cannot be compared with the Divine Court.

So when it comes to help at this moment, the Pope is more important.

"If you have any guesses, just tell me." King Yu looked at the Pope.

He did not force the Pope to reveal all the information and secrets. Although he is now in charge, the Divine Court still possesses extremely powerful power.

Under the terrible pressure brought by that planet, the Royal Court and the Divine Court were destined to enter an extremely close "honeymoon period."

"There are indeed some judgments, but they can be roughly divided into two possibilities." The Pope did not include Hu. Although he was not as good as King Yu, he had been in charge of the Divine Court for more than three hundred years. At this moment, he said directly, "One is

This planet did not jump here, but made a hidden voyage here. With their information advantage over us, it is not impossible to do this. And the second one is to jump. If this is really the case, then it can only

This shows a result - the concept of the existence of this planet has exceeded the understanding of the gods, and even the civilization that hunts the gods cannot compare with it."

The atmosphere present became increasingly solemn.

They don't know anything about galaxies.

But because of this, the more you know, the more you fear.

Although King Yu has the ambition to surpass the civilization of the gods, he is also very clear that even the civilization of the gods is not comparable to the current Yuren civilization, let alone that even the civilization of the gods can hunt down.

civilization, and if the strength possessed by this suddenly appeared planet is still above this...then they don't need to do any unnecessary struggle, they can only passively accept all the other party's methods of dealing with it.


"Are there any other ways to prove it?" King Yu looked at the Pope and asked, "Or, which one do you think is more likely?"

"The second kind." The Pope said without hesitation.

Suddenly, everyone present was surprised.

"Can you be sure?"

"What's the reason?"

"Great Pope, do we really have no ability to resist at all in our civilization?"


Here, there are important figures from the Royal Court and important figures from the Divine Court. Each of them possesses extremely powerful spiritual power, but at this moment, there is still a pessimistic and desperate mood surrounding them.

No one wants to leave their fate to the rest of existence.

Even if you are invincible, as long as you have the strength, you can strive for a better future for yourself.

If there is really no ability to resist at all, the outcome will be unimaginable.

Maybe it would be better to be a slave.

"I have carefully observed that planet." The Pope was probably the calmest one among everyone present, "and the answer I got is - this is not a planet at all, but a spaceship.

, a battleship!”

Hearing this sentence, even Shen Shi, who was listening at the moment, stared at him.

"Although it is unbelievable to transform the planet into a battleship, it is not so overwhelming that it cannot be resisted," someone said.

"You don't understand." The Pope shook his head, "Unlike the curvature engine, the larger the structure of the one-time jump of the jump engine, the difficulty increases by leaps and bounds. If such a battleship can really jump here, its technology

The level is probably completely beyond the knowledge of the gods, but I made this judgment not just because of this, but because the spacecraft is covered with psychic protection that covers the entire spacecraft."

"Have you tried it?" King Yu's eyes narrowed.

The Pope did not speak, but it was equivalent to acquiescence.

Shen Shi raised his eyebrows.

"Sebas." He directly asked Dongtian's intelligent AI, "Has anyone used psychic technology to try to invade us during this period?"

"Back to Captain, in the seventy-eight hours after the concealment system was dismantled, there were a total of 1,432 detections of various forms, but none of them were enough to threaten the anti-detection system." Sebastian said truthfully.

Because there were too many times and the threat was too small, Sebas did not tell Shen Shi this information.

In fact, if he hadn't heard the conversation between King Yu and others at this moment and vaguely realized something, Shen Shi wouldn't have cared.

How could he not be detected when he appeared so arrogantly?

But now...

"What is the highest level of detection technology?" Shen Shi asked again.

"Around C8, it is the field of original energy detection." Sebastian said.


Shen Shi understood.

The civilization of the gods mentioned by Yuren Civilization has generally reached the C-level level, but it is probably around C4. It was defeated and fled from the C-level civilization in another star field more than 18,000 years ago.

Civilization, and it is not focused on original energy. It is unlikely that a civilization like this will have a C8 level original energy device.

This should be obtained in other ways.

And now it has fallen into the hands of Yuren Civilization.

The pope probably used this device to test the Dongtian No., but found nothing.

Hence the pessimism.

After all, how can a mere C8-level technology be compared with a B-level battleship? In the Mulder system, the B-level is a watershed for a powerful civilization, and is even completely powerful!

At this moment, King Yu and the Pope did not discuss this issue again.

Obviously, regarding that device, it is still regarded as the biggest secret even among Yuren's senior officials, and it is very likely that only the Pope and King Yu know about it.

They began to discuss next steps.

"The Seed Project is no longer possible. The previous spacecraft is now under the control of the other party, but it has not been destroyed. Therefore, I think the other party's purpose is not to destroy us, but it is not friendly either.

The purpose of coming..." The person speaking at this moment was a minister of the royal court. He was also a household name in the entire Yuren civilization. He even began to support King Yu when he was just starting out.


And there was only one meaning behind his words.

It is impossible to escape.

The future of Yuren Civilization has reached a turning point!

"As for the next actions, I think we should no longer wait for the other party's further actions. We should take the initiative." The minister said at the end, "Send a mission! Go to contact! Or even put on a show.

An attitude of willingness to surrender, no matter what, we also need to know the other party's purpose!"

After saying this, everyone present fell into thinking.

Some people are already quite moved.

Indeed, the most critical thing right now is to know what the other party's purpose is as soon as possible.

The worst thing is that they want to destroy their civilization. If they can't avoid it, they won't be able to avoid it sooner or later.

It's better to take the initiative to send out testers and at least show your attitude.

For the culture of Yuren Civilization, there is also no shortage of historical wisdom of weak countries facing powerful countries.

After another discussion, King Yu also made a decision.

"Send an embassy!"

This meeting ends here.

Although Shen Shi discovered some unexpected things, overall, they were still within the plan's estimates.

"Since there is no problem with the plan, let's continue to act according to the plan." He said this, which can be regarded as setting a tone for mankind's reaction in this regard.

After that, Yuren Civilization began to prepare for the mission.

The whole process was not concealed at all, and was even specially publicized, so that everyone in the entire Yuren civilization knew about it.

All the Yuren knew that they were going to send envoys with gifts and peaceful purposes to this mysterious planet that suddenly appeared.

Worry, uneasiness, expectation...

The total emotion spreads throughout the entire Yuren civilization.

The choice of the mission is also full of "friendly" exchanges between the two civilizations.

What Shen Shi only knows now is that Yuren Civilization not only prepared a large number of gifts with their cultural characteristics, but also summoned elites from all fields within the civilization, including some cultural fields, including Yuren.

The most famous singer in civilization is a female Yuren named Feixi.

I have to say that even Shen Shi had some eye-opening feelings.

Although human civilization in the future world will change a lot, many things will be passed down in the same vein as modern society as long as cultural inheritance is not cut off again.

But Yuren Civilization is different.

This is a civilization that is quite different from human civilization.

Their music, their food, their communication, and even their many concepts of life and social concepts are all completely different from humans.

If human beings really come here with the purpose of peaceful exchanges, they may really be able to see some bright things in another civilization.

Unfortunately, they did not come with this intention.

When the envoys of Yuren Civilization boarded the ceremonial spaceship under the spotlight and slowly sailed towards the Dongtian, they were directly controlled.


Shen Shi had no intention of receiving this mission.

This is also the response method written in the plan.

"Since we are so powerful and invincible that we have taken away the entire Yuren civilization, there is no need for meaningless communication. All we have to do is to show our strength, show our power, and then achieve our goals! As for Yuren

We must pay attention to Yuren’s attitude and will, but we cannot pay attention to it on the surface.”

This sentence was put forward by an expert from the foreign affairs department at a previous plan discussion meeting.

Shen Shi agreed.

Many others were also convinced.

Sometimes the difference in strength between galactic civilizations is too great. Many concepts and experiences from the past must be abandoned in this new and huge system.

The external tone of human civilization is to avoid meaningless destruction and death without affecting its own interests.

But that's all.

Perhaps when human civilization is qualified to establish a huge galaxy social system like ranchers, it will consider establishing a new system of peaceful communication and mutual respect.

But now, humans do not have such qualifications.

Therefore, under the horrified gaze of the entire Yuren civilization, the mission ship they sent lost control before it got close and headed in another direction - it was the previous Fire Project spacecraft


Yes, the mission ship suffered the same fate.

They were captured!

But the connection has not been severed either.

The people in the royal court are closely asking about the situation.

"Have the remaining systems on the ship been damaged?"

"No, only the engine is out of control."

"How are you doing now?"

"Everyone is still calm. It's not the worst case scenario if it's not directly destroyed."

"Have you tried communicating with the other party?"

"We have been trying. We have used various ways to convey our intentions, including using pictures and videos to convey friendship, and we have also tried singing, but we have not received any response...



The spacecraft was not damaged, and the people on the spacecraft were not harmed in any way, but they refused to communicate and even gathered all the people sent there together.

This situation completely exceeded the expectations of King Yu and others.

Facing such a powerful, mysterious, powerless force that doesn't know its purpose but is completely powerless, even King Yu feels powerless at this time.

That day's meeting started again.

"What can we do now?" King Yu even asked such a question.

This left some people present stunned.

In the hearts of everyone, King Yu is a legend who is powerful, confident, and seems to be able to solve nothing. He is a myth that leads the entire Yuren civilization out of its home star, to the galaxy, and to become powerful.

It is precisely because of this that the Pope made the decision to give priority to the Royal Court in the Divine Court at this time.

However, at this moment, King Yu no longer concealed his powerlessness.

His fiery red hair, which seemed to be always as hot as a flame, had lost its luster at this moment.

This plunged the scene into deep despair and sadness.

They did not hesitate to build a shady curtain at a huge cost, and they did not hesitate to develop themselves. Shenting could even give up its status for nearly ten thousand years, but even so, the thing they feared most still appeared.

In the face of powerful foreign civilizations, they were weak to the point of despair.

"We can only wait." The Pope said slowly, his voice becoming so important here, "At the very least, the fact that the other party has not launched an attack on us means that the worst situation has not yet come...

.Everything that follows can only be left to the other party."

Yes, after the other party refuses to communicate, they can't do anything.

Even after the opponent actually started to attack, they couldn't even prepare their legions for a decisive battle.

Some people looked at King Yu again and seemed to understand vaguely.

It's not that King Yu doesn't know what to do.

It's that he can't accept this, but he can only accept it.

This chapter has been completed!
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