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Chapter 251: The situation has been fully opened

This change also proves that Shi Ling is indeed a life evolution device that transforms the essence of life, and is not just used as a functional device!

Shen Shi could easily think of the benefits this would bring.

Because this increases the strength of the incarnation!

As the strength of human civilization continues to increase, just three thousand years will no longer bring about the same overwhelming gap as at the beginning. An important factor related to the development of human civilization lies in Shen Shi's time after the timeline is divided.

The strength of the birth incarnation.

The avatar has no way to use Shi Ling. Before that, he was just an ordinary master of original energy. Not to mention obtaining future trading items, even a half-baked "prophet" couldn't use it at all.

This is why the status of saints and saints rises and falls.

The title of sage is empty, but it can no longer determine the development path of human civilization.

But it's different now.

Shen Shi has been able to see that with the improvement of his strength, the prophetic ability of the sage Shen Shi has become stronger and stronger, and he has truly become a "prophet" who can lead the continuous advancement of human civilization.

This will make future human civilization even more powerful.

Then further feed back to the past, and then feed back to the future.

"Those who master time should have unlimited potential." Shen Shi slowly exhaled, getting used to the huge power in this body.

Then what surprised him was that he was still in his original room.

It is not much different from three thousand years ago, or even from the residence of the sages in the second future line.

A hint of smile couldn't help but flash in his eyes.

It seems that after so many years, I have changed from a young man full of curiosity about new things to an old man who likes nostalgia.

Of course, when his thoughts were flowing, he had already understood from the memories that emerged from the future Shenshi that this place only looked similar to his past residence on the surface, but in fact, both in terms of technical content and size of the site, it was completely


He is indeed still on the Blue Star.

But the Blue Star at this moment is hundreds of times larger than the Blue Star three thousand years ago.

"Sure enough, it has undergone a comprehensive transformation."

Shen Shi recalled everything that happened in his memory.

When he came back with the galaxy jump system from the land of Gus, his destiny changed. Human civilization did not hesitate to use this extremely powerful device to cover the entire solar system with the galaxy fortress created by humans.

In an extremely huge curvature bubble.

Then ran away.

Yes, there is no way to avoid the Ace civilization in terms of positive destiny. However, three thousand years ago, human civilization had not yet been paid attention to by the Ace civilization, so there was only the slightest possibility of escape.

Coupled with the fact that the power of the prophet in the incarnation of Shen Shi continues to become stronger over time, this allowed human civilization to surprisingly avoid some crises. It took four hundred years to successfully leave the Milky Way and begin to work in the galaxy.

The barren land between them is a journey that never stops.

A strong man who was far away from the Mulder system and away from everything, and fully consumed all the technologies and devices brought by Shen Shi.

However, this development lasted only a short seven hundred years.

That is, about two thousand years ago when the Starry Sky Era began.

This incarnation of Shen Shi realized that under such circumstances, the development speed of human civilization could not match the development speed of Future Line No. 2.

Even though it has advanced technology as a foundation, in the absence of the support of the Ace civilization and the lack of sufficient resources, human civilization's ability to digest these technologies has been reduced.

Therefore, after reaching the C9 level of strength, human civilization used the power of the powerful relic of the "trading market" to send some troops to return home. As an outsider to the Mudd system, they continued to work in the Mudd system.

trading, even plundering.

If the land of Gus invites other civilizations to come, then human civilization at this time is to form caravans to go to other civilizations to obtain resources for development.

Especially the land of Gus.

It is also an important foundation for the development of human civilization.

Over the next more than 1,200 years, human civilization entered a period of rapid development.

However, in the last seven hundred years, while the strength of human civilization continued to approach B-level, it finally attracted the attention of Mulder's system.

They allow the existence of the Land of Gus because the Land of Gus has a strength close to A-level, and it also has unknown secrets. However, human civilization is different, and human civilization does not have such power, especially when Mu

After the German system finally discovered the original place where human civilization existed from the Dyke civilization, it also determined that human civilization has huge benefits.

A G-class civilization in the Earth-Star period has developed to a level close to B-class in less than four thousand years. Behind this miracle, it is impossible to say that there is no power.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and catch up on books recently. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. www. Android and Apple are available.]

Human civilization in this third future line is at the stage of being surrounded and suppressed by most of the forces in the entire Mulder system.

Of course, the entire solar system has been hidden in the vast desolate areas between galaxies for a long time. Shen Shi's plan was half successful. Human civilization finally escaped from the Mulder system. However, at this time, it was basically

Development potential is lost.

No matter how powerful a civilization is, if it wants to develop, it needs endless resources.

A huge galaxy like the Milky Way is where resources are concentrated.

As for the desolate area, just transporting the scattered stars and planets requires a huge price.

Not to mention technical sharing.

If a civilization remains in a barren area for a long time, its development potential will be extremely reduced, which will eventually affect its own culture over a long period of time, and then lead to self-destruction.

This is why the Land of Guth takes the risk of wandering on the edge of the Mulder system.

Of course, the power of the trading market also began to really play a role at this time. Long distances are no longer a shackle for the development of human civilization, but are the safest barriers. But the premise is that the humans sent out can be in those resource-rich places.

Get a foothold.

Like now, after facing the encirclement and suppression of most of the Mulder system, human civilization is basically left with only the land of Gus, and the land of Gus has also been encircled and suppressed by "commerce" under the rules.

This also causes the benefits derived from human civilization to be continuously reduced.

"Sure enough, the situation in the third future line is far less simple than the previous two future lines." Shen Shi finally came to the conclusion.

This is also natural.

As civilization continues to grow stronger, the challenges and dilemmas it faces will become more and more complex.

But the overall situation is still changing towards the good.

After all, hiding in a deserted land, human civilization will no longer be at risk of ending in a short period of time.

As for things like the lack of resources and the stagnation of development, it will take at least one or two thousand years to truly affect mankind itself.

At this stage, human civilization has not even stopped the option of all-out reproduction.

As for the overall strength and technology accumulation, in fact, it can be considered that it has truly entered the B level.

Although it is the weakest kind, it cannot compete with the old B-class civilizations in Mulder's system.

But Class B is Class B.

The Mulder system is relatively perfect for dividing civilization levels. The most important characteristic of a B-level civilization is that it has made leap-forward breakthroughs in many important fields of technology. For low-level civilizations, even No matter how powerful a C9-level civilization is, it has a crushing advantage.

For example, original energy materialization technology.

When Shen Shi first came into contact with the first civilization-level original energy device, he was amazed by this technology that almost changed his understanding of original energy.

But now, human civilization has been able to realize this technology.

Although it is still very rough and has not yet been mass-produced, when this technology is applied as a raw energy weapon and placed on a battleship, the effect it can produce is terrifying.

——The powerful master of raw energy can not only launch raw energy attacks on the enemy's consciousness, but also can directly destroy spaceships and defend against various attacks.

It can be said that before the realization of this technology, the so-called original energy, no matter how powerful it is, is only a power that can only be applied to the level of consciousness. However, when its materialization technology is realized, it can truly have overwhelming power, just like a myth. The same great power.

Of course, this kind of power has long been realized through the purchased B-class original energy device, but this is completely different from the fact that human civilization can produce such a device on its own.

Unconsciously, human civilization has become extremely powerful.

It has reached a level that was unimaginable at first.

This is the power of time!

"The crisis of human civilization in the third future line can be ignored for now." Shen Shi came to this conclusion after digesting the general history and the current situation in this future line.

The most important thing at the moment is Future Line No. 2, which has become an independent future line.

Shen Shi is not ready to give up on human civilization in Future Line 2.

In the past hundreds of years, he actually stayed in the No. 2 Future Line longer than he stayed in his own era, especially when he devoured the No. 2 Future Line. After the death of the sage, he had even more responsibilities.

Even Future Line 1 is the same.

What's more, with the development of time, these independent future lines can also play a significant role.

For example, Future Line No. 1 at the moment, although they are also facing the same impact of the "B-class civilization counterattack incident", their strength is still weak, only about C5, so they have not received much attention, and even still Resisting the attack of the Dyke civilization.

But even if it is only C5 level, it is stronger than the human civilization three thousand years ago, and can bring certain benefits to its development.

Therefore, Future Line 2, a human civilization that is not far from Class B, cannot be given up.

After Shen Shi made his decision, he withdrew from the No. 3 future line and returned directly to the No. 2 future line.

Human civilization in this future line is still in the stage of exchanging the equipment of the trading market for transactions and protection in the land of Gus, and at the same time it has attracted many B-level civilizations. For a while, human civilization can be said to be attracting

It attracted the attention of most B-level civilizations in the entire Mulder system.

It can truly be said to be unparalleled in the limelight.

But for them, without this strength, this limelight only delays the end of their demise.

You can imagine.

When these civilizations realize that it is difficult for them to change the nature of the trading market and embezzle it, they will choose to destroy this extremely powerful relic along with human civilization, so as to prevent this device from being used by other civilizations, especially ancient civilizations.

Used in this place.

"Although the current human civilization in the third future line has reached B level, it is not enough to compete with these old B level civilizations." Shen Shi kept thinking in his mind, "But B level is a threshold. If

Human civilization can show B-level power, and it may be able to have some say in the current balance. Also, the current state of the third future line is only the initial state. If we can find a way to use the changes in the timeline to strengthen the third

The strength of the future line may not be able to accumulate its strength in a short period of time..."


The opening of a new timeline has made the current situation of human civilization much better than it was at the beginning.

The situation has completely opened up.

Shen Shi quickly cleared his mind and started taking action.

He started to get busy.

What the contemporary future line needs to do is to naturally install the galaxy-level jump system and prepare for the entire civilization to jump away. And Shen Shi is planning to give the Dyke civilization a hard blow before leaving, destroying the entire Dyke civilization, or even abducting it.

, to erase the traces of human civilization that once existed in the Mulder system to the greatest extent. Judging from the history of the third future line, this will inevitably delay the targeting of the Mulder system and improve the human civilization of the third future line to a certain extent.


In the second future line, Shen Shi recalled all the human civilizations sent out to open up the land under the long clan system, and concentrated the strength of human civilizations in the increasingly complex solar system. On the one hand, these human beings outside are all

We are proud of the culture of human civilization and have not been invaded too much by the culture of Ace civilization. On the other hand, this shrinkage can also maximize the concentration of the power of human civilization and prepare for subsequent actions.

Retract your fist and punch it out again, it will be more powerful!

At the same time, these returning human clans all have trading markets and endless personal storage space!

In the nearly two thousand years of development outside, these separated clans may not have made much breakthrough at the technical level, but their accumulation of basic resources is extremely huge!

These are exactly what future line three needs.

As for the third future line, Shen Shi has only one thing to do.

That’s a centralized device! Concentrated power!

This chapter has been completed!
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