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Chapter 253: Long-lost black market transactions

Over the past two hundred years, Shen Shi has thought about the solution for Future Line No. 2 more than once.

But in the end it comes back to the original question.

And he has never found a way to break the situation.

Until now.

Even if modern society solves the Dyke civilization and solves some difficulties for the development of future line three, the final results are still not enough to change the outcome of future line two.

After all, Future Line No. 2 is now sandwiched between the ten top B-level civilizations.

If judged according to the technical level evaluation of Mulder system, each one is B9 level.

This is the result of a long period of cultivation.

A B2, or B3 civilization, even if it has some "mysterious" factors hidden behind it, would be hard-pressed to accomplish much in such a situation.

Shen Shi knew that the situation in Future Line No. 2 had reached a dead end, and he had to jump out of this timeline and return to the modern timeline and Future Line No. 3, which are most susceptible to change.

"According to the history of Future Line No. 3, the 'merchant groups' sent by human civilization to the Mulder system were comprehensively attacked by most B-class civilizations from within the Mulder system in the last thousand years.

If we can increase the quality of the business group and make it reach the B9 level, or make it look like a mission sent by a B9 level civilization." Shen Shi thought quickly in his mind, and he felt that he seemed to have grasped it vaguely.

What, and it's starting to become clearer and clearer.

Yes, using high-level equipment obtained through trade to play the tiger and eat the pig is the most practical way to break the situation when the strength is insufficient.

Currently, there are only two channels through which high-level devices can be obtained.

The land of Gus, and these civilizations in front of us.

It is basically impossible to reach a deal as a human civilization, because human civilization cannot show this strength, not to mention, except for modern times, human civilization in any future line has actually exposed its existence, and even more exposed

Understand your basic situation.

But what if, use a fictitious identity.

Shen Shi still stayed on the second future line, but entered the trading market.

The trading market of Future Line No. 2 now belongs not only to humans, but a full twelve civilizations are concentrated here, including the ten powerful B-class civilizations in the Mulder system, as well as the land of Gus.

But in fact, it should be thirteen on the surface.

There is another one, which is the disguise of human civilization in the third future line. In the past two hundred years, it has continuously provided a large number of B1-class battleships to human civilization, and even an unknown civilization as the last retreat of human civilization!

"I see, this is indeed a way to break the situation." Shen Shi thought crazily in his mind.

Moreover, no one else can do this method, the only one who can do it is Shen Shi.

Because those things in Future Line No. 3 were all traded to humans in Future Line No. 2 through Shen Shi.

Give it a try.

Shen Shi knew very clearly that this was indeed the most promising approach at the moment.

If successful, it will be a long-lost black market transaction.

He half-closed his eyes and then changed his identity directly.

Even though huge changes have taken place in the trading market, only the people who obtain the terminal have changed, not the rules. Under the past rules, if a person wants to re-enter the trading market with a new identity, it is

Very easy thing.

Just block all your friends.

Even the appearance can be easily changed.

Therefore, Shen Shi at this time has actually completely changed his appearance.

He showed a mechanized figure throughout his body, but the external technology displayed by some of the devices on his body probably reached around B2 level.

no way.

Nowadays, the existences that he can carry out disguises only come from the Mulder system, the land of Gus, and the technology developed by human civilization itself. If he wants to carry out disguise, only the technology developed by humans can guarantee the disguise of a third party. Sex, and its level is naturally not very high.

Fortunately, he himself does not need to be too technical to disguise himself.

Without many people paying attention, Shen Shi used a disguised identity and came to a store that looked quite mysterious.

Just because this store is completely a tree, a crystal tree.

Obviously, this is not the style of human civilization.

It comes from a civilization that Shen was familiar with very early on - the Three-Day Civilization.

It is the powerful B-class civilization in the Mulder system that is famous for its raw energy technology.

Among the original energy devices used by Shen Shi so far, the most powerful ones came from this civilization.

And during this period of time, due to the invasion of the Three-Day Civilization, Shen Shi has mastered more information.

This is a civilization that has basically given up on the development of reality and specializes in raw energy technology. Its entire home planet has turned into a crystal tree between raw energy and reality. This is also something that may have reached A-level powerful civilization-level original energy device.

And every Sanri person actually exists in the tree they named "Sanri" and does not have an entity. If they need it, they can use transit to return to various places in the shortest time. This is a kind of original energy jump technology that is more advanced than jump engine technology.

There is also such a transit station in the solar system at this time.

As long as there is need, the Three-Day Civilization can transfer the original energy consciousness of countless billions of people here in the shortest time, and then materialize it into an entity to form a huge original energy device.

But the shortcoming is probably that only the conscious body can jump through this kind of original energy jump.

Even if a small number of embodied original energy devices are included, they are still quite disadvantaged on the frontal battlefield.

Perhaps because of this, the Three-Day Civilization actually does not have much ambition to invade the real world.

Their cultural concept is to give up reality and live forever in the original world.

However, the Three-Day Civilization has a strong desire for this trading market owned by humans.

The reason is also very simple.

The trading market itself, in the eyes of the Three-Day Civilization, is an extremely powerful original energy device!

The consciousness of the extracted people is gathered in this virtual and real world of original energy, and they can meet across the eternal distance. They even suspect that the transmission technology of the trading market that completely ignores distance is the original energy of physical objects. This is a problem even for the three Japanese civilization is still only in the "fantasy" stage, but it exists so realistically in this relic device.

Why doesn't this drive them crazy!

Among all civilizations, the Three-Day Civilization is the one most eager to obtain this device!

And this desire was one of the reasons why Shen Shi found them in the first place.

After a little preparation, Shen Shi walked in without any hesitation.

"This place is not open to outsiders."

Just as soon as he entered, colorful lights circulated everywhere, and countless consciousnesses turned into a unified voice and paid attention to Shen Shi's brain, but it was just right on the edge of being judged as a consciousness attack.

It can be said to show the power of the three-day civilization to the extreme.

Shen Shi was naturally not affected in any way, he just paid attention to his surroundings.

After coming in, he has been in a gray place with only colorful lights around him. He can feel existences surrounding him, but he can't see any figures.

It has a dreamlike feel.

"This is the rule of the trading place. Since you have a store, you can't keep it closed forever." Shen Shi's consciousness was also conveyed.

"Say your purpose." The collective consciousness of the Three-Day Civilization has no nonsense.

In fact, Shen Shi has always felt that with the continuous development of civilization, its characteristics seem to be tending to be unified.

That is efficient and rational.

This is the case in the land of Gusi, and the same is true in the Three-Day Civilization.

At this level, all emotions, even etiquette, seem to have lost their role, especially when dealing with the outside world. As the collective consciousness of civilization, only pure reason and efficient calculation are left.

This also makes calculations increasingly difficult.

If you want to persuade them, you must and can only come up with reasons that are sufficient to persuade them.

Precisely because he understood this, Shen Shi stopped talking nonsense.

"I'm from Thirteenth," he said.

With just these words, the store closed its door.

Shen Shi understood that he had come to the right place.

This is an attitude, an attitude of willingness to listen.

There is actually no specific explanation for the so-called thirteenth, but just by saying this, the other party can understand that Shen Shi comes from the unknown B-class civilization that stands behind human civilization and continues to trade.

He does not belong to the Mulder system, does not know the direction, and is not very powerful. But while ensuring his own mystery, he is still qualified to protect human civilization, and even use the trust of human civilization to obtain this extremely powerful relic device.

"Purpose?" The collective consciousness of the Three-Day Civilization came again, still maintaining a concise style.

"I think there is a possibility for us to form an alliance." Shen Shi didn't take it too seriously and revealed his trump card equally efficiently. "Among all the civilizations in the entire trading market, only three civilizations really understand this.

The value of the trading market also understands its importance, that is, we, humans, and you, I believe you will not understand the risks of continuing like this."

In the face of such a civilization, even deception must provide concrete evidence. Verbal deception is meaningless. It is for this reason that Shen Shicai is too lazy to talk nonsense.

What he said is true.

"We raised objections." The consciousness of the Three-Day Civilization was also very straightforward. "There is no evidence that shrinking the existence of human civilization can achieve the theme of sovereignty. There is a certain possibility that this relic device will be connected with the human civilization."

Disappear and disappear together.”

What the rest of civilization is doing sounds like there is nothing wrong with it.

Let the people they send out replace the original human civilization bit by bit in order to completely control this relic.

But there is no evidence that this is possible.

At least for now, new market terminals still only come to 100% of humans.

Even if they, aliens like them, transform their original energy world and become human beings, they only have the right to inherit.

In other words, the right to donate.

Just like the gift of tolerance from a master to his servants.

But if a servant wants to seize more of his master's property, it may not be that easy.

This risk was not only seen by the Three-Day Civilization, but also by all other civilizations.

But they still choose to do this.

The reason is also simple, it is nothing more than destroying it if you can’t get it.

All decisions are based on interests, which include tangible interests and comparative interests. Even if this device can bring them great benefits, if the rest of the people get them together, or even get even greater benefits, then

Compared with the benefits, it becomes a loss. Therefore, destroying this device becomes the choice to maximize the benefits.

But Three-Day Civilization is different.

They saw in this device the promise of more advanced technology and the future that the entire civilization had dreamed of.

"Humanity trusts us," Shen Shi said directly, "and only trusts us, because we are the weakest. With the power of human civilization, we are fully capable of catching up within a certain period of time, and then establishing an equal identity with us. This

Trust is born because of weakness, but it is also strong because of weakness."

"Just trust is not enough." Sanri Civilization understood what Shen Shi meant.

Those who win humans will win devices.

The Three-Day Civilization has no way to protect humans, let alone the trading market, because they are in the Mulder system, and they cannot fight against nine powerful civilizations with similar strength and familiarity with each other.

But this mysterious thirteenth civilization is different.

Although they are weak, they are independent of the Mulder system and are deeply trusted by humans.

Even now, a small number of humans have come into their hands.

The Three-Day Civilization knew very well that this was their trump card to establish an alliance with themselves.

However, this Thirteenth Civilization is too weak, and they can only protect a very small number of people. If you want to truly obtain this device, you must obtain a large number of humans. This is what all civilizations cannot do under the current circumstances.

way to do it.

It doesn't work if you have trust.

"We need a powerful battleship, at least reaching B9 level. We just need to be able to have a basic possibility of escaping from other civilizations." Shen Shi said.

"Reason." The consciousness of Three Days Civilization still has no emotion, it is simple and cold.

"We will give greater support to human civilization." Shen Shi said, "Not just B1-class battleships, but continuous improvements to increase the confidence of human civilization and maintain the purity of their culture, while also allowing them to gradually

Has the trump card to escape.”

Three Days Civilization did not reply quickly this time.

Because this is no longer a simple transaction.

Shen Shi is equivalent to exchanging future promises for current benefits.

Facing the silence of Three Days Civilization, Shen Shi had nothing to worry about.

He really needs such a fleet that can be regarded as the top even among these powerful B-class civilizations, and he can indeed rely on such a fleet to continuously distort the status quo of Future Line Three, so the deal he proposed

It is true.

(End of chapter)

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