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Chapter 294: The Core of the Human System

Of course, the preparations made by human civilization are not to prepare to take action against the Sisok civilization at this time.

That would undoubtedly expose your purpose.

It is also inconsistent with the character of human civilization.

The so-called preparation is essentially a big show.

Within the jurisdiction of the Sisok Civilization, a small civilization's wandering fleet unconsciously approached the territory of the Ancestral Spirit Civilization. This wandering fleet originally came from a subordinate civilization of the Ancestral Spirit Civilization and belonged to an extremely weak one.

The king was defeated miserably in a civilized battle and lost his home planet and everything. Finally, the king led the remaining fleet to escape. Because he was connected with a noble in the ancestral civilization, he took the entire

The wandering fleet of civilization is heading towards the place where the ancestral civilization is.

They did not know that the ancestral civilization had disappeared, and they were not qualified to contact them in advance.

Of course, there is human civilization behind this.

However, humans have done very little.

It just delayed their arrival.

What it does is also very simple, it is nothing more than slightly affecting the route and blocking it with some dangers.

All in all, this fleet arrived at the place where the ancestors were.

Then, they learned a shocking reality.

"The ancestral civilization has completely surrendered to another force and been taken away?" Such news is no less than a devastating blow to this wandering fleet.

In this dangerous universe, a force as weak as theirs cannot survive for long.

Even if some powerful civilizations disdain to take action against them, interstellar hyenas, pirates, and some weak civilizations alone are enough to completely tear apart a fleet like theirs.

"That's actually the case. However, this is actually our honor." The emotions of the ancestors who handed over the fleet were full of pride and joy. "We are surrendering to a truly powerful civilization. Their greatness cannot be surpassed."

Even the Thousand Alliance cannot compare with them, but more importantly, they have a strict but not harsh order, so this is actually an opportunity for the ancestral civilization. Even our great ancestral spirits have made

It’s the right choice to surrender.”

Yes, the Ancestral Spirits who are still here so far have been completely subdued.

They don't even need to control their original abilities at all.

After having controlled the ancestral spirits and dealt with the opposition elements, it would be extremely easy to reverse public opinion, reverse the direction of the trend, and obtain the initial surrender of the remaining ancestral spirits.

Didn’t the Ancestral Spirit Civilization itself also surrender to the Sisok Civilization?

Now surrendering to a civilization that is far more powerful than the Sisok civilization can indeed be regarded as the right choice for them.

After hearing such words, a desire emerged uncontrollably in the leader of the wandering fleet.

"I wonder if we can continue to surrender to the great ancestral spirit?" He said, "Although our strength is weak, as long as there is hope of survival, we are willing to do anything, no matter how small the benefit is, it is still a benefit!


Yes, no matter how small a benefit is, it is still a benefit.

However, this sentence obviously cannot be used in this kind of place.

For the vast majority of civilizations in the interstellar world, it is obviously not a good thing to accept weak civilizations as much as they want.

The first is that the benefits brought by a weak civilization are almost negligible.

The second is management costs.

Finally, it is naturally a matter of reputation.

In the interstellar world, the law of the jungle is the clearest rule, and not just any civilization can violate it. Benevolence without benefit is obviously meaningless.

Don't say anything else.

Which powerful civilization's subordinates have not created several exiled civilizations? If every exiled civilization can have a good place to go, then the power in their hands will lose its shock to a certain extent - it is amazing to abandon their home planet and wander the universe.

Join a more powerful civilization.

If this wandering fleet was not so weak that no one would care about it, and if they had certain connections, they would not even consider joining the ancestral spirit, then there would be little chance of success.

Even the ancestral spirit man at this moment felt that this idea was really wishful thinking.

But he doesn't have the right to decide.

So the message is passed on.

But in the end, I got an unexpected answer.

"It's allowed. How is this possible?"

Not only this ancestral spirit man, but also any ancestral spirit man who knew about this matter was extremely surprised.

Would such a worthless fleet be allowed to join?

You must know that even the identity of a slave is still a huge opportunity for a weak person of this level, because it means that the number of forces that can determine their life and death has been greatly reduced.

Even though it is possible to be destroyed by the object you follow at any time, this probability is much smaller than the probability of wandering among the stars and being destroyed!

As this news was passed on, cultural attitudes about human civilization were also passed on.

"Intelligent life should have the most basic dignity and right to survival. Destroying a civilization is a serious matter. This is not about pity for the weak, but respect for civilization."

Yes, that's the attitude.

Whether in the Mulder system or the Qianmeng system, this attitude does not exist!

The reason is also simple.

Interstellar society is a social system with greatly different levels of strength.

Under this system, the so-called "people who gain the right will get more help, and those who lose the right will get less help" simply does not exist.

No matter how good your reputation is, no matter how kind you are, you will not gain any extra benefits, and you will even lose most of your benefits - you can obviously exploit and suppress the weak more, but because of this stupid

Giving up due to pity is not losing benefits.

In an interstellar society where profit is the direction of all actions, there is no room for compassion for the weak.

However, human civilization still says this.

This can only show that behind this mercy, there are greater interests!

Yes, according to the way of thinking of the interstellar society, this is an answer that any weak person can think of.

But, so what?

No matter what intelligence information they don't know behind the scenes, as long as the result is true, it will be a greater benefit!

This news began to gradually spread towards this star field.

And it spreads wider and wider!

At the beginning, some of the same wandering fleets, or some civilizations that could not survive, started to test.

They sent people to the place where the ancestors were civilized and expressed their intention to take refuge.

Then he was allowed by the ancestors who had already received the order.

Although they must be strictly controlled, it only controls behavior and does not control culture. They are still themselves. Even if they join, they can only pay but not get any support.

However, this is enough.

They have obtained the most precious thing in the interstellar - safety!

In this way, as time went by, such news was quickly passed to some slightly more powerful civilizations.

However, a civilization that can ensure its own safety to a certain extent will not make decisions easily.

"We need to find a way to know the reasons behind this." A subordinate civilization named Juventus, who also belongs to the Sisok Civilization, said in an internal high-level meeting, "The situation of the Sisok Civilization is already in danger. Once problems arise, we will

It will inevitably be greatly affected, and the only breakthrough lies in this mysterious force. However, we must first understand the information behind their wanton acceptance of other civilizations, otherwise, we cannot estimate the danger of joining them."

"But how should we find out?"

"All the exploration troops sent by other civilizations have been discovered, not to mention us, so if you want to know, there is only one way, just ask directly."

"Will there be a response? Will there be serious consequences?"

"They came here because of the Zuling people. No matter how serious the consequences are, they will not be more serious than the consequences of the Zuling people."

"Yes, staying here is also very risky. We all know that those civilizations have long wanted to bring several of their subordinate civilizations into the Thousand Alliance. According to the rules of the Thousand Alliance, any civilization that enters

, there must be a civilized exit first.”


Shen Shi chose this time to convey his voice, and the purpose of launching the plan was reflected in this place.

He knew very well that the Sisok civilization, together with the civilization to which Sisok belonged, would usher in a dangerous period in the future.

In such dangerous moments, the sounds they emit will be attractive enough to attract these civilizations to actively approach.

Actively rather than passively releasing the conditions for human civilization is the choice that maximizes benefits.

Therefore, in the face of some cautious behaviors of civilization, human civilization did not hide it.

There is no need to hide it.

"Our system is based on extremely powerful leap technology. We have truly conquered space and distance. Once any force joins, it cannot escape our control. Therefore, we exchange freedom and safety for obedience and benefits."

This sentence came from the mouths of some ordinary human beings.

Even an ordinary human being should know about the basic system of the human system.

And after this news was passed on, it predictably caused real shock!

Conquered space and distance!

Why are most of the interstellar systems ruthless and plundering? Is it because these civilizations don’t know how to gain benefits by harvesting slowly and steadily?

Just because they can't do it.

Neither the Mulder system nor the Qianmeng system can do this.

They cannot spread the power that truly belongs to them to every corner of their system. They can only use the forced attribution of culture to control more power in the system, and forced attribution must rely on plunder and control, even if

In this way, if layers of civilizations are oppressed, if they don't take tough measures and don't take death and destruction, they will not be able to obtain greater benefits at all, but can only watch most of the benefits being destroyed by many.

The subordinate civilizations are harvested layer by layer.

This would lead to the possibility of other civilizations becoming stronger than theirs.

Therefore, the system is plunder, not development.

The weakness of weak civilizations is the basis for powerful civilizations to gain benefits.

However, humans who have conquered distance are different.

All civilizations in the system are truly owned! Whether they are as weak as a primitive planet or as powerful as an A-level civilization, they do not need to control other civilizations. They only need to control themselves and obey humans!

Strictly speaking, this can no longer be regarded as an interstellar social system.

But the real interstellar empire system!

Yes, all civilizations belong to the human empire!

This is the basis of the system conceived by human civilization!

Of course, this is only a preliminary idea. In the actual operation process, there are still countless problems. For example, if a powerful civilization is located next to a weak civilization, there is no guarantee that predatory infighting will occur. This is

Even if human civilization can enforce management of the profit-driven nature, it is impossible to eradicate it, and a greater price needs to be paid for management.

This can be seen from the internal situation of the land of Gusi.

Strictly speaking, the land of Gus is a prototype of a small empire, and the "trading missions" of each force included in it are each civilization.

Even if extremely strict rules are formulated, it still cannot prevent the struggle and plunder under the unspoken rules.

Therefore, the discussion is still going on, and there is no way to figure out the details of the system.

But under the current circumstances, this does not affect the core of human beings.

And the greatest confidence!

Amid the huge shock, more and more civilizations are focusing on the territory of the ancestral civilization and under the gaze of human civilization.

Even the weakest interstellar civilization understands the significance of "conquering distance".

To put it bluntly, if this is true, then even if human civilization is far less powerful than Qianmeng and Mulder, it will still have the highest appeal to these weak civilizations.

This means that their interests for a powerful civilization are not only to be plundered, but also to develop and become powerful!

This is undoubtedly what they desperately desire.

Some weak civilizations even made a decisive decision to start connecting with humans online and expressed their desire to join.

Such movement would naturally not attract the attention of the Sisok civilization.

At this moment, serious analysis was once again launched among the senior officials of Sisok Civilization.

"How likely is it to conquer distance?"

"Judging from the information currently known, the probability is very high!"

"We are currently unable to detect the migration trends of the ancestral spirit civilization, nor can we investigate their origins. All the jump nodes have not left any traces. This is enough to show that their jump technology is far more powerful than ours."

"I think the other party has at least conquered the distance of the galaxy!"

"If they really have such technical strength, then no matter what, they already have the qualifications to establish a powerful system. It is a system more powerful than the Thousand Alliance and the Mulder system! It is even possible that they have already established it!"

(End of chapter)

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