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Chapter 295: Supporting the Development of Subsidiaries

It is not a lie that humans have conquered distance.

On the contrary, this is the truest reality.

So at this point, human beings are not afraid of being told any information at all, and even intentionally reveal some information.

Including using the holy land to relocate the ancestral spiritual civilization, it is actually based on this consideration.

Apparently it works now.

Even the Sisok civilization has to seriously consider whether to take refuge in human civilization under the current circumstances.

However, Sisok is not as good as some weak civilizations after all.

The weak have no choice.

But they can have many choices.

No matter what happens, even if they are completely suppressed by other civilizations and lose their current status, they will not perish, and there is even a good chance that they can still make a comeback - their past connections are here as the firm support of Qian Alliance

Even if it is weakened, other civilizations with the same position and camp will help because of the interests of protecting the will of war.

Therefore, taking refuge with humans is a high-profit but equally high-risk option for them.

"We can send a mission to contact this mysterious force." A senior official from Sisok finally said, "In any case, knowing more information will help us make the most accurate choice."

Everyone's attention was once again devoted to their emperor.

Once again it arrived when it was the emperor's turn to make his choice.

In the past, such an opportunity may not have happened even once in thousands of years, but in the past few hundred years, it has appeared continuously.

It can be seen from this.

The entire known universe has begun to become unsafe, and even such a powerful civilization cannot make the right choice.

The emperor did not hesitate for too long. The hesitation at this moment was meaningless. He followed the most essential choice in his heart.

"Send a mission to discuss surrender matters with this civilization - without such a statement, we will not get any useful intelligence information at all."

This answer silenced many senior Sisok officials.

Human civilization may not be cruel, but it is absolutely overbearing.

This can be seen from the fact that the owner of just one ruin can quickly mobilize the entire force when he is bullied.

In addition, if they have really conquered the distance, they will definitely adopt this method to strengthen their control over all those who join.

Because you must establish your own authority.

This is a system that belongs to the overlord!

Even though this point was made clear, he still took refuge in the deliberation behavior, which undoubtedly showed the emperor's ideological bias.

This also means.

Unless the final intelligence information confirms that the benefits of not joining are greater, there is basically no room for hesitation.


Everyone still said nothing and just accepted the outcome of this meeting.

For such a powerful civilization, its own system has been adhered to for countless years and deserves the respect of all individuals.

However, the Sisok people never thought of it.

Humanity's tentacles had already completely wrapped them up, and even their emperor was actually affected unknowingly - the emperor was indeed the most powerful individual in the entire civilization, but he could not withstand Shen Shi's strength.

Far more powerful than the emperor.

With power comparable to that of a rancher, coupled with the control of the time domain, and the portability of the Holy Land, Shen Shi has already become the most terrifying "ghost assassin" in the interstellar.

If it weren't for the fact that his means and power were not as good as those of the rancher, Shen Shi might have already had the idea of ​​raiding the rancher.

but no matter.

Everything is moving in the direction planned by Shen Shi.

"When Sisok's delegation arrives, we will act according to the plan." Shen Shi strengthened his instructions to the rest of the group at the end.

Get everyone ready.

The most critical node in this operation is about to arrive.

Even in the future line, problems arose during this incident - that was also the past that Shen Shi had to change.

Sisok's delegation actually arrived very quickly.

It was a powerful fleet consisting of two hundred thousand battleships.

Although it is extremely powerful, it is even enough to wipe out any civilization in this galaxy except for the remaining civilizations.

However, for the Sisok civilization, this number is only a number that maintains respect and awe - it is no deterrent to civilizations of the same level, or even more powerful ones.

"The person in charge sent by the Sisok people is named Xi Qian." Shen Shi shared the information he obtained through precognition, "Xi Qian's original strength is second only to the emperor. In fact, he was also a candidate for the emperor.

He even came close to succeeding. Although he still failed in the end, he was still the second person in the real sense in the Sisok civilization. It can even be said that the emperor's rights were highly restricted.

, he is the number one person.”

"Sure enough, we take it seriously." Everyone became serious.

They all understand the system of Sisok civilization, so they can better understand the status of this character.

To put it bluntly, he has the right to take any action as long as it does not affect the future of the entire civilization.

"We do attach great importance to it, but this Xi Qian was injured on the frontline battlefield." Shen Shi's expression was also quite serious, "I can tell you that at that time, we faced the rancher's war directly. In other words,

, he survived the head-on battle with the rancher, and has never participated in a head-on battle with the original energy since then. It can be considered that his injuries have not improved and his consciousness has been greatly affected.

I guess, unless the surrender is negotiated directly this time, he will lose his current status no matter what after he returns."

With just one more word, everyone's expressions became a little more serious again.

Because the Sisok civilization has begun to speak out.

Yes, by sending this person here, we are already announcing to mankind that we are sincere, but we are also prepared to fight to the death.

"Since this person is so powerful, we can't participate too much." Some human councilors, including Gong Chu, felt a little regretful and unwilling at this moment.

Six thousand years, a full six thousand years.

Their personal strength is still holding back the saints.

Especially soldiers like Chen Feng, who initially followed Shen Shi, could only close their mouths with reluctance and regret at this time.

"It's safer to let me control it myself." Shen Shi didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

Even if there is no such thing, he still plans to take action personally. After all, the regrets and flaws in the future line can only be dealt with by him personally.

All in all, Shen Shi waited silently.

The arrival of the Sisok civilization envoy did not receive the same treatment as those weak civilizations. Although humans need a certain degree of bluffing, they also need to control the degree. If they show disdain for civilizations like Sisok,

On the contrary, it is easy to guess the truth. After all, humans are unable to show that kind of power, even if it is just the tip of the iceberg exposed on the sea.

Therefore, after receiving the warm hospitality from the Zuling people, not much time passed before the senior officials of the Sisok mission received permission to meet with the special commissioner.

"Special correspondent, I wonder what his status is among you?" Xi Qian asked the receptionist in front of him.

It's the collector.

The collectors of the main world line have long since returned from the land of Gus, and are also one of the five standing members. Their own strength is so powerful that it can be said that they are second only to a few people in human civilization.

It must be within ten people.

Therefore, when he appeared as a receptionist, Sheila had to increase her speculations about human civilization.

Because the strength of the person in front of him is only slightly weaker than him.

Equipped with a more powerful device, once a head-on conflict occurs, you may not lose to him.

This is not yet a special correspondent.

Just from a raw energy level, Sheila has already felt the pressure.

Of course, obtaining more intelligence information is also his core purpose.

"The special correspondent is actually the owner of the 'Great Coordinate'." The collector looked relaxed and casual, as if he had no intention of hiding anything. "The ultra-long-distance jump technology we control is not based on a fixed position.

Coordinates, on the contrary, we use 'people' as coordinates. In other words, the special correspondent can teleport his affiliated forces to his side at any time. You should understand the strategic significance of this."

"Of course." Sheila controlled his emotions very well. In fact, he was not too surprised. However, in his probability calculation, the proportion of seeking refuge with humans has once again increased.

He is too familiar with the strategic significance.

On an interstellar battlefield of this size, it would be difficult for a master of raw energy to play a decisive role unless he reached the level of a rancher.

Your original energy attainments are more powerful, but you have more people of the same race around you, and your original energy devices are not weaker than you, so you lose!

But even if I win, when faced with a more powerful original energy attack, what I can do alone is extremely limited.

Unless you use the original spores, you can unleash the single power of the original master to a greater extent.

But the original spores come at a price.

That price, strictly speaking, is nothing compared to the numerical advantage.

However, the original master has another benefit.

That's infiltration.

Although ordinary masters of original energy do not have the absolute ability to sneak into the time domain of Shen Shi, but with special devices, the influence on consciousness, and the inconspicuous individual life, they can also sneak into some relatively easily.

Within the enemy base, there is no problem at least sneaking into the rear.

At this time, countless legions are summoned

To a certain extent, this is not much weaker than the rancher who can summon the fantasy army at any time. The difference is only in the strength of the army.

"I roughly understand your special agent system." Sheila said, "This should be your core power control system. Special agents with this potential can raid some forces that have taken refuge at any time, and can deal with them quickly.

In emergencies, the entire sphere of influence can be monitored, and it can also act as a powerful deterrent to subordinate civilizations."

"Only with strong control can there be a foundation of security, right?" The collector did not deny Sheila's statement, he just smiled.

"Yes, it is true." Sheila nodded solemnly, "Neither the Thousand Alliance System nor the Mulder System can support the development of subordinate civilizations, but you can do it."

This is what really attracts them.

Seeking more powerful power is also the instinct of civilization and the universal desire of all civilizations.

However, being in the Thousand Alliance cannot bring them the satisfaction of developing their strength.

Because their own development has stagnated, and the more powerful civilizations among the Thousand Alliances cannot give them any support, and will even suppress them to a certain extent.

This is naturally because those civilizations cannot absolutely control them, so they are afraid of their power.

The Sisok civilization treats its subordinate civilizations in the same way.

This is especially true for the Mulder system.

They control other civilizations more through suppression than through profit.


Silla is looking forward to the next meeting more and more.

Finally, he met Shen Shi.

There was no excessive decoration, no shocking first meeting, just in a small room, a very old room without any visible technology, I met Shen Shi, who was simply dressed and in a calm mood.

"I have met your Excellency, the great commissioner." Sheila followed the etiquette of Sisok civilization and treated Shen Shi with the highest courtesy.

He had already realized the power in front of him at the first moment of meeting, because his original energy could not feel the existence of the person in front of him at all.

Is this the strength of a special correspondent?

At least in terms of original abilities, the other party far surpassed them.

"I already know your purpose of coming." Shen Shi said calmly, using ancient Dongguo dialect, but his meaning was clearly conveyed to Sheila in front of him, "We are a company that is developing rapidly.

A great civilization and strong leap ability are the foundation of our system. Under this system, most of the participants can bring benefits to us, so as long as we abide by the rules, no matter how weak or powerful we are, we will not refuse.


This is a statement.

A statement based on the logic of interests.

And humans have indeed done this before.

Even if it is the weakest fleet, as long as it comes here, they will still allow it to join. Why? Naturally because of interests.

No matter how small the benefit is, it is still a benefit, and no civilization will reject benefits for meaningless reasons.

"We are indeed full of longing for the system behind you, and we are full of expectations for the abilities you have. From you, we can see what a truly great universe should look like." Sheila also exchanged compliments.

, making no secret of the attitude he represents, "However, please forgive our worries. We know too little about you and it is not enough to drive us to make a decision."

This chapter has been completed!
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