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Chapter 0440 Betrayal and deviated from the Tao, Confucius wanted to beat people when he heard it, and Master Meng wanted to kill people when he heard it!

"It just wants to cause an uproar, it just wants to cause the most extensive discussion!"

Zhang Haogu smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, the more you discern the truth, the clearer it becomes. The truth is unreachable!"

Zhang Ruitu couldn't help but said: "Yuanfu, are you so sure that what you say is your truth?"


Zhang Haogu nodded and said with a smile: "Materialism is not idealism. Materiality is the basis of everything. Only in this way can we understand better what we want to do!"

"What kind of people should the court use? People who can promote the development of productive forces and promote the happy life of the people, rather than those who talk and write moral articles. What do they rely on to make the emperor reuse them? What they rely on is idealism and morality.

Evaluation standards and morality are the most unreliable things!"

"In the future, the imperial court will select talents based on their merits and deeds, regardless of their intentions. They will only look at what achievements they have made for the people and whether they have promoted the development of productivity!"

Zhang Ruitu was slightly silent.

Zhang Haogu, this bastard, is really going to turn Confucianism upside down.

You Zhang Haogu was also a disciple and grandson of Confucius and Mencius, so you just directly attacked Confucius and Mencius?

On second thought, Zhang Ruitu felt something was wrong again.

How could this kid be a disciple or grandson of Confucius and Mencius? This kid simply cheated. It was he, a genuine disciple of Confucius and Mencius, who cheated for him.

Thinking about it, Zhang Ruitu felt extremely ridiculous.

What is all this and what?

Zhang Ruitu took a slight breath, looked at Zhang Haogu and said: "Yuan Fu, what is the theory in this, what is this consciousness?"

Zhang Haogu, who was on the other side, spoke slowly: "Chief, I heard that when you were young, your family was poor and could not afford a light for reading at night. So every night you went to the Baihao Temple on the edge of the village to light the ever-bright lamp in front of the Buddha.

Study hard.”

When talking about his past, Zhang Ruitu also fell into memories. He was almost sixty. Ever since he met Zhang Haogu in the second year of Tianqi, his fortune had turned.

"When you were young, you made a living by teaching while taking the imperial examination. Your wife Wang is from Shatang and is good at spinning. After marriage, she used the income from machine spinning to support the family and support your studies." Zhang Haogu smiled.

Looking at Zhang Ruitu: "right?"

Zhang Ruitu nodded: "That's right!"

Zhang Haogu said with a smile: "One day, when you came home from school, you saw your wife Wang drinking barley porridge to satisfy your hunger. You couldn't help but sigh. I hope God will open his eyes and let me make a difference soon. Don't let your family eat this all the time."

Barley porridge!”

Zhang Ruitu was stunned, and Zhang Haogu said: "Your body is material, you need to be fed, and you need money. When you say that you hope God will open your eyes and let you get ahead soon, this is your consciousness. Maybe you say

It sounds a bit complicated, but if you think about it carefully, are the substances around you affecting you?"

Zhang Ruitu was really surprised. This was the first time that someone explained these strange things from this perspective. He felt that he understood a lot, but he didn't feel that he understood it very well.

Although he is almost sixty, he has been working with Zhang Haogu for five or six years, and he can accept many of Zhang Haogu's ideas, but he feels that Zhang Haogu's ideas are too bold.

Confucianism was fine, but the key point was that Zhang Ruitu felt that what Zhang Haogu was overturning was Confucius and Mencius.

After polishing it, Zhang Haogu showed his article to Zhu Youxiao for a look.

His articles do not require brilliance and beauty, they only require words that convey the meaning and can be read and understood. Naturally, if he wants to promote his ideas, he must involve the Dog Emperor.

"Master, this article is well written!"

Zhu Youxiao nodded after seeing the article: "This materialist theory really opened my eyes. The relationship between destiny and people's hearts is also very good!"

Zhang Haogu breathed a sigh of relief, it would be great if the Dog Emperor could agree with his ideas.

The people's will is destiny.

Whether Guozuo can last long depends on whether the royal family can stand with the people's hearts instead of with this group of gentry and worms. With this article, it mainly focuses on materialism and explains the relationship between the people's hearts and destiny.

, the reconstruction of the "Da Ming Law" must be based on this as the background.

Afterwards, Zhang Haogu wrote his article and published it directly in the "Da Ming Pao".

Capital City, Water Conservancy Bureau

Zuo Guangdou was still looking at the water conservancy project. During this period, he was really busy and worried about the water conservancy project every day.

There are discussions every day and new water conservancy plans have to be formulated every day.

At this moment, he is really busy.

An old man in his fifties still has to visit the front lines every day.

Finally it was time to rest, Zuo Guangdou flipped through the newspaper casually.

On weekdays, the "Daming Daily" will talk about some news, talking about national policies, and occasionally some sneaky news, Jin Yiwei arresting fugitives, etc.

Although he and Zhang Haogu are extremely at odds with each other, and although he is very unhappy with Zhang Haogu, Zuo Guangdou has to admit that Zhang Haogu is still very good at doing things, and he can actually force people to see him.

People thought that Jin Yiwei changed his temper when he saw the dog was annoying him, and he immediately started punishing evil and promoting good.

Just read the newspaper and watch the news as a way to relieve your boredom.

It's just that today, the newspaper is a bit thick.

Zhang Haogu actually wrote an article.

"Who is the Qingliang of the Ming Dynasty!"


Zuo Guangdou knew that Zhang Haogu was the number one scholar selected by Zhu Youxiao. Although there was news that Zhang Haogu had cheated in the imperial examination, nothing was found in the end. In addition, Zhang Haogu later studied hard.

, but it didn’t reveal anything.

However, this article is too straightforward.

"Materialism, the body is material, human spirit and consciousness come from material, and material can also affect spirit and consciousness for a long time!" Zuo Guangdou read and refined the core idea of ​​the article.

He frowned. Although he felt a little awkward, he was not very opposed to this point of view.

Wang Shouren and his philosophy of mind science became very popular, and it was considered a common trend of thought among many scholars. That is to say, during this period, mind science replaced Neo-Confucianism and became the most important science at that time.

The first thing the Donglin Party did was to criticize the philosophical concept of Xinxue. They believed that Xinxue was pragmatic and that the so-called heart is reason was inconsistent with reality. Therefore, what the Donglin Party promoted was actually practical learning, emphasizing

Advocating the truth and overthrowing the fictitious, and advocating for practical application of the world, we advocate paying attention to the main contradictions of the times, answering the main questions of the times, and advocating that academics should be beneficial to the governance of the country, so as to achieve the purpose of applying the world.

I believe that action is what scholars should do. I believe that Confucianism should seek truth and be pragmatic, remove some red tape, and not engage in formalism.

Of course, the Donglin Party talks about one thing, but its actual actions are another.

However, people do have theories.

Although Zuo Guangdou felt a little awkward about Zhang Haogu's materialism, it was not considered to be a rejection. However, when he continued to read, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.


Zhang Haogu's materialism doesn't matter, he directly rejected Neo-Confucianism and Xinxue. Now he is directly attacking Confucius and Mencius, believing that if Confucius and Mencius' theory cannot promote social progress, then Confucius and Mencius should be swept into the trash can.


Confucius wanted to beat people after hearing this, and Master Meng wanted to kill people after hearing this!

This chapter has been completed!
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