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Chapter four hundred and ninety-eight games among scholars

Wu Qingmei did not refuse, but still asked: "I wonder what Brother Yun is good at?"

There is no need to ask Miss Yulan for her opinion. In the final analysis, she is just an escort. It is her duty to make the guests happy. There is no such thing as overshadowing the guests.

Faced with the problem of Wu Qingmei, Yun Jingxin said that I am good at Zhao Yun and jungle thieves, but it is a pity that I can no longer play...

Having said that, people in this era are really lacking in entertainment activities. In such a scene, flying flower orders, drinking orders, etc. are one of the few entertainment activities, or they can recite poems and write poems, but Yunjing can't say that.

If you are good at this, you will have fewer choices.

They are here to have fun. They can't sing and play music for others' entertainment, let alone draw and paint. How much time will it take? Besides, playing chess is not bad, but a game of chess takes who knows how long.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Yun Jing smiled and said: "As long as it has nothing to do with poetry, lyrics and songs, I don't care."

As for entertainment, it's not like we have to decide the outcome, so Yunjing's attitude is very casual. He doesn't dare to say that he is proficient in all kinds of entertainment in similar situations, but he can still play almost all of them.

Miss Yulan was very good at livening up the atmosphere, but she also knew how to measure. At this time, she helped Yunjing pour the wine and looked at Wu Qingmei curiously, guessing what kind of entertainment the other party would propose.

Wu Qingmei thought for a while and said: "I'm tired of playing ordinary mini-games. They have no freshness and no interesting features. How about we compare our memory?"

Than memory?

Yun Jing couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this, thinking that we have a photographic memory, are you sure it's better than this?

Then Yunjing quickly realized that Wu Qingmei's so-called memory comparison was definitely not as simple as he thought, so he curiously asked: "How to compare?"

Wu Qingmei drank a small glass of wine leisurely, and then said: "It's not about on-the-spot memory, but about what we have seen and learned before. However, considering that our family and country backgrounds are different, what we learned must be very different."

It’s big, so there has to be a range, let’s set it within the range of the classics left by the sages..."

After saying this, Wu Qingmei paused and said apologetically: "Brother Wei is a little older than Brother Yun. This seems to be a bit of an attempt to bully Brother Yun. I wonder if you are interested?"

Sure enough, it's not as simple as I thought. If I understand it, it's probably about comparing who has accumulated more. In such a game, if age is taken into consideration, Yunjing will indeed suffer, but he has read so many books?

To be honest, this kind of game tests a person's erudition. Scholars not only study the classics of their own country's sages, but also learn the excellent knowledge of other countries. Otherwise, when you become an official in the future, how will you communicate with people from other countries? And rule.

If the person who committed the crime comes from another country and does not understand the culture of that country, how can he solve the case?

There is a word to describe scholars called erudition, which is reflected here. A truly erudite person never has stage fright, and has literature from all over the world at his fingertips. Of course, if you want to have such erudition, you can’t do it without some family background and connections. After all, there are many classics that ordinary people can’t read.

It's too difficult to get.

Yun Jing smiled and said: "Just follow what Brother Wu said, it's just for entertainment, it doesn't hurt if you can't answer it."

"In that case, let's compare our memories." Wu Qingmei nodded and confirmed.

In fact, she was a little careful when she raised this point. Through this game, she can roughly understand how much ink Yunjing has in his stomach. Generally, people who don't have much ink in their stomachs don't even dare to play this game. After all, they can't answer the question.

How embarrassing?

Nodding, Yunjing asked: "What are the specifics? There must be a rule."

"This is just a little game we came up with. As for the rules, how about this? We recite a paragraph or a sentence from the classics, and then ask people to answer the source. Those who can't answer will get a glass of wine, how about it?" Wu Qingmei


Yun Jing smiled and said, "Okay, that's it."

In fact, this game is quite interesting. It not only tests memory, but also reflects a person's background. It doesn't take long and you can play a round very quickly.

Moreover, Yunjing was also curious about the depth of Wu Qingmei's eyebrows. Although she knew that she was a woman, she could represent the Sanluo Dynasty and suppress the Dali students from the south. She must have outstanding knowledge.

After the discussion, Yunjing did not forget that there was a girl named Yulan beside him. He turned around and asked her: "Is girl Yulan interested in participating?"

"It's good that the two distinguished guests are happy. Although I don't dare to compete with talented people like you, this game is quite interesting. I am a little girl. I hope the two gentlemen will not bully the little girl too much." Miss Yulan

Laughed softly.

As an escort, she has no right to refuse. If she cannot make her customers happy, then her professional skills are not good enough, which will be a big blow to her reputation as the top brand of Baihua Pavilion.

But, since she is the number one in Baihua Pavilion, she is also outstanding in knowledge. After all, most of the people who come here are talented people. How can I fool all the talented people with just two brushes?

Even for this game, Miss Yulan is a little eager to try it. She has seen too many idiots relying on their status, and she also wants to show off her knowledge.

In an environment like a brothel, where can one learn to excel in martial arts?

The three of them decided to play this 'competition' memory game, and they were all very interested. They seemed to have forgotten that there was supposed to be a laurel girl to accompany them, so there was no need to bring up such a small thing that affected their mood.

Wu Qingmei smiled and said: "Then which one of us will be the first to offer advice?"

"Brother Wu is the host, so you should come first," Yun Jing said politely.

Miss Yulan also said: "Both of you are distinguished guests, so the little girl will not show off her ugliness."

Nodding, Wu Qingmei did not refuse any more. She had a strong character, so she said: "In that case, let me go first. I will ask Brother Yun and Miss Yulan respectively. Those who can't answer have a drink and ask.

After finishing two people, ask someone else.”

After saying this, she paused, looked at Yun Jing and said: "Brother Yun, listen carefully, 'Early winter, wild, looking north, blue, coyote, He Liang, snow peak', this passage comes from that book


Yunjing raised his eyebrows. Wu Qingmei had a little trouble getting through it right away, but she seemed to have taken good care of herself. The question she asked was actually a sentence from the classics left by the Dali Dynasty.

Yun Jing almost didn't need to think about it, and quickly matched the source of this sentence in his mind, so he said: "This sentence comes from the book "Stars", which was re-edited by Master Qiu about 500 years ago.

The forty-sixth leaf of the third volume of the latest Dynasty revised edition of the classics, among which the blue and the coyote...respectively represent the stars in the northern night sky of the world in early winter."

Wu Qingmei was not surprised that Yun Jing could answer this question. There are astrological classics in various countries, and they are very similar. They are one of the must-read books for scholars. There is a saying called stargazing at night. Observe the stars in the night sky.

It's so mysterious, but it can roughly predict the recent weather. Of course, some people who study astrology will develop in weird directions in the future. Ordinary scholars will just try it briefly to understand, so as not to be questioned by others.

Wu Qingmei nodded and said, "It's from this book. Brother Yun's answer is impeccable." After saying that, she looked at Miss Yulan.

In fact, Miss Magnolia is just incidental to this game. She only lets her come in so as not to neglect the other party. There is no need to reveal this kind of thing. She smiled and said: "Miss Magnolia, it's your turn, and listen up, 'Thousands of Feet Deep Sea'"

"There is a giant tortoise, which is shaped like a mountain. When it comes out of the sea, it is overturned by the waves.' Where does this sentence come from?"

Faced with this question, Miss Yulan thought for a moment and quickly replied: "Hui Gongzi, this sentence comes from the Great Sea Chapter in the second volume of "The Book of Hundred Beasts". It is about the strange things in the world that Master Deng collected and compiled a hundred years ago.

My little girl can’t remember the specific page of the beast’s book. I wonder if this answer is satisfactory?”

"Of course Miss Yulan's answer is correct, but I didn't expect that Miss Yulan has even read such unorthodox books." Wu Qingmei nodded and smiled, really a little surprised, but when he thought of her true artistic conception,

Not too surprising.

Then it was Yunjing's turn to ask questions.

After thinking for a moment, since Wu Qingmei was asking about the classics of the Dali Dynasty, it would be disrespectful to come and go. Yunjing looked at her and said, "Then it's my turn. Brother Wu, listen, 'There are strategies for viewing mountains.

Water, if the water is mixed, the people will lose their homes; if the water is clear, the warehouses will be full of grain.' Where did the words come from?"

After hearing this, Miss Yulan's clear peach blossom eyes were a little confused, and there was no impression of this sentence at all in her memory, not at all.

I am a little confused. Is it because I am ignorant, or is there a big gap between myself and the real talents?

On the contrary, Wu Qingmei glanced at Yun Jing in surprise, and said in astonishment: "I never thought that Brother Yun is also very familiar with the classics of the Sanluo Dynasty."

'Are there any classics from the Sanluo Dynasty? Although I have read a lot, I haven't studied Sanluo culture in depth. It's normal not to know.' Girl Yulan next to her thought in her mind, and then looked at Wu Qingmei, expecting him (her)


Wu Qingmei continued: "This passage comes from the "Liu Shui Jing" of my Sanluo Dynasty. It was written by Wangshan Zhenren four hundred years ago. This version of the book has not been changed and has been used to this day. That sentence comes from the sixth volume.

Page 63 of the Landscape Chapter talks about the middle section of the Huyue River in our Sanluo Dynasty. If the water here is turbid, there will be flooding downstream. If the water is clear, there will be a bumper harvest."

The Book of Flowing Waters is a classic book about the mountains, rivers and lands of the Sanglu Dynasty. This book has more than one hundred volumes, covering the mountains and rivers of the entire Sanluo Dynasty. Originally, this kind of book involving national geography was considered a banned book and could not be easily circulated. However, after all,

After so many years, it will always be spread. As a scholar, it is a must-read book. After all, if you lead troops to fight in the future, you will not even know the geography of other people's mountains and rivers. You can give it a hammer.

Yun Jing smiled and said: "It's this book. Brother Wu answered it in detail. It seems that Brother Wu of Sanluo Territory must have a clear understanding of it."

Wu Qing's brows said that it was more than clear in his heart, all the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles are mine...

Then Yunjing looked at Miss Yulan and said, "It's your turn next, Miss Yulan. Please listen carefully." After hearing about his wonderful talent, he wrote a poem at the age of three.

The bandits are rampant and the people are poor. The emperor rules and the people are in ruins. What's the point of being mediocre?' Where does this paragraph come from?"

Miss Yulan listened carefully and was not confused now. She quickly got the answer and said with a smile: "This paragraph comes from the ninth volume of "Book of Encouragement to Learning", which was written by Master Yang of this dynasty six hundred years ago.

He was a talented man who became an official at a young age. He was outstanding in poetry but did not understand the way of being an official. As a result, his rule was in chaos, and he was eventually punished and executed. This is to warn the world not to delay the foundation of learning with poetry."

"Yes, that's right," Yun Dingding nodded, thinking that this Yulan girl was obviously not a vase, but she still had something.

But Miss Yulan said: "Mr. Yun, you don't have to take care of me. I encourage everyone to read books and read them. The little girl also reads them often. It's better to be the same as Mr. Wu. Even if I can't answer the answer, just drink."

She was not a fool, so why didn't she feel that Yun Jing was asking about simple things? Although she understood Yun Jing's good intentions, she was still a little bit unconvinced in her heart. We brothel girls are also knowledgeable, right?

On the side, Wu Qingmei joked: "Brother Yun is taking care of the beauty. Could it be that he really wants to impress the beauty and achieve success?"

"Brother Wu is overthinking. What we are competing for is memory. If Miss Yulan can answer it, it's because she has a good memory. How can I take care of him?" Yunjing shook his head and said.

Without arguing with Yun Jing, Wu Qingmei looked at Miss Yulan and smiled: "Miss Yulan, it's your turn."

"That little girl is showing off her ugliness," Yu Lan nodded and said eagerly, then she looked at Yun Jing and said, "Master Yun, please listen carefully, 'If you are extremely dirty, you will be able to build a Toyota Toyota, if your warehouse is full, your people will be happy, and your family and country will be rich.'"

, may I ask where this sentence comes from?”

Yun Jing smiled and said: "The words and sentences are from "Nongshu", and it was newly revised last year. The forty-third volume is also the last volume, page 42. This book was not written by a certain sage, but edited by the whole country.

, what this sentence says is that in recent years, farmyard manure has appeared in Dali, grain production has increased, and the people have become rich and the country has become strong."

"I knew it wouldn't be difficult for Mr. Yun," Yu Lan laughed after hearing Yun Jing's answer.

Yun Jing said: "This book is a must-read for the imperial examination every year, especially since it was re-edited last year. It is a must-read for scholars. How could you not study it carefully? On the contrary, Miss Yulan, you actually studied this book seriously."

"Although the little girl is a prostitute, she can't know everything. Agricultural books are related to all people in the world. How can you not read them seriously? If you don't even know where the food comes from, how can you be a human being?" Miss Yulan said calmly.

This is also a woman with ideas, but it is a pity that she cannot take the imperial examination as a woman.

There is no need to continue some topics. Yun Jing said: "Miss Yulan, it's your turn to ask Brother Wu."

Yulan, who had already prepared the draft, looked at Wu Qingmei and said, "Master Wu, where did the words and phrases come from, 'The forest is deep and the forest stops, the defeated troops leave, and there is no stronghold in the Yinshan Mountains.'"

"Miss Magnolia actually knows the art of war? And she has also read the book "March" of our country. It's really surprising. Haha, this sentence comes from the seventh volume of the "March" of our country's art of war. It was written by... Well, in short,

Am I right?" Wu Qingmei looked at Yu Lan and said calmly.

The tone is quite complicated, especially for the author, who doesn't want to mention that name.

The author of Gein's book was killed last year by Liu Neng, who was far away from the free world. He was a real person in the Sanluo Dynasty. You can imagine what kind of loss his death meant to the Sanluo Dynasty.

Yu Lan quickly said: "Master Wu, I'm sorry, the little lady didn't mean it."

As a member of the Sanluo Dynasty, Wu Qingmei, Yunjing and Yulan both understood her feelings regarding these things.

On the contrary, Wu Qingmei waved her hands indifferently and said with a smile: "Don't mention these, now it's my turn. Brother Yun, please listen carefully, 'Dang Gui does not return, loses relatives, regrets?' Where do the words come from?"

Although Yunjing remained calm on the surface, he knew that after the previous round of indifferent questions and answers, he was now getting serious.

The sentence Wu Qingmei asked was a bit off-topic, and it was also a sentence in the classics of the Dali Dynasty. It can be seen that although Wu Qingmei asked off-topic, she was not deliberately making things difficult, but was familiar with Yunjing.

raise questions in the field of culture.

"The words and phrases are from the book "Missing Family". The whole book has only 80,000 words. It was written by a master from the Dali Dynasty in the past. When he was young, he went to war, and when he returned home, he missed the death of his relatives. I thought about this later.

I just wrote this book, and the sentence Brother Wu asked came from page 23." This was Yun Jing's answer.

Nodding, Wu Qingmei looked at Yulan and asked: "Bright armor on the outside, red makeup on the inside, never to return. Where does this sentence come from?"

Hearing this question, Miss Yulan frowned and thought, without any impression in her mind. After Wu Qingmei became serious, as a brothel girl, she really couldn't resist it.

After a while, she shook her head and said calmly: "The little girl can't answer, so I'll have a drink myself."

After saying that, she poured a full glass of wine and drank it very simply. Although it was a game, she still had to accept the punishment.

Yunjing faced Wu Qingmei's gaze, but smiled and said: "This sentence comes from "Famous Generals". It talks about the only female general at the beginning of the founding of the country. It is very short. After hundreds of years, it has almost been written down.

People have forgotten”

After hearing Yun Jing's explanation, Miss Yulan was immediately upset. Of course she had read the book about famous generals, but she had forgotten the details. As a brothel girl, she didn't know much about the only female general in history, so she didn't think about it.

stand up.

Yun Jing looked at Wu Qingmei and said, "It's my turn again. Brother Wu, please listen to the words 'happy grass, orange peel, morning dew,..., these eight flavors, you won't cry at night', where do they come from?"

Hearing Yun Jing's words, Wu Qingmei frowned for the first time. After thinking about it, he simply drank a glass of wine and said with a smile: "Brother, I can't answer the question. Can Brother Yun help me clear up my doubts?"


"This sentence comes from the children's chapter in the third volume of the "Pharmacopoeia" of the Sanluo Dynasty. I am talking about a prescription that is specially designed to treat children crying at night... Well, I won't talk about pharmacology and pathology. After all, it has nothing to do with our game."

, Yunjing replied.

Nodding slightly, Wu Qing raised his eyebrows and said, "Brother, I'm not wrong for not being able to answer. I just never thought that Brother Yun even knows the pharmacopoeia of his country so well. Do you even remember the prescriptions on it?"

"I want Brother Wu to know that I have been poor since I was a child, so I didn't dare to get sick. Later I was lucky enough to study, and I studied a lot about medicine. I have read some medical books from various countries," Yun Jing said in a complicated tone.

When I was a child, I almost got rid of a cold. Now I am scared to think about it, especially when my family was poor. How much sweat did it take for my parents to pay for the money I owe to treat my illness? I really don’t dare to get sick, so why?

Jing has a different kind of obsession with medical books.

"The past is in the past," Wu Qingmei muttered. She was not very good at comforting people.

At the same time, after only one round, she did not stump Yunjing, but was stumped. She had seen Yunjing's erudition, especially when Yunjing stumped her with his country's classics. This shows that Yunjing stumped her.

How knowledgeable she is, but the game is not over yet. She doesn't feel that she is inferior to Yun Jing. The next step is to find her place.

Smiling, Yunjing looked at Miss Magnolia and said with a smile: "One with three sides on the back, three folds with two faces and four on the back, red, three, green and six... Miss Magnolia, where did the words come from?"

Hearing this question, Miss Yulan's clear eyes were filled with confusion, as if she was saying, Mr. Yun, what are you talking about?

Don't talk about her, even Wu Qingmei opposite her looked confused.

She simply admitted that she couldn't answer the question. Yulan drank another drink. Her previous dissatisfaction was gone. Instead, she humbly asked for advice: "Please Mr. Yun to clear up my doubts."

Under their gaze, Yun Jing talked eloquently: "This sentence comes from the book "Nvhong" of this dynasty. It was compiled by a queen convening many women two hundred years ago. I said it is from the book "Nvhong" An embroidery stitch, um, specially used to embroider lotus flowers, red flowers and green leaves. Use this stitch to embroider beautiful things."

"Young Master Yun actually even read Nvhong?" Miss Yulan said dumbfounded.

No, you are a man. You are a prostitute and do embroidery. I think you are really good at it.

Then, I was so embarrassed. As a woman, I couldn’t answer the question, and instead of telling the content of the female celebrity, I was stumped by a man. What a big deal.

Even Wu Qingmei looked weird. Why, Brother Yun, you are a great old man, but you still have a little fairy living in your heart?

Not paying attention to their looks, Yun Jing said: "Miss Yulan, it's your turn."

Then, Yulan searched for a few side books and asked Yunjing and Wu Qingmei respectively, but they all answered correctly. This made Yulan feel depressed. Is the gap between herself and the real genius so big?

‘Wu Changkong’ comes from the Sanluo Dynasty. He has been in the limelight in Dali Capital recently, and many scholars cannot hold their heads up. I can accept that I am not as good as him, but where did this cloud scene come from?

'Yunjing? Hey, I seem to have heard of it somewhere. By the way, I spent a lot of money to buy a portrait last year. The artist on the top of the painting was signed as Yunjing. It's him. He seems to have been recognized as one of the top four in this year's painting. Mr. Caizi Huajun, the style of the tracker picture is consistent with the style of some circulated portraits. It's just that the tracker picture is not signed so it can't be confirmed...'

Thinking of this, Miss Yulan looked at the cloud scenery beside her without any trace, her eyes were vaguely different.

The great talent is next to me? Is he the painting master recognized by everyone as one of the "four great talents" of this year?

If so, his painting skills have been recognized, but his knowledge seems to be even more outstanding?

Inexplicably, Yulan felt that Yunjing seemed to have an aura around her at this moment, and her already outstanding appearance seemed somewhat attractive.

Quietly, Yulan motioned to the maid next to her to fetch the paintings she had collected, but not to disturb her yet.

Yunjing's game continues...

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