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Chapter four hundred and ninety-ninth, the blade is also sharp

Yunjing really likes this kind of game from the bottom of his heart and enjoys it.

It is not something that makes people feel elated like being a saint in front of people, and it is not like a fierce fight with swords and shadows, which makes people get excited. You come and I go, it is a comparison of knowledge and knowledge, and it is a comparison of a person's knowledge and accomplishment. Only the participants can understand the beauty of it.


Rather than comparing memory, they are discussing knowledge.

Literary men are not warriors. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that literary men are not the best. The game among literati is not about competing for victory. The process is the most wonderful. Even if you are inferior to others in the game, that is not

What is a shameful thing is actually a blessing, because if you know where you are inferior to others, you will have time to make up for such shortcomings in the future.

A truly cultivated scholar will never feel resentful because he is not as good as others, but will instead be grateful.

If you don't even have this kind of cultivation, how small-minded will you be? Let alone what kind of achievements you will have in the future.

If you are not as good as others, you will feel resentful and even have the idea of ​​​​killing the other person. To put it bluntly, this kind of person is incompetent and angry.

Look at those people with admirable knowledge and accomplishments. Who is not broad-minded, never cares about victory or defeat, and only looks for problems in himself, not in others.

Of course, what we are talking about here is a person’s cultivation, and it has nothing to do with his or her personal character. The so-called mentality does not matter when it comes to deeds, and there is no perfect person in the world when it comes to heart.

Isn't this kind of game more comfortable than pretending to be slapped in the face and killing people all over the world? It increases knowledge, broadens horizons, and makes friends. The benefits are so many...

After several rounds of 'confrontation', both Wu Qingmei and Miss Yulan realized how profound Yunjing's background was. So where is his limit? Is it difficult for him to do so?

They don't believe that Yunjing can answer everything. There is no omniscient and omnipotent person in the world, and Yunjing is no exception. After all, the game is still going on, isn't it? This has just begun.

After learning how to read, Yunjing relied on his photographic memory and the ability to read from afar, and he memorized all the books he had access to, especially after he could fly last year.

No matter where he goes, he browses through all the books he has access to. It can be said that he has a huge library in his head.

Having seen it is just seeing it, you still have to understand and absorb it, but this does not hinder the amount of knowledge in Yunjing's mind. With the keywords, he can retrieve them in his mind and answer them.

Even so, Yunjing still feels that he is not enough, because the world is too big, and there are too many books that he has not read. His knowledge is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

When it comes to learning, there is nothing wrong with always having a humble attitude.

It was Wu Qingmei's turn to ask questions again. She was already serious and pondered for a moment before speaking.

Because she had limited the scope of classics from the beginning, her next questions still did not go beyond this scope, but were just more biased.

What are classics?

The so-called classics do not necessarily have to be written by famous scholars, but they must stand the test of time, and have certain profound truths and contents that are of great significance to the world. Only such books can be called classics.

No matter how famous it is, that kind of talk book and miscellaneous talk cannot be called a classic.

Wu Qingmei said: "At the beginning of the year, I and others came south to the territory of your Dali Dynasty. I met a talented man in the north. After talking with him, I got permission to go to his library to read.

I saw some rare and unique copies in his house. Next, I will tell you something about the contents of one of the books. Brother Yun, please answer and listen carefully: Meng boy staggers to pick mulberry leaves, and the old mother weaves silk in the middle of the night, and the husband pays for his salary.

Chai Wang Tianming', I dare to ask Brother Yun, which book does this sentence come from?"

After listening to the cloud scene, I thought for a while.

Wu Qingmei's words are not poetry, they are simply describing the living conditions of a family. The children are picking mulberry leaves, the old mother is weaving in the middle of the night, and the mainstay is looking forward to the dawn for the family's livelihood.

To be honest, it is very difficult to answer the origin of this sentence. There are too many similar descriptions, and a single word difference may lead to another book.

I have to say, apart from anything else, Wu Qingmei is very gentlemanly. She has always used the classics of the Dali Dynasty to interact with Yunjing, instead of testing Yunjing with the unsophisticated classics of other countries.


After pondering for a while, Yun Jing said with a smile: "This sentence comes from the book "Han Shi Yi". This book is already very old, and it was written by an expert from the previous dynasty before my great departure. There are indeed not many of them in existence today.

Although the content is almost all about the life of ordinary people, it is very warning. From it, you can understand the true appearance of people's life, rather than the prosperous scene painted by literati for the sake of embellishment. Brother Wu's words come from "Han Shi Yi"

》Chapter 46, Section 3, Paragraph 6, I don’t know if it’s correct?”

"Exactly," Wu Qingmei nodded, and even couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised: "Brother Yun has actually read such an ancient book and remembered it in his heart. It's really surprising. It should be noted that this book is not only a book that has been passed down for a long time.

From a scholarly family, few people collect it. Ninety-nine percent of the people in the world have never heard of this book, let alone read it."

"The emergence of writing and books is the carrier of civilization. I have read books of this significance. I am not boasting. My teacher has a good family background and has a large collection of books. He never restricts reading to low-grade people. It is an advantage for me."

, Yunjing said calmly.

After all, my master was the first of the four great talents in the past. If I insist on it, he can still be related to a certain master. Anyway, I can definitely blame him for the books I have read. I 'stole the books' and read them.

There's no need to talk about it. Although it's not plagiarism, it's still a bit shady.

Wu Qingmei had not regarded Yunjing as a seventeen-year-old boy for a long time. At this time, she was relieved of some doubts in her mind. It turned out that Yunjing had a powerful master. No wonder he was so knowledgeable. What kind of master could teach him this?

I'm waiting for the apprentice, who must be a great talent. If I have the chance, I can make some friends, but after all, my family and country are different...

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Wu Qingmei did not ignore Yulan. Although she could no longer keep up with the rhythm, he still looked at her and smiled: "In the autumn of the fallen leaves, I go up to Nanshan alone to drink and be sad, and the beauties dance at the foot of the mountain. Who asks about the things in the fields..."

Miss Magnolia, where does this sentence come from?"

It can be seen from this that Wu Qingmei's attitude towards Yulan is much more casual. If it were not to make people think that she is too aloof and indifferent, she would not even want to talk to Miss Yulan.

As a human being, you still have to be considerate of everything.

Faced with this problem, Miss Yulan racked her brains and tried her best to show that she would not be too different from Yunjing and the others, thereby ruining her own brand.

The words Wu Qingmei described seemed to be literati expressing their feelings and had nothing to do with classics. However, if she thought about it carefully, a few words had profound meanings, but she just couldn't remember the source. It was obviously a bit specious but not impressive.

Of course, such a game cannot be delayed for a long time. Although there is no set time, it is not a problem to delay. Yulan smiled helplessly, drank a drink and said: "The little lady can't answer the answer. I really made the two young masters laugh.


At this time, her mood was extremely tangled. Her previous ease and ease were gone at this time. She used to try her best to take care of other people's moods, but now..., isn't the gap too big?

Now it seems that it is not that the people I saw before were all idiots, but that I have never come into contact with real talents. The talents just settle down to study, and how many of them go to brothels to show off? Now that I have seen it, it is so shocking.

Since someone has raised a question, there must be a result, otherwise such a game will lose a lot of meaning.

Under the gaze of the two of them, Yunjing, although not asking himself, still said: "Brother Wu, this sentence comes from the book "Lone Peak", which was compiled by the gentlemen of Qingniu Academy a hundred years ago and took three years to compile.

In the beginning, the mountain chief at that time went to Nanshan Mountain alone to express his feelings, and thus initiated the compilation of this book. The contents of the book are all about the true nature of the situation, and persuade the world not to ignore the reality for the sake of the beauty in their eyes. It is of great significance, especially

This sentence excerpted by Brother Wu says that people only pay attention to beauties, but who pays attention to the farmers sweating in the fields... The book "Lone Peak" has a total of six volumes and twelve volumes, and this sentence comes from the second chapter

Volume 2, "Open Your Eyes", page 33."

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, brother Yun is really a great talent. He not only explained the origin, but also explained the true meaning of this book. This is really a good book worth reading carefully," Wu Qingmei clapped her hands.

Qingniu Academy is a pragmatic school, so it is normal to compile such a book. His master is from this school, so it is normal for Yunjing to have read this book.

At the same time, both Yunjing and Yulan understood that this was Wu Qingmei trying to deal with Yulan. He was talking about 'simple' things, but she just couldn't get it right, so there was nothing she could do.

Especially Miss Yulan, so embarrassing...

Then it was Yunjing's turn again. Wu Qingmei was waiting for his questions seriously. Although Yulan was embarrassed in her heart, it didn't show on her face. She was curious about what profound questions Yunjing would ask.

Since the other party uses Dali classics to ask questions, wouldn't Yunjing be inferior if he uses his own field to ask the other party? Of course, he also has to ask the other party's familiar field.

After pondering for a while, Yunjing really wanted to test the depth of Wu Qingmei, so he increased the difficulty and said: "Last year, I also went to the border and was fortunate enough to read some classics of the Sanluo Dynasty. Brother Wu, and

Listen to 'How do you govern the people? How do you govern a family when you are well fed and clothed? How do you govern a country when you are kind to the superiors and filial to the inferiors? How do you govern a country when you use violence to stop the people from becoming rich?' Brother Wu, where does this sentence come from...?"

Yunjing asked about 'which' places, not which book!

This is the true test of one's literary skills.

When Yun Jing read out this sentence, the girl Yulan next to her thought that this was too simple, because this sentence is very famous, so famous that even a scholar with some knowledge knows it, even if it was spread from the Sanluo Dynasty.

, after all, isn’t studying and learning just for running a family and a country?

However, when Yunjing asked "where" it came from, Yulan realized how difficult this question was. There is a widely circulated saying, but you have to answer all its sources. It really shouldn't be too difficult, because missing one source will make it difficult.

is incomplete.

Wu Qingmei was a little stunned at first, thinking that Yun Jing was letting off steam, but in the end she frowned slightly and fell silent, thinking carefully about the origin of these words.

Yunjing was not in a hurry, and waited slowly. It was a scholarly discussion, and it was not a life-and-death fight.

After a moment, Wu Qingmei raised his head and said: "This sentence was spread by our Sanluo Dynasty. It is recorded in many classics, but the specific origin cannot be tested. Under the circumstances that cannot be tested, those classics can

Take it as the origin of this sentence..."

After a pause, she continued seriously: "The Sanluo classics containing these words are called "The Theory of State Administration". This book was written seven hundred years ago. It is the most likely source of this sentence. This book is divided into two parts.

The middle and lower volumes respectively explain the governance of the country, the governance of the family and the governance of the people. However, at the same time, there was also a book that recorded this sentence. The title of the book is "Questions", which was a request for advice from an emperor in the history of our Samlu Dynasty.

The repartee on how a real person governs a country is a real person teaching the emperor how to be a good emperor. Then, there is also a record of this sentence in a book six hundred years ago. The title of the book is "Resolving Confusion in the Hall", which describes:

The scene of a teacher teaching students in the classroom, teaching students where to go in the future after they have achieved success. Secondly, there is also this sentence in a book two hundred years ago. The title of the book is "Drunk Dream", which is about a scholar who dreamed that his family and country were broken.

In the last scene, I woke up and suddenly realized that I had compiled this book of what I had learned and expounded my ideas to serve my family and country. Then it was ten years ago. Our current Majesty, the Sang Luo Dynasty, was in a stable position and ordered people to compile the book "The Way of the Emperor" to explain the emperor.

The way is for reference, and these words are also included in it."

After saying this in one breath, Wu Qingmei exhaled softly, looked at Yun Jing and said: "This is what I know. I don't know where Brother Yun's words were recorded. Is it correct? If there are any omissions, please contact Brother Yun.


After saying that, she looked at Yun Jing expectantly. Did she know all the sources? What kind of answer would he give?

After hearing this, Yun Jing pondered for a moment and said: "Brother Wu is very knowledgeable, and I admire you. As for the source of that sentence, I know "The Theory of State Administration", "Interrogation", "Explanation of Confusion in the Hall", "The Way of the Emperor", and "Drunken Dreams"

"The book below has been read in unfinished form. Asking the origin of this sentence made Brother Wu laugh."

To be honest, it is a bit embarrassing to ask questions but not fully understand them. However, academic discussions are not just about picking up and filling in the gaps. This is the purpose of real communication.

The jade-like toes of girl Yulan next to her were slightly bent, as if she wanted to dig out a small courtyard. She thought for a long time and only thought of "The State of the Country". She had never heard of other books. It was too bullying.

'Everyone, come and see, there are two scholars here bullying a weak woman like me. I really want to cry...'

Wu Qingmei shook her head and smiled: "It's normal for Brother Yun not to know about the book "Drunken Dreams". After all, the author of the book is not well-known, and the title of the book is widely distributed and only circulated in a small area. Even in this country, There are only a few people who know this book." As she spoke, she added, "Brother Yun, do you think you know other sources of this sentence?"

"I do know the sources of the other two places, which are the "Shenglong Chapter" and "Busu" of your Sanluo Dynasty. The Shenglong Chapter is a very ancient book that has almost disappeared from history. It mainly records Many of the deeds of your Majesty, the founder of the Samlu Dynasty, are somewhat sensitive, and have been destroyed by your Majesty, the founder of the Samlu Dynasty, and listed as banned books. That sentence comes from the first volume of the Rising Dragon Chapter, and it talks about the time when His Majesty first passed by. I saw that sentence on a cliff somewhere, which led to the great cause of the founding of the country. It was later included in the Shenglong chapter, and the book was destroyed. I also saw this book in the library of a thousand-year-old family in my country, and then "Bu Su" This book is about your Sanluo Dynasty. Five hundred years ago, a commoner emperor traveled to observe the world and wrote his experience into a book. There is that sentence in it, but few people seem to know about this book. Hundreds of years ago in this dynasty, a scholar traveled to the Samluo Dynasty to study, communicated with people and brought back this book, which has been circulated in some small circles to this day."

After listening to Yunjing's words, Miss Yulan's eyes were filled with sparkles. Yunjing actually knew two sources!

She is used to seeing talented people reciting poems and writing poems, and has experienced too many scenes of martial arts fighting, but for some reason, Yulan only feels that the 'game' between Yun Jing and Wu Qingmei is even more exciting at this time.

No, it can no longer be described as wonderful, it is simply mind-numbing!

Before this, she had never thought that the communication between literati could be so...exciting. There was no swordsmanship, no intrigues. The ordinary communication was at a level that was prohibitive. She felt very inferior in her heart. .

Wu Qingmei was slightly stunned, and then said with a 'wry smile': "Brother Yun, I have learned from you. It turns out that this sentence has two other sources, but I don't know about it. I am not as good as you, so this problem is mine. If I can’t answer, I’ll have a drink myself.”

As she said that, she picked up the wine glass and drank it without hesitation. She drank it willingly and felt comfortable.

Those who are not in authority will not be able to experience the inner joy at all.

Yun Jing didn't have time to persuade her. After she drank, she shook her head and said: "Brother Wu, you ask me to tell you what is good, and I don't want to blame you. After all, even I don't know there is another source. It's me who is talking about it." It’s a joke, I’ll punish myself with a drink.”

After he finished speaking, Yunjing took the glass of wine that was handed over naturally by the girl Yulan next to him, and drank it in one gulp.

Opposite Wu Qingmei smiled and said: "Brother Yun, why do you do this? After all, I don't know two things, you only don't know one thing. After all, I am not as good as you, why should I punish myself?"

"You can't say that. I don't know. I just don't know. It's my problem. I can't find reasons in other aspects. I should be punished for this cup." Yunjing put down the cup and said with a smile.

No longer arguing with Yun Jing, Wu Qingmei said: "Brother Yun, continue, it's your turn to ask Miss Yulan"

As she spoke, she glanced at Magnolia, and an inexplicable look flashed across her face.

When are men most attracted to girls? Of course, they reveal their talents silently. This is the time when it is easiest to impress a girl, especially outstanding girls, who are already arrogant. To have a feeling of admiration for a certain man, tsk tsk, is like a moth rushing to a flame, and it will kill you.

Just like now, the originally clear eyes of Miss Yulan and the way she looked at Yunjing, shy, timid and cautious, were not as easy as Yun Danfengqing before. I just wished that my eyes were full of Yunjing, with a young man who had just started to fall in love.

Like a girl.

Invisible flirting with girls is the most deadly, but Yunjing doesn't seem to realize this at all.

Good guy, Brother Yun's skin alone makes girls uncontrollable, and he has talent training, so what's the point?

It's a pity that he is from Dali, and Dali protects him too well. Now that he knows that he is knowledgeable, if his intelligence is as good as his knowledge...

Thinking of this, Wu Qing's eyebrows twitched. If that were the case, wouldn't he be the person he was looking for? There might be some shortcomings, but he is so young and there is still huge room for improvement in the future.

Let's learn more about it. If it can really reach the level I think, I might have to find a way to win him back.

It’s easy to get a lot of money but hard to find talented people...

Yunjing didn't forget that the game was still going on. He nodded and looked at the girl Yulan beside him.

However, before he could speak, Yulan's eyes dodged and she said: "Mr. Yun, please stop bullying me. The little girl has little knowledge and knows that she is not as good as you, so she won't show off her shame. I will drink directly, and then the little girl will not participate.

Well, when it’s my turn, I just drink.”

After saying that, she went straight to a glass of wine and drank it elegantly, not daring to look at Yun Jing.

Are you giving up now? I was eager to give it a try before.

He was muttering in his heart, but Yunjing didn't care. Instead, he was surprised that there seemed to be something wrong with this woman, but he couldn't pinpoint the specifics.

Without embarrassing him, Yun Jing nodded and said: "In that case, let's not ask Miss Yulan. I just hope you don't feel like I've been left out."

"No, no, it's already Yulan's honor to be here with Mr. Yun." Miss Yulan said softly, adding in her heart, if Mr. Yun comes to Baihua Pavilion in the future, I won't charge you, you can go directly

My little courtyard, but will you still come?

‘What should I do? After meeting such great talents as Mr. Yun, others won’t want to meet them at all’.

Miss Magnolia became distressed...

Ignoring her, Yunjing looked at Wu Qingmei and said, "Since Miss Yulan has withdrawn, it is Brother Wu's turn to ask questions next."

Wu Qingmei was happy to see the result. After all, it was a bit 'obstructive' when Yulan was involved. Now the conversation and exchange between the two was exactly what he wanted, so he said: "Since Brother Yun just asked that sentence that has been recorded in many places,

, then you’re welcome as a brother.”

"Brother Wu, please let us communicate and discuss. We should promote each other, only in this way can we gain something." Yun Jing nodded and smiled.

Opposite Wu Qingmei said: "Brother Yun, please listen carefully, 'How can a filial son be foolish? A chivalrous man can be straightforward? A loyal minister can be selfless? An emperor is a widower?' Which classics does this sentence come from?


Magnolia beside her heard this question. Although she didn't speak, she took a breath of air.

The difficulty has increased again. In these simple words, the classics involved are no longer limited to the Dali Dynasty and the Sanluo Dynasty!

Can Yunjing be able to answer?

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