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Chapter 2286: Negotiation

"I think we will have the opportunity to meet again in the future, but right now I am trying to save my wife, so I'll leave the matter of enlisting in the army later."

Lu Fan declined politely, but he did have a great impression of Chen Long.

It is a blessing for hundreds of millions of people in China to have such an iron-clad general who cares about the people of the world guarding the south gate of the motherland.

The helicopter passed over the sea, and a huge steel shadow gradually began to appear in front of everyone's sight.

Wu Zhi turned on the searchlight, shining it into the shadow of steel.

A huge destroyer flying the Vietnamese flag suddenly appeared.

I saw that the deck of the destroyer Daou armed with artillery was full of armed combatants.

All of them were wearing Vietnam's characteristic dark green military uniforms, full of eagle style.

"We're here, don't talk, just find someone, and leave the rest to me."

Chen Long gave an explanation, and Wu Zhi began to slowly circle and land. When he landed on the destroyer Da Ou, a large group of Dai Viet soldiers immediately rushed up and surrounded Wu Zhi.

“Is this the way you treat guests in Dai Viet?”

Chen Long put on his military cap, bent down and walked out of Wuzhili. A gold star on his shoulder was extremely dazzling:

"Just the few of us here are worthy of the large-scale mobilization of troops by Dai Viet. Why, are you afraid of being beaten? Are you worried that a few of us will destroy your Dai Viet fleet?"

Chen Long's voice was bold and he had a battle-hardened aura. He ignored these Dai Viet soldiers and looked directly at a Dai Viet officer standing behind the crowd:

"General Ruan, your courage, just like your name, is very weak!"

Lu Fan and others also walked down, lowering their military caps and covering their faces in the dark shadows.

"General Chen, didn't you bring so many people to my boat? Let's stop talking about each other."

The figure stood behind the crowd and spoke in rather awkward Mandarin.

Dai Viet shares a border with China, and there are frequent high-level and social exchanges between the two countries. Many Dai Viet people can speak some simple Chinese.

And Ruan Tian is known as Hua Guotong among the top brass of the Dai Viet military.

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