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Chapter 2287 Try shooting

The Vietnamese warship crossed the border, and the Chinese side obeyed the order from the top not to open fire. They also used warships to block it and were forced to accept the collision, causing some injuries.

This means that the Vietnamese side was at fault first.

Now I see that Ruan Tian did not show any apology, but instead showed an attitude of contempt for our combatants.

Chen Long clenched his fists and was about to speak.

"Haha, as expected, with your Yingguo father backing me up, my confidence in speaking will be different."

A sarcastic voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Chen Long was stunned for a moment, and then he was about to look behind him.

"The increase in income of a country in Dai Viet in one year is not as good as that of a province or even some municipalities in China, which can hang you up and beat you up."

"Since ancient times, you have respected our country, paying tribute every year, and claiming vassal status year after year."

"Now, with the lap of the father of Eagle Kingdom, you dare to yell at your previous master."

"You should be grateful that these are good times."

"If it had been in the past, if you had dared to yell at your master like this, troops would have been sent to flatten your capital, and you, from king to common people, would have to memorize the Tao Te Ching several times."

Lu Fan, with his face covered by the shadow of his hat brim, faintly uttered sarcastic words.

As soon as the words came out, the entire deck fell into a deathly silence.

"Captain, you, do you know the consequences of saying these words?"

Ruan Tian's eyes widened and his face was full of anger.

"What, what do you want to say?"

Lu Fan said with a smile: "You crossed the line, hit a boat and hurt people, without thinking about the consequences. What consequences can I say?"

"You are a little captain, are you trying to teach me a lesson?"

Ruan Tian stood up and said: "You are committing the following crime!"

"What's wrong, captain? I'm a captain of the Chinese War Department. Why should I be so polite to you, a lieutenant general of Vietnam?"

Lu Fan said calmly: "Can you control me?"

Ever since he learned that soldiers had died in the conflict at sea, Lu Fan had suppressed a fire in his heart.

Since ancient times, those who offend our country must be punished no matter how far away they are.

How can we talk about a small Dai Viet?

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