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Chapter 201 Escape

Dilan caught it with quick eyes and hands. Just after taking a look, before he could say anything, Mr. Fei suddenly let out a loud roar and opened the entire cabin door to the maximum.

The sea water poured in faster, and the water surface turned and rose. Seeing this situation, Dylan didn't care to talk nonsense anymore, and quickly gave the respirator in his hand to his companion.

But he himself gritted his teeth and rushed forward quickly, trying to follow Gao Ning and his group.

He judged that as long as he followed Alice and the child, once he reached the limit of holding his breath, the other party would definitely not ignore them.

Moreover, to take a step back, with his physical strength, even if the opponent really refuses to save him, there is a high probability that he can survive this distance.

Gao Ning and others naturally didn't know that there was someone behind them wearing such an idea. They had quickly organized their equipment and focused on the rise of the water surface.

They were swinging their arms and legs and holding respirators in their mouths. They didn't have to worry about being choked, so they felt much calmer.

Little by little, the water surface rose to the height of the hatch. Under the leadership of Gao Ning, a group of six people passed through the hatch one after another.

Gao Ning's heart moved, and the total amount of money in the system suddenly dropped by two hundred thousand.

At the same time, the last hatch in front seemed to be suddenly electrified. It opened with a roar, and the water suddenly rushed forward.

Pulled by the water, the group of people, like fishes, reached such a flowing express train and quickly passed through the dark tunnel that was more than ten meters long.

Due to the strong current, I felt a little nervous.

Alice held her son Mike tightly and waved one hand back and forth, trying to control her balance.

However, after repeated trials and failures, she realized that this was almost impossible.

Fortunately, they were well prepared. As long as the oxygen bottles did not fall off, they would be invincible.

Dylan, who was following closely behind, did not expect such a situation. Under such a current, he could not ask for help even if he was close at hand.

I ran through several thoughts in my mind, but couldn't find a better way. I could only hold my breath and persist with my thoughts.

Where no one noticed, a sea current appeared out of thin air, like a pressurizer, making the flowing sea current faster.

Arun was breathing rapidly and closed his eyes tightly. He strangled Gao Ning's neck with one hand and pressed the respirator with the other hand, fearing that he would be accidentally thrown away and cause an accident.

She felt her body lose weight for a moment, and then she fell into an even colder pool with a plop. The surrounding seawater was like ice cubes soaked in, and the temperature was bone-chilling, making her shiver subconsciously.

But then, the warmth coming from Gao Ning dispelled the coldness on her body.

Arun should not move closer to him on his own initiative.

Gao Ning held her back with one hand and controlled the balance with the other hand. He exerted slight force on his feet and pulled out the spiral bubbles. The powerful propulsion speed made the two of them rise several times faster.

Arun only felt that his body was getting lighter and lighter, and he suddenly broke through the water surface and came into contact with a piece of moist air.

She instinctively pulled out the respirator and opened her mouth to breathe.

A burst of fresh air with a salty taste rushed into her lungs, which made her alert and suddenly she felt much more energetic.

"Open your eyes! We are safe!"

Along with Gao Ning's calm voice, Arun slowly opened his eyes.

I found that it was pitch black before my eyes, the water surface had calmed down for some time, the waves were undulating slightly, and the blackness was so deep.

Although there are still dark clouds overhead, the wind around has stopped.

Arun shuddered and pressed closer to Gao Ning.

She thought it would be cold in the water, but she didn't expect it would be even colder after breaking the surface.

How could this happen? It's obviously summer now.

"They're coming out too!"

Gao Ning said, raising his hand and pointing.

Arun looked in the direction he said, and sure enough he saw a thick stream of water spraying continuously. From time to time, a figure would be pushed out and hit the seabed with splashes of water.

Arun was a little worried: "Will they be okay?"

"Don't worry! Everything will be fine!"

Gao Ning was very confident when he said this. As long as his total amount was not cleared, there would be no problem in saving the lives of these people.

And preparation beforehand is also very useful.

The two of them waited for a while, and then heads began to appear one after another on the water.

To Gao Ning's surprise, the second person to surface was Miss Susan, followed by Mr. Fei, and then Alice, Michael and Dylan.

That's right, Dylan did not know what method he used to catch up with Alice.

Gao Ning glanced at it, not paying attention to the others, but stared at Susan thoughtfully.

I found that this woman's expression was more relaxed than the others. Although she was still embarrassed, the indifference deep in her eyes could not be faked.

It was as if this kind of crisis survival, which was hovering on the edge of life and death, was not taken seriously by her at all.

Gao Ning would have a feeling that even if he didn't save Susan, this woman would be able to survive.

She must have a secret!

But what does this have to do with myself?

Gao Ning shook his head and stopped thinking about these messy things. He reached out and pulled down the portable lifeboat that was hanging on his waist and rushed to Arun's seat.

I fumbled to find the starting cable, opened the safety buckle, jerked it outward, and then pushed it forward with force.

The backpack was thrown several meters away, and then suddenly expanded, turning into a regular hexagonal inflatable lifeboat, floating on the sea.

When they saw this scene, everyone around them seemed to have taken a reassurance, and their emotions suddenly calmed down.

Gao Ning took the lead and swam around in a few strokes, tearing off his suit that was already a little tattered and was about to lose its hold.

He held Arun up with his right hand and threw her up with a little force.

Arun rolled over, and after regaining his balance, he immediately stretched out his hand, Gao Ning held it, slapped the water hard with his feet, and with a slight relay, he rolled and jumped up easily.

Soon, Mr. Fei and Alice's lifeboat was also opened, and they climbed aboard.

Then another escape team, led by the old man Robert, opened the prepared lifeboat and climbed aboard with difficulty.

At this point, the four lifeboats dragged eleven people floating on the sea, enjoying the short-term peace of the rest of their lives next to the gradually sinking Poseidon.

At this time, no one except Gao Ning had any strength left.

Everyone lay on the lifeboat panting, unwilling to move for a long time.

Even Arun is like this.

Although she was on Gao Ning's back all the way, the bumps she endured, including climbing and diving, made her more and more tired.

Gao Ning turned around and opened the backpack hanging on the outside of the lifeboat, took out two thin blankets from inside, first pulled Arun over and held him in his arms, and then wrapped the two of them tightly with the two blankets.

At this time, Dilan had some strength, took out the signal gun from his waist with difficulty, pointed it at the sky and pulled the trigger.


When encountering a red signal flare, it soared into the sky, leaving a clear mark like a red pencil crossing a blackboard. When it flew to the highest point, it exploded into a ball of red flames.

And the sound of the gunshot was like the death knell. As the red flames unfolded, the Poseidon could no longer hold on.

The huge ship, as majestic as Mount Lu, gradually disappeared on the sea, creating a huge whirlpool.

A thousand meters away, a modified speedboat floated quietly on the sea. The captain in cowboy clothes put down the high-power telescope in his hand and was stunned.

This chapter has been completed!
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