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Chapter 202 Mercenaries

The mercenary captain had been closing his eyes to rest his mind. Suddenly he felt that the ship was not moving forward. He opened his eyes suddenly and turned his head to look, only to find that the captain was sitting there in a daze, as if he had seen some incredible scene.

The mercenary captain frowned and looked at his team members. He saw that these guys were no different from before. They were always immersed in their own world and didn't even look outside.

Knowing that asking was in vain, he stood up directly and walked towards the captain again.

"Why stop?"

There was a hint of questioning in the mercenary captain's tone. Transport ships that can take on such a job usually operate in a gray area, and nine out of ten captains are not good people.

If there is a chance to take advantage of others, they will never hesitate.

Therefore, along the way, the mercenary captain was always wary of him.

Although the captain's attitude in the previous conversation was not good, in the judgment of the mercenary captain, it was still within the normal category.

But there is obviously something wrong with this reaction right now.

The captain has not responded yet.

The mercenary captain cautiously touched his lower back and pressed it on the dagger he carried with him. The muscles of his right hand tightened, and his left hand moved forward slightly, tentatively resting it on the captain's shoulder.

If the captain had any overreaction at this time, he could insert the dagger directly into his aorta in a few tenths of a second.

However, what the mercenary captain didn't expect was that his palm touched the captain's shoulder, and the captain was startled.

But that was all, he didn't even look back, his eyes kept staring blankly ahead, and his right hand moved slightly, as if he wanted to put the telescope on his eyes again.

"I'm asking you, why did you stop?" the mercenary captain repeated, his eyes sharper.

The captain calmed down and found nothing strange about the mercenary captain. He hesitantly put the telescope on his eyes again and looked around.

After putting it down, he was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "We have arrived!"

"What do you mean?" the mercenary captain floated out the window. He didn't see any big ship in his sight, so he couldn't help but suspect that the captain had other ideas.

The captain directly clicked on the radar next to him and the global latitude and longitude navigator.

"We have reached our destination!"

The mercenary captain took a look and was slightly surprised.

A target was indeed displayed on the radar, and the response was huge, almost coinciding with the speedboat.

The longitude and latitude instruments on the other side also have extremely similar numbers written on them.

In other words, if there is no problem with the machine, they should be right next to the Poseidon, but what is going on now?

Why didn't he see anything?

In order to confirm, the mercenary captain looked around again. This time he did not even miss the rear, but still did not find the target. Instead, when he looked forward, he vaguely saw a few waves and waves on the dark sea.

non-parallel points.

"Why don't I see a ship? Where's the Poseidon?"

The captain was a little stunned and said blankly: "The Poseidon sank! I saw it with my own eyes!"

He did not lie. After he drove the speedboat through the storm area with great difficulty, he was actually very close to his destination.

But the huge figure of the Poseidon was never seen in sight.

At first, he didn't pay attention, thinking that it was too late and the Poseidon's camouflage lights had been completely turned off. However, as the ship approached, he gradually discovered that a huge bottom of the ship was buckled on the sea, and it was slowly sinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.


When he reached the current position, he saw with his own eyes that the propeller was slightly tilted.

Then the sea surface was like the mouth of an abyss, swallowing half of the hull of the clipper that was fifty or sixty times larger.

A huge whirlpool appeared on the sea surface, but it only lasted for a few seconds before turning into waves and pushing in all directions.

Witnessing this scene with his own eyes, the captain was deeply shocked.

After all, he does business at sea, and the place where he spends the longest time every day is on the ship.

The clipper was almost everything to him.

He believes that as long as the boat is in hand, no matter how big the storm is, no matter how difficult the situation is, he can survive it smoothly.

But now, he was a little uneasy.

The Poseidon took more than three years to build and is a giant cruise ship that is known as the most luxurious cruise ship in the world.

After leaving the factory, it took six months just to handle various tests.

I remember that at that time, he specifically searched for relevant reports and followed them all the way. It can be said that he had a good understanding of the configuration and capabilities of the Poseidon.

It is no exaggeration to call Poseidon a mobile city on the sea.

But just like this, a city fell silent before his eyes.

Disappeared without a trace.

The Poseidon, which was as gigantic as a mountain, had a safety gap of equal size compared to his Clippers.

Now that the Poseidon is silent, what about his Clippers?

The mercenary captain was also a little shocked.

He didn't expect to get such an answer.

But look at the signal that is still displayed on the radar, and then look at the pitch black sea ahead, but it is obvious that there is nothing.

There was a trace of fear in my heart for no reason.

However, after all, he is a professional soldier who has been on the battlefield for a long time. After experiencing life and death, dancing on the wire has almost become instinctive.

Although he was still in awe of nature, it was not enough to make him give up his mission.

He pondered for a moment, and his eyes became sharper.

He suddenly remembered the incongruous spots he had seen before, and his heart moved slightly, and he asked: "What are those things floating on the sea in front of me? Could they be survivors?"

The captain was still in shock, and his tone of voice in answering the questions did not change at all.

"Those are standard fast inflatable lifeboats. Generally, ships traveling on the sea will be equipped with one or two, which are specially used to wait for rescue! As for the survivors, it is difficult to say!"

The captain paused for a moment, as if recalling what he had just seen.

"But we can go take a look, do you want to get closer?"

The mercenary captain raised his eyebrows and said without hesitation: "Of course!"

The captain shrugged, took two deep breaths, put all the unnecessary emotions behind his mind, put the gear into gear, stepped on the accelerator, and drove the clipper slowly forward.

The mercenary captain turned around, walked to the door of the rest cabin, and said loudly: "Guys, the plan has changed, our target ship has probably sunk.

The mission to hijack the Poseidon has been temporarily cancelled, and is now being switched to searching for survivors.

We have to figure out what happened, and we need to do it very quickly. Although this area still belongs to the South China Sea, it is also the management area of ​​the Coast Guard Patrol.

We have to get out of here before the rescuers arrive. So pick up your heavy butts and get ready for action!"

This chapter has been completed!
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