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0100Pressing step by step

After leaving this notice, the Noxian ambassador simply left the meeting.

Facing this light notice, all the members fell into silence.

No one spoke.

Mel Myrdalda stared at the ceiling with blank eyes.

Heimerdinger clenched his little fists.

Mrs. Gillamann closed her eyes.

The other people didn't react at all. They were all sitting in their own seats like wood carvings and clay sculptures. No one looked at the notice.

Everyone is aware of its weight.

Announcement - yes, announcement.

Unexpected and unprepared.

The Noxian ambassador made a point of reciting it, in a tone of indignation, before leaving.

And all the congressmen here know that this circular letter is fake from beginning to end - but, so what?

Stand up and slam it back into the Noxian ambassador's face?

Everyone here knows that no one can withstand the wrath of Noxus, even if the empire is fighting Ionia.

Mel is from the Myrdalda family, and Myrdalda and Noxus are inextricably linked.

Heimerdinger had witnessed the cruelty of the Rune War with his own eyes, and had witnessed the disintegration of the Noxian Empire under the power of rune magic. He hoped to stay away from magic, and he hoped to avoid war.

The Gilaman family are out-and-out locals. They don't have a good impression of Zaun, and they don't care about a possible relic.

As for the remaining seats...

To put it bluntly, they are qualified to sit here largely because of Noxian trade.

Piltover is nominally a free trading city, where everyone is equal before Jin Hex.

But in fact... just north of Piltover is the huge Noxus Empire!

In order to maintain the identity of an independent city-state, Piltover has opened up many fields of knowledge to Noxus, and apart from some core technologies, Piltover can exchange and learn.

Countless Noxian products passed through the Sun Gate and, after paying the gold hex, led to the rest of the world in Runeterra; and products from all over the world also passed through the Sun Gate and arrived in Noxus.

As a purely port commercial city, Noxus is Piltover's largest customer. According to Kalja's statistics, more than 70% of Piltover's trade is directly related to Noxus, and the remaining 30%

, and 70% of them have indirect relations with Noxus.

Piltover is a free city.

But this freedom... is very limited.

The middle class of Piltover can proudly claim that in their city, everyone is equal before Jin Hex; they can also arrogantly despise the poor people of Noxus in the north, calling them the fuel of the military empire.


But in fact, the members of the Piltover Council knew very well that Piltover was not qualified to talk about freedom in front of the Noxians.

Today's notice reminds everyone present again of this in the most direct way.

"I suggest you stop worrying about the underlying mine." After a long silence, Mel finally said with difficulty, "Don't give us a chance to use it as an excuse. If they want to dig, just let them dig."

"That's right, that's right." After Mel spoke, the second congressman nodded quickly, "Leave all the things related to this matter to Noxus and let them have a headache - Zaun's

What's so good about a rotten place? Just let them do whatever they want!"

"But we must not compromise so easily." Heimerdinger stood up, "This matter can only end here - the Noxians can go to the mines to find what they want, but they must not

Let’s continue to use the topic to our advantage.”

"Using the topic?" A blond congressman raised his eyebrows and said in a not-so-friendly tone, "Are you worried about Mr. Jess and Mr. Victor? With all due respect, it is a very lenient choice of the Parliament not to punish them. We don't

Maybe they will continue to be protected, after all..."

The new congressman seemed to want to say "The Hex Crystal flowed out from Jace" - but before saying this, facing Heimerdinger who seemed a little angry, he finally wisely closed his mouth


"Although Hex technology is not yet mature, it does represent the future of progress!" Heimerdinger knocked on the table in front of him, "I still insist that everything ends here... Now, let's start voting!"


Members of the Piltover Parliament were dizzy because of the explosion.

In the mine, Lux and the others were even more dizzy.

Since they moved deeper into the mine immediately, they were already quite far away from the center of the explosion when the explosion occurred.

Moreover, sensing the magic fluctuations that arrived first, Lux and Ino took action almost at the same time, forcibly erecting two barriers.

The falling gravel hit the barrier, making a crashing sound.

Then, as the shock wave arrived, everyone in the mine felt their ears buzzing and their eyeballs seemed to bulge out.

It felt like wearing a heavy helmet and then being hit on the head with a blunt instrument.

"What is this?" Hilko fell to the ground in embarrassment, and after a while he stood up holding on to the wall. "Those explorers, did they blow up the mine?"

"Not explorers." Lux shook her head, "Explors can't get Hex Crystals - at least not this much."

"The Hex Crystal - it's the thing that blew up that house, right?" Fandel took off his helmet and scratched his head, "Vi, you actually touched such a dangerous thing before?"

"It's explosive." Milo corrected without hesitation, "But the situation at that time was not as shocking as it is now."

"That time, according to Jace, they just exploded a few crystals the size of fingernails." After confirming that there was no magic fluctuation, Lux dispersed the flash barrier, "But this time, I conservatively estimate that they exploded dozens of kilograms.

The Hex Crystal."

"Who would do this?" Hilko was still shaking his head subconsciously, "This is very abnormal..."

Lux did not continue, but silently held the hilt of the sword and asked Kalya if she had any clues.

However, Kalya, who has always been omnipotent, really has no direction this time - from a motive, he thinks it may be the Noxians who did it, but for a while he can't figure out why he took such a step.

Drastic measures.

Finally, after confirming that the explosion had completely ended and there would be no more explosions, everyone finally called it a day.

We'll talk about the reasons later.

The key now is to dig down to the entrance of the laboratory. As long as you find Calican's laboratory, all problems will be solved!

This chapter has been completed!
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