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Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

author:Hidden Owl

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Last Update:07-26 13:18

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The Staff of the Void, also known as the Magic Penetration Staff, is eight inches in length and one inch in diameter. It is made of twisted flesh and blood, with the power of the void as the core. It has built-in protrusions for easy gripping. It is really a good choice for traveling at home in Rune Land and killing people. Not every traveler will have a system. For example, this unlucky dark descendant Bang Bang, after being sealed for a long time, he became someone else's system. [Reward Mission: Xiao Huang Mao must die]: I saw the guy named Yi Is Zreal's little yellow hair gone? Come on, Lux, give this thief a beating, and I'll teach you how to change your profession to the Grand Elementalist! Is your name Ezreal? Lux has already used the one-click super god rune. Equipment! Keywords: League of Legends, Lux, Battle of Two Cities, Runeterra, Shurima, Demacia

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《Lux's Magic Penetration Rod》The latest nine chapters
Extra Chapter·Noxus·Good Student Riel
Final words
Final Chapter Morning Star
0962 Chapter of the past
0961 Climb the peak
0960 Great Counterattack
0959 Withdrawal?
《Lux's Magic Penetration Rod》Chapter Contents
【0000】 Prologue: The Magical Awakening of the Forbidden Kingdom
【0001】 I am the system
【0002】 Three years of spellcasting, five years of simulation
【0003】 Cracker Girl Lux
【0004】 Feel the charm of magic
[0005] Listening to Karya about the past
【0006】 Family Brotherhood
【0007】 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey and hide the sky and cross the sea
【0008】 Other people's children
【0009】Hymn of Valor in G major
【0010】 Mage Front Alliance
【0011】 Daily life of the Crownguard family
【0012】 Sister battle
[0013] A new storm has emerged
【0014】 Forbidden Magic Stone? Rune Stone!
【0015】 Body Printer
[0016] Is it wrong to be a magical girl but keep learning art?
【0017】 Arts Support Association
[0018] One step, one more step
【0019】 Simulation training
[0020] You are the worst class I have ever taught
[0021] Lightsaber unfolds
【0022】 Karya never lies
[0023] Shame and courage
[0024] parting moment
【0025】 All the way north
[0026] A sneak attack that does not talk about martial arts
[0027] The beginning of all preparations
【0028】 Secret Silver City on the Plateau
[0029] The embarrassment behind the elegance
【0030】 Princess Crown Guard arrives
【0031】 Change the door
[0032] Everything is ready
[0033] Resolute shot
【0034】 Resolute
【0035】 Aftermath
【0036】 Homecoming episode
【0037】 The partition has ears
【0038】 Laxana and the Prisoners of the Imprisoned Prison
[0039] Lux's Dragon Field Enlightenment
【0040】 Light of Demacia
【0041】 Long illness becomes a good doctor
[0042] Noble friendship
【0043】 Different ways of doing things
[0044] Prepare to freeze your hands!
[0045] Illumination imprint
【0046】 Engagement Ceremony
[0047] Young people are always too aggressive
[0048] Are you still a young man if you are not angry?
[0050] Peak duel
At the end of the first volume, the girl Laxana is no longer troubled
[0051] Sea Road
[0052] Business atmosphere
[0053] Long-term plan
[0054] Three religions and nine streams, all kinds of life
[0055] Under the Gate of the Sun
[0056] Nostalgia
[0057] Piltover Socioeconomic Survey
[0058] Sudden explosion
[0059] The hapless plaintiff
[0060] The Bear Child of Zaun
[0061] Wei
[0062] Chaos City
[0063] A misunderstanding
[0064] Zaun's Dilemma
[0065] Alchemy Baron's Factory
[0066] The Bulls and Horses of Zaun
[0067] The dream in the cell
[0068] The so-called background is amazing
【0070】 Stay in Zaun
[0071] Weaving conspiracy
[0072] Follow the footsteps of the wind
[0073] Talking and laughing
[0074] Secret third party
0076Reliable little guy
0077Conspiracy and destiny
0078 A sudden turn of events
0079The road ahead
0080Intention to cooperate
0081The source of the sense of crisis
0082New road
0083Start construction
0084The glory of labor
0085After the child falls asleep
0086The Explorers Associations big move
0088Historical story
0089The legend of the lost god
0090The curtain opens
0091Move on hearing the news
0092Encounter on a narrow road
0093Shadows in the Dark
0094Light and shadow intertwined
0095Something seems to be wrong.
0096Failed plan
0097Gather together
0098The choice of little yellow hair
0099Exploded Hex Crystal
0100Pressing step by step
0101 A blessing in disguise, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other
0102Why not open sesame?
0103Grandpa Card
0104 Kalyas Magic Industrialization Outlook
0105Karyas past
0106Receive inheritance
0107 Lets unite!
0108 Tea party with old friends
0109 Noxus influence
0110 Emergency device has been activated
0111 The cyan god of death in the darkness
0112 Collision in the dark
0113 virtual, virtual, real
0114 Girls can also drive Gundam
0115 Cyclops
0116 The troops are divided into two groups
0117 Return of the King
0118 Red Alert
0119 Move upon hearing the news
0120 Comeback
0121 Insect Sea Tactics
0122 Reason
0123 United Zaun
0124 Channels of the Noxian Military
0125Arms dealer
0126 Zuans new life
0127 Click the brake
0128 The Alchemist and the Alchemist Baron
0129 Rooftop
0130 Different ways
0132 The battle between trapped beasts
0133 Reincarnation in the Flame
0134 Restless
0135 Authority
0136 Paradise
0137 Three years period
0138The three-year period has arrived
0139 Some preparations on diplomatic issues
0140 A walk in the night
0141 Its like a world away
0142 Zauns Law Enforcers
0143 Things are different and people are different
0144 Weak body
0145 Young peoples dinner party
0146Secret meeting
0147 Invisible confrontation
0148 There are three people facing each other
0149 Blast and Jinx
0150A new person has arrived
0151 Welcome junior sister
0152 Small-scale cooperation
0153Twin Cities
0154 Reporter from Piltover
0155 Not honest
0156 Keep the Zaunians away from the factory
0157 War Masons in Action
0158 Blacklist in the dark night
0159 change
0160 Foundation and old acquaintances
0161 It's just the right time
0162The return of Kalya
0163 Pirates and Pirate Leaders
0164 Bilgewater's Surprise
0165 Earn money for ship marks
0166 Advice from seniors
0167Advice or warning
0168 Ocean disaster
0169Pirates always think differently
0170 This is the operation of pirates
0171 Make money
0172The Trial of the True One
0173 Goodbye Sarah
0174 Kill or bury
0175 Hong Kong-China pair
0176 Establish prestige
0177The curtain opens
0178 Rat in the warehouse
0179For whom the bell tolls
0180 Dragon and snake rise from the land
0181 Whale falling
0182 Unexpected harvest
0183 Everyone has their own thoughts
0184 Draw commission
0185Conspire to make money
0186 The first bird
0187 The chosen one
0188 Betta
0189 Demon Whisper
0191 Black mist fills the air
0192 The first battle of the undead
0193Light up Bilgewater
0194 The number one iron fool in Shadow Island
0195Ultimate Flash
0196 Battle Mage
0197Go back and wait for rebirth
0198 Shocking change!
0199Plancks Ghost Ship
0200The king returns!
0201New and Old Sea Kings
0202 Fighting against the angry sea
0203 Fight, fight, fight!
0204Looking directly at greed
0205Who is the devil now?
0206 A new era
0207After the storm
0208Pirate Conference
0209 Crowned as king
0210 Retire after success
0211 The days when Lux is away
0212Public opinion war
0213 Communication
0214 The anxious leader
0215 A slap in the face
0216 Surprise changes in the laboratory
0217 Tamara across borders
0218 Escape and pursuit
0219 Charming
0220 One against two
0221 I caught you
0222 Doubtful Tamara
0223 Persistence and confusion
0224 Big muscles have great wisdom
0225 Construction in full swing
0226 Summary of the three-year plan
0227 Kalyas preemptive strike
0229 The Betrayal Orderly Officer
0230 War-weary
[0231] Falling the flag
0233 New port completed
0234 Touching
0235The Giant of Zaun Newport
0236Special meeting
0237 Suppression
0238 Internal friction
0239 Bad news
0240 Economic War
0241Frustrated person
0242 The secret devil
0243 The impeccable Zuan
0244 Crossing the sea in black, Beigang incident
0245 Zaun General Mobilization!
0246 Law enforcement officers in action
0247 Fishing in troubled waters
0248 Fishing
0249Old man
0251 Air Force
0252 Attack and defense
0253 The secret deep in Qingshui Prison
0254Devils sense of competition
0255 Lets make progress together
0256 Mildew
0257 Mr. and Mrs. Tallis
0258 Hedging and reading
0259Ask for help
0260 Ready to go
0261 College defense battle
0262 Swain and Lux
0263 Industrialized Mage Group
0264 The power that has to be accepted
0265 Luxs secret
0266The power of the devil
0267 Scholar Kalya
0268 Deserter
0269 Unintentional insertion
0270 A mixture of joy and sorrow
0271 A famous teacher
0272 Jurisprudence
0273 Shurima Orthodoxy in Vazuan!
0274 Nomenclature and device
0275 Deep night
0276 A mess in the nest
0277 Showdown
0278 trivial
0279 Yellow robe added
0280Revisit the old place
End of Volume 2Departure
0281Vazuans Trojan Horse Strategy
0282 Before walking into the sea of sand
0283Choose a reliable animal
0284 First entering the sand sea
0285 Man and nature
0286Under the starry sky
0287 I want to become a fairy
0288 Share half when meeting
0289 Qualification
0290 Competitor
0291 Partner
0292 Strong alliance
0293 Adaptation and progress
0294Bacquet and Bonu
0295 First arrival at the oasis
0296 Oasis survivors
0297Guide the way
0298 Negotiation
0299 Disagreements and lies
0300 Luxs growth
0301 Fire! Fire! Fire!
0302Avoid fire
0303 Find the cause
0304The call of fate
0305Heavy betrayal
0306 A wonderful negotiation
0307Shapechanger, transform and set off!
0308 The power passed down from generation to generation!
0309 An unintentional person
0310The power of dark descendants
0311 The grudge is over
0312 Chat
0313 Bonfire in the evening
0314 Future choices
0315 Group chat under the stars
0316 Different puppets
0317 Inos breakthrough
0318Research on magic theory
0319Start again
0320 Antiques and scavengers
0321 Confrontation
0322 Many behemoths
0323 Wasteland Punk and Elementary Geography
0324 The Secret of Barren Hills
0325Under heavy reward
0326 Send first and then send
0327 Preaching and Teaching
0328 Ready to go
0329Sivirs choice
0330 The intrigue of three women
0331The actors are in place
0332Holocks past
0333 First glimpse
0334 Shurima Joke
0335 Rappelling in the middle of the night
0336What is the password?
0337 Polar reversal
0338 Self-defeating?
0339 Horlocks Will
0340 New and old grudges
0341 Blood of the same origin
0342 Step by step exercise
0343Advance with the times
0344 Shurima in the post-imperial era
0345 The destruction of the empire
0346 Chi Qian tortoise
0347Secret Technique: Repeated Horizontal Jump
0348Karyas ambition
0349 Nasrameis next move
0350 The clouds of war
0351 War and Brokers
0352 Uzeris black market access system
0353 Shurima special diet with health care functions
0354 The curtain was opened
0355 Devil training
0356 Source of Shurima
0357 Eat and drink enough, lets go up the mountain!
0358 The end of the meadow
0360 The vast snow-capped mountains
0361 Demacias Power and Demacias Shield
0362 From hero to sinner
0363 Fake madness but not epilepsy
0364Seed player
0365 The Cult of the Sun and Lahorak
0366 Making a sound in the east and attacking in the west
0367 Above the sea of clouds!
0368 The power of the stars
0369 Climb to the top!
0370Desolate Starfall
End of Volume 4: Walking off the altar
0371 Night walk in brocade clothes
0372 Hostility
0373 Avengers
0374 Mantis stalking cicada
0375 Castling of the king's car
0376 Quiet summer
0377 The troops are divided into two groups
0378 Element big data
0379 The most filthy darkness, the eternal shadow
0380 The secret in the dark
0381 Eternal War
0382 Nightmare of Eternal Night
0383 The devil of unity
0384 Move upon hearing the news
0385 Take root and sprout, the melon will fall off when ripe
0386 Appearance is in harmony but the soul is far apart
0387 When acquaintances meet, they are extremely jealous
0388 Repeat the same trick, Ice Hell
0389Hunter and Prey
0390 Time difference
0391 Picture shows the poor dagger
0392 Field magic
0393 That phantom
0394 Working together as one
0395 The birth of the devil
0397 Vayne, you dont want to be unable to complete your revenge, right?
0398 A new era
0399 The end
0400 Demacia, your noble paragon is back!
【0401】 Long time no see, the capital of Demacia!
0402 Only today did you know that I am me
0403 Lessons from the past
0405 Demacia, a history
0406 Do whatever you want
0407 Exploring the wind
0408Revisit the old place
0409 Silas Redemption
0410 go deeper
0411World Runes and Laboratory
0412The missing link
0413 Test
0414 Seeking common ground while reserving differences
0415Third Road: Lux and Galio
0416 Comrade Galio
0417 The Insect of the Noble Council
0418 Luxs calmness and confidence
0419 Convince each other
0420 Imperial meeting
0421 Turn a blind eye
0422 Tariq doesnt care
0423 Liberator
0424 The hero appears!
0425Guardian Star Spirit, what exactly do you protect?
0426Sudden changes in the situation
0428 Are you calling the Old God?
0429 Tariqs Awakening
0430The overall situation has been decided
0431 Count Laxana
0432Vault Keeper
0433Master and apprentice
0434 Ryze and the Runes of the World
0435 Magical Noble
0436 Khan increases his troops
0437 Fionas choice and Laurents dilemma
【0438】 WE WANT YOU
0439 The tacit understanding of the three giants in the north
0440Where is the elemental dragon?
0441Karyas Dragon-Seeking Technique
[0442] Mother Jijo Takashi
0443Three Dragons Club
0444 How to Train Your Dragon
0445 Sonas connections
Extra Chapter 1: SonaThe Vitality of Music
0446 Two Worlds
Extra Chapter 2: QuinnFriends and Companions
0447 Trek
0448 sharpening
0449 Survival from desperate situation
0450 Ino who left home
0451 Investor Shyvana
0452Forsbarrow Socioeconomic Survey Report
0453 Unpopular
0454 Loose cooperation
0455 Some are happy and some are sad
0456 Killing a chicken to scare a monkey? To calm peoples hearts!
0457 Frozen soil construction
0458 Tired Lux
0459 Blocked at both ends
0460 Kalyas magic class begins
0461Interesting connections
0462 The birth of the Dharma Protector
0463 Magic changes the world
0464 Gaoxia comes out of Pinghu
0465The power of cooperation
0466 Reconciliation on the chessboard
0467Forsbarrows Logistical Crisis
0468 The Dark Clouds of the Freljord War
0469The battle begins!
0470 Winter Offensive
0471 A battle with twists and turns
0472Both sides suffer losses
0473 End of War and Proposal for Trade
0474 Luxs homework
0475 Doubtful Sambor
0476 Luxs entry point
0477 Ino in Freljord
0478 A newbie who goes deep into the Freljord
0479 Exchange and cooperation
0480 Contact point
0481Through the wind and snow
0482 Ambush
0483 First meeting
0484Love and Peace
0485The beginning of the trial
0486Karyas critical comments
0487The beginning of negotiations
0488 The framework of trade
0489 Cultivating both inside and outside
0490 New Year
0491 Spring Speech
0492 The ruler is in action
0493 Simulation of the growth environment of Cassiopeia rosea
0494Forsbarrows Red
0495 Safety issues in blue ocher production
0496 Dilemma of Vero Village
0497Hunters Choice
0498 Fionas growth
0499Fionas expectations
0500 Seems like an old friend is here
End of Volume 5Time is calling
0501Forsbarrows New Order
0502 Unexpected popularity
0503 Prosperity
0504 Shyvana takes action!
0506 First meeting
0507Daily and help-seeking
0508 The outbreak of dyed demon
0509 Freljord Supplementary Trade
0510 The chicks about to leave the nest
0511Another winter has arrived
0512 Year-end summary of the North Territory
0513 Southern Expedition Strategy
0514 War
0515 In his own way
0516Karyas flexible wrist
0517 Luxs support method
0518 Airborne combat
0519 The voice of all spirits
0520 Storm, letters home and support
0521 Backbone
0522Wild divine power
0523 Flooded mithril, shocking the northern border
0524 Make a plan!
0525 Fierce battle
0526 The wind is roaring, the grass and trees are all soldiers, the army is broken and the generals are defeated, the battle is successful!
0527 Mess
0528 The aunt of the Crownguard family
0529 Merger after disaster
0530 White gloves
0531 serial plan
0532 A good show
0533 Split
0534 Forsbarrows population strategy
0535 The capital that stays out of trouble
0536Golden cicada sheds its shell
0537Where is Jarvan IV?
0538 New climbers
0539 Ripples of fate
0540Karyas counterattack
0541Conspiracy from Gods perspective
0542 The sword falling from the sky
0543 Suspicion chain
0544The Two Faces of Kalya
0545 Serious manpower shortage
0546 Letter from Ino
0547 Swains plan
0548 Swain and Black Rose
0549 A turbulent era
0550 Introduction to advanced elements
0551 Lux and Ashe
0552Another unequal negotiation
0553 The rescued Sefiqa
0554 Internal and external troubles
0555 When gods fight, mortals suffer
0556 Urban planning of Xinfucheng
0557Mr. Durand, determined
0558 Our Lady of Ionia Characteristics
0559 The first job of the northerners in winter
0560The bottom line of magic
0561The beginning and end of the war
0562 Black mist and dark descendants
0563 Black fog, internal strife and raids
0564 Trial of the Immortal
0565 Aatrox's ambition
0566 The displacement of dark descendants
0567 Coming one after another
0568 Goodbye, Jarvan III
0569 The Northern Territory of Hindsight
0570 Adaptation of the three armies
0571 General mobilization of military and civilian integration
0572 The Tao is one foot high, the devil is one foot high
[0573] Shioshin
0574 Tribulation and conquest
0575 Crow of Night
0576The Devils Way of Survival
0577The masterminds plan
0578 Divine soldiers descend from heaven
0579The Last Swain
0580 Small liar and big liar
0581Aatrox's Promise
0582 Reunion
End of Volume 6Old Order and New Order
Extra: Prequel Part 1: A Karya Falls from the Sky
Extra ChapterPrequel Part 2The Stranger Integrating into Shurima
0583The aftermath of the war
0584Unrest in the Shadow Realm
0585 The heroic soul that should not be forgotten
0586 The crushing of combat skills
0587 Let the show begin
0588 Inherit the ambitions of our ancestors
Fusby Luo calendarAutumn of the first year of Fuli to winter of the fourth year of Fuli
0589Karya-style information is like a god
0590 Shurima Grain Trade Plan
0591Forsbyro in the Eyes of the Winged Sisters
0592 sane madman
0593 Lessons from Rune Wars
0594 Gently wake up the sleeping soul
0595 Harmless idol
0596 The goddess should be fine
0597 Northern Territory Grid Connection
0598 The background of civilization
0599 Prophecy from the Kinkou Sect
0600 Uninvited guest
0601 Kalya and the Seer
0602The Kings Invitation
0603Considerate Miss Lanfu
0604 Long-lost aristocratic communication
0605 All are foxes for thousands of years
0606 Sowing discord also requires skills
0607Long-lost visitor
0608 Jaxs hardships
0609 Recognition from Kalya
Extra: Prequel Part 3: The Oldest Salesman
Extra ChapterPrequel Part 4Like a Fish in Water
0610 A unique honeymoon trip
0611 Unexpected harvest
0612 Sharing and unity
0613 Immigration wave
0614 Expansion
Extra chapter Past events in Fucheng Graduates
0615 Slander
0616 Eat melon at your own home
0617Intelligence War in the Dark
0618Long time no see, Miss Shyvana
0619 A strange combination of circumstances
0620Tear up the script together
0621 Reunion in Xinfukang
0622 The road of love is not smooth
0623Rejected without hesitation
0624 Feel confident
0625My heart is as clear as a mirror
0626The rare honeymoon period
0627 Germans in Shurima
0628 Everyone wins, who loses?
0629 Mad Dog Zwei
0630What does running in both directions mean?
0631 Glass of wine
0632 Counterattack
0633 Loneliness
0634 News about Crazy Crow
0635 Karyas hometown revisited
0636 Advanced cosplay
0637 There is still no fear left in place
0638 Marrow Seal Black Market
Extra ChapterPrequel Part 5Broad New World
Extra chapterPrequel Part 6Why Shurima hates slavery
0639Nasus confusion
0640 Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite.
0641 Guilt and regret
0642 Succession from generation to generation
0643Thalia was shocked
Extra ChapterPrequel Part 6There is a wolf in front and a tiger behind
0644World Rune Recovery Team
0645Desolate South Shurima
0646Who is the real fisherman?
0647 A land outside the law
0648 Antasil, the city of mage
0649 Kalyan style infiltration
0650 Obsession
0651 Unlimited firepower?
0652What is Shurima?
0653 Endless torture
Extra: Prequel Part 8: The Future of Shurima
0654 Dialogue spanning thousands of years
0655The disappeared laboratory
0656 Changes in the void
0657 Linkage
0658 Kalya and Ikasia
0659 Questions and Answers
0660 Check homework
0661 Facing the future
0662Offsite support
0663 The collision of magic theory and Hex technology
0664Father and daughter
0665 Return
0666The truth and falsehood of prosperity
0667The Fourteenth Year of Fossby's Calendar
Extra ChapterPrequel Part 9Karyas Journey to the Peak
Extra ChapterPrequel Part 10True and False, Wind and Dream
0668 Demacia...Empire?
0669 Imperial Thousand Layer Cake
0670 A new journey
0671Bobby on the road
0672 Integrated Forsbarrow
0673 Dilemma of choice
0674 Progress
0675 Vigilance and understanding
0676 Long-term plan
0677 Dont raise an army in anger
0678 Assemble!
0679 The mission of the partial division
0680The beginning of the war
0681You come and I go
0682 The old ways of Shurima
0683 Sewer
Extra chapter Past events in Fucheng Xinfukang working meal
0684 Demacias strength
0685 Nasrameis reinforcements
0686 A master of pretending to be confused
0687Tacit understanding
0688 Darkin Elegy
0689 Looking for Varus
0690 Silent and lonely
0691Business competition
0693 Release military power over a glass of wine
0693 Breakup
0694 Brother, friend and sister Gong
0695 Lux nesting
0696 Accusation
0697 The new order of Mithril City
0698The power of unity
0699 General mobilization
0700 Northern Territory Examination
End of Volume 7The Great March
0701Vanguard battle
0702 True footwork synergy
0703 Summary of the battle
0704Add some fire?
0705 The Titan is warming up
0706I am...Twilight Star Spirit!
0707 Choice
0708Twilight and dawn
0709 Fighting in the air
Chapter 713 【0702】 True footwork coordination
0710 Blind man touching the elephant
0711 Cross the river, cross the river
0712 Northern air battle
0713 Yuyu clarified
Chapter 718 【0707】 Choice
0714 Target: Badao Slope
0715Death falls from the sky
0716Tiger among sheep
Chapter 722 【0711】 Cross the river, cross the river
0717What does air supremacy mean?
0718 Suffering and decision
0719 Changes in temperament
0720 Different ways
0721 Fierce battle!
0722 Ground and air cooperation, footwork coordination
Chapter 729 【0718】 Suffering and decision
0723 Descend to earth
0724 Hunter and prey
0725 The mantis stalks the cicada, followed by the oriole.
0726Many yellow finches
0727Favor debt
0728 Difficult to adjust
0729 Her Majesty Laxana arrived in her loyal capital today.
0730Three steps to the human heart
0731The meaning of competition
0732 Silence and noise
0733The zeroth sequence
0734 Sweet pastry
0735 An attempt to normalize magic
0736The beginning of the trial of the century
0737 Demacias Trouble
0738 Whose fault is it?
0739 Transformation that carries forward the past and opens up the future
0740 Open economy
0741The first and second generations
0742 Storm in the North
0743 Mysterious Ixtal
0744 Dragon Management Regulations
0745 Outdated old guy
0746 Live until you are old and learn until you are old
0747 A wonderful reunion
0748 The background of Ixtar
0749Ace Spy Kalya
0750Karyas artistic life
0751 Smooth and Unsuccessful
0752 The secret hidden in the restricted area
【0753】 Prophet
【0754】The storm is coming and the wind is filling the building
【0755】 The stupid young man who revealed the unspoken rules
【0756】 'Run for the restricted area inspector'
【0757】Snipe and clam fighting
【0758】 Insect tide
【0759】 Unexpected disaster
【0760】 Trends from all parties
【0761】 The Awakening of New Noxus
【0762】 The truth is also false when it is false.
【0763】 Inaction is something or nothing
Extra: Nezuk is even better than Karya
0764 Surprise changes in the restricted area
0765The true strength of the academic mage
0766 Connecting to Malphite network
Chapter 775: Extra Chapter Nezukbikaryakarya
0767 Kiran being squeezed dry
0768 A little shock from our ancestors
0769 Confidence in Negotiation
0770 The most realistic problem
0771The place where time ends
0772 Ready-made examples
0773 I have a showdown
0774Its really Kalya
0775 You will be the queen
0776 Debridement surgery
0777 Cheating Malphite
0778 Insecticides and tonic pills
0779 Ground surge that is caused but not caused
0780 Comparing size
0781 I will form the head
0782 Suturing surgery of war weapons
0783Cleaning and repair of ground hernia
0784 Bald words
0785 Northern Processing Industry
0786 Active economy
0787 Halter
0788 Return to Fucheng
0789 Reunion after a long separation
0790 Face your own heart
0791 Rebirth in chaos
0792Forgotten Kamavia
0793 Murloc War
0794 The origin of Bakai
0796 The waterway is filled again
0797 Contaminated Shark Beads
0798Late return
0799 Winged Sisters and Occultism
0800 Different historical records
0801 There are different opinions
0802The Secret of the Frost Guard Messenger
0803 Will the reborn dark descendants dream of mutant glowing sheep?
0804 The wind of destiny in the north
Chapter 814 【0802】 The Secret of the Frost Guard Messenger
0806 Everything is under control
0807Fly into the homes of ordinary people
0808 A different Demacia
0809 The person who controls the chess pieces
0810 Upcoming winter speech
0811 Irelia cant understand
0812The night before the speech
0813 Speech in the snow
0814 Suffered the disadvantage of being uneducated
0815 Martial Law and Search
0816Karya returns
0817 Irelias determination
0818New student Irelia
0819 Provocation and clues
0820Change of heart
Extra chapterPast events in FuchengCooking fresh food
0821 People's thoughts are moved
0822 Game of the Brave
0823Come in droves
0825Running in both directions
0826 Encounter in the wilderness
0827 The coveted glorious death
0828Newskara League
0829 Three-step alliance
0830 Freljord Subsidy Plan
0831 Continue eastward
0832 The place of 'noble'
0833 Reunion
0834 Nunu and Willumps Secret Mission
0835 The melodious sound of the flute
0836 Misunderstandings and Countermeasures
0837 Ai Xis concerns
0848 Stacked eggs
0849 Hook up
0850 Nunus new partner
0851 Another alliance
0852 Target ahead: Big Glacier
0853Another me in the world
0854 Gushuangkou
0855 Pull with all your strength
0856 Volibear hiding
0857Revisit the old place
0858 Commitments and oaths
0860 Start and end
0861 Ruined Ornkar
0862 Preparations before crossing the sea
0863The Life of Laxana, No Longer a Teenager
0864 Above the glacier
0865 This script is not quite right.
0866 Anivias contrasting cuteness
0867 Age of Chaos
0868What is Lissandra thinking?
0869 The Dilemma of the Iron Thorn Kingdom
0870 The destruction of a kingdom
0871The price that has been paid
0872 Assembly
0874 Darius Advantages
0875 Asking for help from thousands of miles away
0876 Deja vu decision
Extra ChapterPast Events in FuchengColorful Colors
0878 A strange combination of circumstances
0879 Troops approaching the city
0880 Cooperation and sharing of spoils
0881 Different national attributes
0882 Dariuss difficult decision
0883 Darkness in Chencang
0884 Interlocking teeth and tacit understanding
【0885】 next level
0886 Two-way retreat
0887 Is this Lissandra?
0888The power of stealing gods
0889 Disguise exposed
0890 Laxanas Thousand Layers Routine
0891Karya returns
0892Kalya the Fun Man
0893 Furious Lissandra
0894 Step by step
0895 Mountain Fortress
0895 Travel Notes of the Immortal Fortress
0896 Lure the snake out of its hole
0897 All in all
0898Drune, the commercial capital of Noxus
Extra: Past Events in FuchengNew Year Performance
0899 The legacy of the Noxian Empire
0900 Two lines
0901 Noxus and the Land of the Undead
0902 Despicable Throat
0903Pest control plan
0904 Surprise from Evelin
0905Bland killing of gods
0906 Maokais fate
0907 The boundary between life and death
0908 Swains choice
0910Mordekaiser and Reel
0911 Fate
0912 Choice
0913 Inner Demon
0914 Devils Traditional Arts
0915 Siege and provocation
0916 Disadvantages
0917 Old fox and little fox
0918True card
0919 People and the public
0920 Air Combat Prelude
0921Between attack and defense
0922 Bloom
0923 Confrontation from ancient times
0924 Snow mountains and deserts
0925Bad battle
0926 Winter is coming
End of Volume 8New Era
0927 The future is coming
0928 Avengers
0929 Fanatic fans
0930Start again
ExtrasHoliday SpecialsDaily Life of Ascended OnesThe First Thousand Years of Shurima
Chapter 936 【0930】 Let’s start again
ExtrasHoliday SpecialsDaily Life of Ascended OnesThe Second Millennium of Shurima
ExtrasHoliday SpecialsDaily Life of Ascended OnesThe Third Millennium of Shurima
0931 Howling Abyss
0932 Frost Bridge
0934 Scored twice
0935 Devour
0936 Wake up
0937 Insect tide, endless insect tide
0938 The awakened monitor
0939 Devour and evolve
0940Please enter the urn
0941 Revenge
0942 A letter to future generations
0943 Aftermath
0944 Kalyas baby
0945 Shurima New City
0946 Big library
0947 Blueprint
0948 Changes in situation
0949 Teach by words and deeds
0950Class teacher
0951 Reasons for welcome
0952 Imitation and Transcendence
0953 In the world
0954 Shurimas Unification War
0955 Alien
0957 Repeat the same mistakes
0959 Withdrawal?
0960 Great Counterattack
0961 Climb the peak
0962 Chapter of the past
Final Chapter Morning Star
Final words
Extra Chapter·Noxus·Good Student Riel