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0158 Blacklist in the dark night

Tamara quietly hid in the toilet of the laboratory, quietly waiting for all the people transporting and debugging experimental equipment, and was urged to leave impatiently by the law enforcement officers responsible for security tasks.

As the lights went out, the laboratory that had been busy all day finally became quiet.

However, Tamara still didn't take any action. She was still waiting, waiting for the night to come.

Soon, night falls.

It was dark inside the laboratory.

Darkness can bring fear to people, but for Tamara, this darkness only reminds her of her childhood in Besilico.

At that time, Besilico was still an independent city-state and had not yet become part of the Noxus Empire. There was no national orphanage.

Therefore, Tamara, who had no idea who her parents were since she was a child, spent most of her life in the gutter and next to the garbage in the vegetable market before she was ten years old.

If it weren't for Tamara having her own small group, with Darius and Draven supporting each other, Tamara might not have survived until the Noxians occupied Besilico.

When the Noxian army entered the city and the head of Lord Besilico was hung on the city wall, Tamara did not have any "pain of losing her homeland", but was relieved.

Although life in a national orphanage is not very good, it is better than wandering in the gutter on the edge of life and death.

So, when she grew up, Tamara joined the War Masons - loving her motherland was a bit too crude for Tamara, but she sincerely hoped to do something for Noxus.

Unfortunately, the situation in Noxus she loved is not good at the moment.

The invincible Ionian expeditionary force collapsed in Preidion, and Marshal Swain's life and death were unknown.

Military leaders from various places were extremely dissatisfied with the current Commander-in-Chief Darkwill. The entire empire seemed to have fallen into a very bad situation overnight, and there was a vague trend of division.

It was at this time that Tamara received an order requiring her to spare no effort, regardless of consequences and costs, to obtain the technical details of Hex's body transformation in Pi City during the joint cooperation.

"Try to seize this opportunity to obtain complete Hex body modification technology that can be used to extend life."

To be honest, this is an extremely nonsense order.

Hex's body modification and alchemical physique strengthening are the special skills of Piltover and Zaun. Tamara, who disguised herself as an apprentice and sneaked into Piltover, knows the complexity of these two technologies better than anyone else.

This is not a drawing or a patent, but an entire technology tree.

Hex's body transformation requires Hex crystals - natural Hex crystals are too rare, artificial Hex crystal technology is a secret of the Philos family, and even artificial Hex crystals are now sensitive in Piltover


Hex's body transformation requires specially customized artificial organs - for Noxus, this is the most difficult step. Noxus does not have the relevant talents and cannot create one that matches the Hex crystal.

Artificial organs.

Hex body transformation requires professional technical support - Hex body transformation surgery is not a fool's errand. The plug-and-play Sharingan is a plug-and-play Sharingan. If you want the artificial body to work properly, you need a professional to preside over the surgery.

Hex body modification is not a separate technology. Behind this technology is unique to Piltover and represents the entire technology tree of Hex technology.

The order from the War Stonemason's superior was simply asking Tamara to dig out the tree by its roots and carry it directly back to Noxus.

No matter which angle you look at it, it is an impossible task.

But now... Tamara finally has a small chance.

As the joint cooperation between the two cities unfolded, Mrs. Piltover herself assembled all the necessary technologies in this laboratory.

Although Tamara, who is mixed in, cannot learn all the techniques, she can at least know what techniques are needed!

Therefore, facing the orders from her superiors, Tamara still did not hesitate.

The Empire needs Hex's body modification technology, so Tamara will work hard to get this technology for the Empire.

If you have difficulties, you have to do it even if you overcome them!

To this end, Tamara prepared a huge and detailed plan.

And now, she successfully completed the first step of her plan.


Tamara, who was lurking in the laboratory bathroom, waited until late at night and confirmed that there would be no law enforcement patrols for the time being, and then officially started the operation.

Her first task is to confirm the personnel list of this large laboratory.

Although both Piltover and Zaun announced this joint cooperation project with the attitude of "we sent the best people", Tamara, who collected a large number of newspapers, discovered that regardless of Pilt

Wolf or Zaun, both of them are so stupid that they did not announce the specific project participants.

It seemed that all the spotlight was on Lenata and Kubrica. As for the specific list of people involved in the experiment, Tamara did not get it even through the war masons in the academy area.

Obviously, Piltover is also consciously keeping it secret.

Now, Tamara's first task is to find out the specific list of participants in Piltover.

Hex body modification technology is a complex subject, so complex that Tamara didn't know what kind of people to recruit in order to make a copy of Piltover's technology tree in Noxus, so she chose to infiltrate

Laboratory, click on the map to view the list and research areas.

After all... If you want to learn how to build a car, and you don't have the time or opportunity to start with how the car works, the best way is to first figure out what parts the car has - and then find a way to make these parts and put them together.


With this "assembly factory" idea in mind, Tamara used an interesting Li Dai Tao Zang strategy.

Find out who is in the laboratory, and then recruit researchers in similar research fields to them at all costs.

In this way, Tamara walked silently in the darkness, referring to the signature sheets signed by the heads of each individual laboratory for receiving experimental instruments, and began to record these names one by one.

Jean Scar...

Leonard T. Cajo…


Under the dim light of the mini flashlight, Tamara quietly recorded names one after another and marked the types of experimental equipment they needed.

In this way, as Tamara tiptoed through all the laboratories, she finally got a "list of experimental participants."

Next, just give this list to your colleagues waiting outside the laboratory, and they can use this list to confirm what specific technologies are needed for Hex's body transformation.

At that time, through carrot and stick measures regardless of cost, researchers in similar fields will be brought to Noxus, and with the key information provided by Tamara later... Noxus may not be able to copy a set of its own.

Hex body modification technology!

Tamara has always been confident in the inclusiveness of her motherland!

This chapter has been completed!
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