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0248 Fishing

In a calm state, Caitlin's judgment was still very clear.

These Noxians, who were mixed in the crowd and moving around with the crowd, were naturally not doing any cosplay. They were indeed fishing - fishing for unorganized law enforcement officers and a man with enough identity to lead them.

Big fish entering the parliament building.

As for why they chose to enter the parliament building in this way... this question may be clearer by looking at the chaos that started this afternoon in chronological order.

First of all, in the afternoon, the Zaans showed off their muscles in Newport. When the Piltover reporters returned to the newsroom, they all looked very confused.

So, the bald editor-in-chief came to the parliament building, hoping to confirm the official propaganda - the time at this time was four-twenty.

At half past four, the Ionian trade failed, and news came that the Bilgewaters had monopolized the shipping routes. Then, driven by multiple factors, the Piltover Council finally passed a comprehensive competition strategy, and the Piltover Evening News also

confirmed the official attitude.

At five o'clock sharp, the Zaun Evening News came out freshly, and the people of Zaun celebrated their rise.

At six o'clock in the evening, the Piltover Evening News came out, drawing the fire to Zaun.

At around seven o'clock, the angry Piltover dock workers rushed to the joint cooperative laboratory where they had finished get off work, and started a cordial and friendly exchange with the Zaun workers. Both parties greeted each other's parents and relatives, and finally exchanged polite greetings. , the Zaun people were even better, and the Piltover people had no choice but to leave.

At half past seven, the ship carrying the flag of the Cunojia family arrived at the North Port of Piltover, and the black-clad sea crossing operation officially began.

At 7:50, after dismissing the workers who were still cursing, Caitlin, who was returning home from get off work, just entered the house and saw the Noxians acting quickly in silence - after discovering that her parents had not returned home.

, she decisively climbed over the wall and left, rushing to the joint cooperative laboratory again, planning to gather law enforcement officers.

At 8:20, Caitlin hurried to the laboratory while gathering people and passed the news to Wei.

At half past eight, the law enforcement officers gathered together, and a quarrel broke out between Caitlin and them.

At 8:40, Wei hurriedly arrived at the Zaun Municipal Building, and Lux ​​immediately began to take command, then climbed to the roof and lit up the sky; it was at this time that Caitlin gave up returning to the North City and instead led the team to Science and Technology

and Progress Academy.

At nine o'clock sharp, Caitlin got a special batch of supplies at the college, and then hurried to the parliament building.

From the time the Noxians arrived at Piltover North Port to the time Caitlin led the team to the parliament building, only an hour and a half had passed - although Piltover's important commercial centers, banks, and warehouses

There are sound transmission tubes connected to other places that can transmit messages, but for ordinary people in Piltover, they don't even know what is happening.

Even if the Noxians led by the mole cannot completely block the news due to lack of manpower, they can still reduce the speed of news transmission.

Therefore, now the inside of the parliament building knew about the Noxian sneak attack through the sound transmission tube, but outside the parliament building, Mrs. Piltover just felt that something was wrong, and few people thought that it was the Noxians who launched the attack.

A sneak attack.

In a sense, this is also the opportunity given to Noxus by the serious class differentiation within Piltover. With the Piltover Canal as the dividing line, a number of mansions and estates on the north bank, led by Lanxun Manor, occupy an active area.

It is large and well-decorated, which makes the northern part of Pi City somewhat "vast and sparsely populated". The people living here are either rich or noble, and there are few civilian activities at night.

With the mole leading the way, the Noxians could naturally attack one manor after another after landing in North Port. Although the security of these manors was very strong, they were still unable to form effective resistance due to their absolute numerical disadvantage.


From the perspective of landing and sneak attack, this Noxian operation was undoubtedly very successful - the help of the mole allowed them to easily bypass the towering barrier in the north of Piltover and ignore Pilt

The extremely dangerous Hex cannon in Wolf Harbor pierces the north of the city.

But unfortunately, the Noxians' luck was not very good.

When the sneak attack was launched, Zaun was doing a big job, so much so that the MPs in Piltover went to the parliament building for a meeting, and even after the meeting was over, they did not return to the manor in the north of the city.

The MP from Piltover worked a rare overtime, but miraculously escaped a disaster!

Therefore, a very troublesome problem faced the Noxians.

How can we capture the parliament building full of important people?


Theoretically, as long as the Noxians are willing to pay casualties, it is not difficult to capture this building.

Or Swain can go into battle himself and use demonic power to directly clear the obstacles - here, there are not many people who are qualified to stop him.

But it is a pity that Swain and the main force of Noxus are not here at this time - according to the established plan, after landing, Swain took 3,000 people and a small number of offensive equipment to Stillwater Prison.

That was the goal of his cooperation with Lamer. There were some secrets that Lamer coveted in Stillwater Prison, and there were also two people, Draven and Tamara, who were very important even to Swain.


In this way, the Noxians who originally planned to rely on a few big shots like several congressmen as "passes" to take over the parliament building were embarrassed to find that almost all the people who could call out the parliament building were on the floor at this time.


At a time of desperation, the head of the Gunojia family put forward a very constructive suggestion.

"There are no congressmen, but we have law enforcement officers!"

"Law enforcement officer?" Swain's adjutant narrowed his eyes and looked at the pretentious businessman in front of him with a somewhat impatient tone. "Didn't you say that they are all trash?"

"Use waste!" Mr. Gonoga maintained a smile on the surface and rubbed his hands like a fly. "The parliament building just issued a request for help through the sound tube, asking law enforcement officers to ensure the safety of the parliament building - so,

Maybe we could go in there as law enforcement officers?"

"We can try." The adjutant touched his chin, "But the problem is that although it is already dark, the equipment that relies closely on the law enforcement officer's uniform may not be enough for us to enter the parliament building smoothly."

"I have a way to deal with this." The smile on Mr. Gunojia's face became even brighter, "Just find a guy with enough qualifications to lead the team - as long as the identity of the leader is confirmed, no one will care about following him.

Is the guy in uniform behind him a law enforcement officer or a soldier?"

This chapter has been completed!
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