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0301 Fire! Fire! Fire!

Kalya did want to prepare a temporary trial for Lacus - however, considering that Lacus saw through his thoughts, Lacus successfully passed the trial before it even started.

So, Kalya simply chose to tell everything he knew.

The power that Bakai, who has protected the Oil Silk Oasis for generations, is looking for does indeed come from a fragment of a monolith.

The Monolith is the ultimate weapon built by the Shurima Empire to bridge the rift in the void - it is a giant floating fortress entirely made of elemental magic. The inorganic fortress can resist the erosion of the void to the greatest extent.

, and the condescending attack can also prevent void creatures from causing interference to the operator of the monolith as much as possible.

Relying on the super-reinforced magic circuit, the Ascended Ones of Shurima gathered their power in one place and started a desperate battle face to face with the void.

This floating city, which represents the highest achievement of the Shuriman Empire's civilization, finally successfully completed its mission, forcibly clearing away the nearly endless stream of void creatures pouring out of the void rift, and closing it bit by bit.

Void rift.

However, victory is not without cost.

Before this void passage was closed, the terrifying energy of the void plane sent a final blow to the monolith. A beam of light capable of splitting all existence passed through the monolith fortress, completely destroying this huge floating city.

Even if this fortress uses the most stable and solid solidified rock element as its foundation, it still falls apart in an instant under the cracking of this light.

Although defense preparations were made, when the Monolith Fortress was destroyed, the Ascended Ones who provided it with abilities were still eroded and infected by the void. As long as they were swept by that ray, no matter how powerful the Ascendants were, they would be destroyed.

He was instantly distorted and became a dark descendant.

"So, that's when you were?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty lucky. I was just scratched a little. At least my brain wasn't burned by the void." Kalya's tone was quite open-minded, "After that, the monolithic fortress fell apart and turned into countless pieces.

Some of the gravel was filled in the crack, and some was scattered in the desert."

"And the Bakai here got a piece?"

"That's right." Kalya affirmed, "Although I don't know how he got this monolithic fragment, it is a very dangerous thing. It is a high-purity compressed rock element and may also have residual void energy attached to it.


"So, the test you prepared for me is to get back this monolithic fragment?"

"No, it's not that simple." Kalya chuckled, "If you just get back the monolith fragments, then this test is really not difficult - I hope you can get the monolith fragments without affecting the lives of these oasis survivors.


"Don't affect their lives?" Lux asked with some confusion, "What do you mean?"

"The fragments of the monolith have the ability to manipulate rocks, sense vibrations, and defend against spells." Kalya explained, "Although Bakai's use of this power is likely to cause his own elementalization and turn into a stone man, I believe you can understand,

How important these are for people living in an oasis."

"Yes." Lux nodded, "If the monolith fragment has the function you mentioned, then without this monolith fragment, I am afraid that once these desert survivors encounter danger, they will lose their early warning and defense!"

"So, I hope you can find a way to solve this problem."

"Since you are also a former ascendant, don't you know how to use the monolith fragments correctly?" Lux thought for a while and asked, "You were a witness to that war!"

"That's why I said you passed the test ahead of schedule." Kalya said helplessly, "I wanted to pretend that I didn't know the monolith fragment, and then guide you to explore its characteristics bit by bit, and then find and control it.

method, but you react quickly..."

"So what I have to do now is to wait for these guys riding camels to leave, and then take the initiative to talk to Bakai here?" Lux understood what Kalya meant, "Then take away some of the monolith fragments and leave them behind."

Next piece?"

"How smart!" Kalya said in a cowardly tone, "A fair and reasonable transaction. The monolith fragments are too big to control and operate. It's better for you to take away one piece. This is good for everyone."

"It sounds good. If I hadn't guessed it, it would be like the kind of bloody kingly story in a novel." Lux couldn't help but snorted again, "But, Kalya, I'm already over reading this."

It’s time to write stories!”

"Ah, yes, yes!"

"What kind of attitude do you have...wait, did I see it wrong? Over there, there seems to be a fire over there?"

"You read that right." Kalya, who noticed something was wrong, put away his arrogant attitude, "There is indeed a fire over there."

"You seemed to have told me that once oily threads are set on fire, it is difficult to extinguish them?"

"That's right." Kalya said solemnly, "This is definitely someone deliberately setting the fire!"

"Who set this fire?" Lux finally stopped crouching to hide her figure, and suddenly stood up, "No, it's too late to think about this, I'm going to call Ino to come over and put out the fire now!"


The blazing flames were like a rolling dragon. From the moment they appeared, they spread hundreds of yards in the blink of an eye.

The grease-rich leaves of the oil silk seeds are difficult to ignite unless they are burning, but once ignited, the flames will be unstoppable.

Although this camel cavalry team still maintained its formation, when the fire hit and the hot air brought by the high temperature seemed to sweep through them, the originally docile camels suddenly became manic.

Even though the owner was beside him, and even though the riders tried to comfort him, the camels still started to go crazy and started running wildly, trying to escape the sea of ​​fire.

Under such circumstances, even the elite troops with strict orders and prohibitions would inevitably fall into chaos. What's more, this camel cavalry regiment currently has no leader and has been somewhat lacking in training in the past period.

So, like a camp being blown up, the soldiers who were originally lined up in order, after finding that they could not comfort the frightened camels, could only scramble to climb on the camels and fight their way to the east and north.

You can't stay here, leave quickly!

Of course, there were a few people who still thought about Kraft. They approached the direction of the lake and tried to pick up their leader. However, before they could reach the lake and find tools to cross the water, at their feet,

The peaceful ground suddenly began to tremble.

After the flames ignited, the earth moved.

This chapter has been completed!
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