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0326 Send first and then send

"Is there someone who got there first?" Looking at the busy crowd, Ezreal scratched his head helplessly, "That's really bad... Maybe we can talk to them and see if we can conduct a joint inspection?"

"If you want to be killed, you can show up in front of them now." Kassadin grabbed Xiao Huangmao, "Have you seen those mercenaries on guard outside?"

"Those guys with knives and guns?"

"The weapons in their hands are not just for fun. These people spent a lot of money to send so many miners to the Huangqiu Divine Tomb. There is absolutely no way they will give this opportunity to others!"

"Are they robbing the tomb?" Ezreal realized at this time, "They have found the location of the Barren Hills God's Tomb and are robbing it?!"

"Otherwise, who would bring so many people to this inhospitable place?" Kassadin glared at the eager little Huang Mao, "Don't be impulsive, we need to find out the specific number, goals and progress of these people first!


"So what should we do?" Ezreal took out the laser cutter from his backpack and made an aiming motion. "I am the best at cleaning up bastards. When I was in Kumangla, I used to clean up

An arrogant local warlord..."

"There are mages in this team." Kassadin ignored the little yellow man's boast, squinted his eyes and observed the camp for a while, and then said, "But I don't know if it's from the mining side or the guard side.

If it’s the latter, we’ll be in trouble.”

"Mage - Speaking of which, I have never really faced a mage!" Ezreal was not afraid when he heard this, but looked even more excited. "Have you ever dealt with a mage? What kind of people are they?


"He's a very skilled guy who's hard to deal with." Kassadin held down Xiao Huangmao's shoulder and held the camel with his other hand. "Come on, follow me. Let's go around downwind.

, go to the mountain ridge over there, there is a hidden observation point there, and there should be no sentry posts."

"The ridge over there?" Ezreal looked around and understood what Kassadin meant. "Hey, it looks like the view is really good there...Uncle Kassadin, have you been here before? Why?"

Can you spot the best observation points at a glance?”

"Shut up and follow up!"



Ezreal's guess was actually correct. It was indeed not Kassadin's first time coming to this mountain col.

At the time of the blood spar craze, when Nashrame formed an exploration team to explore here, Kassadin, who had just become a professional guide and was only slightly famous, was also a member of the exploration team.

For the former Kassadin, the biggest gain from that trip to the barren hills and mountains was the experience gained along the way. It was the first time that Kassadin followed a large prospecting force, and it was also the first time that he saw nearly

A joint guide team based on military standards.

Prior to this, although Kassadin had served as a guide and led many caravans deep into the Dashai Desert, even large caravans were not as large in size as they carried professional surveying equipment and were accompanied by exploration experts and cartographers.

Still no comparison with the mage's team.

At that time, some people in the joint guide team were responsible for judging the climate, some were responsible for correcting the route, some were responsible for taking care of the animals, and some were responsible for avoiding natural disasters...

These tasks are the responsibility of a single guide during an ordinary journey. Different guides have their own strengths and weaknesses in different aspects. When more than a dozen well-known guides unite to act together, Kassadin has a "desert"

The realization that traveling can be so easy.”

So, Kassadin, who was responsible for guiding the route, chatted with other guides when he had nothing to do. Among all the guides, he was the youngest, so he always kept a very low profile and listened mainly when talking.

Even a compliment can always scratch the itch of those seniors.

Although this exploration ended in failure, and the guides failed to receive the bounty, for Kassadin, this operation broadened his horizons to a great extent, allowing him to subsequently become a leader in the entire Nasramei and even

The strongest comprehensive guide in Northern Shurima has laid a solid foundation.

Therefore, among countless journeys as a guide, that trip to the barren hills and mountains was of great significance to him, and he still remembered it after many years - until he lost his wife and daughter after a disaster.

It was a terrible disaster. The earth opened up, like a giant mouth that was insatiable, swallowing up an entire village and all the people and livestock in it.

When Kassadin heard the bad news and ran all the way back to his hometown, all he saw was the ruins of the wall after the giant mouth was temporarily closed.

Kassadin didn't know what the source of that disaster was, but he knew very well that those religious groups that did everything in the name of sacrifice and extortion were inseparable from this incident.

Therefore, after the incident, Kassadin brought a sharp blade, pretended to be a believer, and infiltrated into the cult. On a dark and windy night, he sneaked into the core area of ​​the cult and destroyed that area.

The leader of the cult grabbed himself from the bed.

However... this guy was just a guy who took over the power of the cult and enriched his own pockets. He knew very little about sacrifices and the huge mouth that cracked the earth. Then, just when Kassadin wanted to continue questioning,

The guy trembled and summoned a monster.

This disgusting monster devoured the guy who summoned it, and then opened its mouth to Kassadin unsatisfied.

After a life-and-death struggle, Kassadin killed the monster. During this battle, he finally realized what kind of existence this supposedly sacrificial order was working for.

Kassadin locked his enemy, and he vowed to destroy all void monsters active in this world - whether they are served by the cult or lurking in no-man's land!

However, although the fire of hatred became more and more intense, Kassadin did not start taking action alone. This battle proved Kassadin's lack of strength. To complete his revenge, he needed stronger power.

So, where does the power come from?

Kassadin is not a spellcaster, nor does he have any talent for elemental magic. The only thing he owns is a sum of gold coins earned from traveling across the desert as a guide for many years.

Golden Hex, Golden Double-Headed Eagle, Golden Siren...

Kassadin, who has traveled around for many years, knows a place where money can be exchanged for power - Piltover!

In Piltover, Kassadin worked as a translator (because he was a guide, he was proficient in many languages), while using money to open up joints, bypassing the anti-weapons ban, and custom-made for himself

A "Hex Diving Set".

This armor made of high-strength metal with a Hex power system installed inside almost completely wiped out all of Kassadin's savings, but for an Avenger, it was all worth it.

Now, Kassadin needs a handy weapon.

The remaining money was no longer enough for him to bypass the ban and buy himself a complete set of weapons, so he chose to do something he had never done in the past.

Grave robbing.

Facing Ezreal's inquiry, Kassadin had always said that he "wanted to explore the secret of the Tomb of the God in Barren Hills."

But in fact, his real goal is only one - to find the weapon buried with the Ascended One in the God's Tomb, and use it to avenge the void!

This chapter has been completed!
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