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0344 Shurima in the post-imperial era

Kalya revealed the name of the first pope of the Sun God Cult in one word. Not only was the boss who was trying to preach the gospel quite surprised, but even Lax herself, who was used to using a repeater and subconsciously recited Kalya's words, was shocked.

While using the words "I've heard of her name" to deal with the surprised boss, Lux kept asking Kalya in her mind about the problem of Varieva - you don't know this.

You know, but you still say you are not omniscient and omnipotent?

"Who is Valieva?"

"Are you familiar with her?"

"How do you know she is the first pope of the Sun God Religion?"

"Didn't you say that you don't understand the Sun God Cult?"

Faced with Lux's barrage of questions, Kalya just laughed at first, and after laughing enough, she answered them one by one without hesitation.

"Varieva is one of my students, so of course I know her - I have personally taken care of that cunning little bastard for almost twenty years, so I am very familiar with her."

"As for why I know she is the first pope of the Sun God Cult... I can guess!"

“I don’t know the Sun God Cult, but this sentence [God serves people] really impressed me. Except for that crazy girl Varieva, I’m afraid no one in Rune Land dares to say this so carelessly and openly.

That’s it.”

"But I didn't expect that she not only wrote this sentence into the teachings of the Sun God Cult, but also openly covered it with the skin of the Titan Faith and preached... Hahahaha, don't tell me, this is really

This little bastard’s style!”

"You don't know, she has been very good at pulling big flags into tiger skins since she was a child. When she finds an excuse for anything, her ability to use excuses is amazing... I never thought that this guy could use this skill on the giant gods.

, Hahaha, not bad, not bad, well done!”

Kalya's admiring attitude was beyond words, which made Lax completely confused. Kalya did answer all her questions perfectly, but after getting the answers, Lax felt that there were more question marks above her head.

"This kind of thing will not be clear for a while." Sensing Lux's doubts, Kalya finally stopped laughing and continued, "Let's go, find a hotel to stay, and I will slowly talk to you.


Relieved, Lux finally found an excuse to bid farewell to the enthusiastic boss who wanted to preach to her. Together with Ino, she led Scarash and left the livestock market.

After crossing two streets, the two chose a hotel that seemed to be in good condition, checked in smoothly, and finally settled down.

Entering the room, Lux immediately grabbed her sword.

"What on earth is going on, Kalya?" Although she is used to Kalya being reserved when talking about things, this situation still makes her full of doubts, "You mean, the first teacher of the Sun God Religion

Zong, is he your student? Is that Varieva still an ascended person?"

"Correct answer!" Kalya said happily, "At least she was still alive and kicking when I fell into hibernation, so in theory she should be alive and well now - although I'm not sure why she created such an interesting thing.

The sect, I don’t know where she is now or whether she is alive, but from my perspective, I still feel that she... did a good job."

"Then are we going to meet her?" Lux blinked, "Go to the Sun God Cult to inquire about it, and then meet with my... senior sister?"

"Well, there is no need to worry." Kalya looked like she had already planned. "Rebuilding Vazuan and leaving the regent Jin Yu. Sooner or later, this news will spread throughout Shurima. If she is willing to see me, then

After seeing everything about Zu'an, she will naturally understand what I mean - for you, the most important thing right now is to climb Mount Targon."

"That's right." Lux nodded, "What's our next step?"

"Keep going, go to Nashrame to change your mount, and then continue all the way west!"


Just as Kalya said, he took the initiative to expose the golden feather of the Prince Regent in Vazuan, which was already an attitude in itself.

After the Icathia War, although the infected Kalya persisted in presiding over the work for a period of time, he soon fell into a deep sleep. Therefore, for him, from the Icathia War to the Rune War, the middle

Thousands of years of history are an unknown blank.

Kalya didn't know where his students had gone or what they had done. He only learned from the brief description of the Darkin war that a war broke out among the Darkin who were infected by the void, and

Parting ways.

Other than that, he knew next to nothing about that history.

Although both the surviving ascendants and the infected dark descendants are all Kalya's former students, at least at this moment, Kalja is not ready to face them again - and more importantly, now

Lux has just crossed the threshold of transcendence and is not yet qualified to talk to her senior brothers and sisters on an equal footing.

Therefore, Kalya simply left a message of "I am still here" and plunged into the desert sand with Lax.

After saying hello, Kalya took Lux and made a decisive move to disappear.

He is better at hiding in the shadows than standing on the bright side.

However, Kalya obviously did not expect that the first person to receive his signal was not the ascendants or dark descendants who had been closest to him, but a person who was not very close to Kalya because he was relatively young.

Close to a "little guy".

On the eighteenth day after Vazuan announced its reconstruction, in a small town not far from Vicoula, a traveler wearing a cloak and a hood, completely hiding himself in the shadows, was resting.

At that time, I heard the news from the discussions among travelers at a roadside tea stall.

"The Regent's Golden Feather?" He ordered the cheapest large bowl of herbal tea. After sitting down, he put his cane across his legs. "Is it the relic of Teacher Kalya... Who disturbed the teacher's rest?"


While he was thinking about it, the waiter at the tea stall placed a bowl of tea that was almost the same as water in front of him. He didn't pick a choice. After picking up the tea bowl, he just raised his head slightly and drank the tea in one gulp.

And finished.

The waiter who had just poured the tea turned around and saw that the tea bowl was empty, and he couldn't help but have a suspicious expression on his face.

Could this guy have poured the tea?

Thinking about this, he subconsciously looked at the traveler's feet.

The ground was dry and there was no trace of water stains. It seemed that this guy had just drank a large bowl of tea in one go.

"Put more tea leaves next time." The traveler seemed to be aware of the waiter's thoughts. He handed the tea bowl back to the waiter's hand and said in a low voice, "The minced tea leaves produced in Shelun are not expensive. Put two more leaves."

Quench your thirst for more.”

After saying that, he pressed a copper coin on the table, picked up his cane, and stood up.

The waiter subconsciously wanted to explain, "We put a lot of tea in our house," but when he saw the other person standing up, he was more than a head taller than him... The explanation was finally swallowed by him, and he could only nod hurriedly.


The other party glanced at the clerk sideways, and the look in his eyes that seemed to contain no expression made the clerk shudder uncontrollably and feel a little dazed.

When the guy finally recovered, an invisible layer of cold sweat had covered his back.


After giving a little lesson to the guy who cut corners, Nasus started his journey again with his scepter.

His target is Vikoula.

The reason why I want to go to Waikoura is also very simple. Recently, a "descendant of the Eagle King" appeared there.

Since the end of the Rune Wars and the large-scale wars in Runeland subsided, Nasus has temporarily bid farewell to the Great Library and actively walks in the world - the craziest darkin all self-destructed in the darkin war, and

Some rational Darkin have either sealed themselves or secluded themselves from the world. Those influential figures in the Shuriman Empire seem to have completely bid farewell to the stage of history.

Under this situation, Nasus finally had the time and energy to find the descendants of the Eagle King and start rebuilding Shurima.

As a witness to the fall of Shurima, Nasus has a slightly different concept from other Ascended Ones - in Nasus's view, although Azir and Xerath are directly responsible for the fall of the empire

, but there is actually nothing wrong with Azir’s idea itself.

To restore Shurima to its former glory, a powerful Ascended Emperor is indispensable.

Although he is only a junior among the Ascended, Nasus has at least experienced the era when the Shurima Empire was most prosperous before the Battle of Icathia. To him, that is what Shurima should be like.

Among the many Ascended Ones, Nasus is undoubtedly a very special one. He ascended to Shurima when it was most prosperous, and personally witnessed several disasters and the final fall of the empire. This situation made him have a deep understanding of this country.

The rise and fall of it has produced its own unique understanding.

After the Battle of Icathia, with the disappearance of the Prince Regent, Shurima, which was originally united, had various ideological trends. Without Setaka and Kalya, the Ascended Ones and Darkspawn who could convince the crowd,

The Shurima Empire was almost on the verge of splitting due to their dissatisfaction with each other.

The endless quarrels and endless arguments were all seen by Nasus. Facing a group of experienced ascendants, he was not very able to speak. While watching with cold eyes, he

It didn't take long for me to realize something.

Only a strong leader can lead the Shurima Renaissance!

In the end, unable to reach an agreement, the Ascended One and the Dark One parted on bad terms.

The Dark Ones led by Aatrox chose to stay away from the Empire and satisfy their desire for killing in the endless war to expand their territories. Their departure also took away the Empire's most elite troops.

Not fighting in their homeland was the last kindness of these darkspawn. After leaving Shurima, their footprints spread to almost every land except Freljord. Darkspawn and darkspawn battle groups fought fiercely.

In the end, the war almost completely lost human form and humanity, and fell into the most terrifying madness, until a darkin war swept the entire Runeterra.

The mages and scholars headed by Nezuk chose to flee to Tarr, using elemental magic to hide their traces, and unilaterally severed ties with the Shurima Empire.

Although the Kingdom of Tal is still nominally part of the Shurima Empire, since then, orders from Shurima City can no longer be transmitted to the depths of the rainforest. There is room for both sides and there are steps.

Next, Taal realized the de facto division, and the Shurima Empire also lost its most important granary.

The Infrastructure Faction, headed by the Great Weaver Mother, was also exhausted mentally and physically, and chose to bid farewell to the center of the empire, leave Shurima City, and actively stay away from all political disturbances.

They tried their best to maintain the glorious heritage of the Shurima Empire, dredged waterways, maintained oases, and wanted to preserve everything left by the Shurima Empire's transformation of the desert. Unfortunately, with the successive blows of the Darkin War and the destruction of the empire,

A large number of oases have become sourceless water. Even if these people are still running around, without a strong country to support them, they are ultimately powerless.

The reconstruction faction headed by Varieva believed that the Shurima Empire should be rebuilt from the bottom up.

When their efforts were fruitless, they left behind a sentence: "The Shurima Empire is already terminally ill. If it is not rebuilt, it will only be a matter of time before it is over." Then, like a prophet who has seen through everything, they proudly left the Shurima Empire with their heads held high.

, and ultimately disappeared.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The rest, including Nasus and Renekton, and some Ascended Ones who were closer to the royal family chose to stay in Shurima City.

Trying to use reform methods to revive Shurima.

However, after losing a powerful army, no mage group, professional craftsmen leaving, and the grassroots starting to lose control, the Shurima Empire wants to rely on reform to revive... How can it be so easy?

Under such circumstances, the Shurima Emperor at that time simply gritted his teeth, directly shifted into reverse gear, and started reversing the course of history.

After he ascended the throne, his first order was to "restore slavery in fact and clearly stipulate the number and qualifications for owning slaves based on social status."

This order, which was enough to bring Setaka back to life, was warmly welcomed by the governors of many cities - why are everyone working so hard to serve the empire?

When the Shurima Empire was prosperous, it could be said that it was to become an Ascended One, to leave a name in history, and to be remembered by future generations.

But now... times have changed.

The ascended Martial Empress and the Prince Regent are no longer here, and those with true ideals have long since left the empire!

Now that His Majesty the Emperor has spoken in person to open the gap in slavery, the governors and lords of various places naturally welcome him with hands and feet.

For a moment, Shurima's senior leaders, who were originally panic-stricken, united closely to the emperor's side.

Through this act of reversing the course of history, the Shurima Empire, which was already on the verge of collapse, finally gained some strength again. Under the auspices of Nasus, it began to use reform methods to innovate itself, trying to find a country that would be great again.


Until Azir, it almost succeeded.

This chapter has been completed!
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