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【0003】 Cracker Girl Lux

 The next day, Lux, who got up early, wore a black and white dress and attended her uncle's burial ceremony.

In the Hall of Valor, she and countless nobles watched her uncle's body being sealed in a coffin and buried in the noble cemetery.

I heard from my mother that the family had immediately sent an envoy to Baiya City to invite the master sculptor of the Dulang family to carve a tombstone for my uncle.

On the tombstone, the master of the Durang family will record in relief the outstanding contributions his uncle made to Demacia when he served in the rangers.

Lux is obviously still unable to understand the meaning behind this meritorious service, but she can at least clearly feel that her uncle is indeed respected by the Demacia people - because in addition to the nobles who came to the funeral,

There were also many soldiers, citizens and farmers.

In the past, Lux heard her uncle tell many stories about them.

And here, she also listened to them tell many stories about her uncle.

It turns out that uncle is not only good at telling stories, but also good at many things.

"He is the hero of Demacia." After the ceremony, Kalya commented in a calm tone, "So, don't let him rest for too long, little girl, work hard!"

"No problem." Lux held the hilt of the sword, "Now tell me, what should I do?"

"Listen to my lecture." Kalya paused and continued, "I'm talking, you listen, remember to control the flow of magic power at all times, don't think about slipping away, once you lose concentration, I will notice it immediately."

"Listen to the class..." Although she was determined to learn magic well, after learning that she was going to attend the class, Lux couldn't help but frowned, "Is it like when you teach grandma about noble etiquette?"

"The form is somewhat similar, but the content is completely different." Kalya seemed to be quite disdainful of the aristocratic etiquette just mentioned by Lux, "What I taught you are arcane truths and elemental laws, which cannot be compared with red tape - now

, find a place where you can read, and then find some basic etiquette books and browse them quickly."

"Wait, why are you looking for etiquette books?" Lux was a little confused, "Didn't you say that what you want to teach is arcane truth and elemental laws?"

"The book on etiquette is just a cover." Kalya looked prepared, "I will help you write it down quickly, and then help you maintain this troublesome red tape when needed. Just listen to the lecture and remember what I said.

knowledge, so that if someone asks you what you are doing, you can answer that you are practicing etiquette."

Blinking her eyes, Lux understood what Kalya meant.

how to say……

To Lux, this behavior seemed a bit cunning.

But if you put aside lying, it seems that this is indeed something that is good for everyone.

Lux doesn't have to recite those troublesome etiquettes, her mother doesn't have to spend a lot of money to ask her grandma to look at her, and she doesn't have to worry about being rude when attending banquets later. Everyone has a bright future.

After thinking for a while, Lux didn't find any specific harm from this behavior.

The only problem is that Kalya has to record etiquette and give lectures to herself at the same time. Is this really too busy?

"Don't worry about me, little girl." As if she had guessed Lux's thoughts, Kalya said happily, "My memory is not comparable to that of ordinary people, and Demacia's etiquette is inherently mixed with Nox.

Hylia, Shurima’s traditional etiquette, no one is better at this kind of thing than me.”

Kalya seemed to be in a good mood when he mentioned this topic, and Lacus even felt that he had an instinctive reaction to control his hands and spread them out like playing an accordion.

(Is Mr. Kalya very proficient in memory and etiquette? This talent is so enviable - and what does this gesture mean? Does it mean that he knows a lot? Knows a lot?)

"Then, it's settled!"


The sun sets in the west and the sun approaches dusk.

When Ogesha personally saw off the last visitor and then whipped Galen with a belt when he asked to join the army again, the physically and mentally exhausted head of the Crown Guard family finally got a moment of peace.


Different people always look at problems from different angles.

During the two days of funerals, apart from the soldiers, citizens and farmers who came spontaneously with reverence, in Ogesha's eyes, most of the visiting nobles had clear goals.

They will treat little girls like Lux with tolerance, but when facing Ogesha, they will show their aristocratic side.

After all... the one lying in the coffin was Demacia's Ranger General, and his departure represented a vacancy in some power in the military.

Therefore, many people express intentionally or unintentionally that their fathers/husbands/sons and even nephews have always been full of admiration for this ranger general who sacrificed his life for the country. The deceased has passed away, and they will follow the example of their predecessors.

Footprints and so on.

They said inside and outside that they really hoped to join the Rangers.

According to them, although they are not from the Crown Guard family, after joining the Rangers, they will still safeguard the interests and power of the Crown Guard family. Madam can consider supporting them, even if everyone knows that in such matters

Ogesha is not a talkative person, but that's always the case with ladies in politics.

Of course, the words can't be so straightforward, but that's what it means.

As the matron of the family, Ogesha knew very well the real purpose of these guys, so her answer was naturally watertight - she was also from a noble family. Although she came from Baiya City and was not an authentic Xiongdu native, she was not one of those people who suddenly became rich.

A fool who doesn't know his identity.

Just listen to this kind of temptation, compliment and flattery. Ogesha is no longer the little girl who blushes when she hears praise and praise!

For the whole afternoon, Ogesha maintained impeccable etiquette and dealt with ladies and ladies from various families. After everything was over, her face became a little stiff.

Therefore, even though she knew that corporal punishment was not good, when Ogesha heard Galen still clamoring to join the army, she still couldn't help but pull out a belt from the cabinet.

After a while of crackling, Galen returned to his room with a grin on his face, and the whole world fell silent.

However, fight after fight, draw after draw, things still have to be resolved.

Ogesha plans to discuss Galen's matter with her husband Peter tomorrow - although Galen finally shut up after beating him up, she knows her son better than her mother, and she knows very well how stubborn her son's temper is.

We must find a way to let him live in peace, otherwise he may really leave without saying goodbye and run away from home!

You know, the Noxians have been restless recently. After the farewell ceremony, Peter was invited to the Castle of Dawn to attend the noble military meeting convened by Jarvan III. Until now, Peter has not returned.

Just after his brother was buried, Peter started working, which shows how tense the situation was!

Therefore, even if Galen really goes to train in the army, it cannot be now!

But, how can we dispel this little bastard’s unrealistic ideas?

Rubbing her eyebrows, Ogesha thought of her little cotton-padded jacket, Lux.

Even though Galen is a very naughty little bastard, he always obeys his sister's words - maybe there are some things that Lax's words are more acceptable to Galen than those of his parents and elders?

Thinking of this, Ogesha suddenly realized that it seemed that she hadn't seen Lux all day.

At noon, the housekeeper seemed to have said that she went to the family's reading room?

Thinking of this, Ogesha raised her head and looked at Lux's room on the top floor of the manor.

The light didn't come on.

After calling the servants to prepare dinner, Ogesha turned around and walked towards the family's reading room.

When she arrived here, the sky had completely darkened.

The crystal chandeliers in the reading room were all lit up. Under the soft light, Lux was sitting in the corner, with a thick tome spread out on the table in front of her.

Ogesha recognized it as "The Encyclopedia of Etiquette" at a glance.

Is Lux looking at this?

Ogesha blinked her eyes in surprise, and for a moment she even wondered if she was so tired that her consciousness was a little blurry - her daughter hated these etiquettes the most!

Now she is actually reading "Encyclopedia of Etiquette"?

And it seems that you have read a lot?

Quite unexpectedly, Ogesha knocked on the door, then pulled out a chair and sat across from Lux.

"Baby, are you hungry?" The confused Ogesha pretended to glance at the page number casually, then stretched out her hand to comb Lux's hair on the temples, "I have already asked the kitchen to prepare dinner, meat and tooth porridge, you

Favorite flavor.”

"I... am indeed a little hungry." Lux seemed to want to say that she was not hungry, but after a moment of hesitation, she nodded, "Thank you, mom."

"I heard from the housekeeper that you have been sitting here since lunch." Ogesha said while recalling part of the content of the book, "Baby, this is not like your style."

"I have to do something for my uncle." Lux lowered her head, seemed to confirm the page number, and then slowly closed the tome, "Everyone has their own responsibilities and missions."

"[Everyone has their own responsibilities and missions, and maintaining impeccable etiquette is one of the responsibilities of a noble.] This is the preface of the second volume. You can read it quickly." Ogesha showed a happy smile.

, "My baby can think this way, and my mother is really relieved..."

While he was talking, the servant knocked on the door of the reading room: "Madam, dinner is ready."

"Let's go." Ogesha stood up, "Have something to eat with me. Now I'll teach you another lesson - nobility's etiquette cannot be rushed. It is unwise to dig a well when you are thirsty. Let's go.


From the reading room to the restaurant, Lux's expression and movements seemed unnatural.

From Ogesha's point of view, her baby daughter seems to have read too much and is a little dizzy, and her reaction is obviously slow in many cases - however, what makes her happy is that every move of Lux is completely in line with the situation.

The etiquette of the nobles, although the movements are stiff and jerky, are obviously the result of rote learning.

"Don't be so nervous, honey." Ogesha was relieved, but also a little distressed, "Impeccable etiquette is not something that can be achieved overnight. In a place where there are only two of us, you can relax a little."

After hearing these words, Lux looked as if she had been granted amnesty, and almost collapsed on the chair.

Ogesha only felt funny when she saw this scene.

"It would be great if your brother also had this heart." Although it was funny, Ogesha couldn't help but sigh, "Obviously he is three years older than you, why can't he be as sensible as you?"

"Brother is the same." Lux scooped up a large spoonful of porridge, stuffed it into her mouth and said vaguely, "He is also working hard in his own way!"

"What he does is not called hard work, what he calls chaos!" Ogesha snorted, "With your father and your aunt here, the family does not need to add more people to the army, but your brother is just hot-headed - you can

You can’t learn from him!”

"Yeah!" Lux nodded and took another spoonful, "No!"

"Eat slowly." Seeing that the bowl in front of Lacus was bottoming out quickly, Ogesha simply pushed her own bowl in front of Lacus, "This bowl is yours too, don't be anxious, be careful of stomachache!"

"Don't you want to eat?" Lux raised her head and blinked, "Mom probably didn't eat either, right?"

"Silly girl." A smile appeared on Ogesha's lips, "Now, mom will teach you another lesson. Excellent figure is also a part of etiquette - of course, except for children in the developmental stage."

Then, under Lux's stunned gaze, the servant knocked on the door of the dining room and brought a large bowl of salad.


After dinner, Lux and her mother took a walk in the garden of the manor. It was not until the bright moon rose that she returned to her home after promising many times to "report her brother as soon as possible if she found that her brother had run away from home."


After closing the bedroom door, Lux seemed to let herself go and threw herself onto the bed.

it is finally over!

After a day of studying, Lux was a little confused. Later, after meeting Ogesha, she followed Kalya's reminder and maintained the etiquette of the nobles meticulously.

Think about it, answering his mother's words and listening to Kalya's etiquette actions at the same time is really too difficult for a nine-year-old child!

Now that everything is over, she can finally relax.

Then, just when Lux was feeling comfortable, Kalya's voice sounded in her mind again.

"Now you can choose a comfortable position and lie down." Kalya's tone did not have many ups and downs, but it had an unquestionable momentum. "The body can rest, but the brain cannot stop - the evening self-study has begun, and we

You need to take an in-class test to check your learning progress."

"Late study hall?!" Lux heard this strange name for the first time, "I'm already in bed, now it's time to rest!"

"Haha." Kalya sneered disdainfully, "How can you sleep? If I were you, I wouldn't be able to sleep - in this afternoon's class, you spent 40% of the time wandering around, and the remaining 60%

I didn’t concentrate on it all the time!”


"I dare say that you can remember no more than 30% of the lectures I taught you so hard all afternoon!"


"What? Do you think I'm scaring you? Let me tell you, although I didn't spy on your thoughts, I can clearly sense your state from the fluctuations of your magic power!"


"At first, you sat by the window and stared at the garden outside. Later, you moved to the corner and looked at the pattern decoration on the skirting. There were even a few times when you actually read the book that was supposed to be written.

"Encyclopedia of Etiquette", are my courses more boring than the boring red tape, so that they cannot attract your attention at all?"


"So we have to conduct an in-class test. You need to have a clear understanding of your learning ability - now, tell me, what are the seven common forms of resonance in elemental magic?"

"Resonance, harmony, filling, harmony...and crystallization, embodiment——"

"Where's the seventh one?"

"……I do not remember."

"There is also diffusion!" Kalya raised his tone, "These are the most basic knowledge. If you want to enter the Shadow Realm, you must integrate this knowledge - next question, tell me, what will happen to the crystallization of light magic?

Rune crystal branches?”


"It's radial! Light magic is your talent, and this foundation cannot be taken lightly!" Kalya began to speak faster, "Next question, tell me, what is the first priority of a spellcaster?"



At this moment, Lux suddenly remembered the records about banquet food in the "Encyclopedia of Etiquette".

Even though she was in bed, the poor little girl felt like a duck in a cage, her mind filled with knowledge like feed.


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