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0483 First meeting

The light of the torch flickers on and off.

In the dancing firelight, Ino looked at Ai Xi, carefully observing this person whom many people had heard about before.

Then, Ino discovered that although Ashe also had a tall figure and a thick frame like the Freljord, she looked quite slender because of her long arms and legs.

In Ashe's hand, a long bow made of pure ice was shining with a dangerous light under the firelight.

This should be the "Avarosa Longbow" they mentioned. It is the Perfect Ice Longbow inherited from Avarosa.

In addition, Ino also keenly discovered that the quiver behind Ashe seemed to have Zhen Bing's unique cold aura. It seemed that her arrows were not ordinary. I am afraid the arrows were all made by Zhen Bing!

Should I say...is she worthy of being Avarosa's war mother?

While thinking this, Ino stepped forward.

"I am Ino." She announced her family name openly, "I am from Demacia, and I am Fosbarrow's special envoy."

"Demacia!" Ashe's eyes lit up. She did not refer to it as Demacia like the Freljordians who heard this name for the first time. "You are willing to cooperate with the Avarosa Exhibition?"

Trade, right?”

"Agree in principle." Ino nodded, "But we still need to discuss the specific content."

"That's great!" Ashe had a very sincere smile on her face, "It's really helpful! But now we are undergoing a warrior trial, so we can only assign a guide to send you to Ningshuang first.


"Can I take the liberty to ask, what kind of trial is this?" Ino asked naturally, "After entering the ice field, I heard that Avarosa was recruiting the most powerful warriors in Freljord?"

"That's right, it's the warrior's trial." Ashe nodded, "Miss Ino, are you interested in the trial?"

"I have never seen the trial of Freljord." Ino nodded, "My attendants do need to rest, but my mental state is not bad, so take them to Frost Harbor.

Show me the warriors of Avarosa!"

"Of course!" Ai Xi's smile was still bright, "Follow me closely and I will show you the best perspective!"

Soon, the intelligence team was divided into two.

Those who were in poor condition and physically weak, under the leadership of the group leader, first followed Avarosa's messenger to Ningshuang Port; while Ino and other guardians who were in good mental condition followed.

Following the trial team led by Ai Xi, they turned back south, heading straight towards the direction of the freezing tide.

During this period, Ashe chatted with Ino like an old friend, explaining to her the content of the Warrior Trial.

"Next we are going to hunt ice sea worms." Ai Xi said in a rather expectant tone, "Only true warriors can deal with those extremely cunning beasts. You come from the south, I don't know if you have seen them.


"Ice sea bug?" Ino repeated this Freljordian phrase that he had never heard before, "What is that? We only saw one kind of, uh, insect that could come out from under the ice when we were young.


The word worm is too unfamiliar and Ino doesn't know it, so she can only use a more euphemistic way to describe the predators she has seen.

The childhood of insects?

Ashe had never communicated with anyone outside the Freljord, so it took her a while to realize that what Ino was referring to was "worms", and then she combined "worms that came out from under the ice" in

Together, the expression becomes a little subtle.

"Are you talking about an animal that is about three people tall and as thick as two people hugging each other?" Ai Xi organized his words and described the ice sea worms in as understandable terms as possible, "Their mouths are

A circle with teeth inside, and a circle of eyes around the mouth..."

"Almost, probably almost." Ino blinked, "But I didn't see many details clearly. The team was suddenly attacked at that time, and we didn't have time to observe the attacker carefully."

"That's really bad." Ashe frowned upon hearing this and tried to comfort Ino, "It must have been a terrible attack."

"Scary? I think it's okay." Ino shook his head, "They slipped away too fast, and the bodies would also slide into the sea water. Otherwise, with such a nest of bugs, I should be able to break off a lot of teeth.


"You killed it? Killed the swarm of ice sea worms?" Ai Xi finally showed a surprised expression, "And it was a sneak attack of ice sea worms?"

The understatement of "I think it's okay" made Ashe's eyes change when she looked at Ino - in the Freljord, even Avarosa, which upholds peaceful development, will still look at the strong in a different light.

"It is not an easy task to travel across the ice field in winter to be a messenger." Ino nodded and brought the topic back to the trial, "So, the warriors participating in the trial have to go into the water to fight the ice sea worms?


"Fight in the water?" Ino's statement made Ai Xi a little dumbfounded. She was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help but smile, "You must have entered Boreal Port, right?"


"Not everyone's hunting will be carried out underwater like Walrus Tusk." Ashe shook her head and explained to Ino, "Luring the ice sea worms out of the water is also part of the trial.


Immediately afterwards, Ashe explained the rules of the trial to Ino in detail.

The rules are also very simple, full of Freljord-style directness. All warriors will arrive at the area where the ice sea worms are active at midnight today. After that, it is up to them to recharge their batteries or lay traps until the sun rises.

When the sun sets, the trial officially begins, and after the sun sets, the trial ends.

At the end of the trial, the warrior who gets the most sea worm heads will be the winner of the trial.

If other tribes were conducting trials, the competition between warriors would also be part of the trial. However, Ashe prohibited the battles between Avarosa warriors. Each warrior has a dedicated person to follow him, waiting for the warrior to get it.

The sea worm's head will be taken away and recorded - in other words, in this warrior trial, it is forbidden to attack each other.

Apart from this Ashe-like rule, there are no restrictions during the competition.

Whether you are good at making traps or like to fight head-on, there is always a way for you to deal with ice sea insects.


Soon, the torch-bearing team arrived at the sea near Frozen Tide Port. After setting up a temporary camp and assigning assistants to each warrior, everyone began to move freely.

Although the game will not start until the sun rises tomorrow morning, after Ashe announced that they can move freely, most of the warriors chose to leave the warm bonfire of this temporary camp. These warriors accepted Ashe's recruitment and came from Sifreljord.

Most of the warriors who came from various parts of the subcontinent had only heard of ice worms and had never known anything about hunting ice worms.

Therefore, in order to prepare for tomorrow's game, they need to carefully observe the situation on site.

Of course, there were also people who looked confident in themselves - just after Ashe announced the start of free activities, a slovenly guy wearing a helmet with two horns, a unshaven face, and a slovenly look approached him.

In the warm place of the fire, lay a piece of skin on the ground, lie down on it with a long knife as your pillow, and fall asleep.

Ino noticed him because this guy was the least dressed among almost all the warriors - except for some dirty strips of cloth wrapped around his wrists for unknown purposes, he

There was almost no hair on his upper body, just shirtless when the Freljord was at its coldest!

What also caught the eye was the large knife that was a bit longer than his height. The blade of this knife was densely covered with black marks. Ino had never seen such marks, but Kalya knew it very well.


"Those are the traces left after repeated infection and coagulation by blood."

"Wouldn't the steel in Freljord break?" Speaking of this knife, Ino asked strangely, "But I didn't find any traces of magic on this knife."

"Maybe it's some special enchanting technique." Kalya didn't know much about this. "Since the Freljordians can survive in this place, they must have unique ways to deal with these steels."

Ino was chatting with Kalya, so it seemed that he was staring blankly at the guy who was already snoring. On the other hand, Ashe, who had finished her work, smiled after seeing Ino's appearance.

Hehehe sat next to her.

"He is Tryndamere, one of the people I am most optimistic about." Ashe thought that Ino was curious that the other person could sleep shirtless, so he took the initiative to explain, "He is very strong. It is said that he is a warrior from the frozen plains.

The climate there is colder than other places, so the warriors there are stronger than elsewhere - but the warriors of the frozen plains rarely leave that wasteland."

"Then why did he choose to participate in this trial?" Ino was a little confused, "To show his strength?"

"No, it's for revenge." Ashe didn't hide it, "Winter's Claw plundered the frozen plains before retreating to its home base."

"So, his tribe was destroyed in the war?" Ino frowned, "The war between Avarosa and Winter's Claw ended up with the tribe in the Frozen Plains finally suffering a disaster?"

"That's it." Ashe seemed a little frustrated when he talked about this topic, "This is war. We were not well prepared at the beginning. If we can hold the Nueskara Pass, then there won't be these problems in the future... I won't say anything.

That’s it, you should rest early, tomorrow will be a wonderful competition, you will meet the strongest warriors of Severeljord, and you may even find your blood alliance among them.”

"Blood pact?!" Ino, who understood the meaning of the word, was stunned, "This, this is impossible!"

"It's very possible." Ai Xi shook his head, "You are a warrior worthy of recognition if you can fight against the sneak attack of ice sea insects. If I read it correctly, you should also be of ice blood?"

"That's right."

"That's right, the Blood Alliance of the Ice Bloodline should be powerful warriors. Believe me, these warriors are very strong!"

"I'm from Demacia." Ino corrected helplessly, "Demacia has no blood pact, only husband and wife, and I have never thought about finding a husband - this is my personal issue."

Ai Xi blinked his eyes in confusion, then suddenly realized, with an apologetic expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, it seems our customs are different." She expressed her apology very sincerely, "It seems that in Demacia, discussing blood alliance is a very personal matter?"

Obviously, the couple Ashe couldn't speak Demacian, so she finally chose the name Blood Pact.

"Yes, it's a completely personal issue." Ino nodded first, and then added, "Although many people, especially those in high positions, are like war mothers, the blood alliance needs to consider some family matters.

But most people’s blood alliances are still related to individuals.”

"The latter point is the same in Freljord." Ashe agreed with her face, "But in Freljord, it is normal to discuss the blood alliance. This is related to the future of the tribe. Only a strong enough War Mother

, only a strong enough blood alliance can give birth to descendants who can support the tribe."

Ino did not completely agree with this - her father was an ordinary farmer, and although her mother was tall and strong, she did not exceed the level of an ordinary northern peasant woman.

In Ino's view, bloodline is important, but acquired learning may be even more important. She only heard about the pure pursuit of bloodline inheritance when Kalya talked about cultivating economic species.

However, she did not refute Ashe's words, because after going through this journey, she had a full understanding of the extremely harsh natural conditions of Freljord. Perhaps in this cold and barren land,

In this land, more direct talent is the more important factor. Kalya has been talking about analyzing specific issues in detail. Maybe his own understanding is not in line with the environment of Freljord.

Therefore, Eno just nodded to Ai Xi's statement.

Then, she suddenly realized a question: Isn't Ai Xi the War Mother? When you said that the War Mother's blood alliance needs to be discussed, are you also talking about yourself?

In other words, this warrior trial is essentially a marriage proposal?

Ino's expression was a little subtle.

It seems that because he has been receiving the "Information Science Specialized Course" from Kalya recently, Ino is somewhat accustomed to analyzing the possible hidden meanings of other people's words, so when Ai Xi seemed to sigh casually,

She immediately thought of the purpose of this warrior trial.

"So, are you also looking for a blood pact?" Considering that Ashe said that the Freljordians were very open about the blood pact, Ino simply raised his question calmly, "This is the trial.

The winner?"

Ai Xi blinked, and after hesitating for a moment, he finally nodded.

This chapter has been completed!
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