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 Just as Tiana expected.

Jarvan III finally reluctantly accepted the nobles' petition and personally presided over the duel.

As for why he did not forcibly stop the duel - maybe the nobles were too loud, or maybe he himself was not so willing, this is unknown.

Seemingly to avoid any accidents, he also brought the steward, Xin Zhao, as the duel referee.

Judging from this choice, he at least didn't want anything to happen to Lux.

Just like the previous engagement ceremony, almost all named nobles in the entire Demacian capital attended the duel - even Bishop Guang Guang, who was the host of the engagement before, was not left behind.

It is no exaggeration to say that the outcome of this duel will determine the political direction of Xiongdu for a long time to come!

Although according to tradition, the duel starts at nine o'clock, at eight o'clock, the viewing seats in the duel hall were already full of people.

So much so that Lux and Fiona, the two participants in the duel, were the last to arrive.


Speaking of which, this is Lux's first time coming to the duel hall.

This ancient building, which was built at the same time as the Fortress of Dawn, was once a place where Demacian nobles settled conflicts and arbitrated disputes.

In terms of history, its importance is even higher than the first edition of Demacia's statutory law.

However, over the long years, as the distance between the nobles and the common people became farther and farther, the nobles who were concerned about the superficial harmony used this hall less and less.

Today, this still silent hall will finally welcome two young duellists.

In the preparation room of the duel initiator, Lux changed into a light armor with the help of her attendants.

The main body of this set of armor is made of rune steel. After precision forging, the not-so-thick armor pieces are partially overlapped and connected together with metal wires. Overall, they appear light and comfortable. They have sufficient defensive power and

It can ensure the wearer's mobility.

Without affecting the performance, the craftsmen who forged the armor also simply polished the armor, and embellished the heraldic emblems of the Crownguard family in many details - if it were in the past, Lux might have noticed this.

She couldn't put down the armor, but now, she only felt that the armor was heavier than expected.

Lux's silence made the attendants who helped her put on the armor dare not speak. Although Lux was usually approachable, when she became serious, the people around her would subconsciously remain silent.

As a result, the attendant's silence and fear made Lux even more uncomfortable.

In the end, she could only force out a smile and tell the other person that he could go out and that she needed some time to prepare. Then, after the attendant carefully left the preparation room, closed the door softly, she sat down on the chair and took a long look.

He let out a long breath.

"I really feel like I should leave for a while now." Lux said to Kalya helplessly, "There are always some things that once you know, you can no longer pretend not to see them."

"What you need more now is to clear your mind." Karya did not continue on this topic, "There will be a duel soon. This is your final exam. Give your best and don't embarrass your teacher.


"It's hard to let go." Lux shook her head helplessly, "How about this, Kalya - sing me a song!"


"That's right!" Lux took a deep breath, "You told me that before Setaka fights for his people, the children who cannot participate in the war will sing for their eldest sister, and Setaka will maintain his weapons in the song.

Step onto the battlefield.”


"Now that I'm dueling with someone for the first time, it can be regarded as setting foot on the battlefield, right?"


"Sing me a song too!" A smile appeared on Lux's face, "Sing a cheerful one!"

"Is it something cheerful?" Kalya thought for a while and finally agreed to Lux's request, "Okay then - just sing my favorite song "Into the Yellow Sand"."


Amidst Kalya's singing, Lux took out her sword and performed maintenance for the last time.

?The strong wind in the Great Wall blew up the yellow sand, and soft gauze floated on the river; Setaka stood on the bank of the river, the cross sword reflecting the morning light?

After wiping the blade clean, Lux returned the sword to its sheath, stood up and warmed up. As she moved her body, the rune steel armor on her body jingled.

? Setaka stood on the bank of the river, the cross blade reflecting the morning light?

Lux took a deep breath, no longer thinking about the headaches that caused her, and just held the hilt of her sword tightly and held Kalya.

?Children sing beautiful songs, they sing about the glory of civilization; they sing about respected leaders, and they look forward to growing up quickly?

Lux blew out the excess air in her lungs, picked up her helmet, breathed on it, and polished it thoroughly with the leather cover of her skirt armor.

?They sing about their respected leaders, and they look forward to growing up quickly?

The helmet was put on Lux's head, covering her golden bun. She blew upwards and stuffed the last bit of hair into the helmet.

?Ah, this singing child's singing voice, follow the bright sun and fly away; go and convey the children's greetings to the soldiers on the distant frontier?

The bell that signified the start of the duel finally officially rang. Lux walked slowly and walked to the door, reaching out and pushing open the door of the preparation room.

?Go to the soldiers on the distant frontier to convey the greetings of the children?

The bright sunshine shone on Lux's young face, dyeing her eyes the color of sapphire, and her long eyelashes became crystal clear.

?Following the leader, the young warriors are filled with endless hope; the flames of civilization have been ignited, and no one can defeat Shurima?

Lux raised her hands to greet all the audience, and smiled in the direction of her mother and aunt, her smile full of confidence.

?The flame of civilization has been ignited, and no one can defeat Shurima?

Jarvan III announced the start of the duel. Lux pursed her lips, took the crimson paint from the attendant's hand, and smeared it under her eyes.

?The strong wind in the Great Wall blew up the yellow sand, and soft gauze floated on the river; Setaka stood on the bank of the river, the cross sword reflecting the morning light?

Under the gaze of all the nobles, she finally pulled out her sword, assumed a basic Shurima swordsmanship stance, and stood in front of Fiona.

? Setaka stood on the bank of the river, the cross blade reflecting the morning light?

The bell rang again, and as Fiona took steps and stretched out her arms, the duel that blocked the glory of the two families officially began.

This chapter has been completed!
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