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0539 Ripples of fate

The stone door slowly opened.

"Come on." The other party's voice was extremely gentle, giving people a kind of warmth as if they had returned to the mother's body, making people believe subconsciously, "I have no ill intentions, I am just curious about the people who make ripples of fate - and, you guys

Looks like he needs some rest too."

Tarik and Jarvan IV looked at each other, finally nodded, and silently walked into the small stone house.

Then, they finally met the owner of the house.

This is a slim woman. She wears a simple robe. Her face and voice are as gentle as ever. Her lavender skin is like the first ray of dawn when the sky is about to dawn. When people see it, they subconsciously feel a sense of nobility.

Even Jarvan IV, a member of the Lightshield family and the future King of Demacia, would subconsciously feel ashamed of himself after meeting him.

The large piece looks like a natural birthmark, or like a magic tattoo, like the trajectory of a comet in the starry sky, engraved on her noble purple skin. There is no trace of ugliness or rebellion at all, as if it should be like this, making people look at it at a glance

, I almost couldn’t help but indulge in it.

On her forehead, a slender horn that was not too sharp poked upward. Even the arc had a somewhat noble flavor. Coupled with her pointed ears, it was the first time I saw her erudite face.

People may subconsciously think of the legendary vastaya people, but once such thoughts arise, the person who evokes them will always shake their head severely to eliminate such blasphemous thoughts from their mind.

She is not a vastaya, not even the legendary vastashari, but something more advanced, older, and more natural!

"What flavor do you like?" Although she was stared at by two grown men, Taric and Jarvan IV, she did not show any shyness. Instead, she was as gentle as a mother, "Sweeter or salty?"



Almost without thinking, Jarvan IV and Taric gave their opinions at the same time, but unfortunately, their opinions were not unanimous. One was a sweet party and the other was a salty party.


Without the slightest hesitation, she took down a few jars from the shelf next to her, then used the wooden spoon in the jar to gently and reverently scoop out some powder, put them into two bowls of tea, and then picked them up.

The kettle started to hiss at the right moment, pouring hot water that had just boiled into the earthenware tea bowl.

The hot water swirled, a little foam appeared, and gradually showed the luster of amber. As if she was very satisfied with her work, the corners of her mouth finally showed a smile, then she picked up the two bowls of tea and put them away respectively.

In front of Taric and Jarvan IV.

"Be careful, it's hot."

Tarik and Jarvan IV almost subconsciously wanted to take the tea bowl. After her reminder, they suddenly realized. Then, both of them were a little embarrassed. They clearly felt the reminder in the other's words.

They both felt sorry for the slightly rude gaze they had just given, and at the same time they were also surprised by the amazing charm of the other person.

"I'm Soraka." After both of them seemed to have come to their senses, the owner of the stone house sat next to a somewhat crude chair opposite them. "It's been a long time since anyone came to climb Mount Targon, so I

Invite you to come over and have a chat.”

"Actually, Ms. Soraka." Hearing what the other party said, Tarik subconsciously said, "I was here just over a year ago."

"The will to protect, I know this." Soraka nodded after hearing this with a smile, "But you should also know that it was not a climb, but... it was a play that was planned early. At that time

You walking barefoot above the snow line are not who you are today."

"Does Ms. Soraka also know about the Titan?" Taric asked a question that made him regretful as soon as he asked it. "Uh, I mean, you already knew about my climbing?"

"I have known about the guardian's clinging for a long time." Soraka smiled, waved her hand, and corrected calmly, "You should know that in that play, although you are the protagonist, the protagonist needs to follow the script.


"What about Laxana?" Seeing that the other party seemed to know some inside stories about Mount Targon, Tarik couldn't help but ask the question he had been wondering about for a long time, "Is her climbing also a show?"

"Laxana?" This time it was Soraka's turn to be surprised, "This name sounds like a lady."

"She is indeed a lady, a respectable model of nobility." Tarik nodded, "Just before I climbed Mount Targon, she just climbed up."

"If your concept of time has not changed due to climbing, then I may not have seen that Laxana." Soraka finally showed a curious look on her face, "Can you tell me her story?

?In exchange, I can also tell you what I know about climbing Mount Targon."

Hearing what Soraka said, Taric and Jarvan IV were stunned for a moment.

Although it was just their first meeting, both of them clearly felt the ethereal feeling of the person in front of them. Although she was sitting in front of them with a smile, she seemed to be in the endless starry sky, making it completely difficult to get close.

, as she spoke, she seemed to be aware of the same illusory fate. It seemed that it was this calmness in facing fate that allowed her to maintain her smile so calmly.

However, after talking about Laxana, Soraka seemed to have come to earth from heaven. For the first time, she showed real doubts and childlike curiosity. It seemed that she was really interested in Laxana.


However, neither Taric nor Jarvan IV spoke immediately.

Regarding Laxana, the two people actually have different feelings.

For Jarvan IV, Laxana can be regarded as someone he has "always watched grow up". In his eyes, she is a young girl with a maturity that is inconsistent with his own age, and the reason for this maturity is

, maybe pressure from her brother?

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Although it is not very authentic to criticize one's best friend, the behavior of "pushing the bedwetting matter to one's sister" still makes Jarvan IV think about it every time.

I feel a bit of absurd disdain.

Perhaps it was precisely because of her brother's inconsistent character that Laxana became a model of nobility in the capital early. Then in order to shoulder the responsibility of being a model of nobility, she suffered the punishment of a stone crown and finally climbed Mount Targon.

However, in Tariq's impression, Laxana is a rather mysterious and legendary person.

He could feel very clearly that many times, Laxana had a certain purpose, but she was always able to cleverly hide her true purpose and did her best on the surface.

Therefore, he subconsciously wanted to ask the person in front of him about Laxana's previous climb. According to his idea, Laxana should have come to this hut before and sat in her seat to drink tea.

But what Tariq never expected was that Soraka said that she had never met Laxana.

This is very strange. Didn't Laxana reach the top of Mount Targon?

How is that possible!

Although the power of the guardian star spirit has faded, Tarik knows very clearly that there are obvious traces of the baptism of sky light on Laxana's body.

In other words, she definitely climbed Mount Targon and bathed in the brilliant light of the sky with her own power. Otherwise, she would never have had such power. In addition, after meeting on Mount Targon, Laxana had once climbed the mountain.

Success is a sure thing, how could you not reach the top?

"Perhaps there is another way to climb Mount Targon?" Tarik whispered with some confusion, "Laxana is a respectable climber. She is called a model of Demacia's nobility. Just when I climbed

Before going to Mount Targon, she successfully climbed the mountain."

"The Mount Targon is huge." Soraka's voice was as ethereal as ever, "There are countless roads up the mountain, but the fate of anyone who bathes in the light of the sky will be connected to the heaven."


Taric and Jarvan IV looked at each other, and both felt the implication of Soraka's words.

"However, there is no trace of a person named Laxana on the starry sky that depicts the past and future."

"This is impossible." Jarvan IV shook his head, "Unless everything in Demacia will not appear on the starry sky."

"I can see clearly." Soraka held up her tea bowl, "The country called Demacia has justice, dark traces of corruption, and the remaining stars left by the guardian constellation, but there is no

A star called Laxana, not even a comet.”

"Are you an astrologer?" Jarvan IV frowned subconsciously as his perception of Soraka was not clear enough. "With all due respect, maybe the starry sky can indeed bring some enlightenment, but that probably doesn't explain it.


Unlike Taric, Jarvan IV could only feel Soraka's tenderness and kindness. His Royal Highness, who had not bathed in the radiance of heaven, could not clearly realize who he was talking to, so when Soraka talked about the stars,

After he categorically stated that there was no such thing as Laxana, he finally couldn't help but retort a few words.

However, although Jarvan IV's retort was somewhat rude, Soraka was not angry, but nodded seriously.

"Yes, this is exactly what I discovered." She said in a very novel and somewhat hopeful tone, "Destiny is not an eternal star map. Sometimes even a shooting star, even a

A comet can cause unpredictable ripples in the starry sky. So, Your Excellency Jarvan IV, please tell me about the past of this lady Laxana!"

"Laxana is the youngest daughter of the Crownguard family..." Jarvan IV spoke subconsciously, and then his eyes widened in shock, "Wait a minute, I guess I didn't introduce myself!"

"Astrologers should always know a few tricks." Soraka winked playfully, "Your Highness, tell me, just treat it as satisfying my curiosity and drink a cup of tea. This shouldn't be a secret.


Of course it's not some secret news. In fact, in Demacia, no one seems to be more magnanimous than Laxana. Maybe other nobles are still unruly, but this noble model is walking the right path and doing the right thing.

A model of excellence.

Therefore, after thinking for a moment and finding that there was no problem, Jarvan IV began to talk about the Laxana he knew.

"She is the youngest daughter of the Crownguard family, and she has an older brother named Galen."

"She has been a very calm person since she was a child. Although girls tend to mature more precociously than boys, I always feel that Laxana is obviously more precocious than other girls."

"In the beginning, the nobles of Xiongdu heard this name for the first time because of her precise etiquette and maturity that did not match her age."

"Later, during the Bouvier family's banquet..."

"She has amazing artistic talent and is very skilled in many fields. To this day, her works can still be sold for very high prices in Xiongdu..."

"The Crownguard family's fiefdom is in Mithril City. I heard that she once led some things in Mithril City..."

"Then, there will be a marriage between a branch of the Crown Guard family..."

"Laxana rejected the Illuminati's mediation, chose to leave the capital, and accepted the punishment of the Stone Crown..."

"Wait until she returns from the summit..."

After confirming that there was nothing worth concealing, Jarvan IV drank tea and told Soraka about Laxana in his eyes. In his description, she was a somewhat old-fashioned, but admirable person.

Even when talking about the noble woman's choice to go to the north to guard the border, Jarvan IV's tone contained a hint of regret. Obviously, he regretted the decision made by Lux very much.

During Jarvan IV's narration, Soraka said nothing, only adding hot water to him twice. It was not until Jarvan IV finished that she smiled and showed an expression of realization.

"So that's it, she is really an admirable lady!"

This compliment from the truth made both Taric and Jarvan IV subconsciously straighten their backs, and then, after hesitating for a moment, Taric finally spoke again.

"So, Ms. Soraka, have you seen anything else about guardianship?"

"The guardian... the guardian has been broken. Above the constellation, the two remaining stars have been left in Demacia forever." Soraka paused, and then added, "At least from my perspective, I can see

That’s it.”


Tarik did not speak, but looked at Jarvan IV beside him with the corner of his eye.

He didn't ask.

Soraka didn't answer either, but when she put down the tea cup, she almost nodded in confusion - this moment of subtle communication was not seen by Jarvan IV, who had just raised his head to drink tea.

After getting the answer, Tariq breathed a sigh of relief. He finally put down the tea cup and stood up on his own initiative.

"Thank you very much for your hospitality, Ms. Soraka." Taking a deep breath, Tarik whispered, "Although I still want to have another drink, the comfortable environment is obviously not conducive to our next climb.

I think it’s time for us to set off.”

"Of course, while the sun is still there, you may be able to reach the next stone platform quickly." Soraka nodded, then took two things that looked like talismans from the shelf behind her and handed them to the tower.

Rick, "Well, I wish you good luck on your journey."

In this way, Jarvan IV, who was still a little confused, was pulled by Tariq, left this warm stone hut, and embarked on a climbing journey again.

And it seems that because of the effect of the hot tea, Jarvan IV, who used to climb slower than a turtle, can even climb a bit faster than Taric, who is used to being shrouded in skylight!

This chapter has been completed!
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