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0585 The heroic soul that should not be forgotten

The Shadow Realm is the shadow world of Runeterra, but it is not a complete reflection of the world - here, time is stretched, space is compressed, and the entire sub-plane is filled with activated shadow elements.

Anyone who enters the shadow realm will encounter the indiscriminate erosion of shadows.

Generally speaking, there are two ways to avoid being eroded into shadow creatures: one is to surpass the extraordinary level of strength, make one's body stable, and be able to resist this erosion with one's own strength; the other is to to a certain extent.

Adapt to the erosion of shadow and control the power of shadow.

Lux, Ino, LeBlanc and Vladimir are the former. They can move freely in the shadow realm because they are strong enough and completely ignore the erosion of the shadow.

As for the composting team, the Seventh Sequence and Shadow Stream rely on the latter method, actively adapting to this erosion by strengthening their mastery of shadows.

Among them, those who enter the Shadow Realm such as the Archon are those who have negative energy magic talents. The time when they enter the Shadow Realm is strictly controlled, and Kalya provides theoretical support; while the Shadow Stream enters the Shadow Realm by using shadow.

Tears has special tattoos on his body - in a sense, these shadow stream tattoos are the exclusive magic circuits of shadow magic.

Through the Shadow Stream tattoo, members of the Shadow Stream have gained extremely strong shadow adaptability. They can briefly forcibly escape into the Shadow Realm and perform phase movements in the Shadow Realm for a short period of time.

With the help of the space compression and time stretching characteristics of the Shadow Realm, from the perspective of enemies in the real world, these members of the Shadow Stream seem to disappear briefly and then suddenly appear from another place.

The particularity of the Shadow Realm directly results in the fact that it is not difficult to enter the Shadow Realm, but staying in it for a long time is a great test of personal ability. In this case, if you want to find someone in the Shadow Realm, even a group of people, you are doomed.

Very difficult.

But no matter how difficult it is, Lux still needs to deal with it with all her strength.

Don’t forget, in addition to the permanent exit from Forsbarrow, there is also a “main gate” facing the capital in the Shadow Realm!

Even though Lux is now very sure that the old nobles of the Imperial City will become her enemies sooner or later, at least before Forsbarrow can take control of the overall situation, she still needs the Imperial City to be strong enough to survive!

Therefore, after learning that there were traces of uninvited guests in the Shadow Realm, she took decisive action - before looking for anyone, she first went to inquire with her uncle.

After Sentu and the warriors of the first generation of Dauntless Vanguard dissipated, only Lux's uncle Jaka still remained in the Shadow Realm in the form of a heroic soul, responsible for supervising Vayne's hunting of demons.

After becoming the lord of Forsbarrow, Lux also visited Jacka, but since Jacka's time has been anchored to the moment when he became a heroic spirit, every time Lux saw him, he would be very angry.

Surprised, he then pulled Lux ​​and asked her why she came to the Shadow Realm.

Jacka is neither a living person nor a dead person. He is a heroic soul after a sacrifice ceremony. He will not forget everything before the ceremony, but he will not be able to remember everything after the ceremony.

When Sentu and other heroic souls were still there, these warriors would remind each other and spread word of mouth in their spare time to fight against forgetfulness. But when the other heroic souls dissipated their obsession, only Jika was left.

, he seemed to have become an Alzheimer's patient. Every time he saw Lux, he regarded Lux ​​as that nine-year-old girl.

Then, Lux will start from the time she climbed the mountain, and then tell Jika about her and Ino's battle in the Shadow Realm, and tell Jika that the demon has been completely defeated, and His Majesty Sentu's obsession has been completed.


And every time after hearing this, Jacka would nod with regret.

"Yes, yes, that's it. I asked why I couldn't find His Majesty Sentu, but it turned out that he had already given up."

At the beginning, looking at his appearance, Lux also tried to persuade him to let go and end this eternal sacrifice that was no different from imprisonment.

But Jacka disagreed. He insisted that he should still stay here. He was a monument to His Majesty Sentu and the first generation of fearless pioneers fighting for Demacia and Runeterra. When Lux tried to use the inscription of "Hall of Valor"

When trying to persuade someone with their names and deeds engraved on them, Jack would become surprisingly irritable.

"That's just a show! Your Excellency Sentu's achievements and sacrifices have become evidence of complacency for later generations. That is not a commemoration, but a distortion!"

In a sense, Lux also agreed with Jacka's statement. Demacia's historical records were not detailed, and there were obvious distortions and embellishments in many places. In this case, she really couldn't persuade her.


Unable to convince her uncle to end the sacrifice, she would silently feel sorry for her uncle when she saw him like this. In addition, Fusbello was really busy with work, so Lux gradually stopped running to the Shadow Realm and came to see Jacka less often.

But this time, in order to find out the situation of the invaders, Lux once again came to the fortress guarding the Shadow Realm alone and found Jacka.


When Lux arrived under the fortress, Jacka was holding a dusty, worn-out Demacia flag, standing upright on the edge of the city wall like a garrison soldier.

"Uncle, uncle!" Lux shouted, "I'm here to see you!"

As the warm light lit up, Lux appeared under the fortress wall with a smile, waving her hands hard.

"What's going on, little Lux." Jaka frowned and said in disbelief, "What's going on with you?"

Hearing these familiar words, Lux blinked: "This is a long story."

"Are you a mage?" Jacka's tone was filled with incredible pain, "No, it shouldn't be like this -"

"I am a climber, and this is not the first time I have come here." Lux told her situation in the simplest words, "I have been here many times, but you don't remember me!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Really?" Jika's tone was still a bit unbelievable, "Am I going to forget that my beloved little Lux came to see me?"

"Really, I also know His Majesty Sentu, and I also know the first generation of fearless pioneer warriors who entered the Shadow Realm with him..." Lux told Jika the original story for the twelfth time, "They have already left.


"Left, yes, he must have left." Jaka nodded and murmured as he had done eleven times before, "It's great that he let it go. His Majesty finally let it go."

Seeing this scene, Lux felt a tightness in her chest. She did not persuade her uncle to let it go as before, but after taking two deep breaths, she directly asked Jacka if anyone had been here.

After hearing this question, Jacka felt like waking up from a dream.

"Yes, some." He seemed to be afraid that he had forgotten, and spoke to Lux as fast as possible, "A group of sneaky guys passed by here once, and they wanted to occupy it, but these cunning ones

In the end, I failed to succeed..."

Lux asked about the battle process very carefully, and finally learned that these people did not seem to use their full strength, but quickly retreated after encountering resistance, and did not pursue them fiercely.

This is very interesting.

According to his uncle, there were more than twenty people in that team, and they were all dangerous mages who could move freely in the Shadow Realm. If they swarmed up, Jecka wouldn't be able to defend it - even if Jecka wanted to make them feel troublesome

, then at least he needs to undergo several resurrection rituals.

However, Jieka didn't even come back to life, and those mages left in a hurry. They must have some scruples!

So, the question is, what are they worried about?

Afraid of being discovered?

They shouldn't appear in front of Jacques for fear of being discovered, and they didn't know that Jacques would periodically forget things.

Afraid of shadow creatures?

This is even more impossible. If a person can move freely in the shadow realm without worrying about shadow erosion, then the shadow creatures will not cause any trouble to him, and if a group of people act together, the problems that the shadow creatures can cause are even greater.

Very little.

After thinking about it, Vayne is the only one in the Shadow Realm who might cause some fear.

Considering that these people inexplicably came to the compost site and stepped on it without even having time to clean up the traces afterwards, could this be Vayne's warning to herself?

Lux is not completely sure of her speculation. After all, the Shadow Realm is very large and she does not fully understand it - but no matter what the specific situation is, those outsiders will definitely not ignore it after knowing the existence of this fortress, so

, it might be a good idea to start a search centered on this fortress!

Thinking about this, Lux quickly made arrangements. Considering that her uncle would forget and she couldn't keep an eye on the Shadow Realm all the time, she simply asked the seventh-sequence mages to patrol close to but not enter the fortress, looking for him.

For any possible foreign invaders, try to wait and see if they can.

After all, if she doesn't set a central point of activity, then even if she mobilizes all the Dharma Protectors, she will only be able to find a needle in a haystack in the vast Shadow Realm.


Most of Lux's guesses were correct.

These people were indeed exposed by Vayne on purpose, and these people did not intend to abandon the fortress, so it was a good choice to just wait and see.

However, contrary to what Lux thought, these truly professional black magicians clearly saw Jika's state and did not need him to be resurrected at all. They did not choose to occupy the fortress because they were not worried about a surprise attack from Vayne.

, but they couldn’t handle Jacka with what they had on hand.

The sacrifice ceremony, like the shadow transformation ceremony and the element transformation ceremony, belongs to ritual magic. The biggest feature of ritual magic is that it requires a large amount of materials and specialized magic circles. It consumes a lot but the effect is stable and reliable - the ascension ritual is a kind of ritual magic.


After confirming Jecca as the transformer of the sacrifice ritual, these black magicians of the Black Rose briefly evaluated the materials in their hands and confirmed that they could not end Jecca's ritual.

In this case, there is no point in attacking by force. With a heroic soul like an earthbound spirit here, they can't really occupy this fortress, so they might as well withdraw first and wait until the materials to cancel the sacrifice ceremony are prepared.

Take care of him and then occupy the fortress!

In this way, these mages quickly left and went directly to LeBlanc and Vladimir to report the news.

Although it was embarrassing to be led by Vayne in a large circle, for them, discovering the outpost left by the Demacians was enough to make up for it.

LeBlanc and Vladimir were a little surprised after receiving the news. They had never expected that the Demacians would actually leave a stronghold in the Shadow Realm. Demacians knew very little about this history, let alone this.

Two Noxians.

However, in the opinion of Vladimir and LeBlanc, this stronghold should have been built when Demacia was first established. Now Demacia has completely lost the ability to research and use magic, and has degenerated into a barbarian.

It won't be too long either.

I heard that when Demacia was in trouble with demons, they even needed to hire magic consultants from abroad. Is there anything more ridiculous than this?

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary mages, Demacia's Forbidden Magic Stone is the best material against magic and is the natural nemesis of mages.

But for these two old guys who had experienced the Rune War, the Forbidden Demon Stone was just the last straw that broke the camel's back when the Rune War was coming to an end.

Even most Noxian mages have never heard of such advanced ritual magic as the Sacrifice Ceremony. Only the core members of the Black Rose understand it. How can the current Demacians understand it?

That fortress and that heroic soul are definitely antiques!

Even because of the sacrifice ceremony, Vladimir and LeBlanc misjudged Vayne's identity. They believed that Vayne should be the "Guardian of the Shadow Realm" in the same group as Jecca, who was just Demacia.

When it was established, the first generation of ancestors stayed in the Shadow Realm to guard the door.

This kind of old antique is exactly what we should accept!

Therefore, in addition to preparing the materials for the Shadow Transformation Ceremony, Vladimir and LeBlanc also prepared the Sacrifice and Liberation Ceremony, intending to give the Demacians entrenched in that ancient fortress a happy moment, and then occupy it openly and openly.

Make it the beginning of witnessing your immortality!

In this way, when Lux and her people were stationed outside the fortress, ready to wait and see, LeBlanc and Vladimir, who were fully prepared, finally headed towards the fortress with the Black Rose Mage who could operate in the Shadow Realm.


On the way, LeBlanc and Vladimir even bargained over the distribution rights of Vayne and Jecca, and finally decided that LeBlanc would take Vayne and Vladimir would take Jekka - they were completely

Treat the Shadow Realm and everything in the Shadow Realm as your own!

Then, just before LeBlanc and Vladimir arrived at the fortress, they easily controlled Jacques and began to arrange the sacrificial liberation ceremony. After preparing to control Jacques, they asked the person who used the holy silver arrow

When they discovered the guy's identity, a dazzling light suddenly burst out behind them.

"Cunning villain!" Lux's voice made all the Black Rose members present almost shudder, "Accept the judgment of light!"

This chapter has been completed!
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