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0589Karya-style information is like a god

After Lux hosted the memorial service, Kalya finally returned to Forsbarrow.

The final overall project plan for the canal has been finalized. If nothing unexpected happens this winter, Fosbarrow will be integrated into the Northern Water Network starting next spring.

By then, Forsbarrow's trade costs within Demacia will be significantly reduced, and even the overall fur price in Demacia will be further reduced. Hunters in other fur producing areas will have a difficult time - Frey

The price and quantity of Eljord's furs are not comparable to these small craftsmen. If they compete openly, Fosbairo can completely defeat them.

Of course, Lux would not do this directly, not because she sympathized with the hunters in other places, but because she wanted to make good use of the chips in her hand to earn greater benefits for herself.

The last operation in Mithril City severely sidelined those Crown Guards who wanted to annex the land, but at most it only curbed the annexation.

Although in the eyes of those nobles, if they don't make a profit, they are losing money, but in the final analysis, they haven't lost money yet.

But now... after the water transportation route is opened, Lux can try to use the furs she has hoarded to impress the nobles of Mithril City and Owendale.

If done correctly, they might be able to cause a lot of damage, and Lux ​​had seen enough of the methods of business competition in Vazuan.

Even though the nobles are also very good at intrigues, when it comes to business intrigues, they are completely incomparable to Fosbaero!

After Kalya confirmed that the construction of the canal was successful, he returned to Fosbello and planned to discuss this matter with Lux. Then, he unexpectedly learned that a strange outsider had appeared in the Shadow Realm.

Lux had no idea of ​​their identities and could only roughly judge that they were Noxians.

But after listening to Lux tell her story, Kalya instantly realized their identities - these people should be members of the Black Rose!

Although Aatrox consciously concealed the fact that he was set up by LeBlanc and Vladimir when communicating with Kalya, he is not a person who is good at lying.

In other words, Aatrox was able to come to Demacia largely because of these two guys. Even if he said that "he was unhappy with the angels and wanted to cause trouble for them," he still couldn't explain why.

Know about the coming of angels.

In this case, Kalya speculated on who would reveal the news to Aatrox. Considering that Aatrox mentioned the two founders of the Black Rose when telling his past, he deceived him.

Said Aatrox.

Although Aatrox reacted quickly, Kalja knew him too well. Combining the information provided by Ramo, Kalja immediately realized that Aatrox must have been deceived by the black rose and came to find the Wing Sisters.

The troublesome behavior is like a fisherman stealing cucumbers after fishing for the Air Force. It is purely to vent his emotions.

Therefore, Kalya once again criticized Aatrox's poor theoretical magic and smooth cerebral cortex, and received an angry response such as "Shut up, old man".

However, neither Aatrox nor Ramo knew what the two Black Rose guys were going to do, but judging from their behavior in entering the Shadow Realm, it seemed that they had something that they must carry out in the Shadow Realm.

So, Kalya checked the trophies after Lux cleaned the battlefield. Although many magic items were stained with blood and eroded by shadows, Kalja could still confirm that these things were used for some magic ritual, and even this magic

Ritual should have something to do with eternity.

Lux looked at Kalya blankly, and could easily deduce the purpose of those people just through these tattered magic items.

This was not the first time that she clearly felt the importance of the theoretical level of magic, but it was still very impactful.

Obviously Lux couldn't recognize any of these things, but Kalya could recognize most of them at a glance - even if they looked completely unrecognizable.

"This is the importance of magic theory." Kalya's tone was very pleasant. "Magic theory can not only be applied in combat, experiment and engineering. In many cases, if you master a solid magic theory, you can understand the subtleties and make things easier for you.

You have some information that ordinary people cannot."

Lux nodded dully.

"Now, the information is almost complete." Kalya continued, "Now it's up to you to review the Battle of Tobitsia."

"Review?" Lux blinked, "How to review?"

"Analyze each force, the purpose of each force, and why they do what they do." Kalya explained, "Then thoroughly understand the trend of the entire Tobitsia war situation and why there is such a trend."

"Just like when you told me a story before, you asked me to think about it myself?"

"This is called remembering the past and being the teacher of the future!" Kalya chuckled, "There are some things you can practice and feel by yourself, but there are some things you can't feel by yourself, so you need to review them. In this way

Get to know them!”

Lux thought for a while, and then tried to speak: "For example, His Majesty Jarvan IV, he is to defend Demacia, but also to...confront the nobles?"

"Not accurate enough, why are you fighting against the nobles?"

"Of course it's for..." Lux was stunned for a moment, "For greater power?"

"To be specific, it is to gather power." Kalya sighed, "And what is the purpose of gathering power?"

"For eternal rule?" Lux couldn't keep up, "It seems like this is the only way."

"In order to have a more stable rule of the Light Shield family, and to establish the ideal order in his mind." Karya analyzed, "So he gathered the power of the nobles and became the new cardinal."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Lux nodded.

"Then what do you think he did?" Kalyafa asked, "What did he do well and what did he not do well enough? Let's talk about what he did well first."

"There are many good things." Lux said matter-of-factly, "According to what Sona said, he ate and lived with the soldiers, had a huge reputation in the army, and had a reputation of righteousness, so he was respected by the nobles.

He controlled the army right under his nose."

"Anything else?"

"Also, he treated the soldiers fairly and charged forward during the battle." Lux continued while recalling what Sona told her about the situation on the Tobitsia front line, "And he targeted the Tobitsia River.

Based on the special geographical environment, a reliable action plan was developed.”

"Any more?"

"He is very good at employing people." Lux narrowed her eyes slightly, "During the entire confrontation period, the army's logistics were very stable, and there was no trouble in Xiongdu. This is not easy for the newly succeeded king.

——Oh, and he is decisive enough. No matter what situation he faces, he will respond immediately and will not worsen the situation due to delay."

"Tell me what you didn't do well."

"There is a problem with his follow-up treatment of the nobles." When it came to this issue, Lux's first reaction was very direct, "The conflict between the nobles and him has not been eliminated and cannot be eliminated, so he should not reopen the noble council.


"Then what would you do if it were you?"

"Start a new one." Lux was very direct. "The power of the Noble Council is too great. If you want to destroy the shackles on the king's head, the best way is to get rid of the Noble Council, rather than letting the Noble Council become your own voice."

"Then why didn't he do it?"

"Perhaps it's because there's too much resistance?" Lacus wasn't very sure about this issue, "My mother has rarely communicated with me recently, and I don't know much about the specific situation..."

"He didn't do this because his throne and the Noble Council are one and the same." Kalya denied Lux's statement, "The king of Demacia and the Noble Council both belong to the country's feudal aristocratic system. Even if

He abandoned the Council of Nobles and started a new one, and the result was bound to be a new soup without a new medicine."

Lux blinked and then fell into thinking.

"The throne of the king and the noble status of the nobles have the same origin, so he is destined to rely on the nobles to safeguard the interests of Demacia, because they are the vested interests under this order." Kalya sighed, "

Even if Jarvan IV really wanted to make Demacia greater, he still looked down upon the insects among the nobles. He could not get rid of this system, because without this order, he would have no foundation to rule Demacia.


Lux nodded - it was not that she didn't understand what Kalya was talking about, but it was difficult for her to explain it as clearly as Kalya did in a short period of time.

"So, if you were Jarvan IV, what should you do?"

"It's better to start a new one!" Lux thought for a moment, "But while starting a new one, we must also change the blood of the nobles and improve the overall level of the nobles."

"How specific?"

"To be specific, we need to make good use of the new nobles in this war." Lux gave the answer without any thought, "By the way, we should deal with the old nobles who have made mistakes. It is best to evaluate the nobles as well...


"The method you mentioned is not bad, but will it cause other consequences?"

"The nobles will resist." Lux was very sober, "and the new nobles will soon become the old nobles..."

"Very good, is there any way to solve this problem?"

Regarding this issue, Lux was silent for a long time.

She did not expect that there was a good solution. This problem could not even be solved through development, because nobles inherently hindered the further development of economy, magic, technology and culture.

If you have to say it, you can only weaken the ruling power of the nobles little by little, and then support new forces to help rule?

However, if the nobles give up their right to rule, will Demacia still be Demacia?

Thinking about this, Lux felt a little unsure: "Separate power and treatment?"

"The nobles are not stupid and cannot hand over their power obediently. They would even rather start a civil war." Kalya chuckled and continued to guide, "Then, what else does Jarvan IV have besides power?"

"I have an idea!" Hearing this, Lux's eyes suddenly lit up, "You told me that when you were in Shurima, you tried to increase productivity, give up share of the emerging economy, and then push for differentiation.


"Tell me more specifically."

"I remember what you said, in Shurima, those who have made meritorious deeds will get shares of the state-owned consortium." Lux tried hard to recall the past events of Shurima that Kalya told herself, "If Demacia can also

Establish a state-owned consortium that can bring economy and status, and then exchange shares for local governance..."

"Keep talking."

"This, this does not seem to apply to Demacia." Lux shook her head helplessly, "It is impossible for the nobles to accept it, and it is impossible for His Majesty the King to develop magic theories and establish a state-owned consortium like Shurima.

If he had to say something, he could only settle for the next best thing."

“How to settle for the next best thing?”

"Give them pure economic benefits." Lux boldly speculated, "Let the small nobles give up their fiefdoms without much oil and water and choose more direct economic benefits - but the royal family cannot provide so much wealth."

"You absolutely can't take it out?"

"Can't get it out...wait, you mean, Fosbairo?"

"What do you think?"

"If Forsbarrow shows the astonishing benefits of northern trade, will His Majesty the King focus on foreign trade?" Lux was stunned, "Is this really possible?"

"Is it possible? This is what you have reasoned along the way." Kalya did not directly affirm or deny, "But at least it is all logical and can be regarded as a possibility."

"If that's the case, wouldn't we have to face a strong competitor?"

"So, how can this be avoided?"

"...If His Majesty the King wants to engage in foreign trade, we will bring the nobles together!" Lux quickly found a way, "When necessary, we can even provide channels. Their products are highly competitive, but our products

But it’s the only one!”

"Very good." At this point, Karya's tone finally had a hint of relief, "Look, you are now a qualified politician,"

Hearing what Kalya said, Lux was stunned.

Are you already a politician?

Thinking of her fluent reply just now, she couldn't believe it for a moment.

However, after a moment, she smiled.

"What kind of politician? This is a politician." Lux hung her sword on her waist. "To me, these are means, not ends!"


What Lux didn't know was that just as she was thinking about what Jarvan IV would do, in the capital, Jarvan IV was really thinking about whether to open the country and develop trade on a large scale.

In the past, Demacia has always been a black hole for international trade in Runeterra - mainly because Demacia's main product is food, and under the current conditions, international trade with food is really not profitable.

Demacia opened its borders hundreds of years ago, but the result was a massive outflow of gold coins and an alarming trade deficit.

Although trade can bring many things that Demacia does not have, it requires an astonishing amount of food to exchange, so the Demacians gradually gave up international trade, and only had small-scale trade in Green Teeth Peak.

But now, an unprecedented opportunity lies before Jarvan IV.

When climbing the peak, Jarvan IV went deep into Shurima. Then, he discovered that in the inland areas of Shurima, the price of food was quite astonishing. However, the monopoly achieved by the port city of North Shurima led to the purchase of food.

The price is very low.

If Demacia can sell food to the interior of Shurima - not only can it bring a lot of wealth, but it can also feed the food-deficient Shurima people, killing two birds with one stone!

As for the dissatisfaction of the northern port city of Shurima...

They all surrendered to Noxus before, and Noxus is no match for Demacia!

This chapter has been completed!
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