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0594 Gently wake up the sleeping soul

When Kyle and Morgana regained consciousness again, the winged sisters had sunk into the fine quicksand.

Feeling the gravel around them that seemed to have sealing properties, making them completely unable to resist, there was only despair in their hearts.

If a very evil person can extract the power of demons, then he probably won't be merciful to angels - can he still expect the other person to "use shadows, indulge magic, liberate demons, but be a good person"?

However, the Winged Sisters who were drowning in the quicksand at this time had no ability to resist. When they thought that their power would be extracted and used by the other party, they felt their eyes darken.

Besides despair, there is also a little doubt.

What the hell is going on?

What happened to Forsbarrow?

Why did those guys called the Archon hesitate after seeing him, but the Third Legion and Galio took action decisively?

Even at a certain moment, Kyle and Morgana wondered if they were trapped in an endless nightmare - could this be an upside-down dream?

Then, just as they were trying to mobilize their strength to break free from the quicksand, a strange voice appeared above their heads.

"Girls, are you finally awake?" From his tone, he seemed a little disappointed, "I thought the protoss would be resistant to the power of demons...just like they have been guarding against the ascended ones."

"Who are you?" Kyle didn't respond at all, but asked himself, "Did you release Nocturne?"

"Release?" Kalya smacked his lips, "If the release you think is different from what most people think, then maybe - I just changed it to a more stable cage."

"Using the devil's power rashly will always lead to backlash." Morgana said, "It's not too late to stop now."

Hearing this, Kalya blinked in surprise.

Aren't you two my prisoners?

Why do you pretend to be good for me and try to persuade me not to use the power of the devil?

"This is my private matter, so I won't bother you." Shaking his head, Kalya didn't want to talk to these silly angels about this issue, "Tell me, why did you come to Forsbarrow?"

——For the sake of the God of Justice, I don’t want to do anything too ungraceful.”


Unfortunately, Kyle and Morgana only responded with silence. They were unwilling to say a word to this secretive guy, nor did they want to reveal any useful information to them.

"Did Forsbarrow attract the little king's attention?" Seeing that the other party seemed not to respond, Kalya could only come to them, squat down and stare at their faces carefully, "No, it seems not.

, your first reaction is confusion and surprise, it seems things are not too bad."

"No, it's too bad." Morgana shook her only moving head, "You have already had time to think about Xiongdu's reaction. It seems that the loyal noble model is not truly loyal.

Nor can it be called a model.”

"You are right about this." Kalya nodded with interest, "But I am more curious. Since it is not Xiongdu's request, why don't you two go back to help after you recover from your injuries?

How about helping the little king? Without you, he can only succeed as cardinal by embarrassing means, and the reforms in the past six months have been unable to be used..."


Morgana and Kyle had no reaction to Kalya's words - even Morgana, who has always retained her human form, has no interest in human "political games". They don't seem to pay attention to Jarvan IV at all.

Resumption of power and reform.

"Okay, okay, let's change the question." Seeing the non-violent and non-cooperative appearance of these two people, Kalya could only helplessly spread his hands, "Tell me, what attracts Forsbarrow?"


Kyle and Morgana still didn't react at all, and even closed their eyes.

"Look, you just told me not to use the power of the devil." Kalya narrowed his eyes, looked between them, and finally landed on Kyle, "But now because

Because of your lack of cooperation, I'm afraid I can only ask Ramo to have a good talk with you. The Demon of Secrets may be better than me at getting secrets from guys who keep silent..."

The secret devil, Ramo?

Kyle and Morgana opened their eyes at the same time and turned to look at each other, their eyes full of shock.

Not Nocturne, but Ramo?

During the Battle of Tobitsia, Jarvan IV once said that he entered the enemy camp and almost lost the battle against Swain. At the most critical moment, the demonic power left.

Swain, he turned defeat into victory!

According to Kyle and Morgana's speculation at the time, the demon working with Swain might be the Hidden Demon - but they were only speculating, and they did not know the demon's real name.

But now, the guy who caught them claims that Lamer is under his control?

Is this a bluff, or does he really have multiple demons on his hands?

"I can answer you about this question." From the changes in the expressions of the Winged Sisters, Kalya finally found a clue, "I have more than one demon in my hand - are you surprised?"

Kyle and Morgana realized that they had leaked information again, and immediately closed their eyes.

But how could Kalya, who had already found an entry point, let them go so easily?

"Silent refusal to communicate can only make things worse." Kalya said in a tone that was considerate of the other party, "Look, after I caught you, I simply restricted your actions to avoid

You have only done some radical things and have not taken any further or worse actions. This has fully proved my sincerity. You were Lux's idol when she was a child, and you were once a representative of progressive forces during the Rune Wars. If

Wouldn't it be a pity to have to leave this small world without anyone knowing?"


"It seems like you don't believe what I said." Although the Winged Sisters continued to be silent, Kalya continued without the slightest embarrassment, "This is normal and I can understand it. After all, anyone can be buried in the sand.

I'm afraid you are not willing to communicate, how about I take a step back and release you?"

Without waiting for Kyle and Morgana to react, Kalya waved her hand and "plucked" them out of the quicksand seal.

"Look at this sincerity." Kalya fell back and sat naturally on the recliner that appeared out of thin air. "Are you really not considering talking to me? We can not talk about these sensitive things, not Xiongdu, not

When talking about Demacia, let’s not talk about the power of demons, let’s talk about things that have nothing to do with these.”


"For example, ascending to the gods." Kalya continued, "Or is it the conflict and integration of human nature and divinity? There is no problem in talking about these topics. Anyway, it is idle."

"Why do you know about the steps to ascend to the gods?" Kyle stared at Kalya for a while, and finally couldn't hold it back, "You shouldn't know."

"How come you shouldn't know?" Kalya shook his head, with a bright smile on his face, "Lieyang invited me before!"

"This is impossible." Kyle laughed dumbly, "How could Lieyang invite a person who uses the power of demons to defile the heavens?"

"Power never has justice and evil." As if to correct Kyle's mistake, Kalya shook his head seriously, "Besides, how do you know that I can't use the power of heaven?"

While speaking, Kalya waved his hand.

The next moment, this small world covered with yellow sand suddenly fell into darkness, and the clear sky turned into a starry sky shining with countless stars.

"I am also a person who likes to look at the heaven!" Kalya opened his arms as if to embrace the low-hanging starry sky, "You should be able to feel the power of the heaven!"

Kyle's eyes widened in disbelief.

Kalya was not joking. At this moment, she really seemed to have returned to the top of Mount Targon and felt the power of heaven again!

This...this must be an illusion!

How can someone who can seize the power of demons win the favor of the power of heaven?!

"This is not an illusion." As if he had once again penetrated Kyle's mind, the corners of Kalya's mouth turned up slightly, "Those who have not experienced the brilliant light of the sky cannot simulate this power even with illusions."

Kyle was a little confused.

"Laxana is the climber." Seeing that her sister seemed a little confused, Morgana could only remind her helplessly, "She accepted the power of heaven, returned to Runeterra, and then came into contact with the power of demons - you are very

You are cunning and always like to leave blank spaces to let people figure out the results you want."

"Thank you for the compliment." As if Morgana was indeed praising him, Kalya nodded slightly reservedly, "But I am an honest person and will never lie. Ramo can definitely vouch for me."

On Kalya's shoulder, a three-eyed crow rolled its eyes humanely, and then when Kalya looked at him, it nodded hurriedly in flattery.

"Look, this is Lamer." Kalya said with a smile, "It can't wait to enjoy the secrets from heaven. The appearance of its food is not good at all, so I suggest you talk to me."

Kyle and Morgana remained silent, but Kalya knew very well that they had been shaken.

"Actually, there is no problem if you don't say anything." Kalya continued, "I have obtained the most critical information. Your arrival has nothing to do with the little king. This is enough. Since you insist not to speak, then

Just stay here for a while. When one day I get old, maybe you can regain your freedom. After all, I am no longer the immortal ascendant..."

"You are Kalya!" Kyle finally said as if he had just come back to his senses, "How is this possible?"

"How is this impossible?" Kalya asked back, "It seems that Lieyang deceived you as a child and never told you about me at all?"

"...There must be a reason for Lieyang's choice." Kyle shook his head, his expression became pious and sacred, "I haven't gone through my steps to become a god yet, maybe there are some things that I don't know yet.


"Perfect self-brainwashing." Kalya nodded, "But it is understandable. After all, he has been on the top of Mount Targon for thousands of years. Anyone who has stayed with such a group of magicians for thousands of years will become

With this pitiful appearance, his mind is full of doctrines and his heart is full of divinity, and he wishes he could draw all boundaries with mortals..."

"Don't slander the Titan!" Kyle finally couldn't keep calm after being told the key point, "You don't have the qualifications!"

"You see, this is the problem." Kalya stopped talking to Kyle, who was getting agitated, but turned to look at Morgana, "Your sister is actually not a bad person, but her head is not very good -

- I just described a few words in a matter-of-fact way, and she became so excited. You are her sister, and you will not lie. Do you think her ascension to the gods was a trick to wash away her humanity?


Morgana, who was suddenly cueed, blinked her eyes. Facing Kalya's smile and Kyle's gaze, she didn't know how to answer this question for a moment.

Because Kalya is telling the truth, walking through the long steps to ascend to the gods does mean completely losing humanity.

But the problem is that at this moment, she cannot give the answer Kyle is looking forward to!

In other words, Morgana is completely contrary to Kyle's understanding on this point!

The choice between divinity and humanity is the biggest and irreconcilable conflict between the Feiyi sisters!

Because they fought side by side in the past, the relationship between Kyle and Morgana has gradually eased. They cherish the relationship between each other very much, so they are tacitly avoiding this problem.

Instead of discussing the choices of God and man, they do what they both think is right, so that the rift caused by the breakup between the sisters can gradually be healed.

And now, Kalya has torn open the wound that has not yet scabbed over.

Looking at his silent sister, although Kyle had an "I knew it was like this" expression on his face, his eyes gradually dimmed.

Looking at her frustrated sister, Morgana closed her eyes helplessly - she fully understood Kalya's plan, but she was completely powerless to stop it.

"Don't be discouraged, you are the Winged Sisters." Kalya, who took the initiative to direct all this, suddenly stood up and was a good person, "If there are conflicts or problems, just talk about it. The truth always becomes clearer with more arguments. Silence can

Yes, it will only deepen the conflict. Anyway, you are free now, so how about you just open your hearts and have a good chat?"


"It's still the same topic, the choice between divinity and humanity. It doesn't contain any sensitive information. I can be the referee."

"You, a person who has no respect for God, are not worthy of being a judge." Kyle snorted, "Besides, this topic does not need any judge."

"Then you can try to preach to me." Kalya spread out his hands, "Both the burning sun and the bright moon are the Riddler, Twilight never speaks, and War will go crazy when he sees me - it seemed to be true in the past

No giant god or star spirit has ever preached to me!"

After hearing what Kalya said, Kyle was stunned for a moment, then his eyes suddenly lit up.

Although Kalya is extremely cunning and a bastard, whether in the mouths of the giant gods or seen with his own eyes, his preaching is always correct!

So, she cleared her throat and really began to tell Kalya about the greatness and glory of the gods.

Kalya listened with a smile, and even nodded from time to time, making Kyle more enthusiastic as he spoke.

But next to them, Morgana seemed to have bugs crawling on her body - Kalya could smile as if listening to Kyle's sermon, but Morgana couldn't do it!

Walking in the mortal world for nearly a thousand years, she has listened to the confessions of mortals countless times and witnessed the sufferings of mortals countless times, but these are completely different from what Kyle said. In the ears of Morgana, who is used to listening, her sister's

The sermon was so harsh and painful.

Every piece of light she tells is the most profound mockery of the suffering people!

It's enough, it's enough!

"What nonsense!"

As Morgana, unable to contain her emotions, blurted out her inner thoughts, the small world suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

The flying wing sisters looked at each other with complicated emotions.

When Kalya saw this scene, a faint smile appeared on her lips, and her figure gradually disappeared into the yellow sand.

Leave the next dispute to them, your mission has been completed.

Gonghuo was a great success!

This chapter has been completed!
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