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Extra ChapterPrequel Part 4Like a Fish in Water

Shurima, which had almost no strategic planning, welcomed a guy with a very dirty heart.

However, the situation that was like a fish in water did not appear immediately - Kalja was very patient, and did not immediately rely on his achievements in exchange for Scarash to criticize, but seemed to be lying on the credit book, doing nothing more than

The little gangster is still wandering the streets.

Of course, Kalya didn't do nothing.

During this period, if there was anything new happening in the Shurima tribe, he would be the first to come over and ask questions curiously.

Fortunately, he just asked and didn't go any further to give any pointers. So although the other people in Shurima were a little curious about what this guy was thinking, they still patiently answered Kalya's questions most of the time.

The Shurima tribe, which had gathered momentum, soon received another job and embarked on a journey to help others, and Kalya also followed the tribe, running around in this endless desert.

Because he was too weak, when other people in the Shurima tribe were working as mercenaries to fight, he could only wave the flag and shout from the rear with the children, and help bandage and treat them after the war.

When there was no fighting, he would turn back into the street kid again. In addition to shoveling shit for Scarash and giving some powder to the girls in the tribe, he would still ask around.

Three full months have passed, and Kalya finally has a clearer understanding of the Shurima tribe and the social ecology of the surrounding desert.

The Shurima tribe is very good at fighting. Under the leadership of Setaka, they take people's money and eliminate disasters for them. After receiving the task, they often rush to the front and directly defeat the opponent in one go.

The reason for this kind of invincibility is also very interesting. According to Karya’s summary, it mainly comes from three aspects.

First of all, the members of the Shurima tribe themselves have good fighting talents and amazing physical fitness. For "agent wars" such as mercenary wars, everyone often does not have very good weapons and equipment, so good health is a very critical factor.

Secondly, the morale of the Shurima tribe is really high. The tribesmen accepted by Setaka are often expelled from the original tribe and wanderers who have lost their original tribe. They are fighting for survival, and those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes.

Yes, everyone tries their best every time we fight.

Finally, the Shuriman tribe has a good rescue mechanism for the sick and wounded. Although Setaka's behavior of not giving up the sick and wounded seems a bit too kind and naive in this cruel desert, it does make the Shuriman people more united.

, no one is afraid of getting hurt in the battle, and their combat effectiveness is naturally different from those of the enemies who are timid.

From the above aspects, it can be seen that whether Setaka did it intentionally or unintentionally, the shape of the Shurima tribe actually formed a logical closed loop in a subtle way. Through good post-incident treatment, the people of the tribe were not worried, so as to improve the battle.

The courage and willpower gained afterwards allowed the tribe to fight better and receive more missions.

During this period, at Karya's request, he was taken several times by Setaka to participate in bargaining negotiations with his employer. Although throughout the whole process, Karya was just the knife-catcher behind Setaka, standing as if he were a follower throughout the process.

However, he discovered that in the mercenary industry, Setaka's reputation was quite good and his credibility was also very good.

It is also interesting to say that because there are limited oases in the Shurima Desert, almost every oasis with a stable water source here has a dedicated tribe to control it. Compared with the Shurima tribe, these tribes are in the desert.

Wandering tribes often have better weapons and equipment - but they rarely take direct action in conflicts, preferring to hire thugs to fight for themselves.

For these tribes, every person is precious, and they must save every possible trace of vitality in order to defend the oasis.

The biggest wish of wandering tribes like the Shurima tribe is to find an oasis of their own and live there.

During these three months of running around, Kalya discovered that being the leader of a wandering tribe is also very stressful. In order to obtain sufficient water and food, tribal leaders need to remember many seasonal rivers, seasonal lakes, and seasonal oases.


Although the Shuriman people do not seem to have any systematic knowledge of mathematics, on their long road to survival, they miraculously mastered a method of judging their own position by comparing it to the starry sky. This astronomical navigation is not accurate, but

It can guide these nomadic tribes to pursue every abundance of the oases that are usually hidden underground.

Why is Skalas the lifeboat of the people in this desert?

Because only if there are enough Skalas in the tribe can they carry enough food and water, allowing them to set off from this oasis and reach the next oasis smoothly.

After finding out about the lifestyle and social relationships of these desert people, Kalya didn't know what to say for a moment.

He was also a traveler in his previous life, but throughout his travels around the world, he had never seen such a difficult and difficult civilization.

In just three months, he heard about the destruction of two neighboring tribes - and more tribes were chasing the oasis endlessly in a long year, showing a rare tenderness in the desert.

After a while, you can get a short rest.

During this period, he also asked Setaka if he had ever tried to get out of this boundless desert.

Facing Kalya's question, Setaka's answer was "We can't go out, because those who really went out have not come back, so in this desert, we have no way to leave."

This is a very desperate answer, and judging from the experience of the Shuriman tribe, behind this despair, there may be a stronger cruelty.

It was also at this time that Kalya truly understood what Setaka, the eldest sister, meant to the Shurima tribe - she had a very contagious quality, and it seemed that no matter what she went through

, she will not be discouraged no matter what she encounters, hope is like a flame, always leaping in her heart.

It is precisely because of this belief that Setaka was able to pull together a huge tribe almost from scratch.

Therefore, before trying to get involved in Shurima's strategy, Kalya first changed jobs and became Shurima's number one chicken soup master.

In this extremely bad situation, the prerequisite for strategic significance is to maintain the high morale of the tribe. Kalya has also seen that some tribes like to pretend to be gods, but he does not think this is a good idea.

So, besides superstition, what else can make people morale high?

Speech is not good. Although the chicken soup effect was very good last time, it was a special period after all. Most of the time, Kalya, a guy who couldn't go to the battlefield, actually didn't have much say in the tribe. Not everyone

Can understand his difference like Setaka.

It won't do to be reasonable, because the Shurima people don't have much time to listen to your big principles. They have to seize the time to hone their skills in their rare free time. That is the foundation of their life.

It is effective to improve the level of medical skills, but unfortunately because there are too few raw materials, even clean water is precious, and there is not much that Kalya can do.

After much thought, Karya's focus finally fell on music.

Kalja is not a composer.

But that didn't stop him from taking some impassioned songs, adding rhymes that fit the Shurima language habits, and roaring like a rocker at the top of his lungs while waving flags.

After the battle is won, Kalya will sing cheerful tunes to celebrate the Shurima tribe's triumphant return. She will use her singing to soothe the pain caused by the battle and wash away the fatigue.

If someone unfortunately dies in battle, Nakarya will sing a sad dirge in the wind, and add an uplifting syllable at the end, saying that the dead have passed away, and the living are moving forward with excitement.

When someone is in love with each other, Kalya will offer his blessings to the clumsy girl and boy, and guide the love to come to fruition with a love song taught alone.

Every night in the dead of night, when everyone was exhausted, he would light a bonfire and whistle, letting the melodious whistle blend into the dark night.

And in the early morning, Kalya would also sing loudly while preparing to eat, waking everyone in Shurima from their slumber to welcome the rising sun above the dunes together.

Compared to the past, everyone in Shurima was not very used to having a "musician" by their side at first, but gradually, everyone got used to having this person add a rare sense of ritual to their monotonous desert journey, welcoming

Coming and going, weddings and funerals, Kalya's songs, whistles, sharp and melodious flutes and dull and powerful drums have finally gradually become part of the Shurima people's life.

Even though his body is weak, Kalya is finally no longer regarded as a burden. For everyone in Shurima, Kalya's singing is a constant reminder that he is a Shuriman and that he is in Shurima.

In this big family.

Some people share joy with themselves, and some people share pain with themselves.

Born here, died here.

Even if his body disappears into the yellow sand, a small carving that looks like himself will be left behind in the backpack of Skalash of the Shurima tribe, and his life will be simply recorded on the back.

For these desert nomads who are as humble as ants, having these... is already worth it.

It was also through this method that Kalya gradually entered the core of Shurima's power, and gradually gained the power to speak at pre-war meetings.

There are no drastic reforms, no drastic changes. Within this fragile tribe, Kalya is like a rare spring rain in the desert, moistening things and silently changing Shurima.

The first is a more standardized way to treat wounds.

Then there are some more general cooperative skills in combat.

After that, it is time to strengthen the preparation of equipment and correct the bad habit of going shirtless.

Later, even when negotiating with his employer, Kalya became the main force, because everyone in Shurima had realized that although he was weak, he was stronger than anyone else when it came to talking.

In addition, Kalya is also subtly expanding his influence.

In addition to learning fighting skills from others, the children in the tribe habitually gathered around Kalya, and they began to hope to learn something else from Kalya - whether they wanted to learn carving, want to

Whether you want to learn to sing, how to whistle, or whether you want to learn to paint, Kalya will teach you everything.

For five years, Kalya made herself the number two talker in Shurima, and also allowed Shurima to develop from a small tribe with only two Skalas and less than a hundred people in total to one with more than fifty people.

The leader of the Skalas is a large tribe with a total number of more than 3,000 people.

Under such circumstances, the Shurima tribe has fully acquired the ability to occupy an oasis.

However, just when Setaka summoned the captains of the clan's fighting team to discuss seizing an oasis and becoming oasis people, Kalya proposed a possibility that they had never dreamed of.

"Why don't we get out of this desert and go outside to a more fertile place?"

If Kalya was just a nobody, no one would listen to his words.

But now, when he finished saying this and glanced at everyone with stern eyes, no one responded frivolously, but they all fell into thinking.

Moreover, the first thought that appeared in their minds was not "Can we get out of the desert?" but "Should we get out of the desert?" - because everyone was used to Kalya's decision-making, and it seemed that as long as he

If you prepare everything, nothing is impossible.

There was silence.

Then, in the silence, Kalya cleared her throat.

"The oasis is very beautiful. There are water sources and land there, where we can grow food and cut down trees. It seems that as long as we go to the oasis, we can settle down and reproduce for generations to come."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "However, in this desert, no tribe has ever truly succeeded for generations. The oasis will further expand our population, but equally

It will also prevent us from being able to feed so many people.”

"At that time, we can only give up some of the children like the oasis people before, and let them leave the oasis and go to the desert to fend for themselves."

"And these children we gave up will nourish another Shurima. When they grow stronger, they will replace us and become the masters of the oasis."

"This ancient cycle of reincarnation has gone through countless cycles in the desert. We are united Shuriman people. We rely on our sincere unity to get to this day, but if we restrict ourselves to an oasis, then we will only

Can we give up this unity."

"And everyone should also know that in the barren desert, giving up unity means giving up survival."

"The story of Shurima should not end like this, and our children will not want the story to end with 'Shurima lived in an oasis, and then they were no longer united and were replaced by new tribes.'"

"Now that we have enough accumulation and savings, we just need to squeeze another sum from those oasis people who fear us, fill all the backpacks, and we can leave this barren desert!"

"The underground water veins have proved that as long as we go all the way south, there will be a fast-flowing river waiting for our arrival."

"Climbing over countless sand dunes, under the guidance of the stars, we will arrive at a brand new vast world, full of oases, luxuriant grass, and black land where sand potatoes and barley can be grown."

"The seniors in the backpack are looking forward to our future, and the unborn children are also looking forward to this world. Shurima should not be trapped in a dead zone, just looking for stability overnight."

"Go out, get out of this dead desert, get out of this small world, a wider and infinite possibility is waiting for us to leave our footprints!"



Kalya's high-pitched voice echoed in this ancient desert. Under his words, the blood of many Shuriman people finally began to boil - if there really is a more powerful place outside this desert.

In this vast paradise, why should we stick to this small oasis in front of us?

Pair after pair of eyes brightened, looking at Setaka expectantly, waiting for his eldest sister to speak.

Finally, Kalya's eyes also fell on Setaka's face.

"What's outside the desert?" Setaka met Kalya's gaze with a slight smile on his face, "Do you know?"

"I don't know what it is specifically." Kalya lowered her voice and shook her head gently, "But at least I know that there is our future and the hope of Shurima."

"Okay." Setaka finally raised his voice, "If you are willing to leave this desert with me, raise your right hand!"

After counting your breaths, your arms will feel like trees.

The bright moonlight was like a veil, spreading on the sand. Kalya looked down at his own shadow, and finally curled up the corners of his mouth.

Not like a fish in water.

But Tao Li is speechless.

Then, just as Kalya giggled, Setaka grabbed his right hand and raised it high.






The fourth prequel is over, and the first chapter of Kalya's first arrival in Runeterra is also over.

It took me a while to write this, so there is no text today, sorry.

This chapter has been completed!
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