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0625 My heart is as clear as a mirror

When Sona found Kalya and told him about the purpose of the Golden Wheel Stone, Kalya was very surprised.

"It is a very rare medium to transmit information." Kalya showed an unprecedented eager tone, "Is it direct magic transmission, or multiple energy transmission? Do you need special information transmission equipment?"

"Uh, I don't know yet." Sona, who was shocked by her teacher's attitude, calmed down after a moment of hesitation and shook her head, "I only know that Kyle used it to directly connect to my...

My will?”

"Like I usually do?"

"It's very similar, but it mainly comes from the necklace..."

Then, amid Sona's astonishment and Lux's stupor, Kalya burst into an unprecedented and hearty laugh.


The laughter lasted for a long time, and the joyful meaning gradually disappeared, while the meaning of catharsis became stronger and stronger, until it was almost crazy.

Then, just when Sona and Lux ​​looked at each other, with subtle expressions on their faces, and began to wonder if the teacher had been overstimulated and had something wrong with his brain, Kalya finally stopped laughing.

"It's strange, what am I laughing at?" Kalya, who calmed down, finally seemed to have returned to her previous wise appearance, "I was laughing at this Miss Kyle. She never imagined that she had inadvertently exposed a giant god.

They have hidden secrets for thousands of years - call Ino,"



Soon, the three giants in the north gathered together again.

Then Kalya told them the main reason for her laughter.

"During the Shurima Empire, the Sun Disk was the source of the power of the Ascended Ones." Kalya, who had completely calmed down, finally returned to the tone of his previous talk, "The Sun Disk can absorb the power of the heavens and not only guide

During the ascension ceremony, the Ascended Ones were forged. More importantly, at that time, almost all public facilities in the entire Shurima Empire came from the energy of the sun disk."

Kalya once briefly mentioned this period of history. After hearing what he said, the three people nodded slightly.

"But, have you ever thought about why there is only one sun disk in Shurima?"

"You seem to have said this." Lux recalled, "Is it related to the followers of the Titan?"

"Although the sun disk is made of gold, it is not pure gold." Kalya continued, "At the beginning, we all thought that the sun disk could be used as a source of energy. The most important thing was the complicated patterns and magic on it.

Array, so when Shurima first started, it put a lot of energy into the research of magic circuits, hoping to understand the magic principles above and create more."

Hearing what Kalya said, the three people nodded again - this was in line with Kalya's usual thinking.

"Shurima University has spent hundreds of years and finally roughly figured out the functions and functions of the magic patterns on the sun disk. Although it is still far from being fully understood, it should be considered a small gain." Kalya snorted.

He said, "Then we tried to imitate several solar disks."

"All failed?"

"A complete failure." Although many years have passed, when talking about this matter, Kalya's tone is still full of unwillingness, "Even at that time, the empire spent a lot of energy to reproduce Shuri one to one.

Macheng's solar disk, but the final result was a failure. Except when the comet is surging, these imitation solar disks will not receive even a little bit of energy at all."

"So there's something wrong with the material?"

"That's right, the sun disk is not made of pure gold, but mixed with certain alloys." Kalya sighed, "I was not mature enough at that time. I cooperated with the giant too early, and my subordinates were not strong enough, so

They set up a trap."

Of course, what Kalya didn't say was that that cooperation was actually a last resort - the Shurima tribe was too weak at the time, and if he wanted to survive in the extremely harsh desert environment, he actually had no choice.


"We also tried to analyze the sun disk later." After a pause, Kalya continued, "But it had been hundreds of years since Shurima was founded, and everything in the empire was highly dependent on the sun disk. No one could

How long will it take to determine the material of the solar disk, and no one can afford the price of complete shutdown of the solar disk."

Hearing this, the hearts of Lux and the three of them sank at the same time.

"The foundation for the prosperity of the Shurima Empire is the Sun Disk. Without the Sun Disk, there would be no Ascended Ones, and there would be no empire... But the funny thing is that the Shurima Empire does not know the entire principle of the Sun Disk.

." Kalya's voice gradually deepened, "The giant gods and their followers kept this secret very tight - or in other words, they have never used similar materials since they cast the sun disk."

There is no need for Kalya to continue telling the subsequent story.

Shurima ushered in endless prosperity. The Shurima people were immersed in the glory brought by the sun disk. They utilized the energy received by the sun disk to the extreme, making the entire Shurima Empire

It became a paradise.

And after this kind of joy reached a certain threshold, it finally got stuck on the neck of the empire.

Since there is only one sun disk and the energy provided by the sun disk is limited, the Shurima Empire began to reject more Ascended Ones and almost completely stopped its external expansion.

When there is still room in the "share" of the sun disk, Shurima can stand on the level of the first-mover civilization, treat latecomers equally, let them run into the civilization, and incorporate them into Shurima's order.

However, as the share of the Sun Disk is no longer redundant, Shurima is finally no longer able to continue to expand - the newly expanded territory is farther and farther away from Shurima City and the Sun Disk. If you want to round the Sun

The cost of transporting Pan's energy became increasingly expensive, until the empire could no longer afford it.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! In this case, the Shurima Empire urgently needs a brand new resource to break this resource limitation.

However, because the energy brought by the solar disk is large enough and cheap enough, even if Kalya takes the lead personally, few people are willing to devote themselves to the development of new resources that seem to have no future.

Although the Sun Disk no longer had any extra redundant shares, after all, the population of the Shurima Empire was still growing at that time, and the cities and oases were far from reaching their endurance limits.

It's just that it can't continue to expand as before - this is not fatal.

But...is it really not fatal?

The number of Ascended Ones has not been approved, and the construction of the pipeline connecting the Sun Disk has not started. Even though the Shurima Empire did not squeeze Icathia like a colony, huge internal conflicts still detonated this bomb.


The Icathian Mage King, who longed for a "source of energy like the sun's disk", was eventually bewitched by the void and went on a crazy path, and the Icathian War was completely detonated.

At that time, Kalya, who focused almost all his energy on the cultivation of rune trees and only confirmed the stability of Icathia through Kiran, never imagined that the empire would dramatically embark on the path it had taken before.

The Icathian War seemed to have awakened the Shurima Empire. In the face of the war, the Shurima people were finally willing to lower their living standards and supported the Shurima Empire in creating the ultimate weapon against the void - the Monolith Fortress.

However, even if the Shurima Empire won the final victory, everything would never be the same again.

The Ascended Ones were eroded by the Void, and an unexpected power vacancy appeared in the upper echelons of the Shurima Empire.

Without the supervision of the ascended ones, the powers gathered by the city governors in various places because of the war were used for public and private purposes.

Due to the Icathian Rebellion, the Empire became extremely sensitive to local power and attempted to centralize power.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, the followers of the giant god who had been silent finally began to jump up and down.

Different ideas began to emerge, and Shurima's ideological united front finally fell apart under such circumstances.

Then, there was the substantial split of Shurima. The remaining "Shurima Empire" was forced to pick up slavery from the trash. Azir wanted to revive Shurima but fell short in the end...

At this point, the Shurima Empire finally completely disappeared in the long river of history, leaving only ruins for people to remember the prosperity of the past.


"Golden wheel stone, this may have been mixed with gold and used as the main component of the sun's disk." After Lux and the three of them had basically digested the information, Kalya finally spoke again, "In the Shurima Empire

After it collapsed, the giants finally took it out again."

"So with this, how many more solar disks can we build?"

"Maybe, it's hard to say yet." Karya did not come to a conclusion, "But at least there is a clear direction - and the cultivation of rune trees has gradually matured... It is not safe to rely on a single energy source.


"Does that mean that in the next special training, some people will study the Golden Wheel Stone?" When it comes to practical issues, Lux suddenly got a little dizzy, "There are many Dharma Protectors, but the real one among them is

Those who have the ability to study in depth... I'm afraid the number is pitiful. According to the previous plan, even if we want to set up a class to learn how to cultivate rune trees and make rune stones, we can't find the manpower."

"Don't worry about the research on the Golden Wheel Stone." Kalya said with a smile, "Before Demacia is unified and we set our sights on Shurima, there is no rush in the research on the Golden Wheel Stone - we need to do it now

Yes, we can only take advantage of the royal family's opportunity to engage in Shurima trade, collect some inventory from their hands, and make some preparations."

"That's it?"

"Of course, in addition, we can also try to spread this discovery." It didn't take long for Kalya to formulate a simple plan again, "Although the Shurima Empire is no longer there, but

Those who ascended back then should still have many inheritances left. If they knew the purpose of the Golden Wheel Stone..."

Kalya did not continue.

However, when Lux and the three people heard this, their eyes widened.

"Receive the goods first, which can be regarded as a gesture of goodwill to the royal family." Following Kalya's thoughts, Lux tried to analyze, "Then, when the inventory in hand is enough for research, will the news be leaked?"

"Before it is leaked, place a big order." Ino added, "As long as the time card is accurate, the royal family has only one option: breach of contract."

"Let the royal family break the contract in front of everyone?" Only Sona couldn't let go, "This...is this fishing?"

"More than that." Kalya's tone gradually became cheerful, "People are always path-dependent. If the royal family has tasted the sweetness of Shurima trade, then its business focus will be on Shurima, and it will also focus on dealing with nobles.

You will feel more confident..."

In this familiar tone of joy, the three giants of the North began to observe a moment of silence for His Majesty the King.

"When you have money in your hands, His Majesty the King can naturally straighten his back, grab all kinds of power, and use the Parliament of Nobles as a rubber stamp." Kalya continued, "But, if for some reason, the royal family's money bag is broken

He has a big hole, lost all his savings, and was forced to breach the contract. At this time, do you think Jarvan IV will use his poor liquidity to appease the army or use it to compensate?"


No one said anything, because just thinking about that situation made their scalp numb.

"Next, whether it is external expansion, passing on pressure, or internal suppression, killing pigs to celebrate the New Year, the royal family at that time is actually on the road to death." At this point, Kalya's tone finally returned to a calm tone.

Sad state, "The North only needs to provide a small spark, and the nobles who have been grudged for a long time will start a war to suppress the superiors, just like countless times in the history of Demacia in the past, limiting the power of the king."

"At that time, they will desperately need a flag."

"Considering that objectively speaking, King Jarvan IV has done a pretty good job, there is probably only one person who can carry this flag."

"Noble model, make Demacia great again, how about this slogan?"

Lux, who was named, did not speak.

Although this is the first time that Kalya has described the ideas and methods of the rebellion very clearly, although the whole plan has been taking advantage of the greed of the nobles, and although Lux knows that when everything is over, the nobles will be greeted by a massacre.

But she didn't feel any guilt or resistance at this time.

Because she clearly knows what her goal is and what this plan is for.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered when she was eleven years old.

That was the first time that Kalya used trickery to deal with a young nobleman who was trying to cling to him. When Lux asked him why he did this, instead of directly pointing out that it was wrong for the other party to cling to him in this way, and that he should rely on his own strength, Kalya was explaining

A self-deprecating joke after realizing that this was doomed to be ineffective.

"My heart is as clear as a mirror."

This chapter has been completed!
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