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0630What is running in both directions?

To be honest, when Lux, who was in the north, heard the news from the northern delegation for the first time, she was a little confused.

What is going on?

Why did the conflict between Jarvan IV and the nobles involve him now?

Isn’t this too damn fast?

Didn't the royal family just make a fortune from Shurima trade?

Shouldn't we continue to consolidate our achievements and accumulate strength at this time?

Why are you so anxious to start trouble with nobles just after you have some money?

And it was from such a sensitive angle that it directly forced the representatives of the nobles to push the Northern Territory out!

The joy that fell from the sky was so sudden that Lux was even a little hesitant, and couldn't help but wonder if this might be some conspiracy against the Northern Territory.

However, as subsequent news gradually came back through various channels, Lux finally gradually figured out the situation in Xiongdu.

It turns out that the reaction of the nobles stems largely from the fact that the demon seekers do their own thing. The reason why the demon seekers do their own thing is because they urgently need to regain their status.

There have been some inconsistencies in pace...

So, this incident was essentially an accident.

Realizing this, Lux reluctantly suppressed the excitement in her heart.

It's not the time yet.

The aristocrats are using themselves as spearheads and want to use their reputation as a model aristocrat to make themselves stand out.

Once you comply with their wishes, the whole thing will soon go astray.

Just think about it and you will know that when Forsbarrow stepped forward at this time, he was taking the initiative to stand up for others - even if an armed conflict did occur, other nobles would at most just sit back and watch.

Moreover, Fosbairo, which had just absorbed a large number of people and carried out internal reorganization, was not very well organized at this time.

In addition, although the Northern Territory is gradually being incorporated into the order of Forsbarrow, the most critical troops in the Northern Territory are still barely there, so it is not a good time to take action at this time.

After realizing this, when Kalya asked Lux ​​what he should do at this time, Lux pointed out very clearly that he should mediate with Jarvan IV as a noble model.

"Being a representative of the nobility does not mean that you have to take the most violent confrontation." Lux, who is now fully mature, seems to have a radiance shining in his eyes. "In this matter, there is actually no fundamental conflict between Forsbarrow and the royal family.

, even if the Demon Searchers really take over part of the security power, they will not be able to reach out to Forsbarrow - so, we can act as a middleman to negotiate with the royal family."

"So, how should we grasp the scale of negotiation?"

"To clarify the prerequisite for peaceful resolution of the problem, we must emphasize that no armed conflict will occur." Lux thought for a while and soon came up with an idea, "Under this premise, we can do nothing but look at the royal family first.

As long as the side's attitude softens, that will be our achievement."

"Very good." Kalya continued, "What then?"

"Then follow the ideas of the noble representatives." When talking about this topic, Lux's lips couldn't help but turn up slightly, "We will solve the problem on a case-by-case basis and not get involved in power disputes - the royal family has gathered power and we

Welcome, but it shouldn't come from magic seekers."

"The idea is good, but to achieve this effect, it requires a considerable degree of negotiation skills." Kalya seemed satisfied, "So, are you confident?"

"Of course." Lux nodded, "His Majesty Jarvan IV is a good man and a good king. I believe he will agree with the premise I proposed and face this negotiation with a positive attitude."

Facts have proved that Lux's judgment was very correct.

It was even a bit too correct - because after she expressed her hope to mediate and solve the problem, Jarvan IV directly announced that he would leave in person to conduct an inspection in the north.

His Majesty the King's attitude towards this negotiation is very positive, and it can be said to be a bit too positive.

You know, it is quite rare for a king to leave the capital and go to other noble territories.

It's not that they are worried about safety issues, but once this happens, both the king and the local nobles will be embarrassed due to the legislative autonomy of local lords.

Now, as soon as Jarvan IV received the news, he couldn't wait to set off for the northern border. His actions were so fast that even Lux had doubts in his mind.

Your Majesty the King...is it just to find a reason to come to the north?


Someone indeed found a reason for Jarvan IV to come to the North.

But this person is not Jarvan IV himself, but Lanfu and Zwei.

Or...LeBlanc and Vladimir.

After the first draft of the show was rejected, the two men quickly adjusted the plot of the new play. As a result, the painful love triangle turned into a turbulent political crisis.

Vladimir, who established an anti-aristocratic personality, successfully became Jarvan IV's right-hand man.

As a result, Jarvan IV, under Lanfu's tireless hints, realized that the Demon Searcher might be a good card to seize the law and order power and fundamentally regain the power of the aristocracy. Jarvan had been in trouble because of Lanfu's misleading and connivance.

The former commander of the Demon Searchers, who was disliked by the Fourth Generation, was naturally kicked to the border to eat grass. Since Demon Searchers are to be used, the leader of the Demon Searchers must be a capable person.

Moreover, considering that the Demon Seeker will be a sharp knife that cuts against the nobles, this leader must have a stance that is completely on the side of the royal family.

Taric is the best choice, but Shurima's trade cannot be separated from Taric.

And Zwei Godin, the mad dog, is the second best choice.

In this way, Zwei succeeded in taking power, but due to his "inability to restrain his subordinates", the conflict intensified.

However, unlike the previous one, Zwei quickly controlled the situation and did not allow the demon seekers to make any further moves, and created room for negotiation for this "accident".

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! It was at this time that Lanfu suggested that Jarvan IV go to the North, so that he could have a good talk with Count Laxana and resolve the conflict, and also conduct an inspection.

Matters related to trade in the North - Northern merchants bought a lot of golden wheel stones before, but they seem to be very rich now!

After hearing this suggestion, Jarvan IV hesitated for a moment, and then quickly agreed.

As Lan Fu said, going to the Northern Territory at this time can not only make a gesture and resolve conflicts, but also see with your own eyes the Northern Territory, which has been prospering through trade in recent years. At the same time, you can also inspect the Third Northern Territory Army and strengthen the control of the Border Army.

Control, and be well aware of the situation of the demon-contaminated people, and you will be more confident when raising the issue of the demon-contaminated people and demon-seekers later...

This is simply a perfect choice!

In this way, the resolute Jarvan IV quickly stood up and took the initiative to head towards the north.

Lux was a little anxious after receiving the news.

If you think about it with your head, you will know that it is easy to say what happened to Jarvan IV when he came to Forsbyro, but it is difficult to say about the demon-stained ones!

Can you tell Jarvan IV at this time, "Nowadays, most of the Burning Demons have become demon seekers and are contributing to the development of Forsbarrow"?


Because the ban on demons is a matter of a few Demacia countries and is directly under national management!

Even if Lux openly uses magic, as long as she is in her own fiefdom, she has nothing to do with other nobles.

The power of public security belongs to the lord, and the power of banning demons belongs to the king!

It is precisely based on this that even though the lords from various places in the north know something about Fosbarrow's use of magic, they don't take it to heart.

We are not children anymore. In Demacia, which noble family does not have some magic items?

Count Laxana is a climber. She can control those mages and never allows them to leave Forsbarrow. So in her own fiefdom, she can do whatever she wants to do?

Due to the common position of the nobles and the common interests with Forsbarrow, these northern nobles who knew well kept their mouths shut and did not mention a word about the free movement of demon-contaminated people in Forsbarrow.

However, Jarvan IV is different!

Jarvan IV is the king, and he is the person in charge of Demacia’s anti-demon policy.

If he knew about the Archon that Lux had transformed in Forsbarrow, and took the opportunity to attack...

That would undoubtedly become quite troublesome.

And this kind of trouble is what LeBlanc and Vladimir are most happy to see.

If you want to cause a conflict between Laxana and Jarvan IV, just relying on the nobles to stir up trouble in the middle will be very ineffective.

Something must explode directly!

Although LeBlanc is not entirely clear about the Dharma Controller, judging from the previous battle with Lux in the Shadow Realm and some rumors in the North, the only thing that is not a model for this noble paragon is that he is under the control of the Demon Dyeer.


Maybe she is using the magic waste, maybe she is giving the demon-stained a chance to be a new person, but for whatever reason, those guys called magicians, as long as they appear in the eyes of Jarvan IV, he and Lark

The relationship between Shanna and Sanna is over.

Once there is a crack in trust, it is destined to be broken and hard to mend!

Even if their positions are different, a wise king can maintain communication with the noble model; but if the king has doubts in his heart, the noble model is no longer perfect, even if there is no conflict between them, the result will only be drifting apart.

After planning for a long time, this time, the relationship between Jarvan IV and Laxana will be completely over!

This plan was proposed by LeBlanc as a whole, Vladimir added some details, and also considered whether you should play a bigger role and use magic to assassinate Jarvan IV halfway - only

However, since Jarvan IV himself was a climber, and Black Rose did not have very good players, this consideration was eventually discarded, and the theme of this trip was still provocation.

In this way, when Count Laxana expressed that he was very concerned about the conflicts within the noble council and was willing to mediate, His Majesty the King immediately left the capital and went to the north in person, intending to interview this noble model.

On the surface, it looked like an unexpected conflict was about to subside.

But in fact, this is just a rare moment of peace before the heavy rain comes.


Jarvan IV's actions disrupted Laxana's plans.

After hearing the news of the king's departure, it was a bit cover-up to go south to greet him.

It seems that Jarvan IV's arrival in Forthbarrow is inevitable. Is this the time to tear up the prepared plans and issue a general mobilization order?

"It's not that time yet." Facing Lux's question, Kalya said in a pleasant tone, "Relax, even if something really happens to him, he won't rush to trouble you right now."

"If Forsbarrow is violating the ban on demons, then isn't it a natural thing for the demon searchers to obtain law enforcement rights?" Lux blinked, "How could he let go of this opportunity?"

"Under normal circumstances, he really shouldn't let it go." After saying this, Kalja's tone became subtle again, "But in Forsbarrow, it is actually very difficult to pursue him."

"What do you mean?" Lux rarely understood what Kalya said, "Is there anything special about Forsbarrow?"

"Of course!" Kalya snorted, "Although Aling passed away last year, Fosbarrow has a complete organization of silent people - the Dharma Protector is qualified to maintain silence."

"Ah?" Lux was stunned, "But most of the Dharma Protectors were once prisoners of the Demonic Prison?"

"Demon searchers will also absorb demon-contaminated people, and everyone is in trouble in this regard." Kalya chuckled, "If he insists on pursuing the case, then there will be a lot of trouble."

Smacking her lips, Lux quickly understood what Kalya meant.

As long as Jarvan IV talks about issues related to the Archon, then they are silent people. Even if someone is recognized as a former prisoner of the Forbidden Demon Prison in Xiongdu, they are also active members among the demon-tainted ones.

Later, he could even take His Majesty the King to visit the Forbidden Demon Prison in Forsbarrow, so that he could see what kind of treatment those demon-possessed people faced, so as to prove that what he said was true.

If Jarvan IV insists on pursuing the case, then the standards for the responsibilities and scope of the Silent and Demon-seekers must be clarified.

And if there really are such clear standards... then why do demon searchers interfere with local security?

Wasn't this incident just a threatening excuse from the beginning?

After thinking about the key, Lux finally couldn't help but smiled bitterly and shook her head - sometimes, mixing mud can also be a way to solve problems?

"Breaking mud can't solve the problem." Faced with Lux's dumbfounding, Kalya looked at it quite openly, "But it can at least delay the problem. This time we only need to fight the mud to solve the problem. It's because of Forsbyro

There is no need to solve this problem at all, we just need to buy some time."

Blinking her eyes, Lux was thoughtful.

"Sometimes, procrastination can solve the problem; sometimes, procrastination will aggravate the problem." Kalya continued, "You still need to slowly understand how to deal with problems in the dimension of time."


"But don't worry, as a transcendent, you still have a long time."

This chapter has been completed!
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