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Extra ChapterPrequel Part 6There is a wolf in front and a tiger behind

It is not difficult to get a slave trader with little faith to confess.

But considering the language barrier between the two parties, and the slave traders still had to teach Kalya their dialect, this time was extended a lot.

This also led to the need for the Shurima tribe to continue stationed in the temporary camp until Kalya figured out the language of these people and determined where to go next - after all, these people outside the Death Sand Sea do not look very friendly.


In order to maintain the dietary needs of the entire tribe, in addition to those who can swim need to go down to the river to fish for fish, the tribe also has to kill a Scarash every few days.

Scarash, who had worked so hard to feed him, was slaughtered for meat, which made countless Shuriman people feel their hearts bleed. Many people thought that they should walk along the river to find a place where they could trade with others.

There was money to be made from selling these skalashes, but Kalja firmly rejected the idea.

"This is not a sea of ​​death where everyone needs to be united." Kalya could only rely on his own prestige to reluctantly convince the tribe, "Look at the clear river water flowing here. People outside the desert can't survive better than us.

It’s much simpler. In that barren desert, we all have 3,000 people working together. In this large river basin, there may be 30,000 or 300,000 people!”

The number of 300,000 people stunned many Shuriman people. They really couldn't imagine what 300,000 people were like.

But they couldn't refute Kalya's words. After all, according to the Shurima people's concept of water use, it is indeed not difficult for this river to feed 300,000 people.

If there is really a tribe of 300,000 people entrenched by the river, I am afraid that the next thing the Shurima tribe will do is to stay as far away from this river as possible...

In this way, after barely appeasing the tribesmen, Kalya spent nearly twenty days roughly mastering the dialect used by the slave traders, and had a general understanding of the surrounding situation.

To sum up, Karya has two pieces of news, one good and one bad.

The good news is that there is a large tribe of 300,000 people in the lower reaches of the Shurima River. You can avoid it by going upstream.

The bad news is that although the tribes in the upper reaches are less than 50,000 in size, there are so many tribes that at least they can't be counted on one pair of hands.

Compared with these tribes, the Shurima tribe can only be described as the younger brother among younger brothers.

Many people were unwilling to believe the information provided by the captives, but after Kalya asked him some other questions that reflected the size of the tribe, Kalya reluctantly said that what this guy said should be right.

There are some things that are difficult to imagine for people who have never seen a tribe of 100,000 people.

"So, we have become the weakest tribe?" After reaching this conclusion, Setaka still showed confidence, "But it doesn't matter. After all, the Shurima tribe only had a few people in the beginning."

"That's right." Kalya nodded, "Although large tribes have a large number of people, they will never be more united than us!"

"Then where are we going next?" Setaka looked at Kalya expectantly, "You already have a choice?"

"Go upstream and go west." Kalya nodded, "The tribes downstream are larger and often buy slaves, while the tribes upstream are relatively small, and there is a large trading market in the west.

That’s where we can stand!”

In this way, the Shurima people, who had stayed by the river for almost a month, finally packed their bags and started to go up the river to the west. Under the guidance of the prisoner, they found the market.


In this market, Kalya, who spoke with an accent similar to that of the locals, very flexibly acted as a member of the downstream tribe. In this naturally formed open-air market, he took out a small box of spices and began to exchange them with others.

——Mainly in exchange for food.

It was also in this small market that Kalya saw a relatively professional spell caster for the first time.

At the beginning, when Kalya saw this divination mage, he thought he was a liar - using vague words to make predictions that could be true or false. This kind of thing could be said to be familiar to Kalya.

But that's it.

Moreover, in this world with extraordinary power, a mage comes to set up a stall to tell fortunes. Isn't that too miserable?

Anyway, everyone set up stalls next to each other, so Kalya simply started chatting with this person.

Then, the mage opened Kalya's eyes.

Following a spell of unknown meaning, a boulder the size of a human head came to life like a pet, and began to move according to the other party's commands - then, he would interpret the trajectory of the stone and get an answer.

During this period, Kalya kept trying to find flaws, but ultimately found no problems.

In the end, Kalya had no choice but to admit that the other party was indeed a genuine master.

In today's Shurima tribe, there are actually a few mages, but compared with this one, those guys are not even mage apprentices. They are just born with a certain insignificant and uncontrollable ability.

The development of this ability depends entirely on personal talent, but the person in front of me obviously follows a certain pattern in his use of spells, and there may even be a master!

It would be great if the Shuriman tribe also had such a mage!

Kalya himself does not have any magic talent, and he does not have the ability to teach those Shurima people who have magic talent. However, Kalya knows very well that magic itself is a power that can be used, but he has not yet found a way to use it.


That night, Kalya left the remaining spices to the foreign magician who was his neighbor and set up a stall. After the other party got the spices, he couldn't help but admired it and said, "It should be dedicated to God."


Since the prisoner had not taught Kalya the word "god" before, Kalya, who heard a new word, curiously asked a few more questions about gods.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Then, in the eyes of Karya with great astonishment, the Master burst out with amazing enthusiasm, pulled Karja and began to talk endlessly.

At the beginning, Kalya didn't realize what the other party was saying.

However, as this man began to describe the sun, moon and stars personified, and began to speak words such as "omnipotent", Kalya finally realized that this guy seemed to be a fanatical believer trying to preach to him


Considering that there may really be gods in this world, Kalya was quite respectful to the Master at the beginning and maintained a great degree of respect for his faith.

Then, the other party very aggressively proposed that as a "son of God", he could follow Kalya back to his tribe and give him blessings from the gods.

Hearing this, Kalya finally came to his senses and breathed a sigh of relief.

Maybe there really is a god in Shurima, but this one definitely doesn't.

It's hard to say that a real god would have no heirs, but his heirs would definitely not go to this natural market to set up stalls and tell fortunes, and then try to get a meal from other tribes.

Maybe this guy's methods can fool ordinary country fools, but this is really not enough in front of Kalya.

However, despite seeing through this guy's identity, Kalya still maintained respect on the surface. He sincerely invited this "son of the god" to his tribe, hoping that he could bring the teachings of the god and even grant him

Descendants of the lower gods.

Under Kalya's deception, this guy quickly fell for the bait, especially when he heard "I hope the tribe can also give birth to children of gods." Although he tried his best to remain shocked, his pupils were involuntarily dilated.

In this way, he was brought back to the temporary camp built by the Shurima people for the second time by Kalya.

Became the second prisoner after the slave traders.

However, although they are also prisoners in name, there are also differences between the prisoners.

Slave traders are now full prisoners, and their daily diet depends on how much work they do.

But for this magician, Kalya provided the best treatment - he hoped to get the knowledge about magic from the other party's mouth.

At the beginning, this tough guy refused to share any knowledge about magic. During this period, he would curse Kalya whenever he saw him.

At first he scolded Karya for blasphemy and would be punished by the gods; later he scolded Karya for being shameless and a bastard.

It's a pity that Kalya remained unmoved.

Three days later, a new-style cell specially prepared for him was finally ready.

This is an airtight cube-shaped tent made of three-headed Scarash complete leather.

After the Master was happily sent into the tent by Kalya, the door of the tent was sewn shut. Although the tent was a little stuffy, it was not suffocating.

Then, the tent was sent to a makeshift raft, which was tied to the river and supervised by a dedicated person to ensure that the rock mage would never touch the rocks.

During this period, Kalya would send him dried meat and water bags irregularly.

Three days later, the unfortunate guy collapsed.

"I said it, I said it all!"

The liar mage who no longer claimed that he was a descendant of a god finally revealed his life experience with tears and snot in his nose - his tribe once lived not far away, but when he was a child, the tribe was destroyed by a powerful

The mage tribe was destroyed, and he was kidnapped because of his magical talent and became a mage apprentice.

Although he is an apprentice in name, his main job is actually doing odd jobs. This ability to manipulate stones was taught to him to facilitate his work.

Later, the leader of the mage tribe, who claimed to be the "God of Mage", suddenly ordered the construction of a "castle strong enough to withstand wind and sand", and the work of this unlucky mage apprentice soon turned into excavation.

Stones to build castles.

Even with magic, it is hard work to dig out stones under the yellow sand, process them, and build castles. As a mage apprentice, as long as you can't use it, you will use it to death. Under the torture of overdraft of magic power,

He finally got out of his way, and while the water magician who usually oversaw the work was on vacation, he plunged into the Shurima River and escaped.

According to him, the tribe of the mage god might still expand outwards, so he simply wandered all the way downstream, hoping to find a tribe to settle down and avoid the intrusion of the mage tribe.

After repeatedly confirming the accuracy of the news, Karya finally felt a sense of pressure.

No wonder the surrounding tribes are not big...

These tribes are actually the source of slaves raised by two large tribes, one above and one below!

With the Shurima tribe's size of three thousand people, no matter it is the large tribe downstream who likes to capture slaves, or the mage tribe upstream who also likes to capture slaves, I am afraid that no one can afford to offend them!

Maybe... I should try to pack up my things at this time and take a detour away from the shores of the Shurima River for the time being?

But such a detour... when will it end?

After arduous efforts to break out of the sandy sea of ​​death, do we still want to continue wandering and continue to live in precarious situations?

Karya, who was a little undecided for the first time, shared the news with Setaka.

However, after hearing about the situation of the Shurima tribe, Setaka's reaction was completely different from Kalya's.

"There is a group of mages in front, and a large tribe of hundreds of thousands of people behind? This is simply the best opportunity!"

"What's the best opportunity?"

"Of course it's an opportunity for this river to be called Shurima River by everyone from now on!"

Kalya, who understood Setaka's subtext, finally couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"A mage will die if he is killed. A tribe of 300,000 people will not be of the same mind." Speaking of this, Setaka raised the corners of his mouth happily, "Karya, are you afraid?"

"We must be responsible for every clan member who trusts us..."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "But when it is time to use your fists, you must always use your fists." Setaka shook his head slightly, "Karya, sometimes you protect everyone too well, but

Shurimans never shy away from a fight - maybe sometimes you should be more decisive."


Setaka and Kalya first disguised themselves as a passing merchant couple, brought some rare wood and spices, and sneaked into the construction site of the Mage King. They presented precious spices, and took the opportunity to record data and draw the map.

On the shaved skin under the camel felt pad.

After returning to the tribe and studying the terrain in detail, Kalya planned an ambush.

First of all, under Kalya's Duo, Fang, Hu and You, a loose alliance against the "God of Mage" emerged. The momentum of this alliance soon spread to the self-proclaimed Mage.

God's guy's ears.

During this period, Setaka and his Shurima tribe members set up a rolling stone trap in a hilly area every night when no one knew about it, despite the bone-chilling cold.

The entire family, including Kalya, worked together to pull up the large stone with a simple pulley and used various means to cover it, successfully hiding it from everyone.

Then, when the Mage King arrived, the Resistance Alliance went out to fight, but was defeated as expected.

During the pursuit of the Mage King, the Mage King who manipulated the sand chose to pursue the enemy far away from the river bank as Kalya expected, and finally successfully entered the ambush range.

Just like that, the Shurima people who were prepared pushed down the rocks.

Facing the rolling stones, the wizard calmly summoned the sand barrier to block the stones.

As a result, just when he thought he was sure of victory, dozens of warriors who had been lurking for a long time emerged from the sand barrier he summoned. Although their bodies were bruised and bruised by the gravel, they took advantage of the wizard's complacency.

when he launched a fatal blow.

Setaka's cross blade failed to break through the opponent's personal shield, but taking advantage of this opportunity, Horok quietly went around the opponent's blind corner and completed a fatal blow.

At this point, the loose alliance suffered heavy losses, and the mage tribe was leaderless. However, the Shurima tribe, which had taken the head of the "Mage God", took advantage of this chaos, absorbed a large number of people, and became a

The largest tribe in the surrounding area.

The castle that this "Mage God" did not repair became a trophy of the Shurima tribe.

In this unfinished castle, which was extremely simple in the eyes of Kalya but magnificent in the eyes of the Shuriman people, the Shuriman tribe held a grand banquet.

At the celebration banquet, when the drunk Setaka once again laughed at Kalya's previous nervousness, Kalya, who had also drunk a lot, took the initiative to suppress the opponent for the first time.

"You're right." The dark eyes stared into the amber eyes, and there seemed to be fire burning in the depths of the eyes, "Sometimes, I really should be more decisive!"

On this day, Setaka, who could have defeated a dozen Kalya in a wrestling match, failed to break free from this weak shackles.

Well, it can’t be said that they didn’t break free. Specifically, maybe Karya won the first half and Setaka won the second half?

Maybe...this can be considered a win-win situation!

This chapter has been completed!
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