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Extra: Prequel Part 8: The Future of Shurima

In the history of later generations, this battle, known as the Great Victory of Nerima Jie, was regarded by the mainstream view as the starting point for the Shurima tribe to officially take off.

But in fact, after the Shurima tribe won, the situation they faced was still quite serious.

Even if they killed the "God of Mage" and took advantage of the situation to counterattack and seize the half-built ancient Nerima Jie City, other nearby tribes also suffered huge losses in the war, but the Shurima tribe almost never returned after this battle.

No energy left.

Even if the tribe with a size of 3,000 picked peaches under Kalya's careful calculation, it still lost nearly one-seventh of its population after the war. Although 400 people is not enough for most tribes in this area, but

It was a drizzle, but for the Shuriman tribe, it was truly a traumatic experience.

After this battle, the Shurima tribe urgently needed to recuperate.

But recuperating and recuperating is not as simple as words say.

When they were in the Sea of ​​Death, the Shurima people had always relied on helping others fight. As the number of people increased, they gradually had some means of herding. But when it came to planting and more operations, almost all

I am relying on Kalya to support myself.

Now that they have arrived at the banks of the Shurima River, the Shurima tribe has finally occupied a relatively safe foothold. If they want to continue to develop, rough grazing is obviously not enough.

As for my old job as a mercenary...

Other tribes here do not have the habit of spending materials to hire outsiders. Most of the time, each tribe prefers to use its own warriors and slaves to team up to attack, which has combat effectiveness and is cheaper.

In addition, maybe engaging in business is also a good choice, but the problem is that the Shurima and the local people do not understand the language. At this time, only a few people, including Kalya, can understand the local language. In this situation

It is simply a fantasy to engage in trade.

Under such a situation, Kalya and Setaka talked from the dead of night to the dawn, and finally confirmed the next main study direction of the Shuriman people.


Unlike in the Sea of ​​Death, due to its unique environment, the planting industry along the Shurima River was already quite large-scale at this time.

However, when it comes to planting methods, the locals are still very crude - they often dig an opening somewhere in the Shurima River, divert water to flood a piece of bank soil, and then wait for the water to recede before building up the opening.

Climb the dam and plant crops in the area after the river floods.

In Kalya's eyes, this kind of planting method can no longer be described as "a waste of natural resources".

After exchanging Skalas with the tribes downstream for some seeds of local crops, Kalya devoted himself wholeheartedly to the work of water conservancy planning.

He needs to open up a piece of land that can be sustainably cultivated around the city of Nerimajie, and establish Shurima's irrigation project standards!

At the same time, after internal discussions, the Shurima tribe unanimously decided to release all the slaves of the Mage God and include those who were willing to join the Shurima tribe into the tribe - perhaps in the eyes of other tribes

, it is very shameful and unacceptable to accept slaves as tribesmen, but for the Shuriman tribe, which was born in the Sea of ​​Death desert and was formed by abandoned people, accepting destitute outsiders is almost a normal thing.

It's a tradition.

Through this method, the population of the Shurima tribe increased significantly. After driving away the slaves who did not want to stay (actually there were only a few), the population expanded to 5,000 people.

Doubling the population is very fatal to most tribes, because it can easily cause internal unrest.

But Shurima is obviously not included in this "most" range - the Shurima tribe, which developed by picking up abandoned people in the Sea of ​​Death, has extremely amazing tolerance and acceptance at this time.

In addition, Setaka and Kalya, as absolute leaders, have absolute prestige, and the tribe is relatively small. For the Shurima tribe, doubling the population means doubling the strength.

During this period, the main body of the ancient Shuriman language began to gradually take shape.

After planning the irrigation standards, Kalya used plant fibers growing on the nearby river to create primitive paper and bundled hair into pens. For the first time, he implemented the Shurima language into clear and meaningful writing.

The ancient Shurima language at that time did not have a large vocabulary and its voice was very primitive. However, in order to complete this project, Kalya still led his people to work for three full years.

To confirm each word, Kalya needed to ask for the opinions of hundreds of people - the words could not be copied mechanically. If it did not conform to the thinking habits of the Shuriman people, no one would use an awkward word.

Therefore, the first generation of ancient Shurima language is quite hieroglyphic in many aspects. Even though Kalya adapted the complex patterns to make them simpler and easier to write for the convenience of recording, generally speaking, this

A generation of ancient Shuriman language still strives to make most of the "roots" so that people can understand the meaning at a glance.


In addition to standardizing language and writing, Kalya also needed to conduct agricultural experiments and provide agricultural support for Shurima people's planting and irrigation.

Kalya actually doesn't know much about agriculture, and his actual planting experience is even less. Even many people from other tribes in the lower reaches know better than him how to grow the popular local wild wheat.

But if you haven’t eaten pork, you have seen pigs running away. Under such primitive agricultural conditions, many of Karya’s very simple ideas can bring leapfrog progress to agriculture.

Ridge farming.

Crop rotation.


Because they had enough prestige, the Shurima people were willing to try according to Kalya's request, so Kalya was able to bring all the methods he thought of to Narimajer and try them out.

Some of these methods are very successful, such as ridge farming.

Some are complete failures, such as composting - even if the livestock manure living here ferments, it will still burn the crops, and it will not work if it is piled.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! There are other things that seem to be effective, but not completely, such as crop rotation.

To be on the safe side, in the first year, most of the land of the Shurima tribe was cultivated according to other tribes. Kalya only set aside a small amount of land to try it out. In the second year, he started to try the land with good results.

improvement means.

In the third year, the Shurima people who had a good harvest on the fertile soil by the river built dozens of ten-foot-high granaries, which were filled with wild wheat that although it did not taste very good, was definitely enough to eat, and began to

Preparations have been made for large-scale breeding of skalash and camels.

At this point, the Shurima tribe has truly established a firm foothold in Nerimaji.

From the perspective of the Shuriman people at that time, they had lived an almost perfect life at this time.

For these poor people who once lived in the Sea of ​​Death, there is nothing more worth living in the life of farming on the banks of Shurima.

With their poor imagination, they have no more expectations for the future. All they have is the primitive desire for reproduction.

At this point, Shurima had its first baby boom since the tribe was founded.

The only exception is Setaka.

Although she worked harder than anyone else, there was no movement in her stomach.

Seeing one familiar clan member after another have their own children, Setaka finally became anxious - unfortunately, there are some things where there is no point in being anxious.

Setaka tried every means and gesture, and even made Kalya comatose all day long and unable to work, but this did not prevent her from being able to give birth to an heir.

But for this, Kalya had a vague expectation - he did not belong to this world.

However, when he told Setaka that he wanted to adopt a child, Setaka firmly rejected him.

"If that is my own child, then the entire tribe is our child."


Kalya didn't say anything, but in fact he really thought so.

"It's not necessarily impossible." Setaka was quite determined on this issue. "I heard that there are gods in the west. They may be able to bless us..."

This topic made Kalya's head suddenly grow bigger.

As the Shuriman tribe took root in Nerimajie, in the past three years, the legend about the giant god was finally heard by the Shuriman people. No one in Shuriman believed in the giant god. After all, the last guy who pretended to be a god was

Everyone can clearly see what it is.

But as the Shurima tribe became more prosperous and came into contact with more and more people, Kalya discovered that maybe those giants were really gods.

However, he is not willing to deal with those gods in his heart, and prefers to operate step by step, so even if there are occasional followers of the giant gods coming to the Shurima tribe, these guys who try to preach will be sprayed away by Kalya.

That's right, the belief in giant gods is still in its primitive stage, and the dogmatic logic is not clear enough. Once a religious debate starts, it will be an out-and-out crushing situation for Kalya.

However, these giant god believers gradually learned to grasp the pain point. They didn't know where they got the news that Setaka had no heirs, and spread the news, saying that the belief in the giant god could give believers the power to give birth to children.

Originally, Kalya thought that this was just false propaganda and a conspiracy to have children through pregnancy.

So he planned to talk to the shameless Titan believer and expose this conspiracy.

But what he never expected was that the believer was very magnanimous on this point.

He told Karya that if he could not give birth to a child, it was because his body was not strong enough. If he wanted his body to be able to function, he had to go to the place where the gods lived, purify his soul, and obtain the blessings of the gods.

The way to reach the place where the gods are is very simple, just go west, go under a "high mountain that connects heaven and earth", and then use any method you have to try to climb up.

In other words, as long as you climb Mount Targon once, you can give birth to healthy children!

Setaka was deeply moved by this.

In addition, believers of the giant god also guarantee that after climbing a mountain, the god will also bless the climber, allowing the climber to gain divine power (that is, magic).

Regarding this, Kalya was also moved.

Finally, in the fourth year after the Shurima tribe settled in the ancient city of Nerimaji, Kalya and Setaka chose to set off west to climb Mount Targon.

This chapter has been completed!
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