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0655The disappeared laboratory

Kalya never thought that one day he would not be able to find his destination.

Although Nugla's laboratory is located underground, the entrance has probably been covered up over time and is indeed difficult to find. But the problem is that he remembers the location of the laboratory very clearly, even if

Times have changed, and the positioning method using stars as symbols should not be ineffective!

You must know that Kalya's positioning constellation does not include Pantheon's constellation. Even if the Great Desolate Star falls, theoretically it will not interfere with his judgment!

This really makes no sense!

Could it be that... Enakai destroyed the laboratory for some reason?

In the end, Kalya, who couldn't find the entrance to the laboratory, chose the simplest and crudest method - no matter where the entrance is, just let Thalia dig it!

Even if the laboratory is completely filled in, there should still be ruins of the laboratory underneath.

In this way, under the guidance of Kalya, Thalia began to dig downwards with suspicion, and successfully excavated a reinforced building that seemed to be a ceiling two hours later.

"It seems that my memory is not too bad." Karya seemed to finally breathe out, "However, it is a bit surprising that Nugla's laboratory is now like this - don't be stunned, everyone

Come here and help us, if we don't go through the main entrance, if we drill through the ceiling violently, we still have a lot of defensive spells to deal with!"

Under the guidance of Kalya, the group began to carry out targeted partial destruction of the defensive spells in Nugla's laboratory.

Facts have proved that the defense facilities of Nugla Laboratory are relatively complete.

Even with Kalya providing targeted spell countermeasures, it took the group two days before Nasus, in the form of an ascendant, could finally use his ax to pry open the ceiling and enter.

Inside the laboratory.

"Let's go." Seeing that Nasus finally expanded the downward hole to a size large enough for a person to enter and exit freely, Kalya was the first to stand up, "I'll go first, and you guys will follow - I hope Enna

Kay didn't add anything weird to the lab."

After saying that, Kalya jumped down.

After a moment, his voice of relief came from below the ceiling.

"Come down, it's safe down there. We were lucky and found the main control room directly."


Ino was the third one to enter the laboratory.

When she slid all the way down the ice slide to Kalya's side, Kalya, who was familiar with the internal standards of the laboratory, had already turned on the backup power supply - after injecting a small amount of magic power, some laboratory areas finally lit up.

Under the illumination of the magic lamp, Ino looked around at this laboratory located in the uninhabited land southeast of Shurima.

In terms of scale, Newgla's laboratory seems to be better than Wazuan's, but unlike Wazuan's laboratory, there doesn't seem to be much room for experimenters to move around, and there isn't much space.

The builders of the data storage space and the laboratory used the entire area to plant various trees.

Unfortunately, unlike Wazuan's "lightless culture" subject, the experimental subject of this laboratory may be "large-scale promotion of planting" or "fast-growing cultivation". Judging from the shape of the planting area, although this

The main body of the laboratory is located underground, but it still has sufficient magic lighting. However, because it has been abandoned for a long time, the trees that once thrived have withered and died, turning into stone-like magic fossils.

It is quite similar to the main material used to make Demacia's Forbidden Magic Stone.

"How is it here?" While Ino was carefully looking at the underground space, Kalya had already looked at Ryze, "It shouldn't be any worse than the one in Demacia, right?"

"It doesn't look like there's much difference inside." Ryze gave a fairly objective evaluation after walking around twice, "However, if you want to store the world runes here, you still need a lot of necessary protection measures.

— Mainly in terms of space — but also to fill that hole.”

"That's natural." Kalya nodded, "The biggest advantage here is that the fossils of the Forbidden Demon Tree are readily available."

"The integrity of the laboratory still needs to be tested." When it comes to the issue of world runes, Ryze is undoubtedly very cautious, "We must ensure that nothing goes wrong."

In this way, a group of people began to carefully inspect the laboratory.

In the main office area of ​​this underground laboratory, the building is very complete, but all traces of human activities have been erased. It seems that when Ennakai left the laboratory, he took all the information with him, leaving only

Various furniture, tables and chairs, as well as a small amount of various colored papyri that have lost their appearance due to erosion over a long period of time.

The underground living area of ​​the laboratory is the most completely preserved, and even the magic stove used by laboratory personnel can be used with simple repairs.

However, according to Ryze, if you want the world runes to be stored stably, the best way is to put them under the influence of the rune tree, let the fossils of the rune tree absorb the magic power of its natural radiation, and

Use it steadily.

Therefore, if you want to store world runes here, you must use the rune tree fossils in the laboratory planting area as raw materials to build a magic circle that requires a lot of magic power for daily maintenance. The type of magic circle is not very important, but the maintenance is important.

This magic circle needs to consume mana, otherwise it will cause the accumulation of mana.

Kalya agreed very much with Ryze's statement, so he took advantage of the situation and proposed to arrange a complete space stripping array and use the energy supply of the world runes to artificially create dimensional barriers.

Moreover, for the sake of safety, it is best to require the separate magic passwords of three people to cancel this space barrier.

In other words, only when Kalya, Ryze and Xerath supply energy to the magic circle at the same time can the space barrier dissipate and then come into contact with the world runes within it.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Ryze is undoubtedly quite satisfied with Kalya's suggestion.

What he was most worried about was that after he finally placed the world rune, the evil-minded Xerath would sneak back and take it away.

But as long as the plane barrier is completed, even if Xerath has this intention, he will not be able to remove the defense of the world runes and will not be able to access the world runes.

This can prevent the power of the world runes from being abused to the greatest extent.

As a "restricted person", Xerath doesn't seem to have any objections - this is not to say that he has completely given up on using the world runes, but Xerath thinks from the bottom of his heart that this is simply

A trick played by Kalya to amuse silly children.

Xerath knows better than anyone else Kalya's control over space magic, especially space rule magic.

Although Ryze's Winding Path Jump is the most amazing teleportation magic Xerath has ever seen, space magic is divided into two main directions: spatial movement and spatial phase change. Although Ryze is good at the former, he is obviously not good at the latter.

He didn't know much about it, so he didn't know at all how amazing Kalya was in terms of space phase changes, being able to find the rules of subspace magic control through simple spellcasting and observation, and then directly "hacking" the subspace control system.


Although it seems that the plane barrier requires the magic power of three people to act as keys at the same time to open it, if Kalya wants to, no matter how tight the space barrier is, it may not be able to stop him.

Of course, he wouldn't tell Ryze about this kind of thing.

In this way, after the "project plan" was finalized, the group quickly started taking action.

The first is to inspect the planting area to determine the reliability of its surrounding environment and the stability of its space.

As a result, everyone discovered a problem at the beginning - unlike the well-preserved office area, the planting area needed a certain degree of repair due to changes in geological conditions.

The pumping pipe that once served as the water source for the planting area cracked and turned into an underground river due to geological movements. Judging from the types of organisms in the underground river, it seems that this underground river has been connected to external water sources.

As a top-secret place where the world's runes are stored, this exit naturally needs to be blocked.

In addition to the underground river exit, although the other exits of the laboratory have completely collapsed, they also need to be specially reinforced and completely blocked. After all, physical blocking is not only effective, but also quite simple.

With Thalia here, digging and plugging holes is undoubtedly very easy.

Following the principle of "easy first, then difficult, step by step", while Ryze and Xerath were arranging defensive formations for the world runes in their own way, Kalya took Thalia through the collapsed entrance and exit of the laboratory.

At the beginning, the interior of the laboratory was blocked in a more effective way.

"Don't throw stones all the way up, as this will be unstable and not strong!"

"Add gravel, add gravel, fill the gaps with gravel! Every gap!"

"The sand and gravel are not soaked in water so that you can wash them clean. It is to strengthen the building structure, and it is not to let you play with water!"

"Ino, what are you laughing at? Is it funny? Since you are so free, come over and show her a standard building structure!"

"Yes, it is such a structure. The curved top can carry the force very well. If you can use the curve, don't consider stupid right angles!"

"You are not allowed to move one stone at a time. You must move multiple lines in parallel. Multitasking is also an important ability!"

"Cheer up and don't think that these are complicated and useless rules. In fact, behind any rule are the lessons of blood and tears for the unlucky ones!"

"So, don't think about skipping some of the links - let alone you, even if A Zhi is here, she has to do it step by step!"



Although Kalya has always been strict when teaching, in Ino's impression, it is really rare to be so serious.

According to Ino's observation, it seems that this unusual severity has a lot to do with the A Zhi he mentioned - although he did not say it explicitly, Kalya always said "A Zhi has done this, I want to do it too"

I ask you to adopt this attitude as a standard.

Thalia seems to be happy with this harshness.

At the beginning, Ino found this scene very interesting. Thalia, a young girl, devoted herself to building a barrier according to Kalya's request without any complaints because of Aori. This kind of thing for a certain

It's really interesting to watch the hard-working people.

Unfortunately, when Ino finally laughed accidentally and was noticed by Kalya, the backlash came immediately.

"Does it feel like looking in the mirror?" Kalya did not hesitate to give a critical review of Ino watching the show, "It's just like someone did [For Miss Laxana]."

At this moment, Ino's smile finally choked in his chest.

What does extreme joy bring about sorrow?

This is called extreme happiness giving rise to sadness.

Then, just when Ino silently moved away from Kalya and planned to go for some quiet time, there was a sudden movement in the direction of the underground river that had not yet begun to close.

A familiar feeling instantly made Kalya nervous. He strode to the scene of the incident, and what he saw was a void creature imprisoned by Ryze's spell.


Is this really a void creature?

Seeing the opponent's chitin shell parting to both sides, revealing a human face, Kalya finally narrowed his eyes slightly.


Kai'Sa's condition is not good.

During the recent period, she could clearly detect that certain existences underground seemed to be becoming more and more active.

Although they were still accustomed to hiding in the dark and using various means to guide ignorant people to feed them, Kasha could clearly feel that these people seemed to be acting more and more unscrupulously.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! This is very abnormal.

Wanting to figure out the reason, Kai'Sa chose to go to the place with the most void creatures, accept the calls of those people, and see what these guys were planning.

However, things quickly developed beyond her expectation - before she could figure out what was going on, Kaisha was attacked.

Although most void creatures are very powerful, they generally do not have the concept of cooperation.

Except for a very few species, void creatures have an extreme selfishness in their bones. They are eager to devour, because devourment is evolution for them.

Therefore, when facing a large number of void creatures, Kai'Sa usually only needs to keep herself from being the weakest and most easily swallowed, and she can calmly achieve any goal she desires.

But this time, she failed.

The moment she appeared, those void creatures locked onto her almost instantly. No matter how big or small, strong or weak, they all attacked her.

During this period, Kai'Sa chose to injure a few void creatures as usual, but the other void creatures completely ignored those baits and continued to rush toward Kai'Sa.

In this case, Kai'Sa can only retreat.

Then, she discovered the second difference between these void creatures - they no longer moved in a swarm, but as if someone was silently controlling them, consciously intercepting and blocking her!

After several near-death encounters, Kasha finally reluctantly chose to escape into an underground river and swam toward a place that only she knew was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Facts have proved that it is indeed easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The moment Kai'Sa emerged from the underground river, she was imprisoned in place by magic before she had time to react.

This chapter has been completed!
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