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0688 Darkin Elegy

Varus himself is actually not very good at commanding. He is better at disrupting the enemy's command.

As long as the enemy loses organization, our side will have a significant organizational advantage!

It was precisely based on this that he chose to take action by naming the enemy and blending in with ordinary soldiers.

However, Varus was already so shady, but he never imagined that there was someone more shady than himself - Aphelios even sat back and watched the low-level officers and even the moon warriors of the Moon Legion being named one by one, until

After locking Varus's position, he finally took action.

In other words, it was the deaths of those Moon Warriors that gave Aphelios a greater bonus.

Because people are dead, but moonstone weapons are still there.

Without any additional communication, Laluen, who was far away in Guihai Maru Temple, transferred the control of the moonstone weapon. When Varus named again and sniped a commander who tried to reorganize the formation, Apheliu

Si was finally ready.

The moonstone weapons in the pool of blood were put together in a strange posture.

Countless spears, swords, and horizontal knives were pieced together to form a terrifying cannon. Inside the outpost, Aphelios controlled the cannon and locked onto Varus's position with difficulty.

Moonstone is not a heavy material, but the muzzle of the giant cannon in Aphelios' hands is enough to fit a person, and in order not to alert Varus, Aphelios cannot press against the window of the outpost.

, can only rely on physical strength to aim...

Coupled with the limited field of vision of the outpost and the limited shooting angle, Aphelios had to wait for Varus to snipe several unlucky guys before finally finding an angle from which he could shoot!

very good!

That's it now!

The shooting angle is perfect and the target distance is controllable!

When Varus put away his longbow and planned to change positions and continue to name the commanders of the Moon Legion, Aphelios took a deep breath, licked the dry corners of his mouth, and finally activated the Luna Cannon.


At this moment, the blood mixed with night bloom flower juice in Aphelios' body seemed to boil completely.

The violent power of the bright moon began to flow through his body as if it was uncontrollable. All Aphelios could do at this time was to try his best to control this power and let it flow into the moonstone cannon in his hand.

And as the moonstone cannon was activated and completely lit up, a silver-white, not dazzling, and surprisingly destructive beam shot out from the muzzle.

The moonlight, which looked as gentle as white gauze, tore through the battlefield.

Just like when you wake up from a dream, everything in the dream is gone without a trace, and everything that comes into contact with the bright moonlight is erased from reality.

Like a dream, clear and traceless.

Aphelios controlled the moonstone cannon in his hand with all his strength, trying to let the bright moonlight wipe out Varus.

But unfortunately, he overestimated his control over the moonstone and underestimated the terrifying energy required to use the moonstone cannon in his hand.

Aphelios activated the cannon, but was unable to control the cannon to complete subsequent firings - before it hit the target, the bright white moonlight exploded midway.

Bloom, Qinghui Yening!

The earth was dyed a pure white, and under the reflection of this pure white, the sky seemed to dim.

No, it doesn't seem to be.

It was really dark.

The waxing moon quietly appeared on the horizon, like a stage light, shining on the land where the moonlight bloomed, coating the corpses scattered there with a silvery glow.

The silver color becomes thicker and thicker until it becomes impossible to look directly at.

Finally, after the first quarter moon in the sky turned into a full moon and then into a waning moon, the moonlight in that area finally dissipated.

And disappearing together with the moonlight, everything piled up there - corpses, weapons, and even gravel.

A deep cave appeared at the place where the incident occurred. No one knew how deep the cave was, but everyone was silent at this time.

Even the most devout and fanatical believers in the Moon were shocked by the astonishing power of the moon stone. The huge battlefield fell into a moment of stagnation and silence - the two sides who continued to fight even stopped temporarily.


The first person to break this tranquility was Varus.

Although he was locked by Aphelios and almost finished, Varus not only had no fear at this time, but was also slightly excited and looking forward to it.

His fighting spirit was ignited.

This time, Varus did not disappear into the crowd and wait for an opportunity as before. He turned around and shot down his own flag with an arrow, then grabbed it and draped it over his shoulders.

Then, he ran in the direction of Aphelios with long strides, and his body expanded a little with every step he took.

Although he has long lost the obsidian-like ascended body of the celestial warrior, and although the body under the banner is built up by absorbing twisted flesh and blood, what Varus is looking forward to at this moment is only fighting.


"Come on, boy!" Varus's voice echoed across the battlefield, "Fight with me and you will be lucky for the rest of your life!"


Aphelios, who had been drained dry by a shot of clear night condensation, had just regained his sight.

The first thing Aphelios saw after regaining his sight was the ceiling of the outpost.

Wait, you fell down?


Aphelios stretched out his hand to grab the moonstone cannon, but the moment he touched the moonstone, the moonstones seemed to have lost control and scattered all over the ground.

Aphelios tried to get up.

But an indescribable fatigue left him almost unable to make any movements, not even rolling or turning over.

The blood that seemed to be boiling before was now completely silent. In this case, Aphelios could only call his sister Laluen from the bottom of his heart.

However, this time, he did not get a response from Laluen.

Aphelios' eyes widened in confusion.

It was at this time that Aphelios heard Varus' excited shouts.

"Fight with me and you will be lucky for three lifetimes!"

Aphelios didn't know what a Darkin was, and he didn't know why Varus said that.

Aphelios still wanted to continue fighting.

It's a pity that he seems to be a disabled person now - if there was a mirror, Aphelios would find that his entire face is as pale as the moon, so white that it makes people feel palpitating.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, no one would believe that the Mulhegra people with dark skin can also have a pale face.

Aphelios was still trying to get up, but before he could get up, Varus had already crossed the battlefield and came to the outpost. He roughly reversed his longbow and knocked down the outpost with a blow from the back of his bow.

Then, he saw Aphelios lying on the ground in a panic and struggling hard.

Varus' distorted face became even more distorted at this moment.

This is not the opponent he wants to see, nor is this the battle he longs for!

The violence that had been barely suppressed finally burst out at this moment, and Varus fell into madness - these dark descendants of the Sun God Cult, who took turns dormant, essentially relied on dormancy to temporarily curb erosion and temporarily curb violence. When the violence gradually brewed,

Wait until the erosion gradually accelerates, then quickly go to sleep.

Originally Varus could control himself.

But it happened that Aphelios's clear light condensed into the night, which gave Varus the idea that "this enemy is worth fighting", and the appearance of the moonlight made him firm up this idea.

Then, just as Aatrox was on the verge of dementia after meeting the Winged Sisters, Varus gradually began to lose control.

What's even worse is that when Varus reluctantly arrived at the outpost and found an opponent worth fighting, Aphelios had almost lost his combat effectiveness due to overdraft.

Just when Varus's long bow was about to hit Aphelios, ending this anticlimactic duel, beside Varus, the moonstone weapon bloomed with its final brilliance - covered by the soft gauze of moonlight.

After catching Aphelios' figure, Varus' long bow smashed the rubble on the ground, but did not hit Aphelios.

You are not here, where have you been?!

Stimulated by great sorrow and joy, Varus completely lost control.

With his huge Darkin body, Varus waved the longbow in his hand and began an indiscriminate attack - his targets were no longer limited to Moon Sect warriors, but even friendly forces!

A completely out-of-control Darkin appears on the battlefield!

At the beginning, the believers of the Sun God Religion were still shouting excitedly that the Pope was invincible.

But as Varus unabashedly showed no distinction between friend and foe, the Sun Cult's excitement soon turned into fear.

For a moment, they didn't even have the intention to resist, and the only thing they could do was to escape.

Run, run!

Run with all your might!

On the other side, the Moon Legion, which had just restored some morale due to Aphelios's clear night condensation, also fell into collapse - many brave warriors were trying to attack Varus, but what made them despair was

, the out-of-control Varus easily killed all the enemies who attacked him, and then absorbed everything from them without any scruples, making their twisted corpses become part of his body under his banner.

Even as he completely lost control, Varus no longer even had the consciousness to cover his body in the first place. He even later threw off the flag that had been soaked in blood and violently displayed his Darkin body to everyone.

in front of.

Withering and decay seemed to become a halo, accompanying him.

Disaster and death are his attendants, accompanying him wherever he goes.

Kill it!


Then go to hell!


When the fighting finally stopped, there was no sound of living people in the entire oasis.

In other words, not only was there no sound of living people, but even the life of the oasis itself completely disappeared under Varus's rage.

The water source has been completely polluted, the plants have withered and withered, the sand and soil have been soaked with blood, and the outpost has long been reduced to bits and pieces.

In the end, only Varus was left on the battlefield.

The desire to kill has not stopped.

But those who could serve as opponents have long since disappeared.

Just when the out-of-control Varus fell into confusion, under the deep cave that was previously smashed by the Luna railgun, some guys without eyes smelled the smell of flesh and blood and quietly came closer.

The existence of these living creatures allowed Varus to find a new target. He laughed wildly and ran towards the huge, herniated hole in the ground, and then plunged headlong into it.

Yes, that’s it!

There are enemies underground!

There are countless enemies!

The enemy is underground, the enemy is underground!

If you can't find the enemy, go underground!

As if some ancient memory had been activated, Varus's twisted organ that could no longer be called a mouth laughed wildly. He followed the hollow into the ground and entered a brand new cave full of enemies.

He seemed to have remembered something, and continued to kill while continuing downwards.

He didn't seem to think of anything, he was just instinctively looking for a more powerful enemy.

Above the ground, a strong wind blew.

Without the shelter of the trees in the oasis, the wind gradually became unbridled. It carried fine gravel, filling the huge hole bit by bit, and swallowed up the mess on the ground bit by bit.

When night falls and the bright moon appears in the sky again, the entire oasis has disappeared.


On the other side, under the cover of the moonlight, Aphelios briefly gained a moment of peace and lost consciousness again.

In the haze, he seemed to hear his sister's voice, but when he tried to wake up and heard clearly what Laluen said, he couldn't hear anything.

And when Aphelios opened his eyes again, what he saw was the angry face of the elder of the Moon Sect.

"What happened?" He stared at Aphelios with burning eyes, "Where are the people stationed at the outpost? Why are you the only one alive?"

Aphelios opened his mouth blankly, but in the end he could only make a sound of "Ah, ah" - the night bloom juice had completely destroyed his voice. He had a lot to say, but he couldn't say a word.

Can't tell.

"Bring him a pen and paper!" the elder said through gritted teeth, "Let me see what happened!"

Reluctantly getting up, Aphelios tremblingly began to tell everything he had experienced word for word.

There is no exaggerated description, just a line drawing, describing everything I saw.

The elders who were watching on the sidelines had a bit of disbelief on their faces at first.

Until Aphelios wrote about Varus's transformation and his fusion of flesh and blood.

Looking at these simple lines of text, the anger on the face of the elder of the Moon Sect finally turned into panic.

Maybe Aphelios doesn't know what a darkin is.

But obviously, this elder knows about the dark descendants.

He seemed to know very well what the dark descendants meant, and at this moment he seemed to have no intention of raising an army to hold him accountable.

"This must be informed to the Star Spirits!"

As he spoke, the elder's lips began to tremble slightly.

Later, the tremor spread to the facial muscles, the entire head, and even the whole body.

So when he reached out to pick up the paper filled with Aphelios' writing, his fingertips could no longer hold the paper.

Aphelios just sat there blankly, watching the elders come and leave in a hurry.

When the sound of footsteps gradually faded away, he finally touched his heart.

"Thank you, Lalune."

This chapter has been completed!
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