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0737 Demacias Trouble

Although he was in the dock, Jarvan IV still held his head high.

He had heard of many cases of public trials, and also heard that when many nobles and aristocrats' henchmen were hanged in public in disgrace, the local people cheered.

But Jarvan IV was not panicked at all, because he knew that he was different from those people.

In the view of Jarvan IV, although those nobles were not guilty of death, they should still be severely punished. If they fell into his hands, they should at least be deprived of all honors - but because the nobles had absolute control over their fiefdoms

Right, I just can't get involved.

He can confidently say that he has a clear conscience.

This is not because Jarvan IV is being arrogant, but because he has the strongest control over the army since he came to the throne. It is indeed relatively fair. The promotion of soldiers is also based on merit. Initially, he followed him in Tobitsia and transformed from a noble private army to a private army.

Many soldiers in the regular army have made meritorious deeds and become minor nobles.

Therefore, as long as Lux dares to show her attitude in the north and conduct a relatively fair trial, she is destined to be innocent.

However, what he never expected was that Lux's first question went beyond his expectation. What rights and obligations does the king of Demacia have...Does she want to prove that she is incompetent?

Isn't this a joke!

Since he ascended the throne, Jarvan IV can be said to have been working hard at night. He does not like luxury, does not like formality, and is alone. He even goes to work in the military camp regularly. Most of the income from the direct fiefdom is spent on

Maintain military benefits and provide subsidies to retired military personnel.

Although using retired soldiers to serve as grassroots missionaries of the Illuminati reduced the financial burden to a certain extent, when the soldiers retired, Jarvan IV was generous with the severance pay.

It was precisely with such generous subsidies that Jarvan IV was able to firmly control the army. On the one hand, he poached nobles at the grassroots level, and on the other hand, he pursued commercial interests. Even if the Twilight Starlings hadn't caused trouble, the Imperial City Front Army and the

The battle between Northern Walkers may not be easy to determine the winner!

Therefore, when Lux asked in the next sentence, "Have you fulfilled your obligations as a king?" Jarvan IV answered confidently, "Yes, I have fulfilled everything I was supposed to do as the king of Demacia."

"So, how did you fulfill it?" Faced with Jarvan IV's answer, Lux seemed to have expected it, and just followed his words and continued to ask, "Since you ascended the throne, most of all the policies you have implemented

All focused on the military."

"Because the army is the foundation of Demacia." Jarvan IV said matter-of-factly. "Although they have experienced a tragic defeat, Demacia's soldiers are worthy of this country."

"This explanation is not accurate." Lux shook her head slightly, "Maintaining the army is certainly important, but judging from the results of existing account inquiries, since taking the throne, the Demacian army has accounted for almost 80% of the total expenditure, and tax revenue

Most of it is used for military expenses. Leading the army of Demacia is the king's responsibility, but it is not the only responsibility."

Lux's tone actually sounded closer to questioning than to a trial, and it didn't have the aggressive aura of the public trials of nobles in other cities.

Jarvan IV didn't know what medicine was sold in Lux's Gourd, but he did have many answers to this question.

In other words... Jarvan IV, who had experienced failure, now also had uncontrollable anger in his heart.

"Because many nobles are insects, they indulge in pleasure and have no ambition to make progress." His voice was calm and firm, as if he was stating a fact that everyone knew, "They have failed to live up to the glory of Demacia——

And if you want to regain Demacia's glory, you must rely on a loyal army."

As soon as he said this, both the people eating melons and the other nobles waiting for trial in the dock could not help but widen their eyes at this moment.

Good guy!

Your Majesty, you really dare to say anything!

Of course Jarvan IV dared to say it - or in other words, this was what he was thinking. He had had enough of the insects in the Noble Council!

In Jarvan IV's view, the main reasons for his failure can be summarized from two aspects.

On the one hand, the protoss was too cunning and their extraordinary power was difficult to control. They were forcibly taken away by the twilight protoss, and then issued a series of orders to play the piano randomly, which directly led to the failure of the war.

On the other hand, there are those short-sighted nobles who only care about the interests of their own three-acre land and are holding them back through the noble assembly.

Look at the virtues of these bastards. How do they meet Demacia's requirements for nobles?

In Jarvan IV's mind, a perfect Demacia should have kings, nobles, bishops, soldiers and civilians all performing their duties. When he was a prince, he set himself with the strictest requirements. As a king,

There is no problem with the ring.

Although the bishops of the Illuminati are a bit suspected of being a vegetarian, they actually don't have much power in their hands, so they can just mess around.

As for the majority of soldiers and civilians, Jarvan IV had a natural affection for them - from his perspective, Demacia's soldiers were elites and could be said to be brave and good at fighting; and civilians would also pay their tenants on time.

They rent, pay taxes, and are quite active in corvées, and they are all good people.

Of all the links, only the nobles are a bunch of rubbish. These bastards deceive the superiors and deceive the inferiors. They annex land and withhold taxes at the same time. They don't do many things in line with the noble spirit, but they are quite capable of poaching from the Light Shield family.

In the Council of Nobles, the nobles and noble representatives tried to restrain Jarvan IV and his father countless times according to the most stringent requirements, but when it came to their own problems, they often punished them with three drinks and put it down.

Although the royal family and nobles are both rulers of Demacia, the relationship between them has never been harmonious.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Even a large part of Jarvan III’s teachings to Jarvan IV was about how to fight against the Noble Council.

It can be said that the political history of Demacia is the Romance of the Three Kingdoms between the royal family, the noble council and the Illuminati. The Illuminati plays a supporting role most of the time, and the royal family and the noble council mainly compete for power with each other.

As a hero of the generation, Jarvan IV, whether based on historical lessons or personal ambitions, weakened the power of the nobility and centralized power for the royal family.

For Jarvan IV, since he has the ability, he naturally wants to gather the power of the nobles. There is no need for a reason for this kind of thing!

The royal family and the noble council are at odds, this is the main theme of Demacia!


But the struggle for power between the royal family and the noble council has become the main political conflict in Demacia. Is there really no reason for this?

Who composed the main melody of this song?

Jarvan IV obviously had not thought about this issue.

In other words, Demacians never thought about this problem in the past.

Only Lux, who was standing on the trial bench at this time, had a clear understanding of this.

The fundamental reason for this phenomenon is Demacia's special natural environment and the special historical conditions when it was founded.

Let’s talk about the natural environment first.

Since the Rune Wars permanently changed the natural environment of Runeterra, and even affected the direction of the ocean currents, after the Rune Wars, the once barren Demacia plains soon became a god-given land with rain and heat.

Such a privileged land that no one occupied in the past, after welcoming the ancestors of Demacia, even after more than 800 years of continuous development, the carrying capacity of the land is far from reaching its limit.

This means that although the lives of the ruled Demacia civilians are not very good, they will never die of hunger.

Moreover, since the military promotion system is quite mature in Demacia, and people have a relatively clear path to promotion, within Demacia, although there are conflicts between the rulers and the ruled, it is actually difficult to intensify the conflicts.

Common people have a hard time, but they can survive anyway. With continuous bumper harvests, they can save a little money and pave the way for future generations to join the army.

Of course, when it comes to this, some people may wonder, are the noble lords of Demacia all good people and not capable of breaking bones and sucking marrow?

The answer is yes, but it doesn't make much sense - because Demacia's agriculture accounts for a large proportion and the ban on magic is complete, there was a trade deficit all year round before the Shurima trade, which led to the noble lords being less enthusiastic about squeezing the common people under their rule.

Not too high.

If you squeeze it, you will get some food, but there is no use in having too much food. Food cannot be sold in Demacia, and food outside Demacia cannot be sold at a high price. If you squeeze it, you will get into trouble, so it is better to

Continuously fishing from the lake.

In fact, it can be seen from the results of Lux's previous public trial of the nobles that the people most resentful to the common people are often not the noble lords, but the branches of the nobles. They are the ones who exploit the most ruthlessly, but this group of people are in a

The middle ground between aristocrats and commoners is often abandoned. Sometimes aristocrats will deal with a few excessive idiots, pretending that all aristocrats are good people.

Just like Lux's original action of rescuing Ino, it did not cause any ripples in the northern border. That is because the matter of nobles purging side bastards is not news in the entire Demacia.

So, even if the lords of the fiefdom are limited in their exploitation, will the carrying capacity of the people become unlimited as the power of the nobles expands?

Of course this is not the case - if the aristocracy expands indefinitely, the common people will gradually be unable to bear it, and the conflicts between the aristocracy and the common people will quickly intensify.

But the problem is that this situation cannot occur due to historical reasons.

Because in Demacia, nobles and fiefs are bound.

The ancestors of Demacia themselves were a group of refugees. They all left the Noxian Empire to find a future. After arriving in Demacia, many people left separately to find new homes to settle.

This form of nation-building in the form of pioneering directly led to the first batch of nobles, mainly Demacia, who were all nobles who owned fiefs. The fact that nobles owned fiefs was in the interests of the nobles, so it was passed down.

Come down.

Fiefdom is the real benefit that the nobles hold in their hands, and it is also the foundation of the Demacia nobles. It not only provides the nobles with economic and political strength, but also invisibly limits the expansion of the nobles.

A city can have redundant officials, but it cannot be divided into two places.

Therefore, if the nobility wants to continue to expand, it must either expand outwards or provide direct territory from the royal family.

But the problem is that Demacia occupies the most fertile land in Valoran after the Rune Wars. It is the direct territory of the royal family and is the essence of Demacia. The capital of Demacia is also the economic and political center of the city.

...Who among the normal nobles would be willing to expand their territory to the Freljord in the north and border Noxus in the south?

If he becomes a new noble and gets a new fiefdom from the royal family, wouldn't it be nice for him?

It’s because you’ve eaten so much that you’ll go to the untouched border to open up new territory!

Even though Lux did a great job in Forsbarrow, it was because she had the encyclopedia of Kalya, the support of the Crownguard family, and the elite mages from all of Demacia rolling up their sleeves and dusting off!

Before Lux, the previous lord of Fosbairo would rather give up his noble status and leave Fosbairo!

To sum up, it is not difficult to see that the political situation in Demacia is actually relatively stable. Here, the conflicts between the rulers and the ruled are not too intense. With the blessing of favorable natural conditions, even within the rulers

The intensity of the struggle far exceeded that of nobles and commoners.

Therefore, when Lux asked Jarvan IV why he allocated a large amount of financial revenue to the army to maintain or even improve the military's treatment, Jarvan IV did not hesitate at all and directly said that his purpose was to use the army as the basis.

, correct the mistakes of the nobles, and restore the glory of Demacia.

This statement was undoubtedly ridiculous to Lux.

But in Jarvan IV's own opinion, this is a perfect answer.

Or maybe it's not just Jarvan IV who thinks so.

After he gave this answer, many onlookers agreed - in the eyes of the citizens of Xiongdu, His Majesty Jarvan IV was a good emperor, and the nobles of the Noble Council did have many problems.

Few insects.

Although for these melon-eating people who do not understand war, many people think that the army took so much money and was pushed to the capital by the northerners, and it failed to live up to the investment, but at least for Jarvan IV's statement and purpose, they

All recognized.

Even in the face of Jarvan IV's accusations, even if no one was named, many nobles still lowered their heads. They may not really regret what they have done, but they really can't find any answers to Jarvan IV's accusations.

What excuse do you have to refute?

This statement is true, and it is indeed in line with the traditional concept of Demacia - since the nobles have not completed their tasks, the nobles' mistakes should be corrected.

However, for Lux, this answer is not enough.

Most of the nobles are insects. This does not mean that the noble class should be eliminated.

So, after Lacus nodded, she continued to ask.

"So, how do you plan to use the army as the basis to restore the glory of Demacia?"

This chapter has been completed!
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