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0755 The stupid young man who revealed the unspoken rules

Just as Qiyana and the radicals were communicating with each other and trying to establish cooperation, a caravan set out from Isuoken and headed north to Parosa.

Nominally speaking, this is a caravan selling jewelry.

In Ixtar, the jewelry industry is very developed. In addition to being used for decoration, many beautiful gemstones can often be processed and solidified into existences similar to energy cores.

Although the output of gem mines in the rainforest is not as good as Shurima, considering that the area of ​​​​Ixtal is not small, the scale of the gem industry in the entire country is not small.

Therefore, caravans that hire high-level elementalists to travel between the north and the south, selling gems, are very common here.

However, unlike ordinary gem caravans, this gem caravan did not drive away the Li camel convoy, but instead rode elemental dragons per capita. It can only be described by the word "trench".

You must know that elemental dragons are strictly controlled in Ixtar. They are usually prohibited from being parked in farmland areas outside the city. If you enter the city, you have to pay a high entrance fee - which Kalya can bear.

It costs a lot, but most businessmen are unwilling to pay.

Even if the caravan sells high-profit products such as jewelry, all merchants and high-level elementalists ride elemental dragons, which is somewhat of a luxury.

After all, in Ixtar, in addition to the cities, there are many settlements scattered in the jungle with little regularity. These places also have considerable consumption potential, and riding elemental dragons often skip these settlements.

Nothing good about selling gems.

Therefore, judging from the performance of this caravan, they seem to be a bit drunk instead of drinking.

In fact, they are indeed drunkards who do not care about drinking.

In addition to gems, these merchants and high-level elementalist guards who ride elemental dragons carry many items that are strictly restricted for export.

The largest quantity among them is the black stone produced in the restricted area!


Riding on the back of the elemental dragon, feeling the whistling wind, Anis's mood was not wonderful at all.

To be honest, he was not willing to leave Ixoken and ride the elemental dragon to Kumangla - although in the eyes of many Ixtal people, going out on the elemental dragon was a very majestic thing, but for

For Anis, this is quite a boring job.

As a descendant of a dignified royal family, he is now the cousin of His Majesty the King, and his father is also a rare great elementalist in the royal family. Anis' life in Isuoken is simply more exciting than wonderful.

Although he has been married for a long time and has a family, Mr. Annis, who likes extravagance, is very keen on expanding the royal bloodline. Chiana's salon is a private party under the cover of the salon, while Annis's salon is a silver salon under the name of the salon.


Due to his passionate nature and generous spending, although the name of "Romantic Anis" has even been heard by the common people of Ixoken, there is still a steady stream of young women entering and leaving his special salon and voluntarily taking on the responsibility of expanding the business.

The mission of the royal bloodline.

The result was that because there were so many heirs, even though Anis was his father's only son and had complete control over the subsidy for the inspector of the restricted area and had a manor outside the city, the expenses were still somewhat insufficient.

In addition, he is now over 10 years old, and his physical fitness is obviously not as good as before. Even if he is supported by many expensive supplements, Anis, an old scalper, needs to take a break.

Therefore, Anis, who was a little strapped for money and a little sore in his lower back, gritted his teeth and chose to leave Isuoken temporarily and go to the north to do a big business.

The target of Arnis's trading is Blackstone.

A business that has no worries about buyers.

After all, whether it is Kumangla or Kalduga, the local agricultural machinery and puppets all need external energy sources. In the past thousands of years, the Kingdom of Ixtal has been selling them black stones at high prices to drive them.

Mechanics and puppets.

Without the Black Stone, most of their ancient machines and puppets inherited from the Shurima Empire would have to lie down!

At a previous salon, Anis heard that the situation in Shurima did not seem to be very stable. The Kumanggra people were expanding their food planting area, and they were short of black stones.

Although the Kingdom of Ixtal still maintains the supply of black stones from Kumangla, according to the ancient contract, the supply of black stone from Ixtal is very limited and is not enough to support the people of Kumangla in expanding their farming area to what they want.


It seems that the Kumangla people still explained their situation and needs when facing the Ixtal envoy, but as far as Anis knows, Ixtal has not yet made up his mind.

Anis didn't understand the dispute between radicals and conservatives, but he instinctively felt the enervating atmosphere of Isuoken.

Uncle Wang, who believed that his son was useless, did not tell Anisto about the specific situation of the party struggle. He only occasionally mentioned some of his thoughts to him - Uncle Wang did not want Ixtal to be involved.

In the chaos of Shurima, there is trouble!

Although in the eyes of his old father he is an ineffective bastard and in the eyes of others he is a playboy with no business, Anis has never been rebellious and is very self-aware.

Since the old father said that he wanted to prevent Ixtal from being involved in the chaos outside, why not cut through the mess quickly and give the Kumanggra people more black stones and let them farm the land honestly?

Isn’t the connection between Ixtal and Kumangla just that small?

By satisfying the Kumangla people's demand for black stones, wouldn't it be possible to cut off the connection between Kumangla and Ixtar?

As far as Anis knows, Ixtar's special envoy from Kumangla only makes a round trip once a year!

Well, he definitely did not choose to smuggle black stones to make profits for himself because he had no money. I, Anis, did this all for Ixtal!

Maybe it was due to a sudden enlightenment, maybe it was the instigation of some bad friends, but after some persuasion and psychological construction, Anis secretly brought out more than 20 black stones from the restricted area through his father's special identity.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After secretly transporting the black stone and briefly sealing it, Anis, with the help of his friends, quickly formed a "caravan" to fight

With the reputation of selling gems, he left Ixoken.

Anis' old father is undoubtedly very supportive of his son's "business activities", and even used his own connections to hire many high-level elemental bodyguards for him. In his opinion, this is a rare thing for a single family member.

Things other than sowing must be encouraged!

Even if you lose money, it’s not a big problem!

So, carrying the black stone and a lot of his own jewelry, Anis left Isuoken and started heading north.

As a result, after flying on the elemental dragon, he regretted it a little.

After the elemental dragon flew up, the strong wind was about to knock people over. For a weak person like Anis, it could only be described as torture.

In mid-air, following the rise and fall of the elemental dragon flapping its wings, Anis felt like a fool - if he had no money, he could just ask his old father for it. Why did he drink too much and open his mouth to ask for it?

What about independence?

With our status, why do we have to be independent?

It's a pity that the good news has been blown out. My father also sponsored a lot of gems for free. There is no chance to go back at this time, so I can only take this trip.

Go back quickly. After this trip, you must never show off again.

With this realization, Anis successfully arrived in Pajuosa. Along the way, he only landed in large cities and left all the jewelry selling to his subordinates. He just walked around the streets to have fun, and ended up selling the jewelry.

It's quite a lot, but when you calculate the money, it turns out to be a huge loss.

Realizing this, Anis had to warn himself repeatedly when he was about to land in Parosa City.

"Anis, Anis, you can't continue to degenerate like this!"

Unfortunately, after getting down to earth, the first thing Anis did was to walk around the streets and communicate in depth with young women who were willing to learn about the royal family...

Three days later, Anis once again felt a slight soreness in his lower back. He warned himself again, and then announced to his attendants that he would continue heading north.

And hearing what he said, several high-level elementalists in the team looked embarrassed.

They were all hired by Uncle Wang, and their main task was to watch Anis.

As a result, Anis was quite careless along the way, so why did he start thinking about going abroad when he arrived in Pajuosa?

In this troubled time, it is not a good thing to leave Ixtal casually!

For a while, many people whispered to Anis, hoping that he would stop here.

Although I didn’t make any money, I treated it like I was traveling!

Just stop here and don't continue going north!

But how could Anis agree?

After finally taking out so many black stones from the restricted area, he finally reached the northernmost point of the kingdom. At this time, instead of rushing to Kumangla and killing them severely, he went straight back home... Then

Aren’t all the sins I suffered before in vain?

No, absolutely not!

In the face of these persuasion, Anis' attitude was extremely resolute. He even threatened these high-level elementalists in turn. Have you forgotten the time when you were high with me before?

The advanced elements make them a bit awkward.

"Besides, I'm just going to earn some money from the Kumangla people. They are the richest!" Anis seemed to have made all preparations. "We will go north today and we will be back in less than seven days. We will have extra money by then."

As a bonus, I can treat you wherever you want to go!"

Having said this, the other high-level elementalists have nothing to say. The few who still insist are seeing their colleagues "giving in". At this time, they can only place their hopes on the local elements of Parosa.

The pickets are here.

However, what kind of people are the elemental pickets of Parosa?

This can be seen from when Kalya applied for Shyvana's identity certificate before - for an elemental picket in such a remote place, as long as you give money, everything is easy!

In this way, Anis successfully passed the final inspection by the elemental pickets.

Then, just when he was about to leave the elemental gradient barrier, leave Ixtar, and go to Kumangla, a team of newly transferred elemental pickets discovered the anomaly and chose to step forward to inquire.

This team of elemental pickets came to Parosa, mainly as a result of Qiyana's operation. Because Kalya "confessed" to her about bribing the elemental pickets, Qiyana had an impression of Parosa.

The main purpose of sending people here this time is to see if we can catch some pigtails, and then take the opportunity to arrange some of our own people in the border area.

Therefore, under the name of "roving picket", this group of elemental pickets came to Parosa. As a result, they met Anis and his party, who seemed to be wrong. =

Naturally, Anis didn't have a good look on these nosy guys. He simply moved out his father and said, "This is none of your business, get out of here." After saying that, he started to ride the dragon.

However, to the elemental pickets who stepped forward to inspect, Anis's father actually had no weight at all.

Even if they knew the identity of Anis's father, they didn't give him any face. They detained him on the spot and took him directly back to the city of Parosa - this is a special period, and you need to apply for approval to leave Ixtar.

I'm waiting here honestly!

Anis, who had never been so angry before, gritted his teeth with hatred, but there was nothing he could do.

Then, just when he swore that these nosy bastards would be punished, an accident happened.

The black stone carefully hidden by Anis was discovered.

When the black stone was exposed, everyone who knew what the black stone was, including Anis himself, were all shocked - holy shit, someone else took this thing out and wanted to take it away from Ixtal?

The leader of this team of elemental pickets is a close associate of Qiyana. He is very clear about the focus of Her Royal Highness the Tenth Princess's recent work. After discovering these black stones, he came to his senses immediately and directly chose to detain Anis.

Return to Ixoken quickly.

Good guy, the inspector of the restricted area stole the black stone and gave it to his son to send out of the country!

Is this the face of you conservatives who keep saying "maintaining tradition"?

It’s really ridiculous!

How can you guys have the nerve to talk about tradition and isolation?

You say that adhering to tradition is false, but making profits for oneself is true, right?

I don’t know how much such nastiness is hidden under your sanctimonious masks!

Soon, Anis was sent back to Isuoken. After getting the news, Qiyana immediately found the radical elementalists. After some conspiracy, they came to the elemental king's house the next day.

He publicly launched an attack in front of him, accusing the supervisor of the restricted area of ​​dereliction of duty!

Facing his incompetent and stupid son, Old Uncle Wang was really heartbroken. He wanted to defend his bastard that he had never done such a thing in the past, but when the words came to his lips, they turned into a sigh.

He chose to plead guilty, preserve his last dignity, and resigned from his position as the inspector of the restricted area.

At this point, this important position has finally been vacated.

This chapter has been completed!
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