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0785 Northern Processing Industry

"You are still as sharp as ever." Looking at Kieran with a determined look on his face, Karya shook his head gently, "However, you guessed wrong this time - that was really just an example."

After a pause, Kalya added.

"Compared to the void, the star realm is often a better and more typical example."

"Maybe it's the truth, but it's definitely not the whole truth." Kieran completely ignored Kalya's explanation and continued to talk to himself, "Based on what I know about you, I'm afraid a plan related to the star realm is already brewing.

Even if you are ready, has anyone told you that many of your behaviors are similar to those of the devil?"

Kieran's words stunned Kalya for a moment, and then he couldn't help showing an expression of disbelief.

"Are you saying I'm like a devil?"

"In some ways," Kieran corrected, "it's not a bad thing, but to be honest, I think you could actually be more honest."

"Stop making trouble." Kalya waved his hand, "I'm really just giving a simple example. Regarding space theory, I can't give many examples..."



No matter what Kieran said, Kalya insisted that he was really just "giving an example" and had no special plan for the star realm.

In the end, Kieran could only shake his head helplessly and said, "You always have a plan."

Except for this small interlude, which is not considered an interlude, Kalya's special teaching can be said to be very smooth.

Space magic is very esoteric and difficult to understand.

But if your main goal is to create seals and simply learn basic theories and applications, then everything will be simple.

Although those who participated in the study did not have any foundation in space magic, they all had a good foundation in magic themselves - even the original axiom elementalists whose spellcasting is quite formulaic, at the level of a great elementalist, they still need to have their own understanding of magic theory.

People who have unique insights and can become great elementalists have amazing learning abilities.

Even though the theoretical foundation of magic among these great elementalists is actually very weak, their learning ability allows them to draw inferences from one example and make very fast learning progress.

In Kalya's teaching using the star realm as an example, theorems about space magic were explained clearly and applied one after another. On this basis, the application of sealing barriers regarding space isolation gradually entered the practical stage.

When the Grand Elementalist and Ikasia Mages who participated in the study were finally able to try to create a space isolation barrier, Kalya quickly opened another class and began to lead them to analyze the space shielding theory.

Combined with various records of the restricted area of ​​Ixtar, while analyzing, I also learned about this special space shielding barrier left by Nezuk.

This is bound to be a difficult task.

Even just simple learning without any expansion will take a long time.


When Kalya imparted knowledge about space magic, Shyvana was an auditor at first and listened with interest.

However, as the teaching content gradually deepened, Shyvana began to be visibly unable to keep up.

Although Kalya told her that this was not a shameful thing, after all, space magic talent was very rare, and Shyvana's own theoretical foundation was too weak, it still made her quite frustrated.

Being a slow learner and not being able to understand at all are not the same concepts.

In this case, Kalya simply decided to give her a holiday - anyway, the teaching here and the subsequent sealing would probably take a few months, so he might as well let Shyvana return to Demacia.

Now, while delivering the letter to Lux, I can also take some time to relax.

Shyvana readily accepted this. She couldn't stay here any longer, and the communication between Kalya and Demacia had been interrupted for a long time. Ixtal was relatively closed, and he didn't care what happened outside the rainforest.

You know, it would be perfect for Shyvana to go to Demacia at this time and deliver the news.

In this way, Shyvana took Kalya's letter, left Ixtal, and flew towards Demacia.

It's a long but not difficult journey.

Shyvana first headed north until she arrived at Kumanggra. After crossing the Valoran Strait, she flew along the west coast and soon arrived at White Cliff City and entered Demacia.

It's interesting to say that although Shyvana has not spent most of the past thirty years in Demacia, in her opinion, Demacia is the place she is most familiar with and feels most at ease with.


After entering Demacia, the wind seemed to become warmer.

Compared with when she left, Demacia has not changed much - due to the incident in the Howling Abyss of Freljord, Lux has cautiously slowed down the process of internal reform, except in the capital city, Tobitsia.

In addition to achieving complete economic transformation in the big cities, she only redistributed land in the vast rural areas and did not have time to deepen the reform.

Of course, even if it "merely" redistributes the land, it will be enough for her to be unanimously welcomed by the majority of farmers in Demacia.

Although there is a shortage of manpower as you go south, and the land distribution in many places is not as thorough as in the north, and it is not completely organized by the legal guardians and clerks, but for the farmers who have obtained the land, this is enough for them to enthusiastically join.

To Demacia's new order.

Even if they still have doubts about mages, and even if they have not realized the advanced nature of magic in production due to incomplete economic reforms, they still readily accepted everything after the mages were brainwashed into becoming new nobles.

Regarding this situation, Lux herself was somewhat dumbfounded.

The aristocracy of mages is something she has been trying to avoid. Although the power of magic is powerful, if it is not properly utilized and guided by multiple parties, this power can also become a further obstacle to Demacia. If it were not proved by more and more intelligence from the north,

The threat of the void is brewing, and she will certainly not relax the pace of rural economic reform in the southern part of the Demacia Plains so easily.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! But what she never expected was that unlike the situation in Xiongdu, the aristocracy of mages did not cause any trouble in the south of the Demacia Plains - the mages and clerks

Apparently he has a "disdain" for southern hillbillies.

Lacus never expected this situation.

Although due to the past ten years of operations, the difference between the north and the south of Demacia has reached a very alarming level. The traditional agriculture in the south and the prototype of the magic industry in the north are indeed in the sky and the earth... But this kind of magician and clerk are completely indifferent.

Instead of going to the south, Lux was a little surprised that the Demacia Plains, which used to be regarded as a nurturing land, was regarded as a pure granary.

However, after changing her mind, Lux quickly understood the reason.

Compared with the prototype of magic industrialization in the north, the traditional agricultural planting industry in the south does seem a bit... unattractive in economic terms.

In the past ten years of operation, the northern border of Demacia has developed a complete textile industry, leather industry, construction industry, shipbuilding industry, and metallurgical industry system. After the establishment of New Demacia, the rune stone manufacturing industry has also improved.

It's on the agenda.

These industries rely on the northern trade system, absorbing theories from all over Runeterra like flowing water, harvesting gold coins, and allowing a large number of northerners to leave agricultural production and enter the city.

Today, many northern cities have become industrial cities. Even many seemingly inconspicuous small towns may be important processing centers for a certain industry. The docks along the canal are inflowing a large amount of goods every day.

Raw materials and finished products flow out in large quantities.

In this case, the overall profit margin in the northern region is very high.

The use of magic in the production process is not unique in Runeterra now, but it is also quite rare. In terms of production efficiency, even the prototype of magic industrialization that uses magic as a basic tool can completely crush the traditional

Handmade production.

Even Lux didn't realize it at first. When New Demacia was established and the military industrial engine began to stall, various factories in the north that had exploded due to military orders in the past had begun to use them to consume astonishing production capacity.

The northern trade network is dumping overseas!

In fact, if Shyvana was more careful, she would have discovered that Demacian textiles have appeared in many cities along the Valoran Strait.

This is a very exaggerated situation, because it means that after Demacia imports raw materials, processes them, and then transports them to the local area through the northern trade, the price still has a huge price advantage compared to local textile products.

Behind this exaggerated phenomenon is the prototype of the northern magic industry, ruthlessly crushing the original economic system.

After the implementation of the Northern Territory Integration Strategy, Demacia's shipbuilding industry began to take off. A large number of ships were launched into the water like dumplings. However, with the water superiority fully established, the Navy's orders soon disappeared, and the Northern Territory Shipyards had sufficient manpower.

They quickly focused their attention on civilian ships, which directly drove ship prices to the bone.

The direct impact of the reduction in ship prices is the reduction in shipping prices.

Xinfu Port is the second largest trading port in Rune Land (the first is Vazuan New Port, no doubt about it). There are a large number of merchants coming and going here. When Xinfu Port offers cheap shipbuilding services

Afterwards, businessmen who want to expand the size of their fleet will naturally consider gritting their teeth and buying a few more ships to expand their trade scale.

As a result, the cost of shipping on the maritime trade route where the northern trade is located has a significant downward trend, and the price has also begun to rise.

The reduction in shipping prices directly makes it possible for the processing industry to import raw materials and export finished products.

With the military industry showing an obvious shrinking trend, factories in the north began to import and process raw materials without any knowledge.

It's interesting to say that, in fact, since the beginning of the trade in the north, the raw material import and processing industry has already begun to take shape. Forsbarrow bought cheap furs from the Freljord and used magic to process the furs.

After efficient processing in the processing plant, it is then sold to various areas of Runeterra by sea.

In this process, in addition to his role as a secondary dealer, Forsbarrow was also an important processor in the fur industry. Even with the persistence of Lux and Sona, the special brand of Northern Fur was born.

Any fur products that want to obtain this certification must come from a qualified fur processing factory.

Kalya knew from the beginning that Forsbarrow was not Vazuan. No matter how good the new port was, its geographical location was not as good as the key to the Valoran Strait, so trade alone was far from enough.

With the "enlightenment" of the fur processing industry, when shipping prices began to drop significantly, a large factory responsible for textile sails found that the price of sails was rolled up a bit too low, and its own profits were really insufficient.

, after learning about the price of cotton along the Valoran Strait from a large number of maritime merchants, an internal meeting was held.

This was a large-scale meeting witnessed by clerks and attended by managers and technical backbones. After detailed comparison of data and confirmation of technical capabilities, this textile factory, which used to specialize in the production of sails, officially decided to transform.

The sail is too rolled, let's spin cotton!

A sail factory decided to transform into cotton textiles. This was undoubtedly a very accidental thing - because throughout the northern border, there are many factories that are specialized in cloth processing as part of the northern border integration strategy. Although these factories are very professional

, but I just didn’t expect to focus on the textile itself and focus both products and sales on maritime trade.

These more professional factories are still eyeing "the vast domestic market of Demacia". After the establishment of New Demacia, they are thinking of selling clothes from the north to the south!

It happened that this sail factory, which found that weaving sails was not profitable due to serious price involution in the shipbuilding industry, took the first step to open up its mind and start pure import and export processing.

In this way, relying on their relationship at the shipyard, they contacted many maritime merchants and established a cooperation plan with them to import cotton raw materials from Shurima, and then sell the processed cotton cloth to the coast of the Valoran Strait.

Although the first reaction of the maritime merchants after hearing this cooperation plan was "You are kidding me, the transportation cost is so high, this is not a loss in minutes", but due to the good business in the north

Reputation, as a transporter, they finally signed a trade order with the clerk's guarantee.

In this way, this "ordinary" sail factory improved the machines used to produce large sails and officially used them for cotton processing.

What people never expected was that even though the cotton fabrics processed by these sail factories had undergone repeated shipping of raw materials and products, when they arrived at the cities along the Valoran Strait, they were still lower than the local prices.


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