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0794 The origin of Bakai

Nasus thought he had found the key to the problem.

However, when he began to track the abnormal gravel, Nasus soon discovered that this clue seemed to be broken.

The blood stains dripping on the ground can be used as marks, and the shark scales remaining in the gravel can also be regarded as proof after the battle.

But the magic-infected gravel not only quickly loses traceable traces of elements, but also disappears with just a gust of wind. It is simply impossible to rely on them to find traces of the Bakais.

The result was that even though he had discovered some clues and had some clues, Nasus lingered at the edge of the beach for a long time without even taking the first step.

This situation of "seemingly having a chance but actually having no solution" was undoubtedly the most tormenting. An indescribable anxiety began to spread in Nasus's heart. He wandered on the beach, occasionally finding a piece of shark.

scales, and then crush them to pieces unconsciously.

Squeezing and squeezing, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be a big difference in the texture of these shark scales.

As a famous scholar in Shurima and the administrator of the Great Library, Nasus has always been called the "living encyclopedia." For him, even something as rare as a shark scale is at least valuable.


This is why he immediately recognized the shark scales scattered on the beach.

However, when he thought carefully about those shark scales that he had unconsciously crushed, most of them seemed completely inconsistent with his past knowledge.

At first, he thought it was because the shark scales that had fallen off during the battle had been attacked by magic. In addition, they had been exposed to the wind, sun, and sea water for a long time on the beach, which caused it to become dry and rough.

But in addition to these abnormal shark scales, there are still some shark scales that maintain their proper shape, round and shiny.

If the shark scales fell off at the same time, under the same environment, their condition should not be so different!

Thinking of this, Nasus began to lie down on the beach and carefully search and collect shark scales.

As he continued to dig through the gravel with his stick and find the shark scales, his judgment became clearer and clearer - yes, there are two types of shark scales on the beach!

This discovery finally made Nasus suddenly enlightened.

I couldn't find any traces, it was indeed because the drop of water was hidden in the sea.

But that drop of water was not the gravel that could be seen everywhere, but the shark scales that Nasus had discovered long ago but had not thought about carefully.

Why are there two types of shark scales?

That's because there are sharks on both sides of the fish-men war!

Since the locals had all kinds of legends, many of which were obviously outrageous, Nasus could only use their words as a qualitative reference and did not conduct too much analysis on this basis. If he really did this,

Then he will find that many people in the Bakai camp have words such as "They are as funny as fish out of water."

Nasus, who did not realize that this was key information, just regarded it as an ordinary description. This level of description was completely inconspicuous among the extravagant bragging.

But now that I think about it, this description may be mainly due to the close relationship between those Bakai and the sharks. Either they were once sharks, or they want to become sharks!

Yes, if it weren't for this reason, how could Bakai, who blindly pursues power beyond his control on land, be connected with the sharks who appear and disappear in the sea?

Although the leader of Bakai's side is Renekton, with Renekton's current mental state, how can he be the leader?

The greater possibility is that these Bakai are taking advantage of Renekton!

After realizing this, Nasus quickly changed his mind and began to look for the dim shark scales on the edge of the beach.

And this time, he finally found the trace he had been looking forward to.

At the edge of the beach, on the path away from the beach, and on the bark of the trees on the roadside, Nasus found many shark scales sporadically.

These shark scales gathered together to guide him on a secret path.

If nothing else, the end of this road is Renekton!

Picking up his cane, Nasus strode deeper along the forest path.

Renekton, I'm coming for you!


It seems that because the enemies are all sharks in the water and will not come ashore, these Bakai have no intention of hiding their traces.

Through the scales, Nasus found a way to the underground very smoothly.

Judging from the location and starting point of this road, it seems that it should be part of the magic network waterway in the past. It lost its function due to the division of the empire and was later completely abandoned.

This secret passage was surrounded by vines, but when Nasus leaned down and pushed aside the leaves of the plants, he could clearly see many traces of masonry.

Obviously, the exit of this passage may have been a building in the past, but after no one maintained it, it was destroyed by growing plants - the germinated seeds destroyed the solid base, and the roots of the plants destroyed the masonry walls.

, and finally the place was completely hidden.

Unlike the Magic Network waterway checkpoint in the desert, which is still well-preserved even though it is covered with yellow sand, this checkpoint has almost completely changed its appearance due to "biodegradation".

Nasus cautiously approached the entrance to the underground checkpoint.

There is a door that is obviously newly installed here. The crooked door is ajar, and it seems that it can be pushed open with just a slight push. However, considering that the door is half-opened and half-hung, I am afraid it will open a few times.

It can't be closed at all.

Nasus carefully stretched out his cane and gently pressed it against the door, trying to open it.

The next moment, the door shaft made a harsh creaking sound, as if this was the master's first trap.

Nasus, who was expecting something in his heart, jumped back suddenly and prepared for a battle - if he couldn't enter quietly, then he could pay him a generous visit.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! However, following Nasus' movements, there was no movement behind the door.

After waiting for a long time and confirming that no one was there, Nasus finally stretched out his cane again.

This time, he opened the door completely. It was dark inside and there was no sound. It seemed that this was really just an abandoned magic network water station checkpoint.

Picking up a piece of wood, Nasus threw it into the door.

Nothing happened.

After waiting for a while, Nasus finally stood up and carefully entered the door.

Narrow descending stairs and cramped sinking space.

For a tall man like Nasus, it was a bit awkward to enter a place like this.

He tapped his cane on the steps. While confirming that there were no traps, he also lit up a soft white light on the top of his cane. Under the illumination of this white light, he walked down the steps step by step, and at the same time,

Look carefully at this underground space.

A very typical checkpoint layout - the entire checkpoint is located underground, making it easy to access the Magic Network waterway for work.

There were very few things in the checkpoint. Apart from some debris and garbage left on the ground, there was not even a simple piece of furniture.

There was no one in the entire checkpoint, and everything was quiet.

However, Nasus obviously would not be deceived by the silence. After checking the surroundings, he quickly found the checkpoint of the checkpoint - the access point leading to the Magic Network Waterway.

The door to the inspection entrance was still intact, but the lock had long been broken. Opening the circular door that opened and closed like a skylight, Nasus quickly got into the long-abandoned Magic Network waterway.

And here, he finally saw traces of living people.

Some ornaments and utensils of unknown significance, and a cluster of mushrooms that had obviously been professionally cultivated.

And a lot of uncovered footprints.

Each of these footprints was very awkward, and the way of applying force seemed to be very different from ordinary people, which made Nasus even more convinced of his judgment.

However, everything is there, but where have the people gone?

Did they leave here and go back to the surface?

Then, just when Nasus fell into self-doubt and wondered if his luck was too bad and he just missed them, there was a sudden noise in the waterway not far away.

There are indeed people here!

Moreover, from the tone of these people's words, it was not difficult for Nasus to discover that they had a very obvious ancient Shuriman pronunciation style. Not surprisingly, the people who said these words were probably older.


Heading towards the direction of the sound, Nasus took the initiative to meet it - and then only halfway through, he saw a team of horses facing him.

And walking in front of this group of people, the one who seemed to be clearly in a leadership position... was none other than Renekton.

Behind Renekton was a group of Bakai who walked with their legs, but moved their legs instead of stepping.

From their forms and movements, it was completely confirmed that Nasus's judgment was correct.

These Bakai were indeed once sharks.

Bakai, in a narrow sense, refers to an ascender who failed to ascend.

In the broad sense of Shuriman, the word Bakai refers to "a person who blindly pursues power beyond his control."

This is obviously not a compliment.

Although there are many kinds of magic and rituals that can form Bakai, even Kalya does not fully understand them, but at least these Bakai in front of him, Nasus can see their origins with just one glance.

These Bakai are all trying to master a certain kind of dangerous power that contains huge distortion and is corrosive in itself, and they have become what they are today.

The magic on these Bakai has a very obvious style from the Shuriman Empire, but it looks messy and confusing. For a moment, Nasus even asked, "Can these sharks be there?"

He became Bakai because he tried to ascend." This thought made him couldn't help but shake his head and laugh at himself for being stupid.

Shaking his head slightly, he raised his arms very gently to show that he was not hostile, and took the initiative to ask Renekton: "My brother, do you still remember me?"

The next moment, under Nasus' surprised gaze, Renekton nodded.

However, before Nasus could say his next words, Renekton's next words made him feel like he was struck by lightning.

"Ascended One, good material."


What is going on?


Renekton's words made Nasus' heart sink to the bottom, and he even vaguely prepared for battle.

But he didn't understand at all what was going on now. Renekton had obviously recovered a lot of his ability to think, but when he saw him, his hostility was completely undisguised.

There must be something wrong here!

Moreover, judging from the attitude of those Bakai, it seems that these problems are caused by them!

This time, Nasus didn't want them.

The root cause of Renekton becoming what he is now, and the outbreak of the Murloc War, does lie with the Bakai.

This matter begins with an ancient contract between the sharks - long before human civilization was still in ignorance and the Shurima Empire had not yet been established, the sharks living in the sea of ​​​​the sharks had an agreement with the nearby giant gods.

The moon giant on the peak reached an ancient contract.

Every ten years, the sharks will collect the brightest pearls in the deep sea, in exchange for flawless moon stones with the bright moon star spirits, in order to suppress the darkness of the abyss under the sea.

This is a win-win deal. Bright pearls can be used as indispensable materials for certain rituals. For example, when carving the inscriptions on the sun disk that Kalya has never been able to decipher, this kind of deep-sea pearl is needed.

The ancient contract lasted very smoothly for thousands of years. During this period, the tribe of the sharks continued to expand, and an ocean kingdom appeared in the sea of ​​​​the sharks, which was in harmony with the creatures on the land.

However, with the outbreak of the Rune War, and with the top combat power of Rune Land finally no longer appearing frequently, this ancient contract gradually began to lose all its constraints. During this period, without the blazing sun and bright moon of the foreign enemy,

The sects began to fight each other passionately, and Lieyang, who was more powerful, gained an overwhelming advantage, forcing the Moon Sect to become a third-rate sect.

The most direct manifestation of the demise of the Bright Moon Sect is that the appearance of the Bright Moon Star Spirits is getting less and less. They often die in battle just after receiving the favor of the Bright Moon.

But without the bright moon star spirit walking in the world, the deal between the shark and the bright moon also quickly went into trouble. The shark picked pearls as usual and sent out the bravest warriors, but the result was only incompetence and rage, and they could not contact them.

The Bright Moon Star Spirits and the increasingly tight-defended Mount Targon had nothing to do, so the sharks had to find other ways to stop the rift in the abyss.

In this case, they set their sights on deep-sea pearls.

For the Sharks, they could clearly sense the power within the pearl, but they had no way to extract this power. And at this moment, Renekton came - Renekton's thinking was not yet complete at that time.

Now that he is so awake, he is full of revenge and answers all the questions asked by the sharks. As a result, the speaker is unintentional and the listener is interested. The sharks began to think about whether they can use a "more Shurima" method.

To use these pearls to fight against the darkness of the abyss?

In this way, the Bakai ceremony began.

This chapter has been completed!
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