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Chapter 814 【0802】 The Secret of the Frost Guard Messenger

Although she was mentally prepared, when Lux got the "history" narrated by Ione and compared it with Morgana's version, she couldn't help but frown.

"It's like two stories." Putting down the record, Lux leaned back on her chair tiredly, "It's hard to believe that these are actually different records of the same thing."

"It's not difficult to understand." Ino's expression was subtle. "To be honest, with the Freljord people's oral recording method, the fact that they have a relatively clear history is actually already somewhat clear.

It exceeded my expectations.”

"Is this a compliment?" Lux looked at Ino, "So, which one do you think is closer to the truth?"

"If you ask me, it's neither of them." Ino exclaimed, "One is for the giant god, and the other is for the three sisters. If the worshipers of the wild demigods in the story are still there, I'm afraid there will be another one in their mouths.

A story."

"That's good, I think so too." Lux nodded decisively. After a subtle helplessness appeared on Ino's face, she finally got down to business, "So, what do you think of that Ioni?"

What kind of person?”

"She is a fanatical believer in the Frost Witch. Her belief in the Frost Witch has made her blind." Ino recalled Ione's performance before and replied, "She completely believed in this story and regarded everything that was inconsistent with it.

The record is regarded as wrong or even blasphemous, which seems not very smart."

"But she is indeed a messenger sent by the Frost Witch." Lux's tone was a little subtle, "For the Frost Witch, sending such a guy who has no ability and is not very smart as a messenger...either

Either the Frost Witch is not clear-headed, or she doesn't care about Ione's lack of ability."

"On this issue, my feeling is a bit more unique." Eno obviously has his own judgment. "To be honest, after contacting Ioni, I don't think she is like a messenger."

"It doesn't look like a messenger?" Lux was a little confused, "There shouldn't be any problem with her identity, right?"

"Probably not." Ino shrugged, "I just feel that she is more like a homing pigeon than a messenger."

"Homing pigeon?"

"Yeah, it doesn't seem to matter what Ione thinks." Ino brushed her long silver hair unconsciously with her fingers, "Maybe the frost witch simply conveyed a message."

Lux and Ino had many guesses.

Although they are still unable to make a very precise judgment until there is a reply from the intelligence team and Kalya, at least now Ioni has been legally and legally detained in the Forbidden Prison.

There was still a long time before the alliance she claimed would take place. Even if she was full of doubts, Lux could still wait with peace of mind.

The only problem is that she may have to spend some time in the north again.

However, what Lacus never expected was that the very next day, Ino found her with a heavy face.

"I had a strange dream." Ino's face looked worse than ever. "In the dream, I saw the Frost Witch."

Ino's words finally made Lux's eyes widen.

"She took the initiative to find my dream." Ino rubbed her eyebrows with her fingers, "It's hard to describe that feeling to you... Ione is not a homing pigeon, but a hunting dog. She let the frost witch find me.


Lux handed him a cup of tea.

Ino took a deep sip, took a long breath, and then told Lux ​​about her dream last night.

It was a dream that was too clear to be a dream.

In the dream, Ino was in a pitch-black abyss. There were no sun, moon, stars, or any markers. All she could see and feel was a cold, dead silence.

In the dream, Ino walked in this dead silence a little confused, trying to find the direction to leave, but no matter how long he walked out, the scenery in the dream did not change in any substantial way.

Zhenbing, Zhenbing, and Zhenbing.

All Ino saw was endless perfect ice.

Whether it is the ground covered with floating snow under your feet, the ferocious rocks around you, or the cliffs not far away that are as sharp as a chisel, they are all made of perfect ice. In the dead silence of perfect ice, even if Ino is in

In the dream, I still clearly felt the unforgettable coldness.

Ino has not felt this extreme cold for a long time.

Then, just as Ino was walking aimlessly among the perfect ice, a tall figure appeared in front of her out of nowhere.

"The Ice Bloodline who is far away from home, you are finally here."

It is true that Ino has the blood of ice.

But she has no additional recognition of this background.

Ice bloodline... so what?

Therefore, after hearing this voice, she didn't even mean to start a fight. She just continued to move forward, wanting to reach the end of the canyon and leave here.

"You can no longer move forward." The voice sounded again, "Although your talent is extraordinary, this is your limit. The darkness is eroding. Moving forward in confusion will only make you trapped in the ice and snow. You cannot

Extricate yourself."

Like Lacus, Ino, who was greatly influenced by Kalya, never cared much about such vague words. Although she was in a dream, she still made a very "rational" choice and completely ignored the voice.

Guide, keep moving forward.

"Stop, Ino." Just as she continued to move forward, the figure that had been motionless and allowed Ino to pass by her suddenly stopped in front of her without any warning, "There.

It’s not your destiny, at least not your current destiny.”

Ino ignored her obstruction and wanted to move on.

Then, a perfect ice curtain rose from the ground, completely blocking Ino's footsteps.

That was a very amazing magic. Although he only saw it in a dream, when he recalled it now, Ino still frowned subconsciously, as if a wall of sighs had blocked him.

"I asked her who she was." After taking a few sips of tea again, Ino continued, "She said she was Lissandra, the Frost Witch."

Although Lux had already been mentally prepared after hearing the previous description, when she heard Lissandra's name, her heart still seemed to have stopped beating for half a beat.

"It's hard to describe what kind of existence it is." Ino put down the tea cup, "Maybe other histories told by Ioni may be distorted, but the power of the ice bloodline comes from the three sisters... I'm afraid it won't work.

It can’t be fake.”


"Yes, bloodline." Ino seemed to be trying hard to remember and describe this experience. During this period, the veins on her forehead were clearly visible, "It was just like when those dragon beasts saw Shyvana."

This description made Lux couldn't help but narrow her eyes.

The Dragonborn will have an instinctive fear and trembling when facing the elemental dragon, and according to Ino, the Ice Bloodline will have similar feelings when facing the Frost Witch.

This is amazing.

"Do you still remember the blood stripping ritual used by Teacher Kalya when we were in Shurima?" Ino took a few deep breaths, "I was just a bystander before, but in the dream, I seemed to be the recipient.

As long as the being who claims to be Lissandra makes a thought, all my magic power and all my frost magic talents will be completely wiped out."

"...But that should be just a dream." Lux opened her mouth, and in the end she could only comfort Ino with a sentence that didn't sound painful or itchy, "This is Fosbairo, you may have just listened to Io yesterday.

Ni talks too much."

"That's what I thought at first." Ino's face turned even paler, as if it was very difficult for her to say this, "But this is not the case, because in the dream, that Lissandra explained how to send Yi

Oni’s sake.”


"She said that Ioni's only role is to find me and find you. As long as she does this, Ioni will have completed her mission." Ino continued her story, "She said that I am about to have a baby.

For the fate of the Hanbing bloodline, you will also embark on the road of destiny - and the starting point of everything is that alliance."


Lux remained silent, just picked up the kettle and refilled Ino's cup of tea.

"At that time, I realized that I was in a dream." Ino took a big sip of hot tea. "I tried to wake myself up from this ridiculous dream, but I couldn't wake up anyway. At this moment

, she told me that this was not a dream, but a communication in a dream."

"I don't believe her."

"So she told me another version of the story of the three sisters."

"In her account, the record of the three sisters was not very good - Serelda tried to control the power of the heavens, but lost her voice to First Twilight: Avarosa Faces the Distortion Underneath the World

Darkness, as a result, her hearing was taken away; while Lissandra was fighting against the demigods of the wilderness, her eyes were cut off by Volibear's sharp claws."

Lux was stunned.

"To be honest, even when I think about it now, I can still feel her honesty. The only reason for me to doubt her is my reason." Ino looked sad, "This feeling is like being with you the most."

When my close relatives tell you the past stories, I can’t help but not believe them.”

"I can feel that she didn't lie."

"She did not shy away from failure or the naivety of the three sisters. According to her description, after the failure, the three sisters learned to unite, learn to distribute their strength to more people, and learned to defeat the enemy with wisdom."

"So, they established the first tribe in Freljord that strived for unity, and they taught everything they knew to the tribe."

"In order to defeat the wilderness demigods, they transformed the Freljord's natural environment and tamed the wild natural magic, proving to those who once believed in demigods that those wilderness demigods were nothing but powerful beasts."

"Since then, Volibear has lost its followers. Anivia, who is in the Great Glacier, has recognized the wisdom of mortals, while the Hearth family who are still willing to follow Orn followed Orn's footsteps and hid in the crowd.

In the mountains.”

"In order to resist the interference of the protoss, the three sisters set up an ambush in the mountains and led the protoss to the Five Fjords, where there is the site of the battle between Volibear and the Lund Python."

"In the Five Fjords, the blood of the Lund Python contaminates and restricts the protoss, turning him into a weak mortal and being killed by the coalition forces. Taking this opportunity, the three sisters wiped out the Titan faith and allowed the Titan Peak to

No one above has the power to interfere with the Freljord."

"Finally, in order to eliminate the darkness under the abyss, the three sisters mobilized all their tribesmen and passed on all their power through blood."

"The three sisters brought the first-generation ice blood and launched a fierce battle with the enemies from the other world under the abyss. Avarosa and Cerelda both died in the war, and with the time they fought for

, Lissandra used a large-scale perfect ice magic to completely seal the crack under the abyss."

"And now, the ice under the abyss is melting little by little, and those who have inherited the bloodline of the ice should now gather again to fight like their ancestors - make an alliance, and then join the expeditionary army to fight for Frelzo

It is my destiny to fight with virtue."

Speaking of this, Ino was already sweating. It seemed that saying all these things completely was already a big burden for her.

"So, the darkness under the abyss..."

"She didn't say it directly." Ino leaned back in the chair, "But if nothing else...it's just void."

"You said she gave you a very credible feeling?"

"Yes, it's like there is nothing to hide." Ino's expression was quite complicated. "She even told me that there has always been only one Lissandra. The so-called replacement is actually just a means to avoid ignorant people's speculation. ——I know I shouldn’t believe her, but as long as I relax a little, her words will be implanted in my heart like a subconscious mind, making me even unable to distinguish between dreams and reality. I almost even Answer her call."

"But you woke up." Lux refilled Ino's tea cup, "Her trick didn't work."

"She is too greedy." This time, Ino was no longer in a hurry to drink tea, and a rare smile appeared on her pale face. "She hopes to get what she wants to know from me."

"Did you hold back?"

"No, I even acted like a fool. I told her everything about my childhood thoughts, the scene when you and I first met, and my hardships in the Demonic Prison." Yi Nuo coughed twice, "Until I got to Teacher Kalya."


"She seemed to want to contact Teacher Kalya through me just like she contacted me through Ioni." Ino shrugged, "But as soon as she started, she wailed and exited my dream."

At this moment, Lux's expression was quite wonderful.

She wondered if Kalya could dream.

But what she knew was that Teacher Kalya... was accompanied by three demons.

Lissandra is very good at confusing people.

But compared to the pity and the devil, she is just a little bit mean.

This chapter has been completed!
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