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0815 Martial Law and Search

Lux didn't know that among the charred objects on the collapsed podium, there was a guy who could be regarded as her "old friend".

When the ultimate flash of light swept across the podium and the surrounding guards stepped forward to subdue the remaining assassins, Lux's mind had shifted from the assassination itself to the impact of the assassination.

To her, an assassination of this level is not a threat, but the impact of this assassination is what she needs to pay more attention to.

Soon, the assassins who were not swept away by the ultimate flash were caught one after another. As the last Freljord assassin was locked by the seal shackles, Lissandra, who lost her target position, was finally unable to maintain the wind and snow remotely.

As a result, the heavy snow that had been flying before quickly stopped. A few minutes ago, it was still snowing five steps away, indistinguishable between humans and animals. A few minutes later, the clouds had disappeared and the snow had disappeared, and everything was completely silent.

Lux herself jumped off the statue and returned to the podium - at her request, several mages reinforced the platform with ice. Although the traces of the battle were still preserved, Lux seemed to be just

There was a strong wind and a heavy snowfall, and I continued my winter speech.

For the audience in the audience, this is undoubtedly the moment for Lux to show her charisma as a leader.

Due to the heavy snow, the audience three rows away almost didn't know what happened on the stage, but judging from the collapsed podium and the assassin who was taken away, it was still certain that an assassination took place.


Moreover, due to the iconic white hair of the Ice Bloodline, it is not difficult for anyone with a little knowledge to realize that this assassination should be related to the Freljord people.

But as the person who suffered the assassination, Lux continued her speech on the podium after the incident subsided, still summarizing the results of Demacia's reform and development this year in a humorous tone like a stand-up comedy, and even

The assassination was used as material for the speech itself.

"This is what rapid development means. You see, even these assassins can't keep up with Demacia's pace."

Is there anything more reassuring than this?

The impact of an assassination is naturally two-sided.

Because it threatens life, it will arouse people's most primitive fear. When facing the threat of death, no one can completely ignore it.

But equally, if the assassination is foiled quickly and the target continues to laugh and talk, the assassination itself becomes an opportunity to demonstrate courage.

For Demacians who value courage, being calm and calm after an assassination is a very charming plus point!

Moreover, in Demacia's implementation of reforms, assassination can also be used as a political bargaining chip - assassination, especially such a large-scale assassination, must have its purpose, and the specific purpose is

What, maybe it’s because “someone is opposed to Demacia’s continued reform”?

The assassination not only highlighted Lux's personal charm and won her sympathy points, but also marked those who opposed her as a "possible assassination organizer".

In a sense, this is a blessing in disguise.


If the assassination was a blessing in disguise for Lux, then for Lissandra, the assassination could be said to be a failure.

When all the early preparations went well, the assassination broke out quickly and ended quickly. Even though the attackers were well prepared, they still underestimated Lux's combat effectiveness.

Lux is not an ordinary mortal political leader, but one of the most powerful people in Demacia now. She is an extraordinary person who has bathed in the glory of the heavens and a climber. Although Lissandra has already taken out her own skills from Anivia.

The demigod power gathered there prepared a perfect environment for the assassination. They also sent multiple assassins to jointly attack, but they still failed to achieve success.

However, for Lissandra, whether Lux is killed or not is just a tack-on. If so, it will be treated as if she disrupted the Freljord's punishment. If not, then it will just happen.

The disaster has brought disaster to the Avarosa tribe.

There is no need to deliberately frame them, everything about these assassins has the distinct brand of Avarosa.

As long as Lux continues to pursue, she will definitely find the Avarosa tribe. For Lissandra, this is enough.

Once the seeds of doubt are planted, they are destined to take root and sprout. Lissandra does not think that Laxana will easily let go of her assassin, even if she chooses not to fall out with Avarosa for some reason.

But this still didn't stop her from feeling grudge.

It's this kind of grudge that Lissandra wants.

She had already made preparations in Rakstark, and a series of subsequent actions were waiting for her. The peace between Demacia and Avarosa has now become a crumbling dangerous building. Just kick it gently.

One kick and it is destined to fall apart!

However, Lissandra never expected that this matter would go astray from the beginning.

In Lissandra's view, Lux, as the most noble person in Demacia, must be very concerned about this assassination.

Assassination is a threat to life.

Even if Lux has absolute confidence in her own power, the assassination is a challenge to her authority and a disruption of order, so Lux will definitely pursue it to the end - assassinations must serve as a warning to others and be completely eliminated.

But Lissandra, who was far away in Frostguard Fortress, didn't know Lux well enough, let alone the current Demacia.

Lux, who has rich combat experience, really does not take the life threat represented by assassination to heart.

Of course, she still cares about the destructiveness of assassination to order, but unlike Lissandra, although Lux is not too old, she behaved like a purely political person when it came to the assassination.

Creature - She completely inserted herself into the role of Kalya, and after thinking about it, she chose to use it as a reference.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Most of the assassins were carbonized on the spot, and a few were also caught, so the right to explain the assassination is now in the hands of Lux


Therefore, encountering an assassination became a trump card in Lux's hand. As long as it was not triggered, it would put everyone under great pressure.

Lissandra never expected that Lux was not interested in the organizer of the assassination from the beginning - she had thought about it in advance. If Lux was like a politician, then she would care about her own safety;

She has a bigger picture, so she will care about the destruction of order caused by assassination.

But she never expected that Lux would not only have a big picture, but also have a flexible moral bottom line.

Lux's thinking is very clear. Since the assassination against him is not a big threat, then he must make full use of it - instead of using it as a case of killing a chicken to scare the monkeys, and wantonly implicating it, it would be better to

As a world rune hidden in the palm of your hand, it cannot be triggered.

Of course, this does not mean that she has completely given up on the investigation of the assassination case, but this part of the investigation needs to be conducted secretly without any fanfare.

Since many of the mage warriors in the intelligence team have some degree of ice blood, and the assassins this time came from the Freljord, plus Ino's previous experience proved that the source of blood has a huge impact on the ice blood.

influence, so the person who presided over this secret investigation was not the intelligence team, but the Internal Affairs Supervision Department, which was previously formed in the "opposition to the new aristocratic atmosphere" and subsequently became normalized.

(According to normal custom, this department should be abbreviated as Internal Supervision Department, but it sounds too awkward, so let’s call it the full name.)

This department, whose main job content is supervision and supervision, has always been the most troublesome organization for Demacian clerks. The members of this organization are drawn from many other clerk organizations, and without exception they all come from different backgrounds.

A considerable proportion of those who are innocent and have few social connections are orphans who have inherited the surnames of martyrs.

After the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Supervision was formally established, the first thing it did was to carry out a rectification movement in the then Xiongdu City. At that time, many clerks and even legal officials had contact with the old nobles and even entered into marriages, while the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Supervision was responsible for them.

Conducted a thorough economic investigation and presided over related power avoidance work.

Marriage is your freedom.

But after getting married, being censored by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Control and staying away from relevant power departments was the price of this freedom.

The timing of the entry into the Department of Internal Affairs and Supervision was perfect. A few clerks who couldn't wait quickly left the hot department because of their power to avoid the system, and completely sat on the bench.

Those who had financial interests involved were immediately dismounted, and some were even thrown into the Demon-forbidden Prison, causing countless people to tremble.

The tentacles of the old aristocracy that hoped to save themselves through marriage and corruption of power were cut off directly.

At the same time, their economic income also dropped rapidly. With the rapid shrinkage of their floating wealth, they soon could no longer maintain their dignity - so the clerks who had previously had illusions about the nobility finally saw it clearly.

Their true colors.

Not all clerks sincerely support Lux's ideas, and many have longing and expectations for nobles.

But now, this expectation has been completely shattered, and the clerks have discovered that it turns out that nobles do not have any aura.

At this point, although clerks are still not completely equal to civilians, at least among the clerks, not many people are eager to become new nobles in the literal sense.

To a certain extent, handing over all investigations into the assassination to the Internal Affairs Inspection Department showed Lux's attitude.

Let’s first see if the assassination was internally led!

From God's perspective, the Internal Affairs Inspection Department cannot investigate anything.

But for clerks, mages, and even the reorganized Demacia army, the war and war were a silent shock.

The intimidation of the situation makes many people tremble with fear, especially those who oppose the relocation of the northern magic industry due to their own interests. They believe that they are not causing trouble, but they are not sure that those who have similar goals to themselves are.

There was no push-back in this assassination.

Under this kind of shock, even if they may not be willing to continue to implement the inward relocation of the magic industry, the opposition will undoubtedly become more matter-of-fact.

And this is what Lux wants to see.

She does not intend to completely politicize this matter and turn it into a global talisman to attack opponents.

But before the whole truth is investigated, it does not prevent her from using the influence of the assassination a little.


The Internal Affairs Inspectorate is very efficient.

After the security personnel were questioned, some members of the audience who had been in contact with the assassin were also investigated.

And since she and Silas had a "very pleasant chat" last night, Irelia was naturally on the investigation list.

Then, in the Internal Affairs Supervision Department, Irelia saw another side of Demacia - these clerks were not at all polite as she usually saw them. Each of them had a serious expression and a cold face. Although they did not say it clearly, their eyes were simply...

Everyone is looking for suspects.

They seem to come from different departments and are very clear about the various processes of Demacian clerks. Therefore, when it comes to Irelia's origin, purpose, and the entire process, they can always supplement the key points.

Ask questions.

It will be difficult for anyone who forges identity and evidence to fully answer these questions, because only those who have personally experienced these things can answer them - of course, only those who have personal work experience at the grassroots level can ask them.

Although Irelia has white hair, due to her typical Ionian face, her very clear identity, and her cooperation, she was quickly ruled out as a suspect, and after getting a

After receiving a small gift and a special certificate, he was quickly asked to leave the Internal Affairs Supervision Department.

However, Irelia herself became interested in this department.

When she was in Ionia, Irelia had experienced many assassinations. Members of the Navori Brotherhood who were dissatisfied with her compromising policies had assassinated her more than once - but Irelia

It is difficult to punish these people strictly, because if she punishes these people, she must face a soul torture: If you punish your own people like this, why don't you take revenge on Noxus.

Of course, what Irelia is interested in is not the fact that Laxana was also assassinated, but the Internal Oversight Department itself. It is no exaggeration to say that she now feels that she is missing such a department in Ionia!

This is called an inspection department. The kind of unlimited internal self-examination in Ionia... can find out a hammer!

At the beginning, Irelia believed in those "highly respected" elders and monks and believed in their personal moral standards. However, it turns out that the moral standards displayed outside are the least trustworthy.

It is pure nonsense to use level to represent organizational climate!

If you also have an internal affairs inspection department, why should you be ignored in Ionia?

After being asked to leave, Irelia returned to the hotel and thought for a long time.

Finally, she finally made up her mind to change her identity and go talk to Laxana.

The eternal honorary leader of Ionia, this title... should still have some weight.

This chapter has been completed!
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