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0818New student Irelia

The Hymn of Heroism and the Dance of Fertility seem like two things that should be completely incompatible.

The former is Demacian people's encouragement and praise for warriors, while the latter expresses their expectation and joy for a good harvest.

However, for Irelia, who is accustomed to turning the dance of fertility into a war dance, what she expects in her dance is not only a harvest in the traditional sense, but also peace and stability.

Only when the war ends can Ionia usher in true abundance!

As a result, the bowed wheat ears that the dancers need to express become an unyielding backbone; the action of waving the sickle can also harvest the lives of invading enemies.

And this adapted dance is completely consistent with the spirit of the heroic hymn.

Hymn of Valor praises the bravery of Demacian warriors, praising them for leaving their homeland to defend Demacia, and praising their unity and fearless sacrifice on the battlefield.

With the cooperation of Jiao Hua, Sona was almost a one-man band, and she just forcibly blended two tunes with completely different styles together. With the blending of styles, this rich suite was also emotionally absorbed.

Given a whole new meaning.

Driven by the sonorous and powerful beat, the Fertility Suite has also become the soldiers' nostalgia for the fertility ceremony of their hometown. The performers are no longer musicians at the celebration, but warriors who have left their hometown. In the dead of night, they use simple instruments to imitate

To the sound of music at the festival of fertility in my hometown.

The suite became a solo piece, and the hands that picked up the sword habitually beat the beat of the war drum. Under this subtle contradiction and harmony, the meaning of the music became rich and profound, just like the soft voices of the soldiers.


Even if you pick up the sword, even if you get used to the drum beat, even if you get used to hearing the fighting and the iron horse.

But he still clearly remembers everything about his hometown.

He misses the fertile celebrations and the Soul-Blooming Festival of reunion, misses the low ears of wheat and the endless wilderness, misses the bamboo horses and green plums dancing in silk at the celebrations, misses the peace and tranquility of his hometown thousands of miles away.

But he does not regret leaving his hometown thousands of miles away, taking up the sword, bathing in blood, and welcoming the end of his life.

Because without all these sacrifices, without all these distinctions, without all these self-changes, there would be no peaceful homeland.

Now that he can play the Fertility Suite and dance the Abundance Dance, everything is worth it!

Sona devoted herself wholeheartedly to the performance. For her, the beat of the heroic hymn had already been engraved in her soul, and the sonorous sound of the heroic hymn was completely within her reach.

As for the Fertility Suite, although Sona is not particularly skilled, as a person who left her homeland at a young age to escape the war, her "unskilledness" fits in with the feeling of "being far away from home and having no choice but to live there."

"Miss you" thoughts.

Not only Sona, but Irelia as well.

Although she likes to talk about "Grandma said it", the carefree years in Shang Zan have been quietly wiped away by time, making them dim and long-lasting.

As Irelia danced to the music, her movements became louder and more wanton, and the emotions contained in them became more and more abundant.

Finally, when Sona suddenly changed her status as a heroic hymn and a fertility suite, and the sound of the piano completely became high-pitched and powerful, like the sound of gold and iron on the battlefield, Irelia could no longer suppress the throbbing in her heart.

The moment-breaking blade behind her was like a pair of unfolded wings, and like a barrage flying out, forming a huge blade loop in the music room, protecting both her and Sona.

At this moment, Irelia seemed to have returned to the battlefield of Presidence again, facing thousands of Noxian troops, but she still did not hesitate at all.

The last time, her clothes were soaked with Noxian blood.

But this time, there was also warm liquid sliding from the corners of her eyes.

It's been a long time since she left Ionia, but she still misses the land of her birth.

With a learning attitude, Irelia has been suppressing her emotions.

But at this moment, she finally couldn't suppress it anymore.

So, Irelia, who originally wanted to impress Sona with her sincerity, was eventually infected by Sona's music.

At the end of the song, when Sona held down the trembling strings with her ten fingers, the moment-breaking blade behind Irelia slowly closed in, finally forming the shape of the Zan Family emblem.

Just like the appearance on the gate of the Zan family manor in the dream.

After staring blankly at the familiar yet unfamiliar emblem for a while, Irelia hurriedly left the music room without even having time to formally say goodbye.

Seeing Irelia staggering away, Sona wiped her face gently, then stretched out her hand and patted the body of the piano.

She actually misses Ionia quite a bit.


The next day, Irelia found Sona again.

This time, her goal was no longer poaching - she thought through many things, gave up the most quick and easy way, and instead sincerely asked Sona for advice on how to change the current Ionia and how to make Ai

Onia can prosper like Demacia.

As for Irelia's question, Sona's answer was "It depends on the specific situation of Ionia."

"Specific... situation?"

"Yes, every place has its own characteristics and environment. There is no specific method that is a universal answer." Sona smiled and touched the strings, "I really want to get what you expect.

Maybe you shouldn’t come to Demacia to find the answer, but go back to Ionia.”

"Back to Ionia?"

"Go and see what Ionia needs, what Ionians need, and how to meet these needs." Sona recalled what she had learned and gained along the way, "Go and get along with different people, and study different people.

To understand the living habits of different people, to understand the desires and expectations of different people, to truly understand what Ionia is."

Sona's answer made Irelia somewhat enlightened, but also a little unclear. Just when she was confused, Sona came up with a solution.

"Maybe you should talk to my teacher. I think he should be able to answer your questions."

"Your teacher?" Irelia was a little surprised, "That must be a respected and generous elder, right?"

Sona pressed the strings and smiled without saying a word.

It's right to be respected.

But generosity...is Kalya really generosity?


Under Sona's recommendation, Kalya took time out to meet with Irelia while she was busy urging Renekton to study.

For this meeting, Irelia prepared many, many questions.

However, Kalya did not give an accurate answer to most of the questions. Instead, he used rhetorical questions. In turn, he kept asking Irelia questions like torture.

For example, when Irelia asked him how the First Land could usher in complete peace, Kalya asked her what complete peace was.

Irelia subconsciously gave the answer "no more war".

"But there is no war in Ionia now." Kalya's mask showed a bad smile, "But you still asked this question, does that mean that in fact, there will no longer be a war, which does not mean that there will be a new war.

Complete peace?"

Irelia was speechless, and it took her a long time to react.

"The peace in Ionia is fragile now. The war has changed everything in the First Land. Some people have become extreme because of this, and some hope to go back to the past. But all these changes are not enough for Ionia to have

The ability to deal with the next war.”

"So, you also know that if you want to usher in peace, you must be able to deal with the next war, right?"

Irelia blinked and suddenly felt like this.

Through constant rhetorical questions and structures, Kalya guided Irelia to constantly look directly into her heart, allowing her to transform what she saw, gained, and felt along the way into the clearest words. It seemed that Kalya was answering with rhetorical questions.

He was looking for Irelia's answer, but in fact, it was Kalya who was guiding Irelia and letting her answer her own questions.

The effect of this kind of guidance is very good, but it is obviously not omnipotent. It can give Irelia a clear direction and goal, but when it comes to specific action measures, the answer cannot be obtained by just thinking and summarizing.

Then, when Irelia hoped to get a specific answer from Kalya, Kalja stopped all rhetorical questions and instead explained to her the methodology he was accustomed to.

This is an area that Irelia has never been exposed to. Taking investigation as a premise, summarizing the problems and conditions and proposing solutions, verifying the options and experimenting, and then promoting them after success. After this set of processes, it seems that most of them

Problems can all be solved.

Compared with Irelia's past administrative methods of treating headaches and pains, the method given by Kalya is undoubtedly more rigorous, logical and feasible. When combined with Irelia's experience, it is also

It allows him to easily discover many of his past experiences of being calculated and careless during self-reflection.

At this moment, Irelia could be said to have had an enlightenment. Many doubts that had been lingering in her heart for a long time had a clear and definite solution. The look in her eyes towards Kalya became more and more respectful.

"Of course, this is just the most superficial theory." Kalya's mask expression was indifferent, "In fact, everything is connected, and any change will bring multi-faceted and multi-dimensional impacts. The specific proportion needs to be determined.

Only through observation and practice can we draw conclusions.”

Irelia nodded.jpg.

"The methods that work for Shurima may not work for Ionia, and the methods that Demacians are willing to accept may not be acceptable to Ionians. Problems cannot be solved by applying force. Only by starting from the facts can we truly solve the problem."

Solve the problem - The First Land is a magical land. As the gateway to the real world and the spiritual world, the stability of the First Land is also of great significance to Rune Land."

Irelia blinked.

"If you are not in a hurry, then stay here, stay in Demacia, and observe for a while." Kalya continued, "Observe and think, and then record what you get. There are some reasons that I said are useless,

Only when you experience it yourself can you truly understand.”

Irelia continued to nod.

"Of course, thinking and practice must also be combined. After two months, you can go to the northern border to do some temporary work. Based on the facts, try to practice what you have thought... Although the northern border

The environment is nothing like Ionia, but trust me, this practice will make you feel enlightened and integrated."



As Kalya talked more and more, Irelia took the initiative to request to become Kalja's student.

Naturally, Kalya had no reason to refuse Irelia's request. The other party had faith, quality, and perseverance, but lacked the means. It could be said that it was very easy to teach this kind of student.

Moreover, what Kalya did not say is that Ionia is the intersection of the physical world and the spiritual world of Runeterra, and its stability is of great significance to Runeterra.

Once there is trouble in the spiritual world, it is very likely that there will be trouble in the physical world as well. Now if Irelia can influence Ionia and prevent Ionia from having problems, that is undoubtedly what Kalya very much hopes to see.


In addition, although it is difficult for a student like Irelia who "becomes a monk on the road and learns from a teacher" to truly and completely inherit Kalya's ideals like Lux, Kalja believes that under her influence, Ionia

It will inevitably take a completely different path from tradition.

And for this, he was fully expecting it.


Irelia naturally knew nothing about Kalya's thoughts. After this meeting, she could be said to be very excited.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Without Kalya revealing his bad taste, no one can deny that he is a highly respected and knowledgeable elder. Due to his selfless help, Ari

Leah simply felt like she had experienced an adventure in a novel.

From the next day, she started her official political career as a clerk intern, and began to understand the operation of Xiongdu from the perspective of a grassroots clerk.

Irelia has undoubtedly gained a lot from this observation angle.

Although New Demacia's clerk governance system is not perfect, compared to Ionia's current regional autonomy, it can be said to be a world of difference.

In the past, Irelia could only observe among the people, and many issues seemed to be foggy.

But now that I am observing politics as a clerk intern, with a new perspective, many questions that I could not fully understand in the past now have answers.

For example, in the past, Irelia would appreciate the Department of Internal Affairs, but after becoming an intern, she realized that the establishment of the Department of Internal Affairs requires a long list of prerequisites.

Under this circumstance, for Irelia, every day can be regarded as a fruitful day.

Of course, in addition to in-depth study as a clerk, she also had a formal meeting with Lux as the lifelong leader of Ionia - the two sides discussed the long-standing economic partnership between Demacia and Ionia.

A new consensus was reached, and it was agreed that in the new era, Demacia and Ionia should strengthen their ties and cooperate in many aspects to jointly maintain the peace and stable development of Runeland.

However, since Irelia, the leader, does not have any real power, the above consensus is just a consensus in the end.

This chapter has been completed!
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