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0868What is Lissandra thinking?

When Egg Nevia talked about Lissandra, something was obviously wrong with the egg's state - her words seemed to be regretful and helpless.

"Lissandra had a fight with Volibear and was blinded, but the ice also frostbitten Volibear. Since then, the fact that gods can also bleed and be injured has gradually become known to mortals." Aniway

Ya calmly recounted this past, "The people of Freljord no longer worship the old gods, but Lissandra is the one who can't let go."

"When she came to me to study, she had many times wanted to know about matters related to newborn life and inquired about everything about the birth of Freljord. At that time, she said it was because of curiosity, but I know that she has always had deep thoughts in her heart.


"Lissandra doesn't want Freljord to worship the Newborn, but if given the chance, she hopes that she can become the Firstborn - I think it is for this reason that she and those under the abyss

Let’s cooperate with the beings from other worlds.”

At this point, Danevia's narration paused, seemingly to give Ashe and Lux ​​some time to digest.

Ai Xi was still a little confused, but after Lux narrowed her eyes and thought for a moment, she quickly realized the key to the problem.

"You mean, the birth of the Ice Bloodline, like the Ursine, the Yeti, and the Vastayan, is a mutation caused by the influence of forces that do not belong to Runeterra on the real world?"

"That's right." Egg Nevia trembled slightly, seeming to be satisfied with Lux's keenness, "In the era when new life was active, Runeland was still in chaos, with different planes overlapping and full of various powers.

, life can freely choose and change forms, and by the time Lissandra was born, only elemental life in Runeterra could freely change forms, but the power of the elements alone was not enough to shape it like the followers of the newborn life.

A whole new group of people."

"So, Lissandra used the power of the void and worked with the ice element to transform her followers?"

"The power under the abyss distorts the flesh and blood, allowing it to contain the coldest ice." Dannevia shook again, "This power has been passed down along the bloodline since then, which is now the coldest ice."

Ice bloodline."

Lux nodded thoughtfully, while Ash on the side was stunned and shocked to the point of being speechless.

Ai Xi knew that the ice bloodline was the power of the three sisters.

But she didn't know that the power of the three sisters was actually obtained in this way, and she didn't know that behind the power of the three sisters was actually Lissandra's ambition to become a newborn!

"Obviously, Lissandra underestimated the power from under the abyss. She thought she could control everything, but when those beings called monitors arrived, she realized the seriousness of the problem."

Nivia continued her story, "Lissandra, who was blinded by ambition, realized at this time that the power she introduced was not the same as the spiritual world or the spiritual plane."

This is not the first time Lux has heard this kind of story about attracting wolves into the house - Kalya once told her about the past of Icathia. At that time, the Icathians who tried to use the power of the void thought that as long as they held the eternal flame,

They can command the void.

What is the actual situation?

The actual situation is that the void itself has its own will. It is never satisfied and never sleeps. It is eager to devour all material existence. Anyone who thinks that he can control the void will eventually become a slave of the void.

And Lissandra is no exception.

"Later Ornn dug up the Howling Abyss, and most of the first-generation Ice Bloodline participated in that battle - don't ask me about the specific process of the battle, I just remember that I passed away very early, and in the end Ava

Neither Rosa nor Serelda is out of the abyss."

Lux and Ashe were both silent.

"Not only did they not come out, most of the first-generation ice bloodline stayed there forever, and even the snowmen were almost all killed in the battle. It was a truly tragic war, even more thrilling than the battle with Lund."

"Lissandra said that threats can make the Freljord people more united." Cracks appeared on the surface of Egg Nevia, and with the ice egg at the center, a polar storm began to blow, "But in my opinion

Come on, she is embarking on a wrong path that she cannot control. She doesn’t even realize that the frequency of my nirvana is gradually accelerating, and she doesn’t pay attention to the misfortunes wandering on the large glaciers becoming more and more active!”

Speaking of this, Danyvia's voice gradually became louder.

"She is sinking, sinking in the illusion that she controls everything. She is no longer the young man who can always come up with wild ideas. Now Lissandra also needs a Nirvana, a complete


While they were talking, there was a strong wind and snow, and the eyes of Lux and Ashe were filled with snow and white, and they could not see anything.

"But Lissandra won't be nirvana, right?" Ashe said subconsciously in the snow, "She will also turn into an egg?"

At this moment, the snow and wind dispersed, and an ice crystal phoenix with its head held high appeared in front of Lux and Ashe again.

"It's her problem that she can't learn Nirvana." Anivia regained her grace again, "And what you have to do is send her to Nirvana."


Sending Lissandra to Nirvana is not a simple matter.

But both Lux and Ashe are quite active in this matter.

Whether it is for the threat of the void or for the order of the Freljord, Lissandra must be sent to Nirvana - whether she can be reborn is her own question.

The previous story is just a foreshadowing. Finding someone to challenge Lissandra is the core of Anivia's trial.

On the other side, just as Lux and Ashe began to discuss with Anivia how to help Lissandra achieve Nirvana, Lissandra finally walked out of her priest's hall.

Because of Nocturne's dream attack, Lissandra, who had rashly jumped through the power of dreams, was seriously injured before, so after arrangements were made, assassins including Silas were sent to cause trouble for Lux and Ai.

After Xi took the eye drops, she wrapped herself in thick ice and slowly recovered herself.

For Lissandra, the cold frozen mausoleum is like the warm and comfortable placenta, and there is a feeling of new life every time she leaves.

Lissandra, who studied under Anivia, does not know Nirvana, but for her, wrapping herself in ice, resting, and then breaking out of the ice is a small form of Nirvana.

However, unlike before, Lissandra, who had finished her recuperation this time, was not in very good condition.

It seems that Nocturne's attack caused her mental weakness. After this hibernation, the monitor's will pried open the gaps in her dreams.

Although Lissandra was very experienced in dealing with the will of the monitor, and after discovering the problem, she quickly repaired the gaps in her dreams. In the end, the monitor did not cause her much trouble, but after

After finishing her recuperation, she clearly felt that she did not feel as if she were reborn as before.

This made Lissandra feel quite unhappy.

However, what made her feel even more unhappy was that not long after, the Frostguard Priests sent the news that "Avarosa refused the Frostguard Tribe to participate in the Alliance" and "the Rakstark Alliance was successful".

This situation was completely beyond Lissandra's expectation.

In her opinion, Ashe, who discovered the threat of the void, should be willing to abandon all the unpleasantness in the past and cooperate with her fully. Since she has seen the threat of the void, she is destined to not sit idly by and do nothing!

As a self-proclaimed chess player, Lissandra hated the behavior of chess pieces acting on their own - no player on her chessboard could do this!

Lissandra, who was in a bad mood, asked the Frostguard Priests to collect more information and prepare to lay a large net that completely surrounded the Avarosa tribe. For such a disobedient chess piece, she needed to teach them a lesson.

It was at this time that Lissandra received news that made her even more unhappy.

Long before the Laxtak Alliance, Lax had hosted a large-scale alliance in Nyuskara, and that alliance was also quite successful.

Since Newskala is too far away from the Frostguard Fortress, and Lissandra did not deploy many manpower here in the past, it was only now that she woke up from hibernation that the news finally came to her.

When the contents of the oaths sworn by Lux and the tribal leaders were placed on her desk, a strong uneasiness filled Lissandra's heart.

Although she has lived in Frostguard Fortress all year round, in fact, thanks to the help of the power of dreams, Lissandra has never known anything about places outside Freljord.

Even if Lissandra doesn't see through Lux's method of economic penetration, she can clearly realize that something is wrong.

This warm-blooded man is determined to reach out to the Freljord!

It is tolerable, but what is intolerable!

In addition, Lux was invited to attend Ashe's alliance, and the fact that a warm-blooded person and an ice-blooded traitor were colluding together was already conclusive evidence. In this case, Lissandra decided to take a heavy blow!

The most direct blow is undoubtedly to launch a war.

But obviously, that is not the best choice - the Frostguard tribe has played the role of arbiter since ancient times. They never take the initiative to provoke a war. Instead, they take the initiative to calm down the war when the war is fierce. This posture

This is the main reason why Frostguard priests can penetrate most tribes.

Lissandra could not initiate a war unless absolutely necessary, because even if the war were won, the Frostguard tribe would surely face rejection from other tribes.

A neutral organization can be used by everyone, but a neutral organization that has its own attitude is not called a neutral organization.

Therefore, in order to teach the Avarosa tribe, Lissandra must find herself a pair of gloves.

But because of her previous misjudgment and her eagerness to recuperate, Lissandra did not stop the Rakstark Alliance. In this case, finding a force to oppose Ashe... is not easy!

The huge Freljord, the subcontinent to the west has been deeply influenced by Demacia, and the sage land of Rakstadt in the middle has just held an alliance. If Lissandra really wants to form a team,

Then this team can only come from the mountains of East Freljord.

The evil people of Freljord living here are fierce and fierce, and many tribes make a living by simply looting. I want to instigate them to cause trouble for the Avarosa tribe through hints and guidance. For Lissandra,

It's not a big problem.

The real problem is that after instigating, you have to win the fight.

As for these marauding tribes in East Freljord, it's okay to let them fight in small groups, but once the number increases, these short-sighted people will become a pure mob - fighting with a hundred people, they will not be inferior to Ava

Any team of the Rosa tribe, but when the scale expands ten times or a hundred times, these unorganized and undisciplined wastes will only be delivering food.

Moreover, the Rakstak Plain is rich in products. With the arrival of the short but fertile summer, the Avarosa tribe will inevitably hoard a lot of supplies. In contrast, even if the raiding tribe organizes into a large-scale coalition, the logistics will be limited.

It became a big problem that held them back - unless they could quickly break through the defenses of Avarosa and enter the Rakstak Plains to plunder, they would be scattered in front of the pass city in a matter of minutes because they could not conquer the city for a long time.

So, the question is, will these raider tribes in East Freljord really attack the city?

Do they have any siege capabilities?

The answer is no - if Ashe hadn't been learning from the warm-blooded people in the south to build cities, build sentry towers, and plunder the tribes' siege capabilities, it would be enough, but with each city (actually it should be regarded as a Wubao)

Once established, the East Freljord tribe, whose siege capabilities have not been iterated, will probably suffer a bloody blow.

The fortress can be driven by Jukar to break through and knock it away.

But facing the city wall, it would be difficult for the raiding tribes to use this method!

Therefore, if you want to cause some trouble for the Avarosans...these marauding tribes may need some support.

Do we need to send Frostguard priest spellcasters to provide support?

Shaking her head, Lissandra rejected this idea when it first came into being. The Frost Guard Priest must not move lightly, let alone take action at this time.

So, where should support come from?

After walking a few steps in the priest's hall, Lissandra's thoughts had fallen into a dream again. She wandered in the dreams of many people, looking left and right among countless strange things, and finally found a wonderful inspiration in a sudden glance.


In the dream of an ice traveler who was lost on the Freljord Icefield, Lissandra found something very interesting - the Noxus Empire in the south, which had just been divided, seemed to have recently been restored and

Demacia's relationship is actively seeking unification.

The Diver Fort, which borders the Freljord and was renamed the Iron Thorn Kingdom, seems to be the Noxian's next target.

Now that Ashe of Avarosa can become allies with Laxana of Demacia.

It seems that it is not surprising that the Diver Fort participated in the looting war, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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