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The three giants, who were full of expectations, took over the re-education plan that Kalya had prepared long ago. After opening it, they felt more and more familiar with it.

How to say...

Kalya's plan looks like a replica of the first-generation Dharma Protector training plan - there is only one core content, which is "exchanging knowledge for loyalty".

To put it simply, Demacia can accept foreign mages, and can provide specialized adult education services for these wild mages from different backgrounds, so that they can sort out their own magic systems to better master your magic.

As a price, mages participating in adult education need to sign relevant service contracts with Demacia and provide services to Demacia on the premise of complying with relevant laws of Demacia.

Karya calls this targeted training.

According to the description in the plan, the time for directional training should be from three to five years. The directional training course for wizards will consist of three parts: magic theory, spellcasting practice and political culture - although adult foreign wizards are very

It is difficult to sincerely identify with Demacia's culture like the local mages of Demacia, but the necessary learning is still unavoidable.

Moreover, taking into account the particularity of adult education, the plan also includes work arrangements for relevant relatives and even mentions the issue of new town construction.

In Kalya's view, accepting foreign mages is also a valuable opportunity for Demacia. Through this opportunity, Demacia can build a new city specifically in the area east of Green Teeth Peak to accept outsiders.

Outsiders here can include not only mages who came to Demacia to study, but also other related technical talents. Kalya initially chose the location east of Green Teeth Peak and south of Owendale. Its main purpose was to

It lies in absorbing talents from the Principality of Valoran.

After putting down the plan, Lux thought for a while and clearly realized what Kalya meant - this not only involves the acceptance of wild mages, but also involves the absorption and recruitment of talents in the entire principality and city-state of Valoran.

Even from the words of "other students" that were not detailed in the plan, she also discovered Kalya's purpose of exerting political influence on the Principality of Valoran through this plan.

"Are you a little too anxious?" The more Lux thought about it, the more she felt that this plan was like the tip of the iceberg that emerged from the water, and a large part was hidden under the water. "Many industries are still moving south.

If it’s not completed, we have to prepare to build a new city at this time... Isn’t it a bit too hasty?”

"With the current excess production capacity in the north, just moving industries south is not enough to satisfy everyone's appetite." A big smile appeared on Kalya's mask, "Just relying on trade in the north, Demacia can even

I’m already a bit indigestive. Before Shurima is unified and the Shurima market is fully opened, you must find a new broad market for Demacia.”

"The market within Demacia is very broad." Lux was still a little confused. "As long as the industry continues to move south, and as the south accepts the magic industry, more farmers will soon be separated from the land.

At that time, they will support Demacia's vast internal market..."

"That will take at least one generation." Kalya interrupted Lux, "You can prepare carefully in Forsbarrow for twenty years, but today's Forsbarrow can't afford to wait. The place is changing with each passing day, and all the products are

The capital must find a large enough market to absorb it, otherwise once it stagnates, it will inevitably cause a terrible collapse due to internal competition...the kind I told you."

Lux did not speak, but recalled some Shurima past stories that Kalya occasionally told him - in the Shurima Empire era, when the method of using the sun disk was known, in the Shurima Empire

Before the population explosion, the empire had a brief era of glory.

According to Kalya, people at that time called it the golden age.

But in fact, if you place the Golden Age in history, it is not difficult to find that many of the stubborn diseases that later plagued the Shurima Empire were actually brewing in this era.

The sun disk gave the Shuriman people energy that could be used at will, and all of a sudden a variety of extravagant energy consumption methods began to emerge in large numbers - in the golden age when the population had not yet exploded and there were only a handful of super-mega cities, these extravagances

The enjoyment can be enjoyed by almost everyone.

But as a price, with the end of the short-lived golden age, the surge in population and the increase in large cities have gradually exhausted the energy that once seemed endless, and the sun disk can no longer support the enjoyment of all Shuriman people.

, but people who have experienced the golden age still take prosperity for granted, and the Shurima Empire has not been able to find a new breakthrough in a short period of time.

The prosperity of this period greatly accelerated the crisis of the energy collapse of the Shurima Empire. Without this golden age, perhaps the Shurima Empire could have successfully sustained the cultivation of Kalya's rune tree and the rune industry.

Completely replacing the sun disk, thereby supporting the Shurima Empire to move towards the star realm.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

"If you don't worry about the long term, you will always worry about the immediate future." Lux sighed, obviously understanding what Kalya meant, "Demacia also needs to always move forward."

"Demacia and the people of Demacia are all in need." Kalya nodded with a smile, "And, my dear Majesty Laxana, haven't you noticed that as the Emperor of Demacia, you seem to be too

Selfless, he neglects his status as emperor too much."


"Sending troops to the Freljord but getting no benefits. How long can we suppress the domestic discussion about this kind of thing?"

Lux blinked.

At this moment, she finally realized a key problem - when she focused on the void creation of Freljord, the Demacians behind her probably did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! They don’t understand the Void, so they are completely unable to understand the threat of the Void to Runeterra. From their perspective, everything Lux does is just an inexplicable gathering.

troops, and then go thousands of miles away to fight a potentially very tragic war.

Lux's expression was a little stiff when she realized this, because she also discovered that she couldn't reveal the part behind the Freljord expedition to the public - the characteristics of the void dictated that the fewer people knew about it, the better.

, it is impossible for Lux to directly explain the possible threat caused by the void in the Spring Speech or Winter Speech.

If things really develop to that point, I'm afraid it will mean an all-out war!

Thinking of this, Lux couldn't help but stretched out her fingers and rubbed her temples.

"So, this plan can be regarded as finding a profit point for Freljord's actions?" She finally understood. "A reason that can at least be accepted by most Demacia people - for some diplomatic reasons.

The reason is to expand the influence of New Demacia, which is completely different from Old Demacia?"

"That's right." Kalya nodded, "For this reason, I hope that the Demacia army will not leave Freljord when they advance towards the Frostguard Fortress."

"Not leaving the Freljord?" Lux's eyes widened, "You mean... from the Principality of Valoran?"

"That's right." A rather wicked smile appeared on Kalya's mask, "With Demacia's reputation, the locals should not be worried about the fake route cutting and refuse the army to pass by, so this should

Can be used as a show of force..."

Lux rubbed her temples, feeling like her thoughts were being torn apart by Kalya again - this feeling had not been seen for a long time since she ascended the throne.

"So, this plan is actually a link in the overall plan, right?" Lux took a deep breath, "Packed with it is the military display of marching directly eastward before rushing to the Frost Guard Fortress. Along the way,

Demonstrations of magic, diplomatic missions across the kingdoms, and the shock of Noxus as we journeyed north from the Black Forest region of Tukulgul?"

Kalya smiled and nodded.

"On the one hand, this can cover up the goal of supporting Ashe and attacking void creatures. On the other hand, it can also expand Demacia's influence among the countries of Valoran and open up new sales for the surplus goods? In addition, it can also build

A new city...wait a minute, this new city should also be part of the Freljord expedition, right? The starting point of the expedition?"

"A very good summary." A somewhat satisfied expression appeared on Kalya's mask, "That's it - if you just accept some external mages, it won't actually require so much effort."

Ino and Sona next to them were a little confused.

Wait, weren't we discussing the acceptance of wild mages before?

Why is it that while you are talking, it seems that you are talking about Demacia's national policy strategy for at least the next five years?

What the hell is going on?

However, while being surprised, they had to admit that if they followed Kalya's idea, doing so would indeed be of great benefit, as they would eat three things with one fish - in fact, even if Kalya didn't say it, they would still think so.

I need to talk to Lux about the public opinion issue regarding armaments.

Although Lux did not appear in person during this year's Spring Speech and did not cause any trouble, many people still criticized it. In their view, although the Freljord is Demacia's trading partner, His Majesty the Emperor personally

There is absolutely no need to travel thousands of miles to attend some of their alliances.

Those barbarians from the north... are they worthy?

Being accustomed to expounding her governance ideas through spring speeches and winter speeches, the purpose of Lux's northward movement was somewhat impure, but she could not clearly explain the issue of the void, which created a gap between public perception and Lux's actions.


This kind of misalignment is not a big problem, but it is still necessary to prevent the slightest change. If Kalya does not mention this, then the three giants in the north will also need to come up with a charter on this point.

Now, Karya buys one and gets N free. All the problems and solutions were put together by him and he created a big job.

As students of Karya, these three are already accustomed to Karya's out-of-the-box way of thinking, but after fully understanding the overall plan, they are still a little numb.

Unfortunately, no matter what, the subsequent plan refinement and task division still have to start from the three of them.

What, why didn't Kalya do it herself?

On the one hand, Kalya, who is becoming more and more like an old man, has gradually become less personally involved in specific affairs.

On the other hand, he is going to Shurima next - the elemental training of Renekton, an unlucky boy, has finally paid off, and Kalya no longer has to drag this unlucky guy in his own little world.


Congratulations, congratulations!


Considering that Jarvan IV and Shyvana are on their honeymoon, and that Demacia and Avarosa have opened relay flight signal stations at the Nyuskara Pass, Kalja's mount this time going south is Ivar.

After the experience of being caught in the palm of Anivia's hand like a loach on a large glacier, Ivar obviously had a strong resistance to going north.

It seems that Anivia's claw has left a lingering psychological shadow on this poor elemental dragon. It trembles when it sees the snow again.

Although Kalya did not shy away from ridiculing this situation, he still understood it very well in his heart.

Elemental dragons are semi-elemental creatures, and their perception of elements is quite clear, so compared to human perception, the Anivia they perceive is more "scary".

In addition, Iva was captured by Anivia himself...

It is normal for Ivar to suffer from ice phobia because of this - despite the huge size of the elemental dragons, the psychology of these big guys is actually quite fragile.

Since Ivar was no longer willing to go to the north to be a liaison officer, Kalya simply changed its mission and let it carry him to Shurima.

Moreover, Ivar has worked for himself for so many years, and it is time for the "road to the ancient dragon" he promised before to be realized.

After unloading the goods in Shurima City, Kalya should also go to Ixtar to make some preparations for Ivar's ceremony to ascend to the ancient dragon. By the way, he will see if he can take advantage of the opportunity to bring in a batch of wild elemental giants.

Dragon goes to Demacia to enrich the air force's units.

It was precisely because he had such a clear plan for his subsequent itinerary that Kalya threw all his plans to Lux and let her figure it out on her own. In Kalya's view, she

It will take at least half a year to start the journey. During this period, some directional guidance should be prepared for Lux.

In this way, after leaving a eloquent plan, Kalya simply left Demacia, rode the dragon south, and headed straight for Shurima.

However, almost as soon as Kalya left Demacia, in Noxus, five Noxian war groups equipped with super-standard cold-proof supplies officially began to assemble.

This chapter has been completed!
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